Dilatometric studies on GeSbSe glasses

Dilatometric studies on GeSbSe glasses

Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 65 (1984) 233-240 North-Holland, Amsterdam DILATOMETRIC STUDIES ON Ge-Sb-Se Sudha MAHADEVAN, and A.K. SINGH A. G I...

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Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 65 (1984) 233-240 North-Holland, Amsterdam


A. G I R I D H A R ,



P.S.L. N A R A S I M H A M

Materials Science Division, Notional Aeronautical Laboratory, Bangalore 560 Ol 7, India

Received 18 April 1983 Revised manuscript received 1 December 1983

Results of measurements of the thermal expansion coefficient from room temperature upto the softening temperature on several compositions of the Ge-Sb-Se glass system are reported. The a - T data for these glasses have two regions; a region A below Tg where ct is essentially constant followed by a region B around Tg where a increases with temperature. In the region A the composition dependence is identical for the three families of glasses studied, with the a-composition data showing an angularity at the corresponding stoichiometric composition of each family. While changes in a of about eighty per cent are seen for compositions across a family, the change in a over the stoichiometric compositions is about fifteen per cent. An expression of the form a = 3Zalxi where eti and x i are the expansion coefficients and weight fractions respectively of the individual structural units is found to account satisfactorily for the a-composition data of these glasses. In the region B, a increases with temperature. The increase in a is greater and begins at about 30 to 40 degrees lower than Tg for the Se-rich glasses as compared to the Ge-rich glasses, where the increase is less and begins at Tg.

1. Introduction R e s u l t s of m e a s u r e m e n t s o f several p r o p e r t i e s like the glass t r a n s i t i o n t e m p e r a t u r e (Tg), e l e c t r i c a l c o n d u c t i v i t y , d e n s i t y a n d m i c r o h a r d n e s s , h e a t c a p a c i t y a n d elastic m o d u l i , m a d e o n s e v e r a l glasses o f t h e G e - S b - S e s y s t e m h a v e b e e n r e p o r t e d r e c e n t l y [1-5]. T h e s e s t u d i e s c o v e r e d d i f f e r e n t f a m i l i e s of t h e G e - S b - S e system, w i t h c o m p o s i t i o n s r e p r e s e n t e d b y G e x Sb 5Se95_ y ( x = 20 to 35), GexSba0Se90_ x ( x = 15 to 32), G e x S b l s S e 8 5 _ ~ ( x = 10 to 28), Ge16.67SbEoSe63.33 a n d Ge12.5Sb25Se62.5. G l a s s e s w i t h c o n s t a n t a t o m i c p e r c e n t o f Sb w e r e c l a s s i f i e d as b e l o n g i n g to t h e s a m e f a m i l y o f the G e - S b - S e system, w h i l e t h o s e w h i c h fall a l o n g t h e p s e u d o b i n a r y s e c t i o n ( G e S e z)l - c ( S b 2 S e 3 ) c w e r e r e f e r r e d to as t h e s t o i c h i o m e t r i c c o m p o s i t i o n s o f t h e system. T h e c o m position dependence of the properties mentioned above showed systematic b e h a v i o u r f o r the t h r e e f a m i l i e s s t u d i e d . T h e s t o i c h i o m e t r i c c o m p o s i t i o n o f e a c h f a m i l y e x h i b i t e d e x t r e m a in several p r o p e r t i e s [1-5]. It was f u r t h e r s e e n [1-5] that the composition dependence of these various properties could be e x p l a i n e d o n t h e b a s i s o f a c h e m i c a l l y o r d e r e d n e t w o r k m o d e l ( a c c o r d i n g to 0022-3093/84/$03.00 © Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland Physics Publishing Division)


S. Mahadevan et a L / Dilatometric studies on G e - S b - Se

which maximum number of heteropolar bonds are formed first and the remaining part of the valence requirement is met with by homopolar bonding at random) for the atomic arrangement in these glasses wherein excess Ge and Se are dispersed among structural units (s.u.) of GeSe 2 and SbzSe 3. The various properties show extrema at the stoichiometric compositions because these compositions can be described as made up of completely cross-linked three dimensional s.u. of GeSe 2 and Sb2Se3 only, with neither Ge nor Se present in excess. With the stoichiometric composition of each family as a reference, glasses with a greater Ge content than that in the stoichiometric composition were referred to as Ge-rich glasses and those with a lower Ge content than that in the stoichiometric composition as Se-rich glasses of that family. In order to see if any systematic variation of thermal expansion coefficient (a) with composition exists, dilatometric studies were conducted on several glasses of the G e - S b - S e system. The results of these studies are reported in this communication.

2. Experimental Details of the preparation of these glasses (compositions listed in table 1) are outlined elsewhere [1,2]. Samples were cut into rectangular sections of 4 mm × 8 mm and of length 8 to 15 mm depending on the piece available in the glass preparation boule. The end faces normal to the length of the sample were ground smooth and parallel by using a hand polishing jig fabricated for this purpose. Before measurement, each sample was annealed in situ by holding it for about an hour at a temperature about five degrees higher than the respective Tg and then cooling it slowly. The expansion measurements were made in a conventional horizontal dilatometer (thermal dilatometric analyser, Harrop Laboratories, USA, Model TDA-H1) which was standardised against an alumina rod supplied with the instrument. The sample temperature was measured using a chromel-alumel thermocouple in contact with the sample. Using an X - Y recorder (sensitivity 0.2 m V / c m , Watanabe model WX 431) in conjunction with the dilatometer, expansions of samples were recorded from room temperature to the respective softening temperature at a heating rate of five degrees per minute. An accuracy of two per cent was possible in the measurement of et and a spread of _+3% was found when ~ values of different samples of the same composition from different batch preparations were compared. Using the relationship 1 31s

= 17 8--i' was calculated from the slope of the Is versus T curve.

S. Mahadeoan et al. / Dilatometric studies on G e - S b - Se


3. Results and discussion

A typical example showing the change in sample length AIs with temperature along with the corresponding a data is shown in fig. 1. The values of a, Tg and T~ (dilatometric softening temperature) were estimated as shown in fig. 1 and their values for the various compositions are listed in table 1. Also listed in table 1 are the values of T~ obtained by DSC [4]. The composition dependence of Tg of these glasses has been discussed in detail elsewhere [1,2]. The composition dependence of T~ is essentially the same as that of the Tg of these glasses. For a given family of glasses, the ratio TJTg is seen to decrease (from about 1.28 to 1.1) with increasing Ge content in the glasses. The general behaviour showing an increase of T~ of glasses with the increase of hardness and with the decrease of a [6] is valid for these glasses also. The a-temperature data (fig. 1) has two regions, a region A below T~, where a is essentially constant, followed by a region B around Tg where a increases with temperature. This is followed by softening of the glass as indicated by the peak in AIS and in a (fig. 1). The dependence of a on composition in the regions A and B is discussed separately as they pertain to different states of glass.


; ,rs - -

Ge15SbloSe75 [S = 1,&6c m s .

/~ / / /

/ ~50-

/ I 5O


f 15o T( )




~-- i I (/*C) XlOs 20 250

Fig. 1. Typical data showing the change in length AI s and a versus temperature for one of the glasses. Ts and T~ are evaluated as indicated.


S. Mahadevan et al. / Dilatometric studies on G e - S b - Se

Table 1 Data on Ts,T~ and a for the G e - S b - S e glasses Composition

Ts( o C)

Tg( o C)






20 25 29.17 32 35 15 20 25 30 32 10 15 20.84 25 28 16.67 12.50 28

5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 15 15 15 15 15 20 25 12

75 70 65.83 63 60 75 70 65 60 58 75 70 64.16 60 57 63.33 62.50 60

192 259 355 336 315 172 234 314 291 282 149 187 286 275 271 256 243 285

195 262 344 336 323 186 223 322 303 285 150 204 299 279 273 275 258 275

Ts( o C)

251 328 380 380 360 233 264 378 346 324 192 249 348 321 300 310 286 325

a x 1 0 6 ( o c -1 )

a ×106(oC-1)


calc. a)

22.4 18.2 15.0 14.0 13.0 22.4 19.4 15.2 14.0 13.0 23.0 19.2 15.4 14.0 13.4 15.6 15.8 13.6

23.11 19.27 16.05 15.67 15.27 23.85 20.13 16.37 15.73 15.37 24.54 20.93 16.69 16.16 15.83 16.98 17.25 15.91

(15.28) (14.88)

(14.98) (14.72)

(15.55) (14.74)


a) Values in parentheses are those calculated by allowing the maximum number of G e - S e bond formation.

3.1. Region A From the a-temperature data of the glass compositions studied, it was found that the region of essentially const~mt ct extends up to 100°C or higher for the Se-rich glasses and well beyond this temperature for the Ge-rich glasses of the system. The dependence of a on composition is seen to be similar for the three families of glasses studied (fig. 2) with c~ decreasing as the Ge content in the glasses is increased. The fall of et is steeper for the Se-rich glasses as compared to the Ge-rich glasses, resulting in an angularity or break at the stoichiometric composition. As discussed in detail elsewhere [1-5] in connection with the other properties of these glasses, this angularity is associated with the change in structural arrangement taking place in glasses with change in composition. In brief, the lowering of a as Ge content is increased is associated with the strengthening of the glass network due to the continuous replacement of chain-like Se s.u. by tetrahedral s.u. of GeSe 2 for the Se-rich glasses and the replacement of GeSe 2 s.u. by G e for the Ge-rich glasses. By a similar reasoning, the reduction of a (i) as Se is replaced by Sb at any given Ge content, and (ii) with increasing GeSe 2 content for the stoichiometric compositions (fig. 2) can be traced respectively to the replacement of some percentage of (i) chain-like Se s.u. by trigonal s.u. of S b 2 S e 3 and (ii) trigonal S b 2 S e 3 s . u . by tetrahedral GeSe 2 s.u.

S. Mahadevan et aL / Dilatometric studies on G e - S b - Se


XIO-6 3C



I 10




: Sb




: Se



." 10 : 9 0 - X


[] •

X : 15 : 85-X 115.67, 20 " 63.33

12.5 : ~5 :e2.s






I I 20 Atomic percent of Ge

I 30


Fig. 2. Variation of a with composition for the G e - S b - S e glasses. The dotted line is drawn through the stoichiometric composition of the system.

While a change of over 80% in the magnitude of a is seen (fig. 2) across compositions of a given family, the change in a for the stoichiometric compositions of the system (dotted line, fig. 2) is about 15%. This behaviour is similar to the behaviour of elastic modulii of these glasses [5]. In the G e - S e system also, the dependence of a on composition exhibits an angularity at the GeSe 2 composition [7,8], while the A s - S and A s - S e systems, a minimum in a is seen for the compositions ms2S 3 and As2Se 3 [9,10]. The dotted line running through the stoichiometric compositions (fig. 2) when extrapolated to 33.33 at.% of Ge, gives a value of 15.7 × 1 0 - 6 / ° C for GeSe 2. This agrees well with reported value of a for GeSe 2 [7]. A similar extrapolation of the "stoichiometric line" of fig. 2 to zero Ge content gives a value of 18 × 10-6//°C, which can be taken as the value of a for Sb 2Se 3. As already indicated, the composition dependence of several properties of the G e - S b - S e glasses can be accounted for by using the C O N M , wherein GeSe 2 and Sb2Se 3 s.u. are dispersed among excess Se and Ge. Using the same model for the atomic arrangement, an attempt was m a d e to see if a of these glasses can be calculated using the a of the individual s.u.. For GeSe 2 and SbaSe 3 the values of a obtained as indicated above were used. A value of 41.67 × 10-6//°C was used for the a of Se [11]. As a of amorphous Ge is not available a value of 6 × 10-6//°C of crystalline Ge [12] was used in the calculation to see the general nature of the behaviour of a with composition. It

S. Mahadevan et al. / Dilatometric studies on G e - S b - S e


is interesting to see that an expression of the form Og = E OgiXi

where a, and x i are the expansion coefficients and weight fractions, respectively, of the individual compounds/elements, the s.u. of which make up the total structure of the glass, gives values of a which agree well with experimental values, as can be inferred from the data in table 1. The agreement is better for Se-rich glasses (within 5%) as compared to the Ge-rich glasses (within 15%). As already pointed out [1], based on the G e - S e bond energy, the possibility of formation of larger number of G e - S e bonds in lieu of some Sb-Se bonds cannot he ruled out for the Ge-rich glasses. Values of a were calculated for these Ge-rich glasses allowing for formation of maximum G e - S e bonds and using a value of 10.88 x 1 0 - 6 / ° C for the ~ of Sb. Values of a thus obtained (table 1) show better agreement with experimental values than those calculated on the basis of Sb2Se 3 formation.

3.2. Region B The dependence of a on temperature for GexSbloSego_ x glasses is shown in fig. 3. It is seen (fig. 3) that the change in a during glass transition (Aa) is

50~-otO/ofSb" o ~ ~=°r\-








-oo I

~ //.

60_ 60


~o °,o,oo. , o / ;


/71_ o




"~,~o q /






/~ 2O


200 300 T(*C) Fig. 3. Dependence of a on T for five glasses of the Ge,,SbtoSego_x family. The inset shows the variation of a during transition of different compositions for the three families of glasses studied.

S. Mahadevan et al. / Dilatometric studies on G e - S b - S e


much larger for the Se-rich glasses as compared to the Ge-rich. Also, the increase in a begins at temperatures of 30 to 40°C lower than Tg for the Se-rich glasses. For the Ge-rich glasses on the other hand, the region of essentially constant a extends almost upto Tg and these glasses register an increase in a only at Tg. This general variation of a with composition was found to be similar for the other two families GexSbsSe95_ x and GexSblsSe85_ x studied. While for Se-rich glasses an increase in a of 40 to 60 x 10-6/°C (compared to its value below Tg) is seen during glass transition, the increase for the Ge-rich glasses is about 15 to 30 x 1 0 - 6 / ° C (inset fig. 3). The value of Aa for Se, as inferred from the data of ref. 13 is about 97 X 10-6/°C. SesoTe20 glasses which have a large concentration of Se also show a large change in a (zaa of about 100 X 10-6/o C) during glass transition and this increase begins at a temperature lower thanTg [14]. Thus in the case of network glasses G e - S b - S e studied presently, the value of Aa is seen to reduce by a factor of about two for the Se-rich glasses and about five for the Ge-rich glasses as compared to the value in pure Se. Qualitatively it is possible to rationalise this behaviour based on the chain like arrangement of excess Se in Se-rich glasses compared to the network arrangement of excess Ge in Ge-rich glasses.

4. Conclusions Dilatometric studies have been performed on several glasses of the G e - S b - S e systems. The a-temperature data has two regions, a region A below Tg where a is essentially constant with change of temperature, followed by a region around T~ where a increases with increase of temperature. In the region A, the composition dependence of a is identical for the three families of glasses studied, with the a-composition data exhibiting an angularity at the corresponding stoichiometric composition of each family. The results are explicable based on the C O N M model, with which it was possible to understand the behaviour of the other properties of this system. An expression of the form a = E a i x ~where ai and x~ are the expansion coefficient and weight fraction respectively of the various compounds/elements which form the s.u. in the glasses gives values of a agreeing well with experimental data. In the region of glass transition, a increases with temperature. This increase is larger (40 to 60 x 1 0 - 6 / ° C more compared to the value of a below Tg) and begins at temperatures below Tg for the Se-rich glasses as compared to the Ge-rich glasses where the increase is smaller (about 15 to 30 x 1 0 - 6 / ° C ) and begins at T~. The dilatometer used in this work was purchased out of a grant financed by the Department of Electronics, Government of India.


S. Mahadeoan et al. / Dilatometric studies on G e - S b - S e

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