Discussion on strata control developments on the European continent

Discussion on strata control developments on the European continent

149A MINES BRANCH, DEPT. EN~GY, MINES, RESOURCES, OTTAWA, CANADA, 1973, P83-I00. The Min.l.rJg Research Centre has been interested in raise boring du...

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MINES BRANCH, DEPT. EN~GY, MINES, RESOURCES, OTTAWA, CANADA, 1973, P83-I00. The Min.l.rJg Research Centre has been interested in raise boring during the last few years. This interest has taken the farm of a literature survey, observation of raise boring operations amd research associated with an umdergroumd raise boring operation. This report s t y l izes the knowledge that was gathered about the performance of raise berers as a function of geology anl rock properties.

tool and the lines and pulley are encased in a tube. This prevents trouble when the lines are uncoiled. 1463 ATLAS COPCO AETIEBOLAG Driving tunnels. Patent. UK PATEI~ NO.I,343,4/~4,PUBL.DATE JAN.9,1974. The machine, which is suitable far ~m~11 turmels, has a pivoted cutting head mounted on a frame. The head reciprocates up erzl down and sideways and the head cuts in all directions;

1458 WATSON, JD PHYSICS INFERNAT.CO. SAN LEANDRO, USA GODFREY, CS PHYSICS INI~NAT.CO. SAN LE&NDRO, USA REAM- a new concept far hard rock excavation. Proc. 8th C a ~ a ~ a n Rock Mechanics Symposium, Toronto, Nov. 1972. lOF, 3R. MINES BRANCH, DEI~f.ENERGY, MINEs, RE SOURCES, OTTAWA, CANADA, 1973, P141-158. This paper presents the results of full scale field tests of the REAM concept far using projectile impact as a primary method of excavation in medium and hard rock. A 13foot diameter, 26-foot long turmel was driven by utilizing the kinetic energy of lO-poumd concrete projectiles impacting at 5,000 fps; The characteristics of the projectile impact process including the efficiency of the breakage mechanism, ejects properties, muck distribution and wall control, are discusse@.

1459 CALD~, PN QUEENS UNIV. KINGSTON, ONT. CDN Rock mechanics aspects of large hole boring machine design; Proc; 8th Canadian Rock Mechanics Symposium, Teronto, Nov;1972. 12F, SR° MINES BRANCH, DEPT. ENERGY, MINE S,RESOURCES, OITAWA, CANADA, 1973, P159"175. 1460 WHIETAKER, BN Discussion on strata control developments on the European continent; Discussion of eriginal paper, Min.Engr; Vol 132, No.153, June 1973. IF. MIN. ENGR. VI33, NI62, MAY, 1974, P361-366. A.B. Szwilski opens this discussion with comments on the benefits gained from machine-bored roadways s_nd the general topic of cutting roadways amd turm~ls by machine. The author, in response to a question by E. Corcoran, presents technical details of the tunnelling machine operating at Minster Stein Colliery in the Ruhr coalfield, anl discusses the performance of the machine arg the minimum l e r ~ of drivage needed far the operation of the machlne.J. Ruahton mentions the German practice of extracting a seam in total and the increasing use of full column resin bolts in European mines anl the author gives his opinion on the applicability of these methods in British mines. In response to a question from R. Krishma the author discusses the measures used in Western G~nnany to combat floor heave and then, answering a question from T.N. Burke, considers methods for sealing the sides of roadways to prevent heatlngs. Other points covered by B.N. Whittaker, in answering a question from T.T. Clark, are the Moll arch system, rectangular roadway stability, powered roof supperts at face T-Junction, support of cavity above powered roof supports and alternative layouts to blocking out. 1461 ATLAS COPCO AKT~BOLAG Tunnel boring machine. Patent. UK PATENT N0.I,343,748, F[YBL.DATE JAN.16.1974. A tuzmelling machine is divided into two pivotally connected parts so as to swing about an axis perpenllcular to the axis of the tunnel for steering purposes. 1462 LEHMANN, 0 Sinking holes or shafts. Patent. UK PATENT NO.I, 344,692,PUBL.DATE JAN.23,1974. A weighted pulley is suspended from power lines to a

1464 L U B E ~ S , GK Cons%ruction of underground structures unler complex hydraulic engineering comditions: 3F, IT. SOIL M E C H . F O ~ A T I O N ENG.Vl%~,JULY-AUG.1973,P262-266. The paper describes methods of construction of two scale tanks far a plate-rolling mill at the Azovstal metallurgical plant in Zhdonov. The selection of the design was based on a comparison of the technical amd economical indices of reinforced concrete caissons, monolithic and sectional caissons being sunk by the usual method, and sectional monolithic caissons sunk in a thixohropic Jacket. The results of comparison of the methods and estimated cost are given. STARFIELD, AM UNIV.WITWATERSRAND, ZA CROUCH, SL UNIV.MINNESOTA MINNEAPOLIS, USA Elastic analysis of single seam extraction. Symposium. In New Horizons in Rock Mechanics. 5F,12R. PROC.14TH SYMPOSI~ ON ROCK MECHANICS, ASCE, NEW YORK, 1973, P421-439. A digital computer method far calculating the stresses and displacements induced by mlnirg seam- or veln-type deposits is described; The method, which does not employ conventional finite element techniques, is based on a three-dimensional analysis of a linearly elastic rock mass. It can be used to compute stresses and displacements at locations in the immediate roof or floor of an excavation, or further into the rock mass. The method can be applied to complicated excavation geometries in the plane of the seam, which may be inclined at any angle to the primitive stress directions. Generalizations of the method can take into account the effects of backfill, artificial roof support, and nonlinear or time-depenlent seam behaviors. Examples are given to demonstrate the practical value of this work as an aid to rational planning of mining layouts. Auth. 1466 HARDY, MP UNIV. MINNESOTA, MINNEAPOLIS, USA CROUCH, SL UNIV.MINNESOTA,MINNEAPOLIS,USA FAIRHURST, C UNIV. MINNESOTA, MINNEAPOLI S, USA Hybrid computer analysis of seam extraction. Symposium; In New Horizons in Rock Mechanics. Ab str act. PROC.14TH SYMPOSIUM ON ROCK MECHANICS, ASCE, NEW YORK, 1973,P749. Reeenh research at the University of Minnesota has established that an analog can be linked to a digital computer to solve problems that are impractical with either device used separately; The digital computer and the analog are interfaced so that the digital computer can receive information from the analog via a switching matrix and an analog to digital converter, and can activate points of the analog via another switching matrix and a set of digital to an~log converters. The resulting hybrid system can be used to simulate arbitrary "stressstrain" characteristics for ar~ pertion of the seam by an iterative procedure similar to the initial strain method used in nomlinear finite element analysis. The hybrid computer system has mamy implications for rational planning of underground excavations, since it allows any type of nonlinear seam behavlour or artificial support to be simulated. Nonlinear seam behaviour, for example, might be due to either rock failure or to time-dependent deformation. Auth.