Disaster avoidance and business recovery solution
An invitation to anti-virus software testing lab
and Computer Network Technology Corporation IBM (CNT) have agreed to form a strategic relationship to
ophos has opened its doors to its in-house software S test laboratory to organizations wishing to evaluate
provide comprehensive disaster avoidance and business transaction recovery capability. IBM Global Services, through its business recovery service offering, and CNT will work together to develop unique recovery solutions that a d d r e s s e m e r g i n g c u s t o m e r r e q u i r e m e n t s , particularly in the area of High Availability Solutions.
anti-virus software. The facility is designed to help administrators of complex, multi-server networks to see how they can best implement virus protection within their organization. The network at the lab can replicate any system configuration, claims the company, whether running DOS, NetWare, Windows, W i n d o w s 95, Windows NT, OS/2, Banyan Vines and various Unix platforms.
High Availability Solutions involve an advanced set of techniques that are used to reduce recovery time, and eliminate or decrease the amount of information lost in a disaster or disruption. In particular, banks and other financial institutions rely on high availability techniques, because regulatory requirements dictate that industry members without critical information for a certain length of time face punitive fines. Recently, IBM, using CNT's communications compression capability, was able to reduce the cost of a large bank's High Availability Solution by hundreds of thousands of dollars a month. CNT's DS-3 capability more than doubles the amount of data that can be transmitted over a 45 Mbit/sec DS-3 link. This allows the customer to halve the number of communication circuits required at their location.
Lock and key protects data on screen Ltd has announced the launch of VideGuard, the B iiC security device that uses an actual lock and key to p r o t e c t s e n s i t i v e i n f o r m a t i o n o n - s c r e e n from unauthorized eyes. VideGuard is a small in-line switch with a metal key which plugs in between the video port and the monitor cable, then fixes to the side of the monitor. Once the key is turned and removed the screen is locked and blank, but any loaded software applications will continue to run. Any data on the screen cannot be viewed, copied, edited or accessed in any way. Because the product works with a key there are no passwords to remember. For further inJbrmation, contact Paul Hancox, BiiC Ltd on." +44 181 332 8929,'fax: +44 181 332 8930.
For further information, contact Sophos on." +44 1235 559933.
Audit Commission launches Computer Fraud & Abuse 1997 Audit Commission is undertaking its sixth T hetriennial survey on the incidence of computer fraud and abuse in the public and private sectors of the UK. The survey will include computer fraud and other IT abuse including hacking, viruses, sabotage, theft of data and software, use of unlicensed software and unauthorized private work. Survey forms are being sent to heads of f i n a n c e of 5000 public and private sector organizations.
"abuse including hacking, viruses, sabotage, theft of data and software"
If your organization has suffered from any form of computer fraud to abuse and you would like to contribute to the survey, please contact the CFS97 unit in confidence at the Audit Commission, Nicholson House, Lime Kiln Close, Stoke Gifford, Bristol BS12 6SU or phone 0117 900 1446; fax: 0117 900 1565; E-mail: chufford
Computer Fraud & Security May 1997 © 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd