Word processor/telex interface A word processor interface for the Autex 1600 automatic telex and telegraph message-switching system has been announced by Chernikeef, UK. The interface, which is compatible with most word processors on the market, provides access to a network of almost 1 M telex terminals worldwide. It combines the manipulation capabilities of the word processor with the automatic store-and-forward and message-switching capabilities of the Autex 1600. Thus, the operator can prepare telex messages on-screen, incorporating information stored in the word processor memory, or create a new message on the keyboard. Messages are transferred into the Autex via the word-processor's disc storage and transmitted automatically, either immediately or in accordance with the priority code allocated to it. Using the basic system, up to 32
world processors may be interfaced with the Autex, making'distributed' telex origination possible within dispersed organizations. In such systems, the operator directs messages for automatic transmission by keying a one- to six-letter directory code at the head of the message. Interfacing the telex system with a remote word processor or VDU allows access to the 20Mbyte memory capacity of the Autex. In addition to the direct interface, the telex system can provide full communications links with shared-logic computer systems via the international telex network, leased telegraph lines or telephone networks. In these configurations the unit forms the nucleus of a fully integrated message-switching communications system. (Chemikeef Telecommunications Ltd., Church Wharf, Pumping Station Road, London W4 2SN, UK. Tel: 01 994 6685/6, Tx: 935072) []
Distributed control module
includes support for Robertshaws intelligent colour CRT, which can be used to provide access to overview displays and semigraphic single-loop displays. Any supported peripheral device can be added at any time and the addition of a floppy disc subsystem expands the CRT to provide the user with trend and process graphics capabilities. (Skil Controls Ltd., Greenhey Place, East Gillibrands, Skelmersdale, Lancs WN8 9SB, UK. Tel: 0695 23671) []
A supervisory control module for distributed systems is now available in Europe from Robertshaw Controls of Richmond, USA. Marketing and service backup in the UK will be provided by Skil Controls, UK. The DMS-IO00 is the system link for the DCS-1000 distributed control system. It may be used as a stand-alone unit or as a communications link to a supervisory plant computer. It can direct up to 100 local modOles and peripherals and is offered at several levels of complexity, The basic supervisor carries the software necessary to poll all the modules connected to it on a repetitive basis. The software package is supplied in the form of PROM memory and
vol 4 no 4 august 1981
Remote terminal emulator A multiple logical unit emulator enabling Model 76 or 78 remote batch terminal users to interact with IBM SNA-based networks is now available in Europe from Data 100 Systems, U K.
The IBM 377X SNA emulator is functionally equivalent to IBM's 3776 Models 3 and 4 and the 3777 Model 3 remote batch terminals operating in MLU mode. If required, it can also operate in single logical unit mode. The emulator features full MLU functional compatibility, within up to six concurrent active sessions, and supports multiple line printers and tape units, card reader and punch, floppy disc, channelconnected Model 74 or 78 systems (DCC) and data-communications rates of up to 19 200 bit/s. The equipment will operate offline concurrently with online sessions and can be attached to the same multidrop line as other SNAtype terminals. (Data 100 Systems Ltd., Hamilton House, 111 Marlowes, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP1 1BB, UK. Teh0442 41141, Tx: 826151) []
Signal processing modem A modem with a signal-processing architecture has been announced by Codex, USA. The SP 14.4 will transport data at speeds of up to 14.4 kbit/s and allows users to combine up to six inputs with a variety of data rates. The unit has a signal-processing structure which uses a hexagonal packing on a triangular grid. This structure is claimed to provide greater immunity to line impairments such as noise and phase jitter. The modem also includes a data-transparent error-correction mechanism. Designed for point-to-point applications, the modem can also be used in conjunction with Codex's network control and management systems. Reports transmitted by the unit to the central site consoles alert users to deteriorating conditions, allowing preventive or corrective action. (Codex, 20 Cabot Boulevard, Mansfield, MA 02048, USA. Tel: 617 364 2000, Tx: 922443) []