78A 902105 Review of solution mining - Part 3: In situ and heap leach mining Jacobson, R H; Murphy, J W; Queneau, P B Miner Resour Engng V2, N2, April-June 1989, P163-187
function and finite strain are known. Using the principal values of susceptibility of a monocrystal, it is possible to determine the principal values of the orientation tensor for this mineral in monomineralic rocks or those where a single mineral has a dominant influence on matrix anisotropy.
Two leach mining systems are described. The first uses an inexpensive lixiviant forced into mineralised cracks and fissures at hydrofracturing pressures. Solution movement is slow and only a few circulations are required. A copper recovery system is illustrated. The second is heap leach mining, where the ore is mined, crushed, stacked in heaps, and wetted with lixiviant. Conventional milling and smelting are bypassed. Economic evaluation of a hypothetical project is presented.
902110 Effect of large overburden stress on geophysical behaviour of sandstones Kate, J M; Rao, K S Proc International Symposium on Rock at Great Depth, Pau, 28-31 August 1989 V1, P171-178. Publ Rotterdam: A A Balkema, 1989
902106 Calculation of a high-pressure equation of state from lowpressure properties Barton, M A; Stacey, F D Phys Earth Planet Inter V56, N3/4, Sept 1989, P311-315
Resistivity of three Indian sandstones (Jamrani, Kota, Agra) at high pressures was studied in a triaxial chamber. Maximum confining pressure of 12MPa applied corresponds to about 525m of overburden rock. Combined effects of confining pressure and water content were also examined. An attempt is made to correlate electrical and strength properties of the rocks.
lsochoric temperature dependence of isothermal incompressibility has been calculated for a monatomic face centred cubic crystal, using the method of molecular dynamics and several assumed atomic potential functions. For materials where this parameter has been measured at laboratory pressure, it is suggested that a high pressure equation of state can be obtained from an appropriate combination of these potential functions, chosen to match laboratory observations.
902111 Infrared imaging of salt rock failure processes (In French) Luong, M P Proc International Symposium on Rock at Great Depth, Pau, 28-31 August 1989 VI, PI49-155. Publ Rotterdam: A A Balkema, 1989
902107 Dielectric determination of rock fabric anisotropy Hawton, M; Borradaile, G Phys Earth Planet Inter V56, N3/4. Sept 1989. P371-376
The dielectric anisotropy was measured for specimens of a slate formed by a single episode of metamorphism and deformation of a volcanic tuff. The anisotropies can be represented by oblate ellipsoids, similar in shape to strain ellipsoids determined from changes in thickness of the rims of accretionary lapilli in the slate. The rocks are largely of platy chlorite, and discs cut parallel to the schistosity show anomalous dispersion. Magnetic susceptibility anisotropies are similar, but with less extreme ellipsoid shapes. 902108 Effect of leakage of industrial alkali solutions on the construction properties of soils Chunikhin, V G; Mavrodi, V K; Kramarenko, O A; Dobromilskaya, N G Soil Mech Found Engng ~ 5 , N6, Nor-Dec 1988, P559-561 Excessive floor heave due to alkali spillage was found in the city of Sumy, USSR. The floors are of hydraulic fill over loess clayey looms and sandy looms. Samples were taken to determine the extent of the spill and its effects on soil geomechanicol properties. Swelling increased with increasing alkali content, as did strength, cohesion, and corrosive activity. Plasticity index decreased moderately, permeability significantly. Local spillage or long term groundwater induced changes should be taken into account in project design. 902109 Magnetic fabric and orientation tensor of minerals in rocks Henry, B Tectonophysics V165, N1-4, Aug 1989, P21-27
Magnetic fabric study is an established means of qualitative structural analysis. Strain determination from magnetic data is only possible if the distribution function of crystallographic axes of preferred orientation and the relation between this
The infrared technique presented allows detection of the evolution of sources or sinks of heat and examination of thermomechanical phenomena shown by rock materials under rapid cyclic loading by mechanical vibration or by thermal loading. Because of the thermomechanical coupling,the technique can detect thermomechanical dissipation at defects or zones of weakness indicating a state of damage or mechanical or thermal heterogeneity. 902112 Use of Lee's algorithm in the analysis of some ground heat and mass transfer problems Thomas, H R; Rees, S W Proc 6th International Conference on Numerical lilethods in Geomechanics, Innsbruck, 11-15 April 1988 V1, P243-249. Publ Rotterdam: A A Balkema, 1988
A numerical model using Lee's algorithm is presented to solve problems of coupled simultaneous transient heat and moisture movement in unsaturated soils. For a soil column subject to fixed boundary conditions, results are in good agreement with those from nonlinear heat conduction analysis, although care must be taken in the application. Predictions of seasonal changes in temperature and moisture content of the ground compare favourably with those of a Crank-Nicholson scheme.
Permeability and capillarity See also: 902013, 902015, 902510 902113 Correlations of permeability and grain size Shepherd, R G Ground Water V27, N5, Sept-Oct 1989, P633-638
Previous theoretical and analytical investigations have given an equation of intrinsic permeability as a dimensionless constant times the square of grain diameter. Statistical power regression analysis on 19 sets of published laboratory data for unconsolidated sediments is used to re-assess this relation. The exponent of grain diameter ranges from 1.11 to 2.05 with most
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