OLR (1987)34 (9~
C. ChemicalOceanography
87:4989 Ju~ni~, K. and I. Kobal, 1986. Radiochemical determination of ~°Po and ~t°Pb in water. J. radioanalyt, nucl. Chem., (Articles)102(2):493498. J. Stefan Inst., 61111 Ljubljana, Yugoslavia.
C120. Dissolved gases 87:4990 Atkinson, M.J., T. Berman, B.R. Allanson and J. Imberger, 1987. Fine-scale oxygen variability in a stratified estuary: patchiness in aquatic environments. Mar. Ecol.-Prog. Ser., 36(1):1-10. Vertical and horizontal scales of oxygen patches in a strongly stratified, productive estuary were determined using current drogues and a CTD profiler. Oxygen patch size was consistent with a model relating the vertical length scale of oxygen variability with vertical diffusivity, and the ratio of oxygen concentration differences between patches with the rate of oxygen metabolism. The observed oxygen patch size was consistent with the hypothesis that local oxygen production was balanced by vertical mixing. Phosphate showed vertical variability consistent with the idea that it was extremely patchy. Large-scale horizontal distributions of mean oxygen and phosphate concentrations revealed a stoichiometry consistent with the remineralization of organic material in estuary bottom water. Dept. of Zool., Univ. of Western Australia, 6009 Nedlands, WA, Australia.
C130. Organic compounds 87:4991 Hayase, Kohji, Makoto Yamamoto, Izumi Nakazawa and Hiroyuki Tsubota, 1987. Behavior of natural fluorescence in Sagami Bay and Tokyo Bay, Japan---vertical and lateral distributions. Mar. Chem., 20(3):265-276. In Sagami Bay, natural fluorescence was low in surface seawater, increasing with depth. Linear relations were observed between natural fluorescence and nutrients; it is suggested that natural fluorescence resulting from marine humic substances can behave in a manner similar to phosphate and nitrate in the water column. Linear relations with negative slopes were found between salinity and natural fluorescence in Tokyo Bay, indicating a terrestrial source for fluorescence in this area. Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sci., Univ. of Hiroshima, Hiroshima 730, Japan.
87:4992 Holligan, P.M., S.M. Turner and P.S. Liss, 1987. Measurements of dimethyl sulphide in frontal regions. Continent. Shelf Res., 7(2):213-224. Across the shelf break and tidal fronts to the southwest of the British Isles, surface concentrations were in the range 44-780 ng DMS-S L ~. Much of this variability is ascribed to the species composition of the phytoplankton, with localized populations of Phaeocystis and, probably, coccolithophores being important sources of DMS. The implications of these results are discussed in relation to sampling strategies required to estimate the flux of volatile organic sulphur compounds from the sea to the atmosphere for shelf ecosystems. Mar. Biol. Assoc. of the United Kingdom, Citadel Hill, Plymouth PL1 2PB, UK. 87:4993 Liebezeit, Gerd and Bodo von Bodungen, 1987. Biogenic fluxes in the Bransfieid Strait. Planktonic versus macroalgal sources. Mar. Ecol.Prog. Ser., 36(1):23-32. Absolute and/or relative increases of phosphorus, glucose and chlorophyll b fluxes and decrease of fl-alanine flux with depth suggest a source of sedimenting organic material other than plankton; this is identified as shallow-water macroalgae. Quantification of this contribution shows increases from 37% at 539 m to 71% at 1835 m. Examination of carbohydrate spectra from Bransfield Strait surface sediments shows a macroalgal imprint to be present. Geol.-Palaontol. Inst., Bundesstr. 55, D2000 Hamburg 13, FRG. 87:4994 Quentel, F., C. Madec and J. Courtot-Coupez, 1987. Determination of humic substances in seawater by electrochemistry (mechanisms). A nalyt. Letts, 200):47-62. The adsorption and electrochemical mechanisms of a previously described analytical method for measuring humic substances (HS) in seawater by adsorptive stripping voltammetry (hanging Hg drop electrode) are reported. A two-step adsorption process and a one-electron reduction of the adsorbed Mo(VI)-HS complex is proposed. Univ. de Bretagne Occidentale 6, Ave. V. Le Gorgeu, 29287 Brest Cedex, France. (gsb) 87:4995 Zhou, Xianliang and P.J. Wangersky, 1987. Characterization of marine organic matter by thinlayer chromatography with flame ionization detection. Mar. Chem., 20(3):211 218.