Atmospheric Pollution Research
Dispersalpatternsofpolybrominateddiphenyl ethers(PBDEs)in thevicinityofanautomotiveshreddingandmetalrecyclingfacility LaurenceK.Hearn1,DarrylW.Hawker2,JochenF.Mueller1 1
NationalResearchCentreforEnvironmentalToxicology,TheUniversityofQueensland,39Kessels Road,CoopersPlains,QLD,4108,Australia GriffithUniversity,SchoolofEnvironment,Nathan,QLD4111,Australia
ABSTRACT Concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were determined in air samples from nearalargeoutdoorautomotiveshreddingandmetalrecyclingfacilityandthesurroundinglocal area.Thiswasdoneusingacombinationofactiveairsamplers(AAS)measuringparticle–associated and vapor–phase compounds, and, for the first time, passive air samplers (PAS) consisting of polyurethanefoam(PUF)deployedathighspatialresolutionaroundthefacility.AASdatashowed –3 averagelevelsofє11PBDEintheadjacentcommercialprecinct(439±222pgm )wereonaveragea –3 factor of 50times higher than those in the residential area 1.5km away (8.5±3.6pgm ). In addition,thePBDEcompositioninairwasdifferentbetweenthecommercialandresidentialareas withquantifiableconcentrationsforelevenPBDEs(BDEͲ28,Ͳ47,Ͳ100,Ͳ99,Ͳ153,Ͳ183,Ͳ197,Ͳ196,Ͳ 206,Ͳ207andͲ209)inthecommercialarea.Incontrast,onlyfiveofthesecongenersweredetected intheresidentialarea.CongenerBDEͲ209dominatedtheprofileinairatbothactiveairmonitoring sites (i.e. commercial and residential) and was entirely associated with the particulate–phase, contributing on average 63% of the є11PBDE mass in samples. Congener composition in PAS deployedacrossthefieldstudyarea(16km2)werealsodominatedbyBDEͲ209withthiscongener representing75%oftheє11PBDEmassinsamples,aproportionsimilartothatobservedinactive samples.Theattenuationofє11PBDEsinPASvs.distancefromtherecyclingfacilitywasbestfitted 2 using an empirical exponential decay model (r =0.89). Model results indicated the major wind directionplaysonlyaminorroleindeterminingtheobservedspatialdistributionofPBDEs. ©Author(s)2011.ThisworkisdistributedundertheCreativeCommonsAttribution3.0License.
Keywords: Polybrominateddiphenylethers Automotiveshreddingandmetalrecyclingfacility Exponentialdecaymodel Atmosphere
ArticleHistory: Received:01April2012 Revised:06June2012 Accepted:06June2012
CorrespondingAuthor: LaurenceK.Hearn Tel:+61Ͳ7Ͳ3274Ͳ9060 Fax:+61Ͳ7Ͳ3274Ͳ9003 EͲmail:
[email protected]
1.Introduction Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are a class of persistent organic pollutant (POP) commonly employed as flame retardants. They are incorporated in many polymers and foams that are used in consumer furniture, automobiles and electronic products (Alaee et al., 2003; Schecter et al., 2005). There are concerns that PBDEs may pose a hazard to humans (Chao et al., 2007; Main et al., 2007) and the environment in general due to their toxicity (WHO, 1994). The listing of commercial pentabromodiphenyl ether (penta–BDE) and octabromodiphenyl ether (octa–BDE) as POPs under the Stockholm Convention has lead to their gradual phasing–out of production and reduction in useinmanycountries.Forexample,Australiaceasedimportations of the penta–BDE and octa–BDE in mid 2000 (NICNAS, 2005). DespitethesePBDEphase–outstherecyclingindustry,particularly electronic (E)–waste and automobiles represent substantial ongoingreservoirsforhumanandenvironmentalexposure. It has recently been reported that the global automotive industry produces approximately 50million tons of waste each year(Guoetal.,2012).InAustraliaalone,itisestimatedthatover 500000 end–of–life vehicles (ELVs) currently enter the waste stream in Australia each year (Environment Australia, 2002). Followingthedismantlingprocesstosalvageanypartsofeconomic value,theguttedvehicles(hulks)areeitherflattenedbycrushing, or sent directly (uncrushed) to a shredder facility. The shredding process separates the materials into three fractions: ferrous,
nonferrous, and automotive shredder residue (ASR). ASR comprises glass, rubber, plastics, fibers, dirt, and fines and is classifiedasahazardouswasteinEurope(Vermeulenetal.,2011). Ittypicallycontainsrelativelyhighconcentrationsofheavymetals (Nourreddine, 2007; Gonzalez–Fernandez et al., 2008) and POPs including, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) (US EPA, 1991) and PBDEs (Sakai et al., 2006; Petreas and Oros, 2009). The relatively high PBDE levels in ASR of between 50ppm (Petreas and Oros, 2009)and300ppm(Sakaietal.,2006)areaconsequenceofPBDEs being used extensively for flame retardation purposes during vehiclemanufacture(BSEF,2006). While ASR is a key area of environmental concern in relation to ELVs, few studies have focused on POP emissions to the atmosphere during the actual shredding process of automobiles (Francois et al., 2004; Cahill et al., 2007). During the highly energetic shredding process PBDEs entrained in ASR may be released to the air, potentially contaminating the local area and broaderatmosphere.Inaddition,suchrecyclingprocessesmayco– releaseaerosolsprovidingthenecessarytransportmechanismfor PBDEsrestrictedtotheparticulate–phase. Althoughactiveairsamplers(AAS)areaconventionaltoolfor sampling POPs such as PBDEs in air, they are impractical for sampling at high spatial resolution as they require electricity and are not cost effective. In contrast, passive air samplers (PAS) are simple tools that provide time–integrated estimates of concentrations in air (Shoeib and Harner, 2002; Bartkow et al.,
Active air samples in the commercial precinct were collected from the yard of a business adjacent to the recycling facility. The samplerwaswithina100moftheactualshredderandisdenoted assite4inFigure1.Intheresidentialareasampleswerecollected from an existing air monitoring station which forms part of the citywide Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM) air–monitoring network (denoted as site14 in Figure1). Additional meteorological data was also obtained from this air monitoring site. Also shown in Figure1 are the additional 12 PAS sites which were located along 4transects extending approxi– mately 2km east, south, west and north of the recycling facility and covered an area of approximately 16km2. Geographic coordinatesofallmonitoringsitestogetherwithdistancefromthe sourcearefoundinSupportingMaterial,SM(TableS1). 2.2.AAS Low–volumeactiveairsamplersweredeployedalongsidePAS atsite4inthecommercialareaandsite14intheresidentialarea duringthemainsummer(2009–2010)samplingperiod.Airsamples were collected using a filter–adsorbent active sampling system consisting of glass microfiber filters (GMF) (Whatman 90mm (GF/A, 1.6μm)) to collect particle–associated PBDEs and a glass cartridgefilledwithtwoPUFplugs(length4.0cm,diameter3.5cm, density 0.026gcm–3) to collect vapor phase PBDEs. The two PUF plugs placed within the glass cartridge were in series with the secondPUFplugusedtoassessanybreakthroughofvapor–phase PBDEs. This cartridge was attached to a low volume pump (Gardner Denver V–VTE) and a gas meter was employed to determine the volume of air sampled. The sampler inlet (a1.5m high) was oriented vertically with all particle sizes able to be sampled.Nobiasinparticlesizecollectedandbyassociation,POPs associatedwithdifferentparticlesizerangesisthereforeexpected.
2005). Because PAS are usable at many sites simultaneously and require no maintenance during deployment, they are useful for spatial surveys and related modeling. Several studies have used PAS on a meso–scale identifying PBDE urban–rural gradients (Gouinetal.,2005;Harneretal.,2006;HarradandHunter,2006; Hearn et al., 2012). More recently, studies have used PAS to identify the source–receptor relationships in urban and industrial areas(Baeketal.,2008;Choietal.,2008). In this study active air samples were collected in commercial andresidentialareasinthevicinityofalargeautomotiveshredding and metal and recycling facility. In addition, PAS were deployed around the perimeter of the recycling facility and along transects extending approximately 2km east, south, west and north of the sitetoinvestigatethespatialdistributionsinthelocalarea.Levels of PBDEs accumulated in PAS were assessed on the basis of their distance from the recycling facility and associations with meteorologicalconditions.
2.Experimental 2.1.Samplingsites The automobile shredding and metal recycling facility investigated in this study is the largest of its type in Brisbane, Australia. The entire operation is conducted outdoors and the facility is located in a main industrial region of Brisbane approximately 7km SW of the central business district that contains a combination of light, general, heavy and extractive industries and covers an area of about 30km2. A relatively large commercial precinct is located directly alongside the recycling facilityonthesouthernperimeterandthenearestresidentialarea isapproximately1.5kmWNWofthesite(Figure1).
Figure1.Locationofallairmonitoringsites(n=14)inthefieldstudyareaandthecommercialandresidentialareasinrelationtothe automotiveshreddingandmetalrecyclingfacility.MapsourcedandsitelocationsidentifiedusingGoogleMaps.
ionizationenergy38eV;electronmultipliervoltagesettoproduce In the commercial area, three active air samples were 3 6 a gain of 10 . Resolution was maintained at 5000 (10% valley collected: 11–18 January, 2010 (742m ); 28Jan–05Feb, 2010 (887m3)and16–23February,2010(604m3).Theaveragesampling definition) throughout the sample sequence. Selective Ion Monitoring (SIM) experiments were performed in the electron ratewasapproximately4m3h–1.Intheresidentialareatwoactive 3 impact mode with monitoring of the exact masses of appropriate airsampleswerecollectedbetween15–29January,2010(748m ) ionsfornativeandlabeledcompounds. and 6–19February, 2010 (712m3). Because a lower volume vacuum pump was used at the residential site, samples were 2.5.Qualitycontrol collected over a longer time period (i.e. 14days) with an average samplingrateofapproximately2.2m3h–1. Field and method blanks (i.e. solvent blanks) were collected for both the active and passive air samples. PBDE levels in the Prior to sampling, the GMFs were rinsed with acetone and method and field blanks were similar, indicating contamination placed in a furnace at 450°C for 24h. Once removed, they were placedinfoilenvelopesthatwerepreviouslyrinsedwithacetone. was negligible during transport and storage. Contamination of PUFplugswerepre–extractedusingacceleratedsolventextraction samplingmediawasrestrictedtocongenersBDE–47andBDE–209 (ASE) (Dionex, 300) with acetone and hexane (20/80 v/v). They and the average level (ngPUF–1) in blanks ranged between 0.2– were dried under a stream of nitrogen and stored in cleaned 4.8%oftheaverageconcentrationinvarioustypesofairsampling amberglassjarspriortofielddeployment.Allglasswarewaspre– media(i.e.PUFplugs,GMFsandPUFdisks).Foractiveairsampling cleaned, rinsed with acetone and wrapped in foil for transport to media the blank PUF plug and GMF values were combined to thesamplingsite. calculate the average level in blanks, with contamination in GMFs
Table1.Rangeofє11PBDEconcentrations(pgm )inaircollectedatthecommercialsite(site4),duringthesummer2009–2010samplingperiod.PBDE Ͳ1 Ͳ1 partitioningbehaviorisrepresentedbyconcentrations(ngPUF /ngGMF ) PBDEcongeners 28 47 Collectionperiod(11–18January,2010) 3 (Airvolumesampled–742m ) Ͳ1 2.9 20.0 PUFplug(ngPUF ) Ͳ3 Vapor–phase(pgm ) 3.9 27.0 Ͳ1 nd 8.8 GMF(ngGMF ) Ͳ3 na 11.9 Particulate–phase(pgm ) Ͳ3 3.9 38.9 Bulk(pgm ) Collectionperiod(28January–05February,2010) 3 (Airvolumesampled–887m ) Ͳ1 3.1 23.8 PUFplug(ngPUF ) Ͳ3 Vapor–phase(pgm ) 3.5 26.8 Ͳ1 nd 2.6 GMF(ngGMF ) Ͳ3 na 2.9 Particulate–phase(pgm ) Ͳ3 3.5 29.7 Bulk(pgm ) Collectionperiod(16–23February,2010) 3 (Airvolumesampled–604m ) Ͳ1 0.9 16.2 PUFplug(ngPUF ) Ͳ3 Vapor–phase(pgm ) 1.5 26.8 Ͳ1 nd 3.0 GMF(ngGMF ) Ͳ3 na 5.0 Particulate–phase(pgm ) Ͳ3 1.5 31.8 Bulk(pgm ) Ͳ3 3.5 31.8 Medianbulk(pgm ) Ͳ3 Meanbulk(pgm ) 3.0 33.5 SD 1.3 4.8 Blankvalues(n=6) Mean±SD 0.2±0.1 Ͳ1 0.08 0.5 LOD(ngPUF ) 13 69.3 85.0 Meanrecovery(%) C12 na:Notapplicable. nd:Notdetected. LOD:Methoddetectionlimit,definedasthemeanblankvalueplus3×SD.
196 207
8.2 11.1 21.2 3.2 14.3
1.7 2.3 2.4 28.6 30.9
0.10 0.13 nd na 0.1
1.1 1.5 24.2 32.6 34.1
nd na 5.6 7.5 7.5
2.7 3.0 nd na 3.0
11.5 13.0 5.6 6.3 19.3
0.2 0.23 nd na 0.2
1.2 1.4 5.4 6.1 7.5
1.8 3.0 nd na 3.0
7.9 13.0 7.6 12.6 25.6
0.2 0.3 nd na 0.3
3.0 6.8 6.5
25.6 25.3 5.8
0.08 na
0.08 55.2
nd nd nd na na na 1.2 14.4 9.0 1.6 19.4 12.1 1.6 19.4 12.1
nd na 378.8 510.0 510.0
nd na nd na na
nd na nd na na
nd na 2.6 2.9 2.9
nd na 0.2 0.2 0.2
nd na 148.2 167.0 167.0
1.0 1.7 13.6 22.5 24.2
nd na 2.0 3.3 3.3
24.2 21.9 13.4
5.4 5.4 3.0
301.0 326.0 172.9
409.2 439.4 221.6
0.08 56.1
0.1 50.7
0.1 46.4
nd na 2.6 4.3 4.3 4.3 5.5 6.0 0.1 na
nd na 181.8 301.0 301.0
0.2 0.2 0.1
nd nd na na nd 5.2 na 8.6 na 8.6 1.6 8.6 1.6 10.3 na 8.4 0.1 0.1 na 40.9
Table2.Rangeofє11PBDEconcentrations(pgm )inaircollectedattheresidentialsite(site14),duringthesummer Ͳ1 Ͳ1 2009–2010samplingperiod.PBDEpartitioningbehaviorisrepresentedbyconcentrations(ngPUF /ngGMF ) PBDEcongeners 28 47 100 Collectionperiod(15–29January,2010) 3 (Airvolumesampled–748m ) Ͳ1 0.4 1.8 0.1 PUFplug(ngPUF ) Ͳ3 0.5 2.4 0.1 Vapor–phase(pgm ) Ͳ1 GMF(ngGMF ) nd nd nd Ͳ3 na na na Particulate–phase(pgm ) Ͳ3 0.5 2.4 0.1 Bulk(pgm ) Collectionperiod(6Ͳ19February,2010) 3 (Airvolumesampled–712m ) Ͳ1 0.3 1.3 0.1 PUFplug(ngPUF ) Ͳ3 0.4 1.8 0.1 Vapor–phase(pgm ) Ͳ1 GMF(ngGMF ) nd nd nd Ͳ3 na na na Particulate–phase(pgm ) Ͳ3 0.4 1.8 0.1 Bulk(pgm ) Ͳ3 0.5 2.1 0.1 Median(bulk)pgm Ͳ3 Mean(bulk)pgm 0.5 2.1 0.1 SD 0.1 0.4 0.0 Blankvalues(n=2) Mean±SD 0.1 Ͳ1 0.08 0.1 0.08 LOD(ngPUF ) 13 78 85.2 na Meanrecovery(%) C12 na:Notapplicable. nd:Notdetected. LOD:Methoddetectionlimit,definedasthemeanblankvalueplus3×SD.
0.8 1.1 0.4 0.5 1.6
0.6 0.8 0.4 0.6 1.4 1.5 1.5 0.1
0.08 81.15
209 nd na 4.8 6.4 6.4
є5 11.0
nd na 1.6 2.2 2.2 4.3 4.3 3.0 0.08 76.45
5.9 8.5 8.5 3.6
0.2±0.2 0.8 33.4
Table3.Levels(ngPUF )ofɇ11PBDEsaccumulatedinPASalongfourtransectsduringthesummer(2009–2010)samplingcampaign PBDEcongener 28 47 100 99 153 183 a PASSite (km) 4 0.1 1.8 22.0 3.5 17.5 8.2 11.7 11 0.1 2.3 48.7 11.8 66.2 7.6 22.4 1 0.2 0.8 9.9 0.9 5.0 1.1 5.4 7 0.2 0.5 7.5 0.7 3.2 0.7 1.6 12 0.3 1.6 28.0 3.4 19.3 7.1 11.3 8 0.7 0.4 5.4 0.9 5.4 1.1 2.3 2 0.8 0.2 3.8 0.3 1.3 0.9 nd 5 1.0 0.1 1.1 0.1 0.3 nd nd 13 1.0 0.1 1.7 0.1 0.3 1.0 nd 9 1.3 0.2 1.9 0.1 0.7 0.7 nd 3 1.5 0.4 4.5 0.6 3.0 1.0 nd 10 1.7 0.1 1.4 0.1 0.2 0.5 nd 14 1.8 0.1 1.8 0.1 0.7 nd nd 0.7 0.6 nd 6 2.2 0.2 1.9 0.2 Median 0.9 0.3 4.2 0.5 2.2 1.0 8.4 Mean 0.9 0.6 10.0 1.6 8.8 2.5 9.1 SD 0.7 0.7 13.8 3.1 17.6 3.1 7.8 Blankvalues(n=4) Ͳ1 Meanblank(ngPUF ) 0.4 Ͳ1 0.5 LOD(ngPUF ) Meanrecovery 55.8 63.1 na 53.3 53.8 49.5 13 (%) C12 a PASdistance(km)fromsource. nd–Nondetected,naͲnotavailable. LOD–Methoddetectionlimit,definedasthemeanblankvalueplus3×SD.
5.4 20.5 4.2 1.0 9.1 1.0 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 4.8 6.9 7.3
4.3 12.0 3.4 0.5 10.0 0.2 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 3.9 5.1 4.9
20.0 12.5 10.3 nd 20.2 nd 0.9 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 12.5 12.8 8.0
206 20.8 16.5 8.3 3.5 17.9 1.2 1.8 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 8.3 10.0 8.3
209 307.9 1012.0 160.9 66.3 343.4 50.2 70.3 16.1 5.7 12.1 13.2
1.0 2.5
є11 423.1 1232.0 210.2 85.5 471.3 68.1 79.5 17.7 8.9 15.7 22.7 2.3 12.8 10.5 45.4 190.0 337.1
3.ResultsandDiscussion 3.1.AASdata Although 24 PBDEs were analyzed for, only congeners BDE– 28,–47,–100,–99,–153,–183,–197,–196,–207,–206and–209 were detected in both the AAS and PAS samples. Therefore, consideration of PBDE levels for the remainder of this work is in termsofthesumoflevelsofthese11congeners(є11PBDEs).Levels of PBDEs in air samples collected at the commercial site (site4) ranged between 233 and 673pgm–3 (see Table1) and were on average a factor of 50times higher than levels measured at the residential air monitoring site (see Table2). BDE–209 dominated congener composition in air at the commercial and residential air monitoringsitesandrepresented74and51%oftheє11PBDEmass in samples respectively. Based on AAS sampling data, all PBDEs with six or more bromines were effectively only detected in the particulate–phase(i.e.associatedwiththeGMFinactivesamples). The larger molecular weight congeners, due to their larger octanol–air partition coefficients (KOA) and lower vapor pressures, are restricted in their atmospheric transport to primarily the particulate–phase (Harner and Shoeib, 2002). Although hepta–, octa, and nona–BDE congeners were routinely detected at the commercialairmonitoringsite,theonlycongenersassociatedwith theparticulatephaseinairattheresidentialsitewereBDE–99and BDE–209(seeTable2). Cahilletal.(2007)reportedsimilarPBDElevelsandprofilein air near an automotive and shredding facility in the US. In that study, BDE–209 also dominated emissions and was entirely associated with the particulate phase with concentrations up to 1900pgm–3 at the downwind fenceͲline. Results from that study alsoindicatedPBDEairconcentrationsovertime(i.e.24hrs)were highlyvariable.Thiswasprimarilyattributedtothetimewhenthe facility was not in operation, suggesting aerosol generation from shredding activity was an important source for these heavier PBDEsatthesite. The PBDE levels in air at the residential site (site14) are comparable to those found in the only previous Australian study
(Toms et al., 2009) also undertaken in Brisbane, which reported PBDE levels using a similar low–volume active air sampling technique. In that study levels of ɇ26PBDEs in Brisbane’s ambient –3 airrangedbetween1.7and6.8pgm withcongenercomposition alsodominatedbyBDE–209. 3.2.PASdata–determiningreproducibilityandvariability IntermsofPASdatainthisstudywefocusonmass(ngPUF–1) to exclude any uncertainty in the sampled air volume from the discussion. The congener composition in PAS for both sampling periods was dominated by BDE–209 and on average contributed 75% to the є11PBDEs levels in PAS, a proportion similar to that observedinactivesamples.Fulldetailofthecongenercomposition inPASforeachsamplingperiodispresentedintheSM(FigureS1). In the preliminary (spring 2008) PAS deployment a limited number of sites (4, 7 and 12) were used to investigate reproducibility of PAS data collected around the perimeter of the automotiveshreddingfacilitybyinstallingtwoPUFdisksinasingle chamber.Thepercentrelativestandarddeviation(%RSD)between є11PBDElevelsaccumulatedinreplicatePUFdisksrangedbetween 7.8–10.8%. In comparison, the %RSD between the mean є11PBDE leveldeterminedateachairmonitoringsite(4,7and12)was34% (seetheSM,TableS4).VariabilityinPBDElevelswasalsodetected between these three sites in the following summer (2009–2010) sampling period with a %RSD of 63%. The increased %RSD in the latter sampling period was contributed to by PAS being deployed for approximately double the length of time (i.e. 81days). These resultsindicatethatconcentrationsofPBDEsimmediatelyoutside of the recycling facility were highly dependent on the location of the sampler relative to the facility. The variability between the sampling periods (spring vs. summer) suggest additional factors such as prevailing wind direction and variability in source release rates during different times of the year may produce ”hotspots”. ForthepurposesofthisstudyresultsindicatethatPASaresuitable for capturing high resolution spatial differences in PBDE levels in suchdynamicenvironments.
3.5.Identifyingpossiblereasonsforoutliers 3.3.PAStransectdata Since wind direction is highly variable on a local scale, it was PAS deployed along transects generally demonstrated a particularlyimportantthatwinddatainthisstudywasobtainedas decreasingɇ11PBDElevelwithincreasingdistancefromthefacility, close to the automotive shredding facility as possible. Measured indicatingthissourcedominatedPBDEemissionsinthestudyarea wind velocities from the DERM air monitoring station were (see Table3). The levels of є11PBDEs accumulated in PAS along categorizedintothefollowingranges:>0to2;2to4;4to6and6 transectsvariedbymorethantwoordersofmagnitude(1232to to 8ms–1. Linear regression analysis of wind velocity (plotted as 2.3ngPUF–1,median45.4ngPUF–1). the midpoint of these ranges) and frequency of occurrence of Also shown in Table 3 is a clear change in the congener these velocities for each month during the summer (2009–2010) patterns occurring within transects, with congeners BDE–183,sampling campaign affords no significant difference in slopes –197,–196,–206and–207notdetectedinPASdeployed>1kmin (p=0.31) (see the SM, FigureS2 and TableS7). This indicates no radiusfromtherecyclingfacility. major differences in wind velocities or their frequency between months.ThewindrosepresentedinFigure3showsthefrequency 3.4.ModelingPASdata ofdifferentwindstrengthsanddirectionsovertheentiresummer (2009–2010)samplingperiod.Itshowsthemajorityofwindsinthe PAS transect data was best fitted to an exponential decay studyareawerefromanarcbetweentheNNEandSSW.Lowwind modelusingaleastsquares(ordinary)approach(r2=0.69).Alarge flowsbetween>0to2ms–1dominatedthesumofwindstrengths standarddeviationoftheresidualswasassociatedwiththemodel (a46%)andareconsistentwiththeoutlierdataalongthenorthern (Sy.x=209)andGraphPadPrismrecognized2sites(sites11and12) transect(sites11and12). asbeingdifferentor“outliers”duetoahighresidualvariance(data not shown). The poor performance of the model was a N consequence of the large variability in levels of є11PBDEs in PAS 200 NNW NNE close to the recycling facility (i.e. within 300m). To reduce the influence of these sites PAS data was weighted (1/Y2) which 150 NW NE significantly reduced the standard deviation of the residuals 100 (Sy.x=0.65)andmeantnooutliersweredetectedbythemodel(see WNW ENE the SM, TableS5). As shown in Figure2, at 95% confidence 50 intervalstheweightedmodelestimatestheattenuationcoefficient (k) for є11PBDE to be between 2.2–5.6km–1 and predicts the W E 0 distance for PBDE levels in emissions to fall to half initial values occursbetween120–320mfromtherecyclingfacility. WSW ESE We also developed models for congeners BDE–209, BDE–99 and BDE–47 to compare individual attenuation coefficients (see SW SE the SM, TableS6). These congeners were selected because they SSW SSE were detected in virtually all PAS (i.e. 98%) and were S representative of the different PBDE partitioning behavior predictedbygas–particlepartitioningmodels(HarnerandShoeib, frequency>0to2m/sec frequency>2to4m/sec 2002).AsumofsquaresF–testindicatednosignificantdifference (p=0.88)betweencongenerattenuationcoefficients. frequency>4to6m/sec frequency>6to8m/sec Figure3.Windrose(24hr)showingthefrequencyofdifferentwindvelocity categories and directions over the whole summer (2009–2010) sampling period, derived by summing the frequency of each wind direction and velocityrangemeasuredover10Ͳminuteperiods.
6 11PBDE concentration (ng PUF-1)
6 11PBDE attenuation coefficient = 2.2 - 5.6 km-1
4 1 7
0 0.0
8 2 0.5
3 1.5
10 14
Distance (km) from automotive shredding facility Ͳ1
Figure 2.Decreaseinє11PBDElevels(ngPUF ) accumulatedinPAS versus PASdistance(km)fromtheautomotiveshreddingfacility.Dataisfittedto an empirical exponential decay model (solid line). The 95% confidence bandsarerepresentedbythedottedlineseithersideofthecurve.
Theseoutliersidentifiedbythemodelmayonlybeexamples of the increased variability in PAS near the source. However, the factbothoutlierswerealongthesametransectsuggestacommon factor, such as the major wind direction. It is worth noting that whileoutlierdatafromPASdeployedalongthenortherntransect (sites11 and 12) tended to be elevated compared to those from other transects, PAS installed further along the northern transect werenotsimilarlyaffected. 3.6.ComparingPASandAASdata While AAS results are consistent with PAS data they do not represent a time–weighted result for PAS data. The inherent variability in the PBDE composition in air over time (i.e. different airmasses)atbothsitesisindicatedinbothTables1and2.Inthis study, active air samples were deliberately collected over longer time periods (i.e. approximately 1–2weeks) and at low sampling ratesbecauseoftheexpectedincreasedvariabilityofPBDE levels in air. Previous studies have also identified in any comparison of AASandPASderiveddatathereisuncertaintyintheproportionof particles in air which is sampled by the PAS (Klanova etal., 2008; Chaemfa et al., 2009a; Chaemfa et al., 2009b). In this work a comparison of both the PAS and AAS samples collected in the
commercial and residential areas indicates BDE–209 dominated sample congener composition during the summer (2009–2010) sampling period (see Figure4). In addition, both AAS and PAS methodsidentifiedPBDEcompositioninairwasdifferentbetween commercial and residential areas (see Figure4). Linear regression analysis of the congener distributions obtained using either AAS and PAS samplers provided positive correlations at both the commercial area (r2=0.99) and the residential area (r2=0.85) (see theSM,TablesS8–S11). Commercial precinct
%of total 6 11PBDES
PAS 60 40 20
BD E28 BD E47 BD E10 0 BD E99 BD E15 3 BD E18 3 BD E19 7 BD E19 6 BD E20 7 BD E20 6 BD E20 9
Residential area
%of total 6 11PBDES
PAS 40
E15 3 BD E18 3 BD E19 7 BD E19 6 BD E20 7 BD E20 6 BD E20 9
E10 0
PBDE congeners
Figure 4. Comparison of the PBDE congener distributions in PAS and AAS samples collected in the commercial and residential areas during the summer(2009–2010)samplingperiod.
4.Conclusions Typical congener patterns of PBDEs for the commercial and residential areas as measured by both AAS and PAS were significantly different, suggesting that the commercial precinct is predominantlyinfluencedbytherecyclingfacility.Incontrast,the profilefromairoftheresidentialareaismorecharacteristicofthat inthecity’sambientair(Hearnetal.,2012)andmostlyinfluenced by the broader urban “plume”. The dominance of BDE–209 in emissions which was entirely associated with the particulate– phase, means relatively simple dust suppression measures may reduce the emission rates from such recycling facilities. Model results suggest contamination of the local environment is restricted to within approximately a 300m radius. Future studies should focus on nearby workers’ and residents’ blood levels of PBDEsnearsuchfacilities(i.e.within300m)toinvestigateifbody burdensandcongenerpatternsareinfluencedbychronicexposure tosuchindustrialsources.
Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM) for access to their air monitoring station in Rocklea, Brisbane. The National Research Centre for Environmental Toxicology (EnTox) is a partnership between Queensland Health and The University of
Queensland. This work was partially funded by an ARC Linkage 401Grant (LP0774925) supported by industry partners including the Department of Environment and Heritage Department of EnvironmentandConservation,NSW;QueenslandHealthScientific Services; Western Australian Department of Water; Eurofins/ERGO; and The National Measurement Institute. LKH receivesanAPAIscholarship.
SupportingMaterialAvailable Percent composition of PBDE congeners accumulated in PAS at air monitoring sites during both PAS sampling periods (FigureS1), Linear regression analysis of wind velocity (plotted as the midpoint of these ranges) and frequency of occurrence of thesevelocitiesforeachmonthduringthesummer(2009–2010) (FigureS2),Co–ordinatesofairmonitoringsitesinfieldstudyarea and their respective distance from the automotive shredding facility (TableS1), Recovery rates of spiked surrogates (13C12– PBDEs) from blank PUF disks (n=2) (Table S2), Mean temperature ranges during collection of PAS and AAS samples. Data accessed from the DERM air monitoring station (site14) (TablesS3), Levels (ngPUF–1) of ɇ11PBDEs accumulated in replicate PAS deployed at three sites (4,7 and 12) in the vicinity (i.e. within 300m) of the automotiveshreddingfacilityduringthepreliminaryspring(2008) PAS sampling period (TableS4), Exponential decay model results for weighted (1/Y2) є11PBDE data (ngPUF–1). Fitted using least squares (ordinary) fit (Q value=1.0%) Only PAS data collected during summer (2009–2010) have been used for model development (TableS5), Exponential decay model results for weighted(1/Y2)BDE–47,BDE–99,BDE–209data(ngPUF–1).Fitted using least squares (ordinary) fit (Q value = 1.0%) Only PAS data collected during summer (2009–2010) have been used for model development (TableS6), Results for linear regression analysis of wind velocity (plotted as the midpoint of these ranges) and frequencyofoccurrenceofthesevelocitiesforeachmonthduring thesummer(2009–2010)(TableS7),Linearregressionstatisticsof the AAS and PAS congener distribution data obtained at the automotive shredding facility (site4) during the summer (2009– 2010) sampling period (TableS8), Comparison of the congener distributiondataforboththeAASandPASsamplescollectedatthe automotive shredding facility (site4). All 11targeted congeners were detected by both sampling methods at site4 during the summer(2009–2010)samplingperiod(TableS9),Linearregression statistics of the AAS and PAS congener distribution data obtained at the reference site (site14) during the summer (2009–2010) sampling period (TableS10), Comparison of the congener distributiondataforboththeAASandPASsamplescollectedatthe reference site (site14) (TableS11). This infor–mation is available freeofchargeviatheInternetat
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