Design for a free fall instrument package

Design for a free fall instrument package

740 Oceanographic Abstracts dispar is a male at 1½ yrs, attaining a total length of 136 mm and body weight of 6.5 g; at 30 months, in the female pha...

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Oceanographic Abstracts

dispar is a male at 1½ yrs, attaining a total length of 136 mm and body weight of 6.5 g; at 30 months, in the female phase, the length is 169mm and weight 16-3 g. Pandalusjordani matures as a male, and to a lesser extent a female, at about 18 months, reaching a length of 105 m m and weight of 3"8 g; at 2½ yrs all are in the female phase, averaging 118 m m in total length and 5"8 g in body weight. P. platyceros is fast a male at 1½ yrs, attaining a length o f 140 m m and weight of 14.2 g; most remain as males for another year, and at 3½ yrs the total length of 180 n u n and weight 35.5 g. Panda/us hypsinotus matures as a male, and to some extent as a female, at about 1½ yrs, at a total length of 124 m m and weight of 10.3 g; at 30 months the length is 130 turn and weight 12"7 g. Almost as many females as males of P. borea/is mature at l½ yrs attaining a length of 95 m m and weight of 3.2 g; at 30 months, in the female phase, the length is 119 m m and weight 6.1 g. Panda~us danae matures fast as a male, and to some extent as a female, at 1½ yrs, reaching 88 m m in length and 4-4 g; in the female phase, at 2½ yrs the length is 105 m m and weight 8.5 g. Growth of P. montagui tridens, P. stenolepis, and 1). goniurus is uncertain, but all undergo sexual changes. Growth as related to habitat and early maturing of females as related to geographic and bathymetric ranges are discussed CALLA/dE B., 1965. Sur la diffusion des gaz ~ l'interieure des s~diments marins. C. R. Acad.

Sci. Paris, 260 (4): 1220--1225. L'influence de la granulom&rie des s~diments sur le taux de diffusion des gaz est &udide par la mdthode de l'indicateur color~. Les sddiments impermdables cornme les argiles perrnettent une diffusion mol6culaire aussi ou plus importante que les s~diments permdables plus grossiers (sables). CARPEr,rr~R J. H., 1965. The accuracy o f the Winkler method for dissolved oxygen analysis.

Limnol. Oceanogr., 10 (1) : 135-140. The potential errors in the various techniques for the Winkler method have been examined and a new technique developed. The accuracy o f this technique has been tested by comparison with standards based on dissolving known quantities of oxygen in oxygen-free water. An accuracy of 0-I per cent was observed, so the technique appears suitable for oxygen analyses requiring an accuracy of greater than the 3-5 per cent observed with the common techniques. CASTLE P. H. J., 1964. Eels and eel-larvae of the Tui Oceanographic Cruise, 1962, to the South Fiji Basin. Trans. Roy. Soc., N.Z.,Zool., 5 (7): 71-84. The collection includes twenty-nine adult eels, referable to Nemichthys scolopaceus, Borodinula infans, B. gilli, Serrivomer bertini, Anarchias verraiformis, Gymnothorax griffini and Muraenichthys australis. It also includes twelve leptocephali, referable to Cyema atrum, Nemichthys scolopaceus,

Nettastroma melanurum, ?Muraenichthys australis, Gnathophis incognitus, Ariosoma anago, Conger cinereus cinereus and one other congrid larva, Leptocephalus stenorhynchus, the adult of which has not yet b.~en determined. A new species of Leptocephalus, unique amongst known eel-larvae in having a conspicuously short eye and probably belonging to the Nemichthyidae, is described.

CAtrOg R. and G. SEQUIN) 1964. Note sur la r6partition annuelle des Copdpodes pelagiques des eaux de Dakar. Rec. Tray. Sta. Mar. Endoume, 34 (50): 211-217. La rdgion c6ti/~re de D a k a r est soumise ~t uric alternance saisonni~re de masses d'eaux aux caractdristtiques bien diffdrentes et auxquelles correspondent des milieux biologiques particuliers. Ainsi, parmi les cop~podes p61agiques certaines formes caract~risent les eaux froides raises en place pendant l'hiver ou ~. l'occasion d'upwelling.' C'est le cas de Ca/anoides carinatus, dent l'abondance est souvent consid6rable. I1 est probable que cette abondance, j o i n t e / t la forte valeur nutritive que repr6sente chaque individu pour les poissons planctonophages, donne ~t l'espece un grand role dans l'economie des eaux sdndgalaises en pdriode froide, comparable un peu ~t celui de l'esl~ce Ca~anus finmarchicus Gunner dans les eaux bordales. CAWLEg .r. I4. and D. T. BRAg, 1965..Design for a free fall instrument package.


TechnoL, 6 (2): 18-21. Some rather simple calculations followed by some expzrimental results indicate that by choosing a free sinking device with a spherical nose and cylindrical body of sufficient weight it is quite practical to predict its vertical fall rate through sea water to an accuracy of the order of 5 to 10 per cent. Changes in density and viscosity should produce variations in sink velocity no greater than 1 to 2 per cent. CHAMLEY 14., 1964. Remarques sur les mindreaux argileux des sddiments fluviatiles et marins de la r~gion du Bas-Rh6ne. Rec. Tray. Sta. Mar., Endoume, 34 (50): 263-270. Les min~reaux argileaux des sddiments du Bas-Rh6ne et des fends au large du fleuve sent tres voisins. L'illite, dominante, et la chlorite, ferment l'essentiel de la fraction silicatde inf&-ieure b. deux microns. La kaolinite est d'importance secondalre. Ces mindraux sent bien cristallisds. Leur origine est ddtritique. Les proportions relatives des mindreaux argileux varient tr~bs peu, depuis Aries jusqu'au large darts l a m e r . Cela s'explique, d'une part du falt clue la nature superficielle des prdl/~vements et la proximitd du continent ne permettent gu/~re d'intervention du facteur temps; d'autre part, b. cause