472 of instruction for the Diploma pursuance of a course of consecutive post-graduate are given at the Maudsley study of the clinical and epidemiologi...

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472 of instruction for the Diploma pursuance of a course of consecutive post-graduate are given at the Maudsley study of the clinical and epidemiological aspects of Hospital, Denmark Hill, which has recently been tuberculosis of six months’ duration at a recognised definitely recognised as a school of the University university, medical school, or hospital where such of London. The course consists of two parts, and a course is given ; or, alternatively, a certificate of is adapted for the diploma of the Conjoint Board, one year’s post-graduate work as a whole-time member the University of London, or the University of of the staff of a tuberculosis hospital, sanatorium, or Cambridge. The fee for the whole course (Parts I. dispensary approved by the Ministry of Health, signed and II.) is 15 guineas, or for either part separately by the representative of the authorities for whom the 10 guineas. work was performed or by the administrative medical Appointments as clinical assistants are obtainable at officer concerned ; (b) a certificate of satisfactory the Maudsley Hospital. The holding of such appoint- pursuance of a course of consecutive post-graduate ments for varying periods satisfies the requirements of practical study of the Pathology and Bacteriology of the different examining bodies in respect of practical Tuberculosis of three months’ duration at a tubercustudy of mental disorders. The appointments and losis laboratory or a recognised general laboratory other facilities for clinical experience are open to where such a course is given ; (e) a certificate of three qualified medical practitioners apart from the courses months’ satisfactory attendance at a tuberculosis of instruction. Inquiries as to lectures should be institute or dispensary. The courses may be taken concurrently. addressed to the Director of the Pathological The examination is divided into two parts. An tory, Maudsley Hospital, Denmark Hill, S.E. 5 ; and as to clinical facilities, to the Medical Super- examination in each part will be held annually in intendent at the same address. the first week of July. The fee for examination is A course of lectures and practical instruction 210 10s. Applications should be made to the Registrar for the Diploma in Psychological Medicine, granted of the University, University Registry, Cathays Park, by the various Universities, is held at Bethlem Royal Cardiff, not later than May 15th. Hospital twice annually, during the spring and autumn. The fee for the full course is 15 guineas ; for Part A separately 10 guineas, and for Part B DIPLOMA IN RADIOLOGY. separately 10 guineas. Communications should IN June, 1919, the University of Cambridge be addressed to the Physician - Superintendent, In instituted a Diploma in Medical Radiology and Bethlem Royal Hospital, London, S.E. 1. addition clinical instruction in psychological medicine Electrology to be taken by medical graduates after is given at Bethlem Royal Hospital every morning a course of study extending over a period of six (except Wednesdays) at 11o’clock. The fee for months or more. The lecture course in Part I. post-graduates is 5 guineas for three months’ attend- consists of physics and electro-technics with photoance, but a reduction is made to those who attend graphy ; in Part II. of radiology and electrologyin each case with special reference to diagnosis and the diploma course. Six months’ clinical experience is treatment. required in the electrical department of a hospital recognised by the committee for this purpose. Lecture DIPLOMA IN OPHTHALMIC a year alternately in courses are arranged twice MEDICINE. Candidates for the Cambridge and in London. SPECIAL diplomas in ophthalmic medicine and Cambridge course spend three months in Cambridge and the remainder in London or elsewhere. The next surgery are issued by two examining bodies. London course begins Oct. 1st, and the next CaraUniversity of Oxford.-The diploma in ophthalmology bridge course Jan. 7th. Application to the Secretary, (D.O.) is granted to registered medical practitioners Dr. Shillington Scales, Medical Schools, Cambridge. after passing an examination, held annually in July, which is open to candidates who have pursued at Oxford a course of study in ophthalmology over a DIPLOMA IN PUBLIC HEALTH. period of at least two months and who have attended a 12 months’ recognised hospital course. Further information regarding these requirements may be As usual we include in the Students’ Number of obtained from the Dean of the School of Medicine. THE LANCET an epitome of the instruction given at Conjoint Board R.C.P. Lond., B.C.S. B-ng.-The various universities and centres of medical education Conjoint Board grants the D.O.M.S. after an exa- to medical men desiring to obtain diplomas in sanitary mination held in two parts, twice yearly in science, public health, hygiene or State medicine, January and July. Part I. comprises anatomy as this discipline is variously called. Resolutions, and embryology of the visual apparatus, physiology designed with a view of ensuring " the possession of a of vision, and elementary optics. Part II. comprises distinctively high proficiency, scientific and practical, optical defects, ophthalmic medicine and surgery, in all the branches of study which concern the public and pathology with special reference to ophthalmology. health," have been adopted at various times by the The The examination in each case is written, oral, and General Medical Council from 1902 to 1922. practical or clinical. Candidates may only enter for new regulations, which came into force on Jan. 1st last, Part II. on completion of a year of special study of extend the period of study and postpone the granting ophthalmology after obtaining a registrable qualifica- of a diploma until at least two years from qualification. tion. Fee for admission to each part, 26 6s. Conjoint Board of the R.C.P. Lond. and R.C.S. Erag. - new regulations came into force on Jan. lst, 1924, which apply to all candidates who have not commenced bona-iide study of Public Health in DIPLOMA IN TUBERCULOUS accordance with the above regulations before that DISEASES. date. They are as follows : The Examination conA DIPLOMA in Tuberculous Diseases is given by the sists of two Parts. Part I. will be held in the months Candidates must possess a of January, April, and June, and Part II. in the University of Wales. medical qualification registrable for practice in Great months of January, April, and July in each year. Britain and Ireland, and be not less than 25 years of Candidates may enter for Parts I. and II. separately age, and either (Category A) have held, for a period or at the same time, but they must pass Part I. before The Examination in each of not less than five years, whole-time appointments proceeding to Part II. for work in tuberculosis ; or (Category B) have held part will be written, oral, and practical. Part II. a registrable qualification to practise for at least one will include a practical examination in Infectious year, and presented (a) a certificate of satisfactory Diseases, Food Inspection, and Inspection of selected In London,



Psychological Medicine
