Diagnostic Quantitative Pathology Newsletter

Diagnostic Quantitative Pathology Newsletter

Path. Res. Pract. 185,949-951 (1989) Pathology in Europe Diagnostic Quantitative Pathology Newsletter B. Whimster Department of Morbid Anatomy, King...

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Path. Res. Pract. 185,949-951 (1989)

Pathology in Europe

Diagnostic Quantitative Pathology Newsletter B. Whimster Department of Morbid Anatomy, King's College School of Medicine, London, UK

R. Montironi Department of Pathology, Ancona, Italy

Editorial The three hour symposium on quantitative pathology at the XII European Congress of Pathology in Porto, Portugal, was more popular thaft ever before with 60-70 people attending all or part of it. It was chaired by Dr. Baak, who also spoke on new developments, and review papers were given by Drs Grundmann (FRG), Moragas (Spain), Schipper (Netherlands), Stoebner (France), Sugar (Hungary), Tosi (Italy) and Wied and Dytch (USA), which illustrates how cosmopolitan the subject has become. It was one of eight symposia and many seminars, short courses, proffered papers and poster exhibitions, many of which also contained elements of quantitative pathology. The presentations were of much improved quality and illustrated the extent to which the European Society of Pathology has not only come of age in its Silver Jubilee year but also attained the stature needed to lead our specialty into the uncharted waters of "1992". Strong and valuable connections with neighbouring European countries are also already in place. Pathology Research and Practice, ESP's journal, published the abstracts and is rapidly becoming one of the leading European pathology journals. As the papers from the 1988 Ancona symposium appeared in the November issue, quantitative pathologists may regard it as an appropriate journal for them to publish in regularly. Committee Business A meeting of the Diagnostic Quantitative Pathology Committee was held during the XII European Congress of Pathology in Porto, Portugal, on Thursday, September 7th, 1989. 18 members were present. Minutes Apologies for absence were received from 10 members. © 1989 by Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart

Report of Chairman (Dr. Yrjo Collan) Dr. Collan reported the overall success of the Fifth International Symposium on Morphometry in Morphological Diagnosis and congratulated the joint Presidents, Dr. Mariuzzi and Dr. Tosi. He was sure that the Sixth Symposium, to be held in Basel in 1990, would reach the same high standards and offered his good wishes to the Organising Committee, all of whom had sent their apologies to this meeting. Dr. Collan reported the activity of the new European Society for Analytical Cellular Pathology (ESACP) (and its new journal, Analytical Cellular Pathology) and emphasised its complementary nature to this Committee. Report ofJoint Secretaries (Drs Bill Whimster and Rodolfo Montironi) Membership: In Dr. Montironi's absence, Dr. Whimster reported the rapidly increasing membership ofthe Committee. There was now an application form, obtainable from the Joint Secretaries and Dr. Montironi had designed a certificate of membership which was approved by the Committee. Newsletter: Dr. Whimster emphasised that the Newsletter was sent to all members free of charge. These minutes would appear in Newsletter Number 6. In discussion the Joint Secretaries were asked to send the previous Newsletter to the new members. It was agreed that each newsletter should be sent to Dr. Grundmann, editor of the ESP's journal, Pathology, Research and Practice, for publication in that Journal of relevant parts of the Newsletter. Dr. Grundmann was warmly thanked for his interest and support. It was reported that the council of the ESP were greatly encouraged by the development of the Committee's role as a working group of the Society and welcomed news of its progress. 0344-0338/89/0185-0949$3.50/0

950 . Whimster, B. and Montironi, R.

Report of Treasurer (Dr. Piero Tosi) With no official income and no official expenditure, Dr. Tosi's report was brief and noncontroversial. But the Committee did have many minor expenses, particularly for producing .and mailing the Newsletter, and also for telephones and fax. He had therefore approached Zeiss (Italy) who, with characteristic generosity, had agreed to contribute. This Newsletter now shows that it is supported by Zeiss (Italy). Sixth International Symposium on Quantitative Pathology August 29-September 1. in Basel, Switzerland The meeting noted that the change of title of this series of symposia from Morphometry in Morphological Diagnosis to Quantitative Pathology, in order to encompass the range of topics now included by pathologists, had been brought into effect for the sixth symposium. The Chairman read out a letter from Drs EttEn, Oberholzer and Pataki reporting progress on the organisation of the Basel Symposium and asking if the Committee could offer financial support. The Chairman was authorised to reply that the previous symposia had each been financially independent but that each had apparently produced a small surplus which had been ploughed back into the scientific work of the local organisers. As could be seen from the Treasure's report, the Committee had no resources to offer.

xmth European Congress of Pathology 1991, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia The Chairman agreed, as for previous Congresses, to approach the Organising Committee for time in the programme for Quantitative Pathology. In discussion Drs Baak and Grundmann, both members of the ESP's Scientific Committee, encouraged the Committee to work for similar or even more time in the 1991 Congress. It was agreed, however, that pathologists in general were interested more in hearing how diagnostic work could be enhanced by quantitative pathology than in quantitative technology itself. The session could therefore usefully be more of a seminar with a didactic and educational bias ("How can I apply it in my daily diagnostic work?"). In addition, it would be good if the business meeting of the Committee could be held immediately after the Quantitative Pathology session, to attract a good attendance, including new members. Seventh International Symposium on Quantitative Pathology, 1992 Those wishing to put forward proposals for the venue, etc, for this Symposium, should send them to one of the Joint Secretaries for evaluation. Members reiterated that the emphasis should be placed on diagnostic and human aspects. Standardisation in Quap.titative Pathology Dr. Baak mentioned that the introduction of morphometry into breast cancer pathology in 32 hospitals in the Netherlands had revealed simple ways to guarantee that

results are reproducible. Dr. Collan suggested that subcommittees working on individual aspects would be effective. The meeting agreed that a subcommittee on DNA measurements chaired by Dr. Mariuzzi would be appropriate, and also agreed to a second one on diagnostic methodology to be chaired by Dr. Baak, who agreed to write an article on "Standardisation of histological methodology" for the Newsletter. Dr. Whimster also suggested a renewed approach to the European Commission for support for a project on quality control as related to morphometry. The Committee agreed that Dr. Baak should coordinate the production of a draft working plan for discussion at the Basel Symposium. Quantitative Pathology Courses Dr. Van Velzen, who had considerable experience organising courses for the Royal Microscopical Society, thought that the time was ripe for morphometry courses. Dr. Delides said that if courses could be judged to meet the standards of the Committee in some way, perhaps by submitting the programme to the officers, such courses could be advertised as "under the auspices of the Committee on Diagnostic Quantitative Pathology". For the Ancona course held in May 1989, Dr. Mariuzzi had designed an attendance certificate which the Committee regarded as a good and suitable model. Quantitative Pathology Diploma No developments were reported. Any other Business Dr. Baak reported that he had been approached to contribute to a session on the use of quantitative methods in cancer diagnosis and treatment in the 1990 Congress of Oncology in Hamburg at which 12000 participants were expected. The Committee agreed that such an audience would not appreciate technical details but that it would advance the cause of quantitative pathology to put its value in diagnosis and therapeutic decision-making to oncologists. Date of next meeting: During the 1990 Symposium in Basel. Future Meetings The Sixth International Symposium on Diagnostic Quantitative Pathology will be held in Basel, Switzerland, August 29-September 1, 1990. The second notice has already gone out from the efficient organisers of this Symposium. Future Courses A Course on Diagnostic Quantitative Pathology will be held on November 16-17, 1989 at King's College School of Medicine, Denmark Hill, London SE5 8RX. (See leaflet and registration form.) Amstrads, MOP-Videoplan, ATVideoplasn, VIDAS, IBAS 2000 and IBM-compatibles will be used for the practical work.

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Total number of MEMBERS: 100. New Members: Dr. I. Julis, Lab. of Histochemistry, School of Medicine, Charles University, Studnickova 2, 12800 Praha 2, Czechoslovakia; Dr. W. Kaufmann, Prof.-Ott,o-Dill-St. 4, D-6702 Bad Durkheim, West Germany; Dr. W. Giaretti, 1ST National Cancer Institute, Viale Benedetto XV, 12132 Genova, Italy; Dr. M. Rinke, Bayer A.G., Inst. Toxicology/Pharmacology, Abteilung Pathologie, Fried.-Ebert-Str. 217-333, D-5600 Wuppertal 1, West Germany. Dr. R. Becker, Dept. of Cellular Pathology, AFIP, Washington D.C., U.S.A.; Dr. V. Rodolico, Anatomia Patologica, Policlinico "Giacconne", via del Vespro 129,90127 Palermo, Italy; Dr. R.A. Williams, Dept. of Clinical Pathology, Green St., W.D.B.H., 2677 Wangaratta, Victoria, Australia; Dr. N.]. James, Dept. of Biomedical Sciences, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN, U.K.; Dr. R.A. Ettlin, Sandoz Ltd; Drug Safety Assessment, 881-407, CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland; Dr. A. Zabatta and Dr. P. Zeppa, Servizio di Citopatologia, II Facolta di Medicina, Via Panzini 5,80131 Napoli, Italy; Dr.]. Smolle, Dept. of Dermatology, Auenbruggerplatz 8, A-8036 Graz, Austria; Dr. L. Desinan, Anatomia Patologica, Universiti di Udine, PiazzaIe S. Maria della Misericordia, 33100 Udine, Italy; Dr. M.]. Eskelinen, Dept. of Surgery, University of Kuopio, SF-70210 Kuopio, Finland; Dr. ]. Vraa-Jensen, Institute of Pathological Anatomy, Frederiksborg County Central Hospital, DK 3400 Hillerod, Denmark; Dr. A. Dhiri, Research Division; Beecham Pharmaceuticals, Honeyp6t Lane, Stock, near Ingatestone,

Key words: Diagnostic quantitative pathology committee

Essex CM4 9PE, U.K.; Dr. V. Mambelli, Anatomia Patologica, Nuovo Ospedale Regionale, 60020 Torrette di Ancona, Italy. Prof. J. Rodes's new address: Dept. of Anatomical Pathology, St. Vincet's Hospital, 41 Victoria Parade, Fitzroy, Melbourne, Victoria 3065, Australia; Prof. C. A. Beltrami's new address: Istituto di Anatomia ed Istologia Patologica, Universita di Udine, Piazzale S. Maria della Misericordia, 33100 Udine, Italy. (New members welcome: write to Dr. Montironi) Joint Secretaries: Bill Whimster Department of Morbid Anatomy King's College School of Medicine Denmark Hill, London SE5 8RX, UK. Tel. (01) 3263004 Fax: (01) 2747246 Rodolfo Montironi Department of Pathology Nuovo Ospedale Regionale 600200 Torrette, Ancona, Italy Tel: (71) 596 4830 Fax: (71) 882582 (Contributions for the newsletter and changes of address to us). This Newsletter comes to you with the support of Zeiss (Italy).