Abstracts peptide sequence motives were -Gly-Glu-Cys-Glu-Gly and -Cys-Gly-Cys-Pro-Cys-Gly-Cys-Gly and the lowest binding activity had His-Gly-His-Pro-His-Gly-His-Gly motive.
Development of Heavy Metal Biosorbent Derived from Waste Brewing Yeast P. Dostalek, D. Pilarek and J. Cepicka Department of Fermentation Chemistry and Bioengineering. ICT Prague. Technicka 5, 166 28 Prague, Czech Republic The ability of microorganisms to remove metals from solution is well documented. Both living and dead biomass is capable of metal accumulation. Effluents from many industries (mining, electroplating) contain metals in excess of permitted levels. Removal of such metals by waste microbial biomass may be economically feasible. Inactive cell envelopes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae originating from brewing waste biomass have been immobilized into the form of particles of desirable size using a proprietary immobilization technique. The cell envelopes were obtained after isolation of nucleic acids and proteins. Silver was the main tested metal. When the sorbent start to contact Agf ions some colour reaction on its surface was observed after a short period of time. This reaction was independent of light. The sorbent particles were getting black and the degree of blackness was measured by using computer visual analysis. The results were compared with these obtained from concentration measuring. The degree of darkness of the sorbent was proportional to the uptake of silver. The figures of sorption curve at equilibrium and relative darkness were the same.
Removal of Lead from Aqueous Solutions by Myxococcus xanthus M. L. Merroun, N. Ben Omar, M. T. Gonzilez-Mufioz and J. M. Arias Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Science, University of Granada, Granada 18071, Spain The use of biological materials for heavy-metal removal and recovery technologies has gained widespread credibility during recent years, because of the good performance and low cost of this complex material. The natural affinity of biological compounds for metallic elements could contribute to economically purifying waste water loaded with heavy metals. The present study indicates that M_~.YOCOCCUS santhus biomass has the capacity for efficient biosorption of Pb*+, being able to accumulate up to 1.039 mM of Pb*+ per gram of biomass. For Pb’+ concentration of 0.3 to OSmM, between 83.17 and 93.21% of the Pb’+ was adsorbed from the solution. The adsorption rate was relatively rapid. reaching equilibrium after 5 to 10 min. In addition, the pH influenced biosorption, pH 5.5 promoting maximum uptake.
Heavy Metal Biosorption and Bioprecipitation Alcaligenes Eutvophus ER121
L. Diels”, S. Van Roy”, L. Hooybergbs”, M. Tsezos’, T. Piimpel’, F. Glombitzad, A. Hummel” and L. Eckardd “Environmental Technology; Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek. VITO. Boeretang 200, B-2400 Mel, Belgium. ‘National Technical University of Athens, Greece, “Universitat Innsbruck, Austria and, dConsulting and Engineering. Chemnitz, Germany The heavy metal biosorption capacity of Alcaligenes eutrophus ER121 is influenced by several factors. The strain bears three plasmids encoding a proton/cation chemiosmotic efflux system allowing the formation of high metal concentrations around the cells. Zinc ions induce the formation of one or two extra
outer membrane proteins and influence the cellular charge as calculated by electrophoretic mobility measurements. On the other hand extracellular polysaccharides seem to be involved in the adsorption of silver, which is not influenced by the former mentioned extra outer membrane proteins. A. eutrophus ER121 shows a metal biosorption specificity.
Chemical Immobilization Agricultural Soils
of Heavy Metals in
R. Ticby”, S. Kuzelb, L. Kolar* and R. Ledvina’ “Institute of Landscape Ecology, Na sadkach 7. 370 05 Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic, and hUniversity of South Bohemia, Agricultural Facility Department. General Plant Nutrition. Studentska 13. 370 05 Ceske Budejovice. Czech Republic Heavy metals contaminate agricultural soils in relatively diffused from. This means. that concentrations of metals are low, compared to highly contaminated soils or solid waste. Therefore, standard intensive techniques of soil sanitation, like acidic extraction, phase separation, or solidification, cannot be applied. We propose the use of chemical immobilization of heavy metals as a feasible alternative for treatment of contaminated agricultural soils. The pre-requisites for such technique are: low costs of the immobilizing agent, selective binding of metals, and application of moderate, environmentally friendly compounds. Finally, various options of metals removal are suggested.
The Use of Sulphate Reducing Bacteria to Assist the Removal of Heavy Metals from Acidic Mine Drainage D. Adam” and R. G. J. Edyvean* “Department of Earth Sciences, The University of’ Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK, and ‘Chemical Engineering and Fuel Technology, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, The University of Sheflield, Sheffield, SI 3JD, UK Acid mine drainage occurs when aerated water percolates through rocks which contain metal ores. The water solubilizes and transports the metal ions resulting in an acidic, metalladen discharge. Such waters can contain arsenic, aluminium, copper, nickel, iron, zinc and manganese in concentrations up to 1000s of mg 1-l. In the United Kingdom discharges such as these from abandoned mines are exempt from current pollution control legislation. Conventional methods of treatment, such as lime addition, would prove too costly on the scale encountered and so a novel process involving sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB) is being investigated as a possible cheaper option. The bacteria metabolize sulphate, liberating free sulphide ions which form insoluble metal precipitates with the dissolved ions. These complexes can then be removed from the water. A variety of experiments are being performed to investigate the effects of SRBs on the minewaters of the Yorkshire region of the United Kingdom under a variety of conditions, with the support of the National Rivers Authority.
The Removal of Heavy Metal Ions by Seaweeds and their Derivatives C. J. Williams and R. G. J. Edyvean Chemical Engineering and Fuel Technology,, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering. The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, SI 3JD, UK Increasing concern regarding the toxicity and environmental impact of heavy metal discharge from industrial and domestic