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used in the diagnosis of prechnical forms of gestosis in pregnant women. These parameters were reduced already 7-8 weeks prior to the manifestation of gestosis clinical symptoms. Using the mathematical method of standardizing intensive parameters, the authors have developed a prognostic table for the prediction of late gestosis development, that permitted a correct prediction of pregnancy course in 72.2% of women during the first trimester of pregnancy. Clinieoneurology and encephalographicaspects of late gestosis Ailamazyan EK, Palinka GK; Polyakova LA 1991 6 (17) Chniconeurology and electroencephalographic (EEG) examinations of 149 women suffering from late gestosis carried out during pregnancy and after labor, revealed various neurologic syndromes (vegetovascular. dystonia, narcoleptic and neuroendocrine syndromes, pyramidal insufficiency syndrome); these syndromes correlated with the severity of the late gestosis and the EEG changes. The detected changes indicated the presence of the hypothalamic syndrome in women suffering from late gestosis. This syndrome was more marked in grave forms of gestosis. The detected neurologic symptoms and EEG changes persisted long after delivery (up to 7 years). The authors emphasize the necessity of timely adequate therapy of women suffering from gestosis, that should include tranquilizers, anticonvulsants, vasoactive and nootropic drugs. Morphofunctionalcharacteristics of uterine muscle in pregnant patients with hypochromic anemia Zheleznov BJ; Averyanova SG; Stepanyants RI 1991 6 (23) Examinations of samples taken from the myometrium wall of the lower uterine segment and upper section, obtained during cesarean section, in 66 women with hypochromic anemia before labor (n = 26) and during the first period of labor (n = 40) show that even in light anemia forms, dyscirculatory and destructive dystrophic changes are detectable in all myometrium layers. The intensity of these changes correlates with the severity of the anemia. In cases with second- and third-degree anemia, sclerosis of the stroma and vascular wall also developed. Immunocompetent cells contributed to the development of this condition, particularly in women with a history of multiple labor and in mothers aged over 30. The detected disorders in metabolic and biosynthetic processes and in lipid metabolism in the myometrium demonstrated cellular membrane injuries and slower oxidation processes in the myometrium. Normal echographic picture of the brain in the newbornsof different gestation ages Voyevodin SM; Ozerova OYe 1991 6 (33) Normal echographic anatomy of the brain was studied in 179 newborns with a gestational age between 25 and 42 weeks. Specific features of various brain structure images (caudate nucleus head, islet, periventricular spaces, large hemisphere sulcus) were analyzed in relation to the gestational age of the infants and the scanning plane. Normal parameters of the cerebral ventricles, cerebellum, corpus callosum, transparent septum space, etc., are presented. Stability of some brain strucInr J Gynecol Obsrer 38
tures during intrauterine hypotrophy is demonstrated. The studies confirm the high informative value of echography for the imaging of various brain structures in the diagnosis of brain abnormalities and diseases, as well as the possibility of determining the newborn’s gestational age using this method. Diagnostic value of lochial pH, PC% in puerperal endometritis Nikonov AP; Burlev VA; Ankirskaya AS; Sergeyev MV; Lutfullayeva NA 1991 6 (24) A new method has been developed for rapid diagnosis of puerperial endometritis, based on measurements of lochial pH, Pco, and PO*. Endometritis development is associated with acidosis in the uterine cavity (pH 6.8-7.2), elevation of PCO, to make 40-70 mmHg and reduction of PO* to make 40-80 mmHg. The degree of these shifts is in direct relationship with the inflammatory process severity. The method is simple, almost noninvasive and quite reliable. Mammary glands in patients with hyperprolactin-induced amenorrhea and its effects of parlodel therapy Prilepskaya VN; Burdina LM; Yegorova YeB; Baskakova LA 1991 5 (47) The mammary glands were examined in 36 patients with hyperprolactin-induced amenorrhea. Fibroadipose transfonnation (33.3%), involutional changes unassociated with age (30.6%) and hyperplastic processes such as fibrocystic mastopathy or adenosis (36.1%) were found to be equally encountered in the pattern of breast alterations. Parlodel therapy for patients with hyperprolactin-induced amenorrhea not only induced menstrual and reproductive functions, but demonstrated a favorable action on the mammary glands, promoting the restoration of glandular tissue and a decrease in deformity of stromal components. Assessment of risk factors for underlying and precancerous diseases of the cervix uteri Bychkov VI; Rog AI 1991 5 (53) The paper analyzes risk factors for underlying and precancerous processes of the cervix uterine in females. The application of a mathematical instrument and computers made it possible to define the most significant risk factors and to evaluate the degree of their impact. The findings may be used in the program test in performing mass prophylactic surveys to identify a group of females who are at a high risk and require a more detailed examination. Determination of estrogen and progesteronereceptors in human uterine tissues Maleeva A; Milkov V 1991 5 (55) The action of steroid hormones in the target cell was found to be associated with the presence of specific receptors in the cytoplasm. Uterine, endometrial and myometrial tissues obtained at hysterectomy for endometrial carcinomatosis and fibromyomas were used. In fibromyomas, the estrogen and progesterone receptors were found to be higher in the cytosol than in the normal myometrium. In endometrial carcinomatosis. the
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estrogen receptors were in varying quantities: normal, low, or nil in the cytosol, whereas the progesterone receptors were low or nil. Treating purulent wouads of the anterior abdominal wall after obstetric aad gynecological operations by using low-intensity laser irradiation Korzhova VV; Vasilchenko NP; Salnikova ZV 1991 5 (63) The paper provides evidence for the use of low-intensity HeNe laser irradiation alone or in combination with other tools in the treatment of purulent wounds following obstetric and gynecological surgeries in relation to the stage of inflammation and severity of the process. Lyr@sneyte activity in patients with habitual abortions, treated with allogenic lymphocytes Burlev VA; Manukova SN 1988 2 (19) It is known that changed fetomaternal immunologic relationships may be a cause of habitual abortions. Infusing the husband’s allogenic lymphocytes into the wife along with a combined treatment for threatened abortion, are shown to have a beneficial effect on the course of pregnancy, to improve patients general condition and to eliminate signs of threatened abortion and early gestosis. Lymphocyte administration is followed by an increase in blood T lymphocytes and natural T suppressors and in intralymphocytic dehydrogenase activation in patients with hyperandrogenism. On humoral immunity changes in patients treated with plasma substitutes for recurrent abortions Antipenskaya LV; Navolnev SO 1988 2 (26) Following a course of plasma substitution (polyglukin, rheopolyglukin, hemodez) infusions, pregnant patients prone to recurrent abortions showed a drop in peripheral blood complement activity and IgM-containing circulating immune complexes (CIC) as well as CIC, precipitable by 4% or 7% polyethylene glycol solutions. A simultaneous rise in trophoblastic j3,-glycoprotein suggests that one of the mechanisms of the therapeutic effect is improved placental function, resulting in the activated synthesis of factors, contributing to the immunosuppressive makeup. Urinary catecbolamiaeexcretion and blood serotonin in labor analgesia by reflex therapy Markelova VF; Belitskaya RA; Oberg OK; Shatkina GV; Shumova OV 1988 2 (22) Data on serotonin and sympatho-adrenal response to analgesia by transcutaneous electroneurostimulation (TENS) alone or combined with electroacupuncture (EAP) during the first stage of labor are presented. TENS or the TENS + EAP combination had no effect on maternal serum monoamine oxidase activity and blood serotonin levels. Combined use of TENS and EAP was associated with the inhibition of excessive hormonal and sympathetic activity of the sympathoadrenal system, whereas TENS analgesia only resulted in sympathetic activation. A comparative assessment of the effects of TENS
alone and in combination with EAP on blood serotonin and urinary catecholamine patterns demonstrated that the TENS + EAP combination was a more effective means of reflex analgesia in the first stage of labor. The pattern of uterine contractility in normal labor Zaitsev LM; Makarovsky AP; Karpenko AP 1988 2 (35) Variations in 20 temporal and energy parameters reflecting contractility of the lower uterine segment, body and bottom were analyzed in relation to cervical dilatation on the basis of hysterographic studies carried out in 30 parturients during the first stage of labor. A uterine body dominance was demonstrated at the onset of labor, which was only replaced by the uterine bottom dominance as the cervix opened to 2-4 cm. A regular pattern of change in the examined uterine contractility parameters and the dominance redistribution concept were verified by the cybernetic orthogonal decomposition test (the Karunen-Loev test). The use of hypeharic oxygenation for prolonged preliminary stage of labor Abdrakhmanova EA 1988 2 (40) The effect of hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) on maternal energy metabolism enzyme activity, acid-base state and blood gases, lipid peroxidation and antioxidant activity were examined in 28 pregnant patients with prolonged preliminary stage of labor. A conclusion is made that HBO can be used for the prevention of primary uterine inertia due to its regulation of the course of labor and improvement of the fetal condition. ChoIInergIc status under nonpharmacologicanalgesia in the fust stage of labor Zolnikov SM; Oberg OK; Krasnova LB; Levashova II 1988 2 (43) A comparative study of the pattern of acetylcholineacetylcholine esterase changes under the effect of transcutaneous electroneurostimulation (TENS) alone or in combination with electroacupuncture (TENS + EAP) was carried out in 44 parturients during the first stage of timely labor. Combined use of TENS +EAP was more effective than TENS alone. EAP enhanced the analgetic effect and stimulated uterine contractility where labor tended to become protracted, thus contributing to its normal progress. Myometrial lipid composition in relation to various methods of labor stimulation Dolenko TA 1988 2 (46) Thin-layer chromatography was used to assess myometrial total lipids, phospholipids, free fatty acids, cholesterol and triglycerides in 49 parturients subjected to abdominal delivery for persistent uterine inertia. Stimulation of labor with oxytotin was associated with a more significant drop in phospholipids, free fatty and triglycerides, as compared to the FeinKurdinovsky method or the combined use of the two. It is suggested that oxytocin stimulation of labor should be accompanied by simultaneous administration of linetol, arachidene and intralipid. Int J Gynecol Obstet 38