Designs for a quantum cascade laser using interband carrier extraction

Designs for a quantum cascade laser using interband carrier extraction

Physica E 7 (2000) 84–88 Designs for a quantum cascade laser using interband carrier extraction V.J. Halesa; ∗ , A.J. P...

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Physica E 7 (2000) 84–88

Designs for a quantum cascade laser using interband carrier extraction V.J. Halesa; ∗ , A.J. Poulterb , R.J. Nicholasa a Department

of Physics, Clarendon Laboratory, Parks road, Oxford OX1 3PU, UK 25 Avenue des Martyrs, BP 166 Grenoble, Cedex 9, France


Abstract We have performed band structure calculations on intersubband cascade lasers using interband extraction, based on type II InAs=GaSb superlattices. The band structure under high electric eld biasing was calculated using four-band k · p theory. We show that the broken gap system should enable emission beyond 10 m without leakage of carriers from the active well. Design of the structures allows us to enhance or suppress electric eld tunability. ? 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: InAs=GaSb superlattice; Interband extraction; Tunability; Quantum cascade lasers

1. Introduction There has been much progress in the area of intersubband lasers in the past ve years since the successful development of the quantum cascade laser (QCL) [1–5]. The type-I QC laser utilises photon emission between subbands in coupled AlInAs=GaInAs QWs, in which each carrier undergoes the same transition a number of times. However, the QC laser has a high leakage rate and low radiative eciency due to non-radiative intersubband relaxation via optical phonon scattering. The interband cascade laser (ICL), proposed by Yang [6,7] use the type II broken gap

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +44-01865-272299; fax: +4401865-272400. E-mail address: [email protected] (V.J. Hales)

InAs=GaInSb system to overcome fast phonon scattering whilst retaining cascaded tunnelling injection. It has recently been show that intersubband emission may be combined with interband processes for carrier extraction [8]. Ohtani [9] has demonstrated intersubband electroluminescene from InAs=GaSb=AlSb type II structures, grown by MBE. In this paper we explore structures based only on InAs=GaSb, looking for ways to extend the possible wavelength range and making the structures easier to grow by MOVPE, by eliminating the AlSb layer. The major advantage of the InAs=GaSb system is the crossed-gap alignment, which presents a strong tunnel barrier to electrons injected into the excited state in the InAs QW, reducing the leakage current path present in type I QCLs. As shown in Fig. 1. Lasing occurs via a normal intersubband transition within a single InAs well, but the device utilises interband

1386-9477/00/$ - see front matter ? 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 1 3 8 6 - 9 4 7 7 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 3 0 7 - 0

V.J. Hales et al. / Physica E 7 (2000) 84–88


Instead of solving Eq. (1) is real space, the structure is assumed to be periodic. The k · p Hamiltonian (Hj ), potential (V ) and envelope functions (f) are periodic in real space with the periodicity of the structure modelled, d. A Fourier expansion of those functions is formed in terms of reciprocal lattice vectors, Gn = 2n=d

Fig. 1. Schematic band diagram of the InAs=GaSb-type II intersubband laser.

coupling to quickly remove electrons from the QW ground state by annihilation with holes in the adjacent GaSb barrier. We have examined ways to optimise the structures by modelling the detailed band structure under high electric eld biasing by using four-band k · p calculations and the momentum matrix technique [10].


V (z) = Vn eiGnZ ;


f(z) = fn eiGnZ ;

j = 0; 1; 2; : : : ; FF;


where n denotes the nth Kane state and FF is the number of Fourier components used in the calculation. The Fourier equations are fed into Eq. (1) and the resulting Matrix eigenvalue equation is M (q)F = EF;


where the elements of eigenvector F are the Fourier coecients on the envelope function fn , and the matrix M (q) is de ned Mij (q) = (q + Gi )(q + Gj )T2; i−j

2. Momentum matrix method

+(q + 12 (Gi + Gj ))T1; ij + T0; i−j + Vi−j :

Existing k · p methods are restricted to at band edge heterostructures, when modelled using the matrix transfer approach, so that modelling structures with high electric elds requires many separate layers. In order to model cascade structures under electric eld biasing we have used a new procedure which was recently been developed within the framework of the envelope function approximation (EFA), termed the momentum matrix method. The technique constructs a matrix that represents the propagation of the wave function in momentum space and thus is ideally suited for modelling slowly varying potentials such as electric elds. The starting point of the momentum matrix method is to describe the wave function in terms of the EFA. The Schrodinger equation is simply H’(r) = [kz H2 kz + 12 (H1 kz + kz H1 ) + H0 ]’(r) = E’(r);

Hj (z) = Ti; n eiGnZ ;


where the bulk Hamiltonian is separated into the coef cients of kz the momentum operator along the growth direction (z), H1 ; H2 and H0 .


The electronic structure of the superlattice is derived by diagonalizing the matrix M (q) at given k|| and q. The eigenvalues of the matrix are the eigenenergies and the corresponding eigenvectors are the Fourier coecients of the envelope function. In this present case, the band structure is modelled over four repeats of the cascade structure and the electric eld is added as a periodic potential to the entire structure. The conduction and three p-like valence bands are included with higher band interactions as correlation terms. Only the central section of the model can be studied to avoid edge e ects at the ends. 3. Interband extraction The basic principles of the device involve the use of superlattice injection followed by an intersubband transition from E1 to E0 . The widths of the active well and extraction barrier are carefully controlled to ensure E0 lies above the GaSb valence band level, HH0 . The


V.J. Hales et al. / Physica E 7 (2000) 84–88

tailored electron miniband is formed from a set of four coupled QWs with carefully controlled thicknesses. The widths are graded such that the electron wave function at the bottom of the miniband has a high probability density in the active well. A population inversion is maintained between the two well states E1 and E0 , by the rapid removal of electrons from E0 , via interband extraction to HH0 . The extraction energy is tailored to match LO phonon emission and further shorten the lifetime of carriers in state E0 . The heavy hole state then rapidly empties into the light hole barrier state, LH0 which is strongly coupled to the tailored electron miniband. The miniband thus serves as both collector and emitter regions of the device.

4. Band structure The rst structures modelled have four periods of a 10-layer device. Calculations were performed on three structures, qc11, qc12, and qc13, shown in Fig. 2, with  the active well and barriers thicknesses, 110=100 A,  140=90 A,  respectively. The wave functions 120=90 A, and band pro le under 0.5 V bias per period are plotted in Fig. 2a for the device qc11, with well and barrier  widths 110=100 A. The strong wave function overlap within the tailored electron miniband provides the current path for injection into the active region and excited state E1 . The intersubband transition occurs between states E1 and E0 , which have a strong spatial overlap within the active well. The emission wavelength is 7:4 m. The calculation shows that a strong overlap does exist between the E0 and HH0 state. The light hole-state LH0 is also strongly coupled to the top of the tailored electron miniband to recycle the electrons. Structures qc12 and qc13 exhibited the same strong overlap between the E0 and HH0 states. The e ect  is to of widening the active well to 120 and 140 A lower the electron con ned states, E1 and E0 and hence lengthen the emission wavelength. In order to retain the ordering and strong coupling the hole levels were also lowered by thinning the GaSb barrier. The limitations of this device lie with retaining the barrier to tunnelling. It was found that the GaSb barrier could only by thinned to a minimum width of

Fig. 2. Calculation performed on (a) structure qc11 with well and  and (b) structure qc14, both under 0.5 barrier widths 110=100 A V bias=period.

 before more than 10% of the E1 wave function 90 A, was found to propagate through the barrier. With this structure a maximum emission wavelength of 9 m could be attained. In an attempt to raise the electron ground state in the active well to access emission beyond 9 m, a di erent structure, qc14 was modelled. Based on the  barrier was previous design, an additional thin (5 A) inserted into the centre of the active well, to form a 12-layer device. The wave functions and band pro les of the structure under 0.5 V bias per period are plotted in Fig. 2b. The results show that the thin GaSb barrier does indeed raise the energy of the ground state electrons in E0 by approximately 50 meV but the excited state E1 by only 8 meV. The emission wavelength can then be extended beyond 10 m.

V.J. Hales et al. / Physica E 7 (2000) 84–88


try and lift the electron con ned states further. However, the excited and ground electron states became localised on opposite sides of the thin barrier and thus the spatial overlap between the states was reduced. 6. Potential advantages

Fig. 3. The dependence of emission wavelength on applied bias for operational laser (solid line) and non-operational laser (dotted line).

5. Laser tunability The main advantage of the broken gap system in cascade structures is the large barrier to tunnelling provided by the GaSb layer. It should therefore be possible to operate the laser over a wide range of biases without substantial leakage of carriers. An investigation into the tunability of the four structures was carried out. The results are classi ed as operational or non-operational lasers. A number of criteria were de ned for a device to be classi ed as operational. Firstly, there must be sucient overlap between the wave function of the well and barrier states. A limit of 60 meV on the electron-hole energy separation (E1 –HH0 ) was de ned for sucient interband extraction. The excited electron state, E1 must lie at the bottom of the tailored miniband to ensure that all carriers are funnelled into the active well. The results are displayed in Fig. 3. For the single well structures the emission energies are relatively insensitive to bias and cover the range 6.5 –9 m. The structure containing the additional thin barrier, qc14, however, could operate over a much wider range of biases producing emission between 8 and 12 m. All four devices emit at wavelengths that cover the atmospheric window (8–14 m). Calculations were also performed on qc14 struc wide additional barriers, to tures with 10 and 15 A

This structure has many potential advantages over more conventional structures. Firstly, the broken gap system allows extraction from the lower level directly into the adjacent layer without the need for conventional tunnelling, whilst maintaining a large barrier to inhibit tunnelling from the upper state. Secondly, it has been demonstrated that the energy levels in the active well can be tailored for a wide range of emission wavelengths, without substantial leakage of carriers into the adjacent well. Finally, the InAs=GaSb intersubband laser has an additional advantage over the type I A1InAs=GaInAs intersubband devices. A recent theoretical study of Sb-based intersubband lasers showed that the small InAs e ective mass reduces the optical phonon relaxation rate of the excited state and also increases the oscillator strength of the intersubband transition [11]. Room-temperature threshold currents ve times lower than required for type I QCLs have been predicted. One potential disadvantage, however, is that interband absorption from E0 to HH0 across the InAs=GaSb interface could also present a possible additional loss mechanism [12]. 7. Concluding remarks We have presented designs for an intersubband laser using interband carrier extraction. We have demonstrated that the device could operate over a wavelength range within the (6 –12 m) atmospheric window. The designs show signi cant advantages over existing cascade laser structures. References [1] F. Capasso, J. Faist, D.L. Sivco, C. Sirtori, A.L. Hutchinson, A.Y. Cho, Science 246 (1994) 553. [2] J. Faist, F. Capasso, C. Sirtori, D.L. Sivco, A.L. Hutchinson, A.Y. Cho, Appl. Phys. Lett. 66 (1994) 538.


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