J3h(a new treatment
is :il.q)lied to tlrt: calculation
of the, spatial tlktribution
current for a particular sh;q~ of conductor, one which is relevant to many rcsistancc: welding processes. ‘I& predictions sgrcc accurately with cxpcrimcntal
data obtained
from the: examination of a series of WMs. The theory is then applkd to the spcciaf case of the ~~~ectri~~contact between gold pieces and shown to offer an explanation of the anomalous behaviour mentioned above. Good agreement is demonstrated between the theoretical predictions and the experimental results.
Systematic Abstracts of Current Prepared by Buftrlle
Ket)rinted from Battelle Technical
195’1 (for introductory
HStemessung. Grundiagen, Begriffe und Methoden. Hardness i\leasmxment. l~rtntlarncntals, Theories, and Methods. 5. Hraun. Schzeeiz~r .qurhi0 fiil- . I ~~~i,~[~~z~i~ Wdsscnschaft mad Technik, v. L.+, no. 4. Apr. ‘958, p. 106-133. Hardness and deformation properties; hardheterogencons and anisotropic ness of specimens. Volume, surface, and penetration hardness. Static and dynamic empirical measurements. Construction, control, and calibration of measuring instruments. Apphcations. Impact Forces in Mechanisms. Ray C. Johnson. Machine T1rsip1, v. 30, June IZ, 1958, p. 138-146. i\ simple analytical technique that brackets impact forces resulting from elastic collisions within a “likely” range. Grain Boundaries in Metals. 1). McLean. 346 pp. 1957. Oxfortl Ilnivcrsity Press, London. Modern theories of grain boundaries; energies of interfaces; energy of grain boundaries and microstructure; solute concentration at grain boundary-equilibrium segregation; influence of boundaries during deformation: subboundaries; diffusion along boundaries; migration of boundaries; sliding at grain boundaries; intergranular brittleness.
notes see p. 74)
The Initiation of Cleavage Fracture at the Intersection of Deformation Twins in Zinc Single Crystals. Ii. I,. Bell and Ii. \V. (‘ahn. Irlsfrlutc* 01 n/l&&, f~~icirt, V. 116, pt. ro, June to,+, P. 433.434;. M&allographic examination of single crystals of Zn orientctl with basal planes nearly parallel to the wire axis lead to the conclusion that where fracture occurs, it is initiated by the mrcting of twins on (1012) and (IOIL). Dislocations and Cracks in Anisotropic Elasticity. L\. N. Stroh. i’~z~l~s~~~z~ru~ ~~Ii~~~f~~~~~‘, V. J, no. 3o. June 1958, p. Org-640. The stresses tluc to a dislocation, a wall 01 parallel dislocations, and a crack in an arl)itrary non-uniform stress ficltl are ohtarncd. Brittle Fracture. The Problem as It Exists Today. G. M. Boyd. MrtaZe?z, v. I 3, no. I I, JUCIC‘,j. ~958, p. roe-rag: no. I I, June 3o, rggS, p. ?24-22% l;ormdtion of brittle fracture in structural of propagation: outward steel. T’elocity appearance and orientation. Factors influrncing the appearance of the fracture. Effects of temperature and wrlding; remedial measures.