Detection of Naturally Heavy-Metal Poisoned Areas by LANDSAT-1 Digital Data

Detection of Naturally Heavy-Metal Poisoned Areas by LANDSAT-1 Digital Data

86 ABSTRACTS hnears for the whole Itahan territory, to be employed to update the structural model of Italy as well as a contnbuhon to a selsmotectomc...

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ABSTRACTS hnears for the whole Itahan territory, to be employed to update the structural model of Italy as well as a contnbuhon to a selsmotectomc map In the field of maneral resources a survey has been accomphshed on the crystalhne slueld of the Island of Sarchma m order to ascertmn the relahonship between the linear ~tructures, their mtersechons and the mineral occurrences High resolution, mullaspectral S ~ photographs have been used as the mare tool In particular, the classifcalaon criteria of linears and the slgnifcance of nodal pemts have been established as well as the posslbthty of the identifcahon of geologacal structures, as verhcal quarzltac dykes, which are often related to the ore. The same multaspectral photographs have been employed very successfially m the Vemtlan pitons to locate a large number of palaeo-nver beds wluch are of econormc unportance, both as a source of budding materials and for the management of the aquifers. A comparison has been estabhshed with the results of ground surveys (reslshvlty profiles or vertical electrical soundings and bore-holes). In thts study, owing to the shght refleclavlty contrast, the oblectwes can only be attaaned ff a convement enhancement techmque is used (ralao of spectral bands). The geometric resolulaon is another constraint, given the average width of the concealed channels. The resolutaon of SKYLAB was a necessary element for the specific case treated. Finally, the mmn results of the remote sensing surveys accomplished on the actave volcanoes of Southern Italy are descnbed Airborne thermography was mmnly used for this purpose. The spalaal and temporal behavaour of thermal radiahon ermtted by active volcanoes and its relahonshtp to deeper phenomena were studied m the light of the problem of the volcamc survedlance and eruptaon forecashng.

Detection of Naturally Heavy-Metal Poisoned Areas by LANDSAT-1 Digital Data B Bolvaken and A. Prelat, Geological Survey of Norway, P.O. Box ,3006, F. Honey, CSIRO, Wembley, Western Australia, 6014, S. R. l_~wne and R J. P Lyon, Stanford Remote Sensing Laboratory, Dept. Apphed Earth Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, Cahfornia, U S A 9430,5 Natural poisoning of sod and vegetalaon due to heavy metals onginatang from sulphade deposits in the bedrock has been demonstrated at several locataons in Norway. At some of these, the features of poisoning are rather wadespread, suggesting that the recognilaon of such naturally-poisoned areas by means of satellite tmagery and satelhte digatal tapes might be possible An occurrence of natural copper polsomng, near Karaslok, Northern Norway, which hes on a property held by the Sydvaranger Mlmng Company, was selected as a training area LANDSAT-1 computer compatible tapes were used to prepare enhanced colour-ratao tmages and to calculate rahos of calibrated channel reflectance Ground reflectance measurements, acquired wath 4-chamlel radiometers whose band passes are eqmvalent to those on LANDSAT, were also carried out. Compared with the surromadmgs the LANDSAT data over the traamng area ~howed rather umque spectral charactenstacs These are also indicated on the enhanced ratlo-tmages, and the digatal data can be utahzed m supervised discnrmnant analyses and unsupervased cluster analys~s In parhcular, the area of the natural copper polsomng shows low values m the R7/5--reflectance raho At present, a detaded, precise and numerical correlataon between the ground and satelhte reflectance data is not possible due to differences in resolution, although spahal correlation of spectral trends can be established It appears that features of natural heavy metal polsomng can be located wathm the 0 4 hectare resolution of the LANDSAT multaspectral scanner system The search for such features rmght therefore be used as a tool m mineral exploration. The current resolution hmltataon can be overcome by utdizmg scanners at atrcraft allatudes