[J. F. I.
Direct Evidence of Atom Building. R . A . MILLIKAN AND G. H. CAMERON. ( S c i e n c e , April I3, '28.) Millikan and his coadjutors have studied the penetration of the cosmic rays into the waters of mountain lakes i n California and Bolivia and, in the opposite direction, have obtained registration of their effects by sending selfrecording electrometers up on sounding balloons to such an elevation that nine-tenths of the earth's atmosphere lay beneath. Such investigations made during the last year show that the cosmic rays consist of wave-lengths occurring in bands of definite frequency and, therefore, do not cover continuously long stretches of the spectrum. The frequencies of the rays are IOO,OOO,OOO,OOO times as large as those of the radiation from a neon lamp or a CooperHewitt mercury arc lamp. This difference accounts for their great penetrating power. In the spectrum of the rays there are four chief regions found in a range of three octaves, and all of the four can be accounted for according to Einstein's equation as emitted upon the combination of positive electrons, that is, of hydrogen nuclei or protons, with negative electrons to form the atoms of light elements. The most prominent band in the spectrum is due to the union of four protons with four electrons to make an atom of helium. This is accompanied by a loss of mass which goes off in the form of energy in an ether wave having a calculated coefficient of absorption that agrees within a few per cent. of the coefficient actually observed. The formation of oxygen and nitrogen from hydrogen causes the second spectral region, the creation of silicon and magnesium accounts for the third and the making of the iron atom for the fourth. For some decades it has been known that " heavier atoms are disintegrating into lighter ones," but evidence has been wanting of the inverse constructive process. " The present experiments constitute the first discovery of such evidence. It must be taken with some reserve and must be subjected to further critical analysis and further experimental tests. But, as far as they go, these experiments are at least indications, and the first direct indications, that all about us, either in the stars, the nebulm or in'the depths of space, the creative process is going on, and that the cosmic rays that have been studied for the past few years constitute the announcements broadcast through the heavens of the birth of the ordinary elements out of positive and negative electrons. If it is confirmed it will constitute new proof that this is a changing, dynamic and continuously evolving world instead of a static or merely disintegrating one." G. F. S.