Detection of a coked coal seam using DC resistivity

Detection of a coked coal seam using DC resistivity

moisture, ad ash contCrrt< Ffxmation &z-e@ parameters(elasticrockconstants suchasBullc Modulus,Young'sMadulue, Shear Mcdulus, sni Poissonls Ratio...

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ash contCrrt<



parameters(elasticrockconstants suchasBullc Modulus,Young'sMadulue, Shear Mcdulus, sni Poissonls Ratio)canbe determined not only for theroof aniflocrrockofthe coal seam, but for the entireoverburden as well.The paw presentssane field experiencewith thasetechniques; Auth; OF A MULTI-REFERENCE 775184DESIGN& TRIALAPPLICATIONS poINTBORExOLEMTENsDMETER smart,B G D; I+ac, A ICjAziz,N I PXJC ConPerenceOnRockEngineering(Newcastleupon-Tyne, 4-7 April197'71, p21l-243 The &nsane*wasdeveloped~lmsrilytodefirre stratadeformationprocesses srourx3 excavations associatedwith 1ongweiUcoslminlrg. The technique consistsof titoring the changein distancebetweenmagnetic reference points locatedalongaborehole,essentlallybyperiodlcsllyreccrdirg ther&erencepolti positionson a sensingrod Insertedbrieflyin the bar&hole; After eachrecordlngtherodisremovedln sectionsto thelabcratorytobe scanned,the outputobtainedrepreserxtirg the lowtiun of the referencepointsinthe bcqdmle. The rod Is then wipedclean~rcused.Theequipme~usedis describedindeti ard the procedures used in laboratm an3 fieldtrial.~ given; Resultsfrom the laboratcwtrialsreusedto assessthe accuracy of ule extensuneter,wbile theresults fxmthefieldtriti, ~nwhich 18ref~remze pointswere install& in a 51-n low bcrehole,are interp'~&edintermsof stratamwement;Flnslly the valueof the axtensometer Is assessed. 775185DEVEC,OPMEIQOFABOREHCLE~NCELLFORIN SITUSTRESSD~NATION INROCK- PART1 Miller,H D S; Potts,E L J; Szeki,A ProcCoIIPerenceonRockEnglnearing (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 4-7 April19771, ~245-256 A strainmeasuring in&rlREelrtdevelopedfor in situ stressdetmination is described; A cyliniricsl silicone rubberblockis exmed r&ally and pressesthreestrainrosettes again&the surfaceof abmehole.The output fromthe stxslngaugeslstrsnsmlttedbya multi-corecablefixedpermansntlyto the straincell.Thestraincellhasbeentestedin the labcratwy sni in situ, axxl consequent mcd3f%cations have been implemented to imvwe e; Au&. It@ pereormaxx INH+XXl?EINCHESHIRE 775186INSI!IUSTRESSMEASUREMERl?S FQTASHINNQRTH ~ANDsLI\TEATDIM)RwIC -PART2 Miller,H D S; Potts,E L J; Szeki,A Free ConFerence onRockEngineering(NewcastleuporrTyne, 4-7 Apil 19771,P257-274 DescribesfieldtestsaF the straincell at Meadowbarksalt mine,Cheshire,Boulbyp&ash mine,NorthYorkshire, s~~%Dinorwlcutdergr~ power station,NorthWales. Photographic


SATELLITESMAPPUIZNPIALRO-FFALLAREAS 77518-Z Elliott,E Mesa,N8, Feb-Marchl977, P8-13 TheUSMiningEnf'orcemenbani safety

Administrationsreusingphatography and radar ims&g to locategeological features tich contribute to unstablerooi colldltions tomonitQr stripndnlngoperations anaim timala exploration; Detailsare givenof urperienceinlocatiagareaswherebadr~ con%Ltions are to be expected. 7’75188l.G!I’HODS OF DFpERMIIiIm THEiORIEIQ!iXCIONS OF BEDRCCK ~SYSlXMSINSWlYWEiSl'ERNPENNSYLVANIA ANDlpclRTIIERNWBsTVIRGINIA Bench,BM; Diemo1~3,W P; McCulloch,CM UsEM RI 8217, 1977, 35~ This remtdescribes photo-llnaments obtsined frcenstereoscopic exsndnation of verticalaerial photoitiex sheet&The phato-lin?sments sre canperedwiththe trerdsof wocuradby measuringthe cat~passdirectionof jointsinbedrock;The relativereliability of the methcdsis 6howq ardtihe resultsarem sentedingraphical,tabularardwrlttenfarm: Avall:USBM,4800 ForbesAve, plttsbvrgh, Pa, 15213, USA DFSIGNFORCLOSE~EPROI'~?~~ 7’75189 RATIONAL Marzan, G T ph D thesis,IllinoisUnlv,Urbana-Champaign, 1976, 228P Avail:University ~licrofilms, 18, BedfordR~J, LoorrlonWClR 4ZJ, UK Geophysical techniques 775190 DETECTIONOF A COKEDCOAL SEAMUSIi%M: REXISPIVITY Huber,RD; Koppe, W Que.=$sl$lG~MinJ,V78, Ngo3,Jan19'77, The feasibility of detectlrgard mappingcoked coslinanear -face coal sesmusl~geophysicsl techniquesisbeirgstudled&theGeological surveyofQueenslard.Thestudyinvolve~the measurement of physicalproperties(resistivity, corxluctivlty, chsrgeability) of core samples azxia field evaluation. The responseof electric wirelinelogsthroughacosl seam section~anpted investQs%ionsintothe suitability of ele'ctricsl techniques inachievingthisgoal.A sigrdflcant resistivity contrasthas been measuredbetueen dry samplesof cokedcoal atxlthe coaldeposits, Intrusiveani the countryrocks.A field eur~ey employing DC resistivity ani SP methodsat' KerMlis CreekinCentralQueenslard c~tiirmed this contrast. Auth. 775191 w

DETECTIONOF MINE CAVITIES(IN GERMAN) oelsrk?r,c Ne-ue Begbautech,V7, N2, Feb 1977,p95-99

Inf'rsred surfacegeothvbas been succesfully usedtolocateoldmine~CDiki~s.Thethecuxticel and pactical bases of the methodare briefly explained-.F'OCK 775192 S%I~ACOWITC L0XCIONOFDE~SSIMG BURSTS (IN (;ERMAN) Bade, Ii Gluckauf,Vll3,N7, 7 April1977,P360-362 Discussesthe primiple of measurement axxlthe instnmacntsused, sourcesofbursts during coalwLnrdqs.M1 destresslng drilli=, an3 intensityof eartlltremcrs.