Determination of platinum in alumina-supported automotive catalyst material by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry

Determination of platinum in alumina-supported automotive catalyst material by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry

Chimica Acta. 110 (1979) 29-34 o Eisevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam Analytica - Printed in The Netherlands DETERMINATION OF PLATINU...

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Chimica Acta. 110 (1979) 29-34 o Eisevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam



Printed in The Netherlands




Analytical Chemistry 48090 (U.S.A.)




A. WALDO Motors



Warren. Michigan

10th April 1979)

SUMMARY Platinum (O.Ol-0.2%) is determined after dissolution in sulfuric and hydrochloric acids and addition of palladium and rhodium to compensate for interelement effects. At the 0.06% level, the relative standard deviation is 2%. The results agree within 4% with those obtained by chemical methods.

Previous methods of measuring the noble metal contents of automotive catalyst materials [ 1, 21 have given highly accurate and precise results, but they require considerable skill and operator time. Because platinum is a major active component of most automotive catalyst materials, rapid methods for its determination are especially desirable. Instrumental techniques such as x-ray fluorescence [ 31, neutron activation [ 4, 51, and emission spectrography [6] have been applied for the determination of platinum in a variety of materials including alumina-base reforming catalysts, Electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry has also been successfully employed for the determination of platinum in geological materials [7] and reforming catalysts [S] . Because of the low levels of platinum (ca. 0.06%) and the successful experience gained in the determination of rhodium in automotive catalyst material [ 91, the heated graphite furnace coupled with atomic absorption spectrometry (a-as.) was selected for use. EXPERIMENTAL


and operating


The instrumentation included a Perkin-Elmer Model 403 spectrometer with deuterium background correction, an HGA-2100 and a temperature ramp programmer [9] _ A Leeds and Northrup recorder was operated in the low chart speed mode (2.5 cm min-‘) for peak-height measurements and in the high chart speed mode (15 cm min-‘) for peak-area measurements. Areas were measured with a planimeter. The Jarrell-Ash Model 45466


platinum hollow-cathode lamp was operated at 20 mA, and the resonarme line at 265.9 nm was used; the slit width was set so that the spectral bandpass was 0.7 rim. Injected samples (25 ,ul) were brought from ambient temperature to 240°C in 23 s, maintained at 240°C for 2 s, then heated to 1850°C over 20 s and held at 1850°C for another 15 s, prior to atomization at 2700°C for 9 s. A continuous flow of argon (40 ml min”) was maintained in the furnace at all times. Each new graphite furnace tube was pre-conditioned by cycling the system five times with any one of the calibration solutions; each tube was used about 50 times before being replaced.

The catalyst materials and platinum-free r-alumina (used to prepare calibration solutions) were ground to pass through a 150~,um sieve to facilitate sample’dissolution and corrected for adsorbed water concentrations as described previously 191I

Standards and reagents Ali chemicals were ACS

reagent grade. A plat.inum standard solution (1 mg nil-l ) in ea. 1. M hydrochloric acid was prepared as described previously f9]_ Calibration solutions containing O-5.0 tig Pt ml-’ were prepared by adding appropriate amounts of standard solution to l-g portions of y-alumina contained in loo-ml volumetric flasks. These calibration solutions were processed like the sample solutions. The calibration curve was linear from 0 to 3 Mg ml-’ with a slight curvature from 3 to 5 gg ml- I. A palladium stock solution (1 mg ml- *) was prepared from palladium metal (Spex Industries, Inc.) in the same way as the platinum stock solution. A rhodium stock solution (0.76 mg ml-‘) was prepared hy dissolving RhCl3 (Spex Industries, Ine_) in 100 ml of (1. + 4) hydrochloric acid and diluting to 1 1. Portions of these two solutions were injected directly into the graphite furnace to verify the absence of measurable amounts of platinum. The stock solutions are stable for at least six months_ of plutinum A weighed portion of ground sample material containing 100-400 @g of platinum was placed in a loo-ml volumetric flask, and ground platinum-free r-alumina was added to bring the total weight to 1 g. Any alumina adhering to the wall of the flask was washed down with no more than 10 ml of deionized water. To fiasks containing samples or calibration solutions, 5 ml of concentrated sulfuric acid and 10 ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid were added. Each flask was placed on a steam plate for 72 h. After dissofution of the alumina, O-76 mg and 2.5 mg of rhodium and palladium, respectively, were added to each flask. The flasks were cooled, diluted to volume, and mixed.. The platinum absorbance was measured after injecting 25 ~1 of solution into the graphite furnace, Each calibration solution was measured



four times and each sample solution twice. Peak heights were used to calculate concentrations.

Interference studies A stock solution containing dissolved aluminum (25 g I-‘, equivalent to 51 g l- * of A1203) and sulfuric acid (250 ml l- ‘) was used to simulate dissolved catalyst material. Platinum, palladium and rhodium were added to loo-ml volumetric flasks containing 10 ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid and 20 ml of the synthetic catalyst solution. The appropriate contaminant was added to each flask; absorbances were measured and were compared to absorbances obtained from calibration solutions. RESULTS



The procedure described applies to y-alumina-supported catalysts with platinum concentrations between 0.01% and O-2%, but not to catalyst supports containing silica, organic binders, cr-alumina, or other insoluble substances. It can be applied to catalysts containing palladium-platinum concentration ratios up to 12:l and rhodium-platinum ratios of up to 3 :l. Platinum, because of its finely divided state, was usually soluble under the dissolution conditions. However, if a slight reddish skim, which could contain platinum, appeared on the sample solutions, it could be dissolved by adding 0.25 ml of concentrated nitric acid to the solutions and heating at 100°C for 15 min. Calibration and sample solutions were always prepared in the same manner so that all matrices would be similar_ Background correction was essential because of extraneous emission from the graphite tubes and absorption of the 265.9-nm radiation by the vaporized aluminum. The argon flow was not interrupted during atomization to achieve greater sensitivity, because the deuterium lamp would not compensate for the extraneous absorption caused by the volatilized residual alumina. Similarly, sample injections greater than 25 ~1 resulted in excessive extraneous absorption. In the atomization cycle, after the initial drying step, sulfuric acid and aluminum were vaporized by increasing the temperature to 1850°C in 20 s and holding at 1850°C for 15 s, This temperature was a compromise_ At higher temperatures, more aluminum was volatilized, but platinum was also volatilized, causing a decreased platinum signal. At lower temperatures, insufficient aluminum was vaporized, causing extraneous absorption upon atomization_ Finally, the platinum was atomized at 2700°C without use of the ramp programmer, to achieve a sharp peak. No memory effect from the furnace was observed when platinum concentrations were less than 3 pg ml- ’ ; for greater concentrations, the slight memory effect was eliminated by keeping the furnace at 2700°C for an additional 9 s. A batch of 12 samples can be processed in 2-3 h after sample dissolution. Although approximately 72 h are required to dissolve the catalyst material, little operator time is involved.



Effect of palladium, rhodium and nitric acid on platinum signalsa Pd tug ml-’ 1

Peak height

Peak height





Relative peak height (mm)

163 202 214 234 234


1 5 10 50

0 0.76 7.6 15.2

aSoIutions contained 5 ml of 18 M H,SO,, Pt per 100 ml. TABLE

163 181 189 200

0 0.25 0.50 1.00

100 94 89 81

10 ml of 11 M HCI, 1.0 g of Ai20J, and 400 sg


Effect of palladium and rhodium on platinum peak heights and areasa Pt bg ml-’ 1 1

2 3

Relative peak height

Relative peak area

No Pd, Rh

With Pd, Rh

No Pd, Rh

With Pd, Rhb

2s 67 120

61 117 163

24 48 TO

27 50 76

aSoIutions contained 5 ml of IS M H,SO,, 100 ml. b25 pg Pd ml-‘; 7.6 Rh ml-‘.

10 ml of 11 M HCI and 1.0 g of A&O,


Effect of other components Because automotive catalysts contain palladium and/or rhodium the effect of these elements on the platinum absorption signal was examined (Table I). As the palladium and rhodium concentrations were increased, the height of the platinum signal increased. With palladium concentrations between 10 and at least 50 pg ml-‘, the platinum signal was constant_ When both palladium and rhodium in the same solutions were varied from 25 to 50 irg ml-’ and 7.6 to 15 r.rg ml- ‘, respectively, the recorded peak heights for platinum were constant. When peak areas were examined (Table 2) the effect of p~ladium and rhodium upon the platinum absorbance signal was minimal, indicating that palladium and rhodium increase the rate of volatilization- However, peak heights were preferred to facilitate data handfing. To eliminate the problem of peak-height enhancement, 25 mg of palladium and 0.76 mg of rhodium were added to all samples and calibration solutions in lOO-ml volumetric flasks. A l-g portion of most automotive catalysts will contain less than 2.5 mg of palladium and 0.2 mg of rhodium. Thus, the contribution of palladium and rhodium from the sample will not further enhance the platinum


absorbance signal. If higher concentrations are encountered, the additions of palladium and rhodium must be reduced accordingly to avoid further enhancement of the platinum absorbance peaks. Sulfuric and hydrochloric acids were used for sample dissolution. Sulfuric acid is not lost during heating, thus the final concentration can be controlled by adding known amounts to samples and calibration solutions. Since hydrochloric acid can be lost upon heating, synthetic catalyst solutions were prepared to study this effect; concentrations of hydrochloric acid from 1 to 15 ml per 100 ml of solution did not affect the platinum signal. Nitric acid decreased the platinum recorded peak height (Table 1). Therefore, when nitric acid was needed to dissolve any reddish skim, 0.25 ml of nitric acid was added to all samples and calibration solutions. The presence of 1 g of dissolved alumina enhanced the platinum signal by approximately 25%. Thus, all samples and calibration solutions were made to contain 1 g of dissolved alumina. Used automotive catalysts contain, in addition to noble metals, several contaminants, primarily oil and gasoline additives, which could affect the platinum absorption signal. Spectrographic analysis of used catalysts showed that the concentration of several elements can approach 0.1%. Synthetic dissolved catalyst solutions containing the equivalent of 1% of these contaminants (phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, calcium, lead, iron, barium, and boron) did not affect the platinum signal. In addition, 2.5% cerium used as an additive in certain catalysts had no effect.



Evaluation Sample

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

of accuracy of the method= Concentration


Pt found





0.044 0.023 0.043 0.022 0.0098 0.039 0.062 0.042 0.057 0.036 0.039 0.067 0.202 0.077

0.019 0.012 0.020 0.011 0.0055 0.0050 0.013 0.0069

0.016 0.025 0.017 0.023 0.014 0.015 0.034 0.097 0.033

0.044 0.024 0.041 0.021 0.0099 0.039 0.060 0.039 0.056 0.033 0.040 0.068 0.22 0.083

aWet chemical analysis_ bX-ray CR.s.d. = 2% (n = 8).


and wet chemical


average value.



and accurccy

A series of ground catalyst sampIes containing platinum, palladium, and rhodiu_m were analyzed to evaluate this method. Platinum concentrations, determined by established chemical methods f 1, 2f , are compared to results obtained by the proposed method in Table 3. The calculated average relative deviation between the two sets of data is 4% The relative standard deviation calculated from eight results on sample 9 was 2%. REFERENCES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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