Development of a support network for adolescents with endometriosis

Development of a support network for adolescents with endometriosis


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Poster Presentations SUCCESSFUL CIMETIDINE THERAPY FOR MULTIPLE GENITAL CONDYLOMA IN AN ADOLESCENT FEMALE WITH CONGENITAL ADRENAL HYPERPLASIA. 盟主主Z Anne Jamieson. MD, S. Paige Hertweck , MD, Joseph S. Sanfilippo , MD, University of Louisville , Louisville , KY. BACKGROUND : Several case reports have been published in the dermatologic literature demonstrating resolution of verruca plana , otherwise knows as “common warts" , with the use of oral Cimetidine.(Orlow et a l. J Am Acad Dermat , 1993;28(5» The mechanism of this effect has not been fully elucidated. We report complete disappearance of extensive vulvar/introital condyloma acuminata in an adolescent. 豆主星星 : An 18 y.o. female with congenital adrenal hyperplasia presented with multiple r ,? C 們 r r e n t genital warts only 1 after complete laser ablation .(Photo #1) Cimetidine, 何00 mg P.O. Q.I.D. was prescribed and , when evaluated after- ~ weeks of therapy , all condyloma had completely disappeared. (Photo #2) No untoward side-effects were noted.CONCLUSIONS : We propose that there may be a role for Cimetidine in the treatment of extensive genital warts.

DEVELOPMENT OFASUPPORT NETWORK FOR ADOLESCENTS WITH ENDOMETRIOSIS. Phaedra P. 甘10m的. R.N.. B.S.N." Paula H. Higgins2, Donna H. Wolfe, M.F.A人Marc R. Laufer, M.D.,,2,3,4 'Division of Gynecology, Dep缸tm ent of Surge旬, Children's Hospital; 2Endome甘iosis Association-Boston Chapter; 3Division of Reproductive Endocrinology , Department of Obste甘ics and Gynecology, Brighamand Women's Hospital; 4Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA.

ON THE NEED TO SCREEN FOR GONORRHEA AND CHLAMYDIA 叭FECTIONS PRIOR TO COLPOSCOPY別ADOLESCENTS. Zeev Harel , M.D.and Suzanne Riggs , M.D. Division of Adolescent Medicine , Hasbro Children's Hospital , Brown University , Providence , R 工 BACKGROUND: Pelvic inflammatory disease {P 工D} is the most significant consequence of sexually transmitted infections {ST工 } . The present study explored the association of p 工D with cervical biopsy , and examined the standard clinical practice in the US regarding the need to screen for chlamydia and gonorrhea infections within 2 weeks prior t 。 colposcopy in adolescents. METHODS: An anonymous questionnaire was distributed to US physicians and nurses , members of the Society for Adolescent Medicine and/or the North Am e r i c a n Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology. RESULTS : Three hundred and sixty-eight , from all the states in the US , responded. Only 5 屯of the respondents have encountered biopsy-associated P 工D due to chlamydia and/or gonorrhea. Fifteen percent 。 f the respondents screen their patients , and 23 屯 favor screening , for chlamydia and gonorrhea infections within 2 weeks prior to colposcopy in adolescents. Previous experience with colposcopy and previous encounters with biopsy-associated P 工D in adolescents did not significantly affect the practice or the opinion of the respondents. CONCLUS工ONS: Screening for chlamydia and gonorrhea infections within 2 weeks prior to colposcopy in adolescents is presently not a common clinical practice among US adolescents' care providers. Because of the potential risk for biopsy-associated P 工D , i t is advisable to minimize the interval between ST 工screening and colposcopy in adolescents.

SEXUALABUSE KNOWLEDGE BASE OF PREGNANTWOMEN.Martin E. Olsen. M.D., Kevin F. Breuel , Ph.D. , Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University, Johnso n Ci旬 , TN

BACKGROUND:Endome別的is is a chronic disease 曲at can cause severe pelvic pain in adolescents. We sought to developa supportnetworkto educate adolescents, their families, schools, and peers. Tn addition, we aimed to developa networkto assist adolescentscoping wi曲 曲is chronicdisease, 出at couldthenbe adaptedfor useby 0曲er localand nationalchapters of 曲e Endome甘iosis Association(EA). METHODS:Patients were informally surveyedby 曲仿health careproviderto inquire if 曲ey 曲ought曲at曲ey wouldbenefitfroman "Endome甘iosis TeenSupportGroup";if 曲eyanswered affi盯natively 血ey wereasked if 曲ey would liketo be contactedby the BostonChapterof the EA. 甘le EA was contactedwith the namesof those patientswho were interested. A support groupfor adolescents was establishedwith in the EA whichprovidedinformation to patients, paren試health care providers, and schoolsby supplyingperiodicnewsletters, literature, and book lists. In addition members of the EA contacted the adolescents by telephone to periodically0叮叮advice for coping with specific endome甘iosis problems 曲at arose, and for effective communication with doctors, teachers, or parents. Monthly Sunday afternoon meetingswereestablished addressing subjectsof interestωthe adolescentwith endometriosis and her parents. After one ye訂of existencethe EA contactedthe adolescent members by telephone to 扭扭品 出eir perspectiveof 曲e supportgroup in order to improveservices. RESULTS:30 adolescents with endome包iosis were identified whodesiredcontactby the EA. The meanage at 伽time of referralw值17 years(range:14-21). The mean numberofmonths of associationwith the EA w臼7 (range: 1-12). The adolescentsselected "TEEN: Teen Endome包iosis Education Network"as the name for the supportgroup. They reported 曲at 曲e "best"day for meetingswas Sunday, and preferredthatthe meetingbe heldat a hospi個1(70%) 臼 com pared to a sch∞I (30%). They preferred 曲at the meetingsoccur monthly 臼opposed to bi-monthly. 100%wanted to receivea newsletter. 900!cl wanted to be contacted by other adolescentsby phone at the time of their diagnosis.900!cl wanted to be a contact person for newlydiagnosed individu 的wi曲endome 肘。sis. 6們色wanted to havea designated "bigsister" wi曲endome甘iosis. 600 !cl of the young women wanted information about endometriosis distributed to sch∞Is: 現慨 。ftho個in highschool, 2仰危of those in college. 1000/0 stated 曲at 曲ey found the TEEN to be helpful. CONCLUSIONS:Adolescents with endom

BACKGROUND: The problem of sexual abuse has been well desc吋bed. It 區 believed that as rr自ny as 20% of women and 5-10% of men have been sexually abused as children. The pe巾etrator is usually a family member or other pe 悶。n well known to the victim. Perpetrators as young a 7 years old have been reported. Child 飽問giver knowledge about sexual abuse has 旦旦been well described. We believe this 隘the first effort to describe the knowledge base of child 個re providers ∞ncern i ng the topic I") f s E'yual abu伊This research V','m hopefully prorr昀Ite efforts to prevent sexual abuse. METHODS: A on~-page questionnaire examining knowledge about sexual abuse was offered to new prenatal patients presenting for 飽 問at the East Tennessee State University, Department of Obstetrics and Gynec泊logy. Participant's (n=211) were askωquestio附 ∞nceming their knowledge of 悶tes of sexual abuse among both n祖les and fen'削es , and about pe巾etrator 岫entification and age. Demographic inforrr削ion obtained includωthe pa他ipant's age , edu個tional status and whether she was currently involved in the care of children. Participants' inter側in 也taining more information about sexual abuse was als。 剛泊叫“. Data were analyzωusing the CATMOD procedure of SAS. RESULTS: 211 of 217 women agreed to pa的icipate in the survey. Women with greater than 12 years ofωu個tion were found to be more likely (ponsibi lities. Knowlωge that the most likely pe巾etrator is a family member was also not a'何叫“by the pa的b恥anfs age , “u個tion orωrrentd、個 個re responsibilities. Edu個tion and chikt 個re m呵X>nSbilit悶did 酬甜甜草胸 answers to que到ions a切叫the rate of male "則al a恥18. Age and d、ild 個re rωponsibil繭的did 叫 “倒the ∞W蚓 胸ntifiω,tion of the potent旭lyo叫hfulness of per閃trators.ω%of rωpond側tI were interestωIn more infom祖tion.


CONCLUSION: “X明la恥18 is a topic that ma吋new mothers are inter叫“h l倒ming more abo叫. The 蛤lOwledge base of these indiv訕訕 個n be improv In order to preve叫sexual abuse , it would be appropriate to edu個te child 個re

givers about the dangers of such abuse.