262A jacking operation and finished with segmental lining. The potential need for conversion was anticipated and the machine modified accordingly. Shaft sinking, jacking halt, conversion, guidance and steering, and segmental lining are described, together with the shield itself. 914498 Non-shielded TBM holds squeezing clay in check Wallis, S Tunn Tunnlg V23. N1, Jan 1991, P50-52 Active swelling clay was encountered during the drive of a 3.5kin long, 6m o.d. water supply tunnel near Naples. Because of the high risk of becoming trapped by squeezing ground, a shielded TBM could not be used. Segmental linings of the expansion type erected directly against the ground close to the face were necessary, as was the ability of the machine to retreat into the lined tunnel if it was necessary to remove it from the face. A non-shielded TBM with a blade-type ripper was used. Lining segments were backfilled with grout from their leading edge. 914499 Construction of rock caverns in Hong Kong and Scandinavia Stille, H; Nor& G Proc Seminar Rock Cavern-Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 8-9 December 1989 P141-152. Publ London." IMM, 1989
914502 Cavern design for Hong Kong rocks Barton, N Proc Seminar Rock Cavern-Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 8-9 December 1989 P179-202. Publ London: IMA[, 1989 An integrated Q-system and discrete element design philosophy that can ensure the safe design of very large caverns in Hong Kong's excellent quality granites and welded tufts is described. Principal cavern reinforcement methods should consist of fully-grouted rock bolts and fibre reinforced shotcrete. The principal activities required to obtain the all-important input data for the empirical and numerical analyses are described: stress measurement, seismic exploration, and joint characterization, with mapping during construction to confirm design.
Surface subsidence, caving and rockbursts See also: 914245, 914278, 914279 914503 Load settlement response of a compacted fill layer supported by a geosynthetic overlying a void Poorooshasb, H B Geotext Geomem VIO. N3. 1991, P179-201
Some aspects of construction of rock caverns in urban areas based on Swedish experience and applicable to Hong Kong conditions are presented. The advantages of early contracting and active design are discussed and descriptions given of two major underground projects which clearly illustrate the benefits of choosing turnkey contracts for complex rock cavern projects. Some developments in underground construction such as blasting techniques, rock support and grouting are also discussed. Auth.
At some stage after construction of a reinforced fill, a cavity may occur in the subgrade, due to natural or human activity. The effect of this cavity on the integrity of the structure is examined for a rigid strain hardening granular fill separated from a Winkler type foundation of soft soil by a linearly elastic geosynthetic. The problem is treated as an equilibrium problem. The analysis presented is not exact, but its results should be very close to those of the exact solution. More complicated (realistic) materials properties may be incorporated in the computer program with little additional effort.
914500 Design of underground space - application of mining technology Stacey, T R Proc Seminar Rock Cavern-Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 8-9 December 1989 P153-161. Publ London: IMM, 1989
914504 Stationary measurements for borehole stability in laboratory test (In German) Muller, W Gluckauf-forschungsch V51, N5, Oct 1990. P230-235
Underground mining involves the removal of ore by the most economic means. The size and shape of the openings created depend on the geometry of the orebody, its competence and the competence of the surrounding rock. In considering the development of underground space for storage and other commercial purposes, there may be considerable merit in making use of the experience developed in the mining industry. Several alternative mining layouts are considered which could provide efficient, low cost openings for underground storage. A room and pillar layout is concentrated on to illustrate some of the advantages of mining technology,and typical mining costs are given as a guide. Auth. 914501 Cavern construction methods for Hong Kong Gomnaes, P C; Kjolberg, R S; Kjaerstad, O Proc Seminar Rock Cavern-Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 8-9 December 1989 P163-177. Publ London. IMM. 1989 Drill and blast is still one of the most economical and advantageous methods for forming underground space. The processes of cavern excavation and rock support are considered. Blasting and support methods are outlined, as well as monitoring principles and methods during excavation and for the long term. Contractual aspects and risk sharing are discussed,environmental and safety issues are considered briefly.
The ability of various borehole measuring techniques for assessing burst proneness of coal was examined using blocks held under triaxial stress. Three stationary techniques, rotary tube, internal sounding, and borehole deformation, plus test drilling methods were used. Pressure thresholds for the stationary methods were evaluated, and how these values compared to those at which test drilling becomes critical. Test drilling showed anthracite failed without burst at around 40MPa, for other coals borehole outbursts occurred at about 80MPa. The rotary tube method with threshold 10-30MPa provides a good safety margin. Internal sounding can also be used where conditions allow. 914505 Rarefaction shock waves, outbursts, and consequential coal damage. Technical note Litwiniszyn, J Int J Rock Mech Min Sci V27, N6, Dec 1990~P535-540 Laboratory tests to simulate outburst in gas-saturated coal samples contained within a cylindrical pipe produced a sliced structure after outburst. A thermodynamics based analysis of the processes involved is presented. Boundary conditions for which the slice like structure is the result of a series of succeeding simple rarefaction shock waves, which leads to a collection of slices with parting planes parallel to the fronts of these waves, are investigated.
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