POSTER SESSION: SCIENCE/EDUCATION/MANAGEMENT/FOODSERVICE/CULINARY/RESEARCH University Food Environment: An Assessment of the Nutrient-Density of Vending Machine Foods Author(s): C. Byrd-Bredbenner1, V. Quick1, A. Weiner1, E. Shu1, T. Horacek2; 1Nutritional Sciences, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, 2Nutrition Science & Dietetics, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NJ Learning Outcome: To describe the food environment with regard to vending machine foods on a university campus. Approximately 40% of U.S. young adults were enrolled in college in 2008 and evidence is mounting that the transition to college life is a critical period of risk for weight gain. Although many behavior change theories identify the environment as a key factor affecting dietary practices, little is known about university campus food environments. This study, part of an overall environmental assessment, evaluated the nutritional quality of vending machine foods sold in academic buildings (n⫽9), residence halls (n⫽3), and student centers (n⫽2), representing ⱖ5% of all buildings of their type at a major northeastern university. Two trained researchers independently assessed the machines (inter-rater reliabilityⱖ99%) with the most traffic flow in each building. Unique machines (e.g. prepared food), if available, were evaluated, too. Researchers recorded name, brand, package size, and number of slots for each food in machines and used databases to determine nutrient content. There were 485 slots offering 130 different items. Foods included chips (35%), candy (29%), gum and breath-mints (9%), baked goods (8%), cookies (5%), nuts/trail mix (4%), granola bars (4%), crackers (3%), and other (e.g. fruit snacks, sandwiches, 3%). For all foods combined, except gum and breath-mints, the mean nutrient adequacy ratio (%Nutrient Daily Value / %Calorie Daily Value) for nutrients to maximize (i.e. vitamins A and C, protein, dietary fiber, iron, calcium) and nutrients to minimize (i.e. saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, total sugar), were 0.38 and 1.00, respectively. The mean nutrientdensity score, 0.47, indicates that vending foods were not nutrient dense and thus, do not support healthy snacking.
Development of a Food Insulin Index Database Author(s): M. Franz; Nutrition, Harvard University, Boston, MA Learning Outcome: Participants will develop an understanding of the Food Insulin Index (FII) and its potential role in hyperinsulinemia. Objective: Develop a database of food insulin index (FII) values for items on a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaires (FFQ). Background: The food insulin index (FII) is a measure of blood insulin response. It is calculated by feeding 1000 kilojoules of a food and measuring the area under the insulin response curve following sequential blood draws, using white bread (FII ⫽ 100%) or glucose (FII⫽ 75%) as the reference food. Methods: FII was analyzed for approximately 100 foods. FII values were imputed, calculated, or recipe-derived from analyzed values for some 600 foods and breakfast cereals in our database. Specific algorithms were developed for assigning different food groups and include adjustment for carbohydrate per 1000 kilojoules (grains and cereals, baked goods, dairy products), dry weight and fiber ratios (fruits, vegetables), and direct imputation (fats, beef, poultry, fish). FII values for mixed dishes were derived using an automated recipe program. Results: FII is highly variable and dependent on the type and amount of carbohydrate, protein, and fat in foods. Compared to glucose, analyzed FII is lowest for olive oil (2.7) and highest for jelly beans (120.0). Imputed FII values track closely to analyzed data. Significance: Elevated blood insulin levels are associated with increased risk of metabolic syndrome, Type II diabetes, and other chronic diseases. FII is used to calculate daily insulinogenic load (IL), a measure of total dietary insulin demand; thereby offering investigators a tool for exploring the role of foods in the development of hyperinsulinemia.
Funding Disclosure: New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station
Funding Disclosure: Prospective Studies of Diet and Cancer in Men and Women
Sunflower Seed Butter and Almond Butter as Nutrient-Rich Alternatives to Peanut Butter
Contribution and Effect of Multivitamins to Total Antioxidant Capacity
Author(s): R. Thomas, S. E. Gebhardt; Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center, ARS/USDA, Beltsville, MD
Author(s): C. Willey, L. S. Kent; Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA
Learning Outcome: Participants will be able to describe how the nutrient composition of sunflower seed butter and almond butter compares to peanut butter.
Learning Outcome: To determine the contribution and effect of multivitamins and individual vitamins reported on a semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) to total antioxidant capacity (TAC).
Over 3 million Americans are allergic to peanuts and/or tree nuts. Almond butter is an alternative to peanut butter for those who can tolerate tree nuts. Those allergic to both may be able to consume sunflower seed butter. The USDA Nutrient Data Laboratory is updating the nutrient profile for sunflower seed butter in light of the product’s reformulation using mid-oleic seeds and its addition to the School Lunch Program, and a new almond butter profile will update the 1984 data currently in the USDA National Nutrient Database (SR). Retail and/or manufacturer’s samples of sunflower seed butter and almond butter were sent to qualified laboratories for analysis of proximate components, minerals, vitamins, fatty acids, amino acids, and phytosterols. Results for the sunflower seed and almond butters were compared to existing nutrient data for peanut butter in SR using Student’s t-tests (significance at p⬍.05). Sunflower seed butter had significantly more monounsaturated fat, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, and selenium than either almond or peanut butter. Almond butter had significantly more fiber, calcium, and potassium than sunflower seed or peanut butter. Sunflower seed and almond butter had significantly more iron, manganese, and vitamin E, and less saturated fat than peanut butter. Based on these recent analyses, two tablespoons of almond, sunflower seed, and peanut butters each provide ⱖ10% DV for protein, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, and vitamin E. These data provide updated nutrient profiles for almond butter and sunflower seed butter which are especially useful for individuals allergic to peanuts. Funding Disclosure: Funding in part from USDA and NIH Contract #YICN5010
A-52 / September 2010 Suppl 2—Abstracts Volume 110 Number 9
Total antioxidant capacity (TAC) is of interest because of its potential to reduce health risks that contribute to cancer, stroke, and heart disease. The Nurses Health Study (NHS) and Health Professional Follow-up Study (HPFS) completed a 154 item food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) in 2002 and reported multivitamin and individual vitamin usage. Reported consumption provided the means to assess TAC from both diet and vitamin intake. The ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP) assay was used to develop a TAC database for foods maintained in the Harvard School of Public Health Nutrient Database for Dietary Studies. Common U.S. vitamins .were purchased and analyzed using the FRAP methodology. The TAC intake was derived from foods and supplements for 31537 men and 78191 women. The contribution of vitamins to the TAC was assessed as well as the effect of individual vitamins and minerals.. The mean intake of TAC was 14.9 mmol for the men and 12.9 mmol for the women. Multivitamins contributed 6.3 % and 5.8 % to TAC for men and women, respectively as compared to the individual Vitamin C contributions of 19.5 % and 23.6 %.The FRAP assay reflected a higher TAC as vitamin C amounts increased and decrease for those vitamins that included minerals. It is important to obtain participant use of multivitamins and individual supplements when measuring TAC. Funding Disclosure: NIH