1179 he has done those of
duties of
coroner as
Moreover, it is distinctly undesirable that
should himself act in the double
produced which has been compared to two besoms stuck together and io technically known as "trichorrhexis nodosa." Far more common than this splitting of the shaft, whether at its surface or in its substance, is ’’ end splitting, " in which the hair divides at its extremity into three or
a coroner
A coroner makes a declaration to do his duties as coroner, not as interpreter, the latter being sworn to
interpret between him and the witnesses. Dr. Davies may four segments, which extend from about a quarter of an be congratulated on having made a good fight and on having inch to an inch down the shaft. This often occurs in very been supported by the most infiuential of the County long hair, as in that of women on the head or in men with Councillors. long, untrimmed beards, and is then explained by the hair being insufficiently nourished owing to its great distance from THE LONDON CAB HORSE. the roots. This at most only accounts for a moderate of cases, and clipping is the obvious cure. A CONFERENCE is to be held at St. James’s Hall on Monday proportion In next with the object of improving the condition of the London many cases, however, the cause is situated at the root end, where there may be folliculitis, or some one of the causes, local cab horse in respect of stabling and housing. Medical pracor titioners have frequent occasion to make use of the services general, of which examples have been given. In some of that willing slave the cab horse, and may be glad to assist persons whose hair is by no means long, especially as regards the hairy portion of the face, the splitting may extend comso praiseworthy an undertaking. pletely down to the root and sometimes apparently starts from there, so that unless closely examined it would appear MEDICAL REGISTRATION. Careful investigation as if several hairs came from one root. WE would urge on our readers the importance of taking into the cause of the defective nutrition is obviously careful note of the intimation issued, according to annual before rational treatment can be prescribed. custom, by the Medical Registrar, which will be found in necessary is sometimes easy, as when the patient has recently Inattention to theThis our advertisement columns this week. a severe illness, trouble or anxiety, or has through requirement to forward to any of the respective branch passeddiscernible of the skin ; or it may be very local affection registrars a change of address, or to answer at once any lettersome such comparatively scantily nourished strucof inquiry that may be sent in respect thereof, will subject adifficult, tures as the hair and nails even at their best, being often more registered practitioner to the loss and inconvenience attending subtle detectors of some from health than our ___
the removal of his
from the Medical
methods of investigation can possibly be. Still other corroborative indications of defective health may DIPHTHERIA AND BOARD SCHOOLS. be discoverable either in the patient or his surroundings, and WE understand there is still some difference of opinion1 while these must be met according to circumstances, some between the Vestry of Islington and the School Board as to from local treatment 0help may be afforded in many casps. the prevalence of diphtheria in the Yerbury Schools and the for hair has been already alluded to, frequent clipping long s causes of such prevalence. It is not unlikely that this but does not afford much encouragement when the hair is difference may have to be (liscussed in a court of law. It would short. Nor can good be anticipated from the hair" If dresser’s usual recommendation of have been much more satisfactory if the medical officers of "singeing after cutting, II to seal the respective authorities could have come to some mutual up the tubes," as he usually phrases it, thus displayls agreement with regard to measures for placing the schools not ing only his ignorance of the solid structure of the above suspicion, which at present is certainly not their case, ’- hair, but also of the physical law which, even if it were a even if they be not thefons et origo of the diphtheria of the le tube, would not allow fluid to escape from it. Such local pupils. remedies are calculated to be of service as will increase the blood-supply to the skin, and therefore to the insufficiently HAIR SPLITTING. papilla, shaving being one such means. We need IT is universally admitted that ’’ hair splitting," in its however, now discuss details, but would merely point metaphorical sense, is a waste of time and pains, but it may out the rutionade of these conditions of hair-splitting and the not be altogether superfluous to discuss briefly the causes principles of the treatment which are required to obviate and treatment, so far as is known, of the actual splitting of them. the hair, of the scalp and face. It is simply one of several1 signs which may be exhibited by hair whose nutrition is EXECUTION OF NEILL, THE SOUTH LONDON damaged by either local or general causes. Healthy hair has" MURDERER. a gloss upon it due to its lubricating gland, a definite "set," THE execution of the poisoner Neill on the morning of and a remarkable elasticity, so that, if bent at ever so acute lastbrought with it an almost demonstrable feeling an angle, it straightens itself at once when relieved from to the mind of the community. His disposition of relief with its nutrition occur, pressure. But let any interference to have manifested a strongly criminal bias, early appears condition suchas constitutional syphilis, whether from general diabetes, phthisis, fevers &c., or from local causes injuring which his after career bore out with a hideous and diabolical the hair papilla, as may be seen in alopecia areata, completeness in action. The whole history is too familiar to newspaper readers to warrant repetition in our pages. The or from the invasion of an organism, as in ringworm, sentence of death was passed upon him by Mr. Justice Hawkins or if the function of the sebaceous gland is interferedwith, In response to as in seborrhoga and many infiammatory diseases of the scalp- after trial at the Central Criminal Court. then some or all of the qualities which we unconsciously representations made by his solicitors to the efEect that value in our hair are lost. It no longer preserves its natural evidence tending to prove the culprit’s insanity was on its It direction or " set"and becomes difficult to keep in order, way from America, a respite was granted for a week. the hair shaft is dry and lustreless, becomes finer and splits would appear, however, that sufficiently strong evidence and breaks in ways which vary with the individual as well as to warrant any alteration in the original sentence was The responsibility thrown upon the from the cause being various. In some people, the hair not forthcoming. becomes so dry and brittle that it breaks with the ordinary Home Secretary in this matter by the provisions of the manipulations of the toilet, a condition known as "fragilitas Criminal Lunatics Act of 1884 is assuredly no light one. We crinium" ; in others the shaft is a little ’tougher and a green- are confident that the public are satisfied with Mr. Asquith’s stick fracture results, the liair not breaking quite across, ultimate decision that there were no real grounds for but the and an appearance interfering with the death penalty in Neill’s case. There fibres splitting coarser
nourished I not, es