Brain Rc~earck, 264 (i9~3) 330 ~39
I lsevier Bi¢~medicai Pre~
Distribution of Mets-enkephalin-Arg6,Phe ' in rat spinal cord E, A. MAJAN E, M. J. I A D A R O L A and H.-Y. T. YANG*
Laboratory of Prectinical Pharmacologr, National Institute of Mental Health, Saint Elizabeths Hospital, Washington, D.C. 20032 (U.S.A.) (Accepted November 23rd, 1982)
Key words: spinal cord - MetS-enkephalin - Met 5-enkephalin-ArgS,Phe 7
opioid peptide - neuropeptides
The distribution of MetS-enkephalin-Arf,Phd ( Y G G F M R F ) in rat spinal cord was determined by a specific RIA and compared with that of MetS-enkephalin. The concentration of Y G G F M R F on a per mg protein basis was highest in sacral cord and successively decreased in more rostral segments. A similar rostro,caudal distribution was observed for Met 5-enkephalin. Regional microdissection revealed the dorsal grey matter to be highest in Y G G F M R F content followed by ventral gray, ventral white and dorsal white matter: a similar pattern was observed for Met-~-enkephalin. The ratio of MetS-enkephalin: Y G G F M R F concentration was 5.4 +_ 0.15 (S.E.M.) on average in all regions measured, indicating a very close quantitative relationship between the two molecules. Our data suggest that Y G G F M R F may act as a precursor of or cotransmitter with MetS-enkephalin in spinal cord tissue.
Me¢-enkephalin-Arg6,Phd ( Y G G F M R F ) was first isolated from bovine adrenal glands in 1979 I:. Recently, Y G G F M R F was found to be unevenly distributed in various brain structures but this pattern was parallel with the distribution of MetS-enkephalin ~~7. Furthermore. in every brain region analyzed, the concentration of Y G G F M R F was found to be lower than that of Me¢-enkephalin ~,~7. This pattern of distribution is compatible with the view that Y G G F M R F may function either as a precursor of MetS-en kephalin or as a cotransmitter of Met 5-enkephalin. The latter possibility is supported by the observation that Y G G F M R F has opiate-like activity in various biological systems6,9 and can be released from brain slices j7 by K + depolarization in a Ca:+-dependent manner. The peptide Y G G F M R F , is also widely distributed in peripheral tissues and, in some of them such as the lung, the content of Y G G F M R F is much greater than that of MetS-enkephalin ~3. Recently, the existence of Y G G F M R F in the spinal cord was detected immunohistochemically ~4. Since a detailed quantitative distribution of Y G G F M R F * To whom correspondence should be addressed.
0006-8993/83/000(~0000/$03,00 ~,;1983 Elsevier Science Publishers
within the spinal cord was not available, we have studied the rostro-caudal and dorsal-yen trat distribution of Y G G F M R F in rat spinal cord by radioimmunoassay and compared this pattern with the distribution of MetS-enkephalin. Male Sprague-Dawley rats (400 500 g) were decapitated and the spinal cords removed rapi d l f . For the rostro-caudal distribution of Y G G F M R F , the spinal cords were divided, while on ice, into cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral regions. For the dorso-ventral distribution, the spinal cords were sliced with a razor blade and dissected on a cold plate (0 °C) into dorsal gray, dorsal white, ventral gray and ventral white areas. The samples were immediately crushed in an ice-cold solution of 1 N CH3COOH, 0.02 N HCI and 0.1%/~-mercaptoethanol in polypropylene tubes. After the completion of the dissection, the tissues were homogenized by sonication and the homogenates centrifuged at 18,000 g for 20 min. The supernatants were lyophilized, redissolved in H20 and analyzed by radioimmunoassay for MetS-enkephalin ~t' and Y G G F M R F ~7as previously described.
337 TABLE 1
Rostro-caudal distribution of YGGFMRF and Met -~-enkephalin in rat spinal cord Results indicate the total immunoreactive material and are expressed as p m o l / m g protein, m e a n ± S.E.M. (n = 9 10). Protein was determined according to t . o w ~ et al. 6. with bovine s e r u m a l b u m i n as standard.
Spinal sef, ment
Y GG FM RF (pmol/mgprotein)
Met 5 -enkephalin Ipmol/mgprotein)
Mers-enkephalin YGGFMRF
Cervical Thoracic Lumbar Sacral
0.92 0.94 1.4 2.3
5.3 4.9 8.3 13.0
5.8 5.2 5.9 5.7
_+ 0.08 + 0.09 + 0.1 _+ 0.08
_+ 0.5 _ 0.7 ± 0.8 ± 0.9
The content of Y G G F M R F and Met-~-enkephalin immunoreactivities is higher in the caudal than in the rostral regions of the spinal cord; the content of Y G G F M R F immunoreactivity in the sacral region is about twice that in the cervical or thoracic region (Table I). An even more striking specific distribution is observed dorso-ventrally. The concentrations are higher in gray than in white matter and the highest value observed is in the dorsal gray matter where the Y G G F M R F immunoreactivity is about 6 7 times more concentrated than in white matter (Table II). The distribution of MetS-enkephalin follows closely that of Y G G F M R F (Tables I and lI). The level of Y G G F M R F immunoreactivity is lower than that of Met~-enkephalin and the ratio of Met Se n k e p h a l i n / Y G G F M R F appears to be constant in every region analyzed. Such a parallel distribution of these two opioid peptides has also been observed in various brain regions ~-~7.This may be a reflection of the presence of a preproenkephalin which from studies in adrenal gland can be inferred to contain one copy of Y G G F M R F and 4 copies of MetS-enkephalin4.~.
Interestingly, such a constant ratio in the content of Y G G F M R F and MetS-enkephalin was not observed in peripheral organs where the ratio of MetS-enkephalin/YGGFMRF seems to vary greatly ~3. The specificity of the antisera used in this study has been previously described L6-~7.Briefly, the Y G G F M R F antiserum shows no cross-reactivity with MetS-enkephalin, MetS-enkephalin-Arg~' or MetS-enkephalin-Arg~Arg7 but cross reacts very slightly with the molluscan cardioexcitatory peptide Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-NH, (about 0 . 0 3 % ) 17. The specificity of the Y G G F M R F antiserum was further examined by chromatographic characterization of Y G G F M R F immunoreactivity. The extract from whole spinal cords was fractionated by BioGel P-2 column chromatography. The fractions were lyophilized, redissolved in H~O and then radioimmunoassayed for Y G G F M R F immunoreactivity. More than 80% of the total Y G G F M R F immunoreactivity coeluted with synthetic Y G G F M R F from the BioGel P-2 column (Fig. l): the remaining immunoreactivity was eluted in 3 other minor peaks.
Dorso-ventral distribution ()/ YGGFMRF and Me/-enkephalin in rat spinal cord Results indicate the total immunoreactive material and are expressed as p m o t / m g protein, m e a n + S.E.M. (n --- 6). Protein was determined as in Table 1.
YGGFMRF (pmol/mgprotein)
Mefi-enkeDhalin (prnol/mgprotein)
Met ~-enkephalin YGGFMRF
Dorsalwhite Dorsal gray Ventral white Vcntralgray
0.76 5.0 1.0 2.9
3.7 22 6.1 15
4.8 4.4 6.1 5.2
± 0.1 _ 0.5 ___ 0.1 -+ 0.2
± _. _ ±
0.8 3 0.9 l
338 Met-Enk-Arg-Phe
7.5 "-6 E
5.o g
<, ~' Z 5
20 Fraction (ml)
Fig. 1. BioGel P-2 column chromatography of extract from spinal cord. The tissue extract in 0.5 ml 1 N CH3COOH (from 30 mg protein of rat spinal cord) was applied to BioGel P-2 column, 0.9 X 60 cm. The column was then eluted with 1 N CH3COOH at flow rate of 0.1 ml/min. One ml fractions were collected, lyophilized, redissolved in H:O and aliquots were radioimmunoassayed. Results were expressed as pmol MetS-enkephalin-Arg6,Phe7 per ml eluate.
" 1.5
-6 E Mel-Enk
?_ ~ 1.0 <
20 Fraction (ml)
Fig. 2. Identification of MetS-enkephalin-Arg~,Phe7 by high pressure liquid chromatography. Fractions 35-42 from BioGel P-2 column (Fig. 1) were combined, lyophilized and applied to a BioSil ODS-10 column, 250 x 4 mm column. The column was eluted at flow rate of 1 m l / m i n with a linear gradient ofacetonitrile, 20-40% in 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid over a period of 40 rain. One ml fractions were collected every minute, lyophilized, redissolved in H 2 0 and radioimmunoassayed. The results are expressed as p m o l / m l eluate. The sample applied is equivalent to an extract from 30 mg protein of rat spinal cord.
For further identification, the main peak t~l" immunoreactive material (fractions 35 42 from BioGel P-2 column (Fig. I )) was fractionatcd by high pressure liquid chromatography using ~l BioSil ODS-10 column. The major portion ~>t" immunoreactive material again coeluted with authentic Y G G F M R F . The nature of the minor immunoreactive components from both columns was not characterized further in this study. The specificity of the antiserum combined with the results of chromatographic characterization (Figs. 1 and 2) strongly indicate that the Y G G F M R F immunoreactivity measured (Tables 1 and Ill was mainly due to authentic Y G G F M R F . The specificity of Met>-enkepha lin antiserum used in this study has also been previously described ~7. The antiserum is directed against the C-terminus of Met~-enkephalin as it cross reacts only slightly with Leu"-enkephalin (about 10%) or MetS-enkephalin-Arg~ and Y G G F M R F (10%). Since the level of YGG FM RF is much lower than that of MetS-enkephalin, the values of MetS-enkephalin immunoreactivities (Tables 1 and lI) should not be significantly affected by the small cross-reaction between Met~-en kephalin antiserum and Y G G F M R F . The finding that MetS-enkephalin is highly concentrated in the dorsal gray (Table Ill is consistent with the previous results o f i m m u n o h i s t o chemical studies showing that Met~-enkephalin immunoreactivity is concentrated in laminae I and II 3~(~-~. In this region, enkephalin is known to be important for the control of nociceptive transmission 3.5-j-~. Similarly to Met~-enkephalin, Y G G F M R F immunoreactivity is most concentrated in the dorsal gray region, however, whether Met-~-enkephalin and Y G G F M R F are stored in the same or different neurons still is currently being pursued using an immunohistochemical approach. The analgesic potency of Y G G F M R F was found to be 8 times greater than that of MetS-enkephalin ~ and the opiate receptors are concentrated in the dorsa! horn ~, These two observations taken together with the distribution of Y G G F M R F (Table I1) ~trongly suggest that this opioid heptapeptide may play an important role in modulating nociceptive transmission in the spinal cord.
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