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DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PATIENTS WITH LUNG CANCER WITH AND WITOUT PLEURAL PLAQUES. G. Hillerdal, department of Lung Medicine, University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden. Since 1970. patients with pleural plaques from the general population have been followed. The total number of cases is now 1496 men. followed in the mean IO years. During the observation years, a statistically significantly increased risk of lung cancer has been noted in the cohort. From 1880 to 1991, 38 cases of lung cancer have been seen in the cohort. Controls were taken from the local cancer registry, and all male patients with lung cancer registered in the same year with the same age (? 5 years) were used as controls. Surprisingly, WHO I (squamous cell carcinoma) were more common in cases than in controls (60 versus 40 per cent), and small cell cancers were rarer. The cases had also a statistically significant difference in location, more lung cancers in the cases being seen in the lower lobes than among the controls. Smoking habits were similar in both groups. Thus, there are some differences between the groups, but in the single case, there is nothing to indicate that it is caused by asbestos rather than by smoking alone.
241 EPIDEMIOLOGY OF LUNG CANCER,C.K.Gajalakshmi and V.Shanta, Cancer Institute(WIA), Madras, India. A total of 189 primary lung cancer cases was seen at the Cancer Institute(WIA), Madras from 1978 to 1987. They were followed up till Dec. 1992 and survival pattern wes computed using actuarial method. The male-female ratio was 5:l among those who were ~45 Yrs. of age (younger patients) and 8:l among those who were 2 45 Yrs. of age (older patients) at the time of diagnosis. The age range was 24-78 Yrs. with e mean age of 53.6 Yrs. 24% of cases had history of tuberculosis. Higher frequencies of symptoms such es cough, haemoptysis and fever were seen among younger patients and, chest pain, dyspnoea and hoarseness of voice among older patients at the time of presentation. The four major histologic types (adenocarcinoms (Ca.) 35.4%; small cell ca. 24.3%; Squamous cell ca. 18.5% and large cell ca. Higher 15.3%) accounted for 93.5% of the cases. percentage of adeno ca. was seen among females(68X) than males (31%). Higher percentage of adeno ca. among younger patients and, small cell and large cell ca. among older patients were seen. The percentage of smokers in the adeno ca. group is less than that seen in other major histological types. Squamous cell ca. cases and older patients had better survival compared to other histological types and younger patients respectively. Overall actuarial survival rates for one yr, 3 yrs. and 5 yrs. were 36%, 15% and 11% respectively. Younger and older patients had different histological pattern, symptoms at presentation and survival pattern in this study.
NEl%PLWIA. T. Tsuchida, H. Kato, M. Saito, T. Hirano, T. Kamura, H. Shibanuma, T. Kobayashi, N. Kawate. C. Konaka. Department of Surgery, Tokyo Medical College, Tokyo, Japan. The purpose of this study is to treat bronchial squamous metaplasia with cellular atypia, known as a precancerous change, with folate and vitamin B12. Candidates having squamous metaplasia were collected by sputum cytology. The location site of bronchial lesions was identified by bronchofiberscopy.The grade of cellular atypia were examined by histological specimens using a scoring system from 0 to 3. Forty four cases with squamous metaplasia, including 24 cases with taking forate (10 mg/day) and vitamin B12 (0.75 mg/day) and 20 cases without medicine, were investigated prospectively for one year. Consecutive bronchofiberscopicexaminationswere performed on each case for 4 to 12 months after the first examination in order to assess the lesions. There were no significant difference of mean scores at entry in the medication group (1.7) and control group (1.5). The medication group showed significantdecrease in mean scores (0.4) while the control group had no change in mean scores (1.4) at termination. The results show that squamous metaplasia may treat with folate and vitamin B12
D. Pesut,’G. Radosavljevic-Asic,’D. Marfnkovic,’ ‘Institute of Lung Diseases and Tuberculosis, Clinical Center of Serbia, Belgrade, Yugoslavia ’ Faculty of Science, University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia A group of 50 patients with bronchial carcinomas (EC) and the same number of healthy non-sibling individuals were studied with respect to the performed tonsillectomy. Only minority of tonsillectomies were proved to be statistically significant In the group affected with BC when compared to the healthy controls (p < 0.05). Age distribution among the indfftduals subjected to the tonsillectomy was also statfstitally significant when compared BC patients and haelthy controls (p < 0.05). Among the same group of patients with BC the incidence of allergic diseases or allergic reactions to inhalation or nutrition allergens or drugs, was significantly lower (p < 0.05) when compared to the healthy individuals (p < 0.05). The results indicated further studies related to the role of palatine tonsils using additional clinical, immunologic, i.e. immunogenetfc research in order to elucidate relation between the absence of tonsillectomy and BC occurence.