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ScienceDirect Procedia Engineering 111 (2015) 607 – 611
XXIV R-S-P seminar, Theoretical Foundation of Civil Engineering (24RSP) (TFoCE 2015)
Disposal of Drilling Sludge in the Production of Building Materials Dmitriy V. Oreshkina *, Alexander N. Chebotaeva, Vladimir A. Perfilovb a
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, 26, Yaroslavskoye Shosse, Moscow 129337, Russia Volgograd State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, 1, Akademicheskaya Street, Volgograd 400074, Russia
Abstract The article notes that wile drilling oil and gas wells drilling sludge is formed. It piles up millions of tons and occupies large territories. It harms the environment. Drilling sludge after its neutralization or solidification can be used in the production of building materials – bricks, clayite and other building products. © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. © 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license Peer-review under responsibility of organizing committee of the XXIV R-S-P seminar, Theoretical Foundation of Civil (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Engineering (24RSP) under responsibility of organizing committee of the XXIV R-S-P seminar, Theoretical Foundation of Civil Engineering (24RSP) Peer-review Keywords: Oil and gas wells; Drilling sludge; Oil and gas wells and products.
1. Introduction Oil and gas are the main sources of energy for economic activity. Drilling of oil and gas wells are effected by drills in condition of drilling mud. The drilling mud is required for cooling, lubricant of the drill, elevation of drilling sludge and till not fixing of the casing pipe. The space between the rock and the casing (or between the casing pipes) is consistently treated by circulating, spacer fluids. Then they are squeezed out by grouting mortar. After hardening of the mortar the durable cement ring is formed around the casing pipe. When drilling oil and gas wells a lot of drilling sludge is formed. Such sludge is elevated to the surface of the Earth together with drilling mud. Then the drilling mud is separated. Sludge is passed through the separator, centrifuged, removed and throwed out into pits and dumps. Such operations may be performed in another sequence. Dups of drilling sludge make up millions of tons and occupy large territories. This harms the environment,
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +7-499-183-3229. E-mail address:
[email protected]
1877-7058 © 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer-review under responsibility of organizing committee of the XXIV R-S-P seminar, Theoretical Foundation of Civil Engineering (24RSP)
Dmitriy V. Oreshkin et al. / Procedia Engineering 111 (2015) 607 – 611
disturbances the ecological balance and prevents stable development of regions. For example, the Yamal Peninsula on the Bovanenkovo gas condensate field the disposal of drilling sludge is a big problem. This is due to the fact that oil and gas fields are located mainly in regions of Russia which difficult to access: in the North of Western Siberia, the Far North, etc. In these regions there are severe climatic and geological conditions with permafrost zones [1-3, 12]. More than half of the territory of Russia is in permafrost zones. The amount of ice in the rocks reaches 80%. Ecology and preservation of mineral resources of the Earth dictate the emergence of reliable technology for construction of oil and gas wells, and also disposal of drilling sludge. The well is drilled in different rocks. The well crosses beds with different bearing capacity. The well is a complex engineering structure. Sometimes it has a length of more than 7 kilometers (the Tengiz field in Kazakhstan). In the North of Western Siberia, the Caspian depression, Middle East, North and Caspian Sea shelf wells reach length up to 3000 vertical meters. Almost all of these fields are characterized by abnormally low reservoir pressure, that is low bearing capacity of beds. For example, mud, water bearing beds, drift-sands have an average density of 1100 to ... 1200 kg/m3. Support of safe construction and operation of any engineering structures in permafrost zones is not possible without the study of processes of change in natural ecosystems [1-5]. Changes occur even when an industrial study of natural resources. A degree of changes affected by human-induced landscapes depends primarily on environmental sustainability to the man-made impact, their intensity and magnitude [1-3]. The North geo systems are characterized by unstable balance between elements of these systems and the environment. Many of them are in a unstable condition even under natural conditions. Even unimportant man-made impacts in terms of natural balance may lead to the weakening or destruction of internal links and the loss of sustainability [1-3]. It should be considered that not only the engineering structures affect on natural ecosystems, but also vice versa. According to the authors [3], the thermal effect of the well on permafrost zones during construction and operation is essential. Moreover, from the whole range of man-made impacts it will be the main. Reaction of permafrost zones to the man-made impacts is varies. The reason for this lies in the nature of “Permafrost zones – structure of wells – permafrost zones" system. The cryogenic conditions are: the temperature of permafrost zones throughout the range of their distribution (from zero to minus 5 to ... 8° C), types of underground ice, amount of ice, salinity, sediment defrosting and more. Cryogenic conditions permafrost zones define their resistance to thermal loads during drilling wells. They, therefore, define the nature and intensity of all processes in permafrost zones, which can potentially lead to all sorts of complications [3, 5]. Thus, the main cause of complications during the construction and operation of gas and oil wells in permafrost zones is the exceeding of thermal loads on the permafrost. And the higher the degree of effect, the less stability of geo system. 2. The composition and properties of the drilling mud Studies on stability of well structure during its construction in permafrost zones were in our country from the mid-30 's of the last century. At that time the completion of gas fields began in the far North. Condition of geological security is the preservation of equilibrium due to ensure reliable protection of permafrost from thaw [1-5]. On the Yamal Peninsula, almost all drilling sites require the conservation of rocks in the frozen state. Stability of rocks in the zone of the well can be ensured by technical means, such as through the use of active and passive thermal insulation [5]. Dumps of drilling sludge occupy large territories around drilling sites, prevent their arrangements, work of drilling technicians, create dangerous working conditions, violate the ecological balance of the region. Drilling sludges always contain some amount of drilling mud. This should be taken into account for the environmental assessment and the composition of the sludge. Drilling mud of wells on the Bovanenkovo gas and oil field are complex of mineral and organic suspensions containing the following components: mud powder Kurganian bentonite, baryte, caustic soda; thinners; polymers; lubricant etc. The solution has Ph = 8... 10 [6, 7]. The mineral composition of drilling sludges is compound. The main part of sludge is particles of quartz. Quantity of carbonates (calcite, aragonite, dolomite, magnesite) in the sludge is less than quartz, there is a small presence in
Dmitriy V. Oreshkin et al. / Procedia Engineering 111 (2015) 607 – 611
the sludge feldspars, barite, gypsum and anhydrite, mica and hydromicas, clay minerals in the form of caolinite, halloysite, montmorillonite [7]. Average size of particles of sludge is in the range of 20 to ... 30 μm. They have 50 of ... 60% of the weight of sludge. When processing of the sludge on the drilling site on the first sieve the sludge is screened out, which can be attributed to the very major construction sand. Its content is negligible [7]. On the basic mineral, disperse and technological consistency drilling sludge of the Bovanenkovo gas and oil field corresponds to the building mortar or dry construction mixtures. They can be used for various construction works and production of road foundations, paving stones and tiles, lightweight wall stones and blocks, ballasting of underwater pipelines [6–11, 13–15]. The sludge has highly dispersed structure and activity of the aggregates, alkaline in nature and high coherency of mixture due to the colloidal state of the liquid phase. Addition to the dewatered drilling sludge different types of binders will give it different properties. For successfully use of drilling sludge in the construction industry, it is necessary to carry out the rendering harmless with the receipt of the conclusion of sanitary services, make tests. Such tests have been carried out by authors of work [7]. The introduction of drilling waste measures directs to reduce the negative impact on the environment. It is also important the social and economic effect for drilling companies: dedaction fees for waste disposal; profit from sales of disposal products; expansion of the nomenclature of workers and creating more jobs. Drilling of wells is carried out mainly in sedimentary rocks, in which often there are clay minerals. Their share amounts to 65... 80%. Particles of clay rocks during transportation from well are soaked with drilling mud filtrate, flushing, circulating fluids and swell. The time being of rock particles in circulating fluid increases with the depth of the well. The longer they are in the liquids, the more they swell. There is the adhesion of firm particles in colloidal size to rock particles [7]. These processes modify the physico-chemical properties of particles of drilling rocks. The pores and cracks of the rock are filled by dispersion fluid, the surface of clay particles is modified due to the adsorption of substances of different nature of the liquid. The mineral composition of drilling sludge is determined by the lithological composition of the drilling rocks. It can be significantly different when the depth of the well. Chemical composition of drilling sludge depends on the mineral composition and properties of above fluids. Granulometric composition of drilling sludge is determined by the type and diameter of the boers, the mechanical properties of rocks, drilling regime, fluid properties, and the effectiveness of its cleaning. When rendering harmless foul drilling sludge is treated by quick lime, washed out from carbons by hot water and steam, by aqueous solution of surface active agents on the basis of ethoxilates. The efficiency of washing with hot water-25%; aqueous solution of surface active agents with concentration of 0,5, 1,0 and 2,0 %, correspond to 55, 60 and 73%. Drilling sludge is rendered harmless on the centrifuge. Then formed aquatic phase containing with hydrocarbons is cleaned. One way of rendering hamless of drilling sludge can be its solidification. This technology allows to obtain enough strong material on the basis of rendering harmless waste. Formed during hardening solid preserving matrix prevents dissolution of toxic substances by the components of the environment, further links them physically and chemically, reduces the surface contact with the environment. Rendering harmless of sludge and binding of organic substances are carried out through the introduction of sorbents and cement. Cement and sorbent when mixing with sludge with water support in the system high pH (up to 12). When this ions of heavy metals from sludge pass into the insoluble compounds. Subsequent curing of rendering harmless waste by cement leads to more solid binding of neutralized toxic compounds. This also prevents their dissolution under effect of the environment. The resulting product can be used in construction. It is possible rendering harmless of oil-contaminated drilling sludge by microbiological way [6, 7].
Dmitriy V. Oreshkin et al. / Procedia Engineering 111 (2015) 607 – 611
3. Results Preliminary rendered harmless drilling sludge can be used in the production of building materials - brick, clay, small building products, etc. For this in MSUCE studies of elemental, chemical, mineral, microstructure, grain and X-ray composition of drilling sludge have been carried out.
Figure 1. Radiographs of the drilling sludge.
Figure 2. The microstructure of the drilling sludge. Table 1. Integral elemental and chemical analysis of sludge Element
Atom content, %
Oxide content, %
Atom content, %
Oxide content, %
Na Mg Al Si S Cl
0,79 1,02 6,48 17,37 1,5 0,69
Na2Ɉ 0JɈ Al2Ɉ3 Si2Ɉ 6Ɉ Cl2Ɉ
1,05 1,76 14,19 44,85 3,11 1,29
K Ca Ti Fe Ba -
1,33 7,27 0,31 2,18 0,76 -
K2Ɉ &DɈ 7LɈ2 Fe2Ɉ3 %DɈ -
2,69 17,51 1,08 7,49 4,98 -
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