General information So&W de Chimie Thbrapeutique Prix Charles Mentzer 1990 Le prix Charles Mentzer, d&et& par la Socie’te’ de Chimie The’rapeutique, a tte’ attribut? a M. le Professeur Erik De Clercq, Universite’ de Leuven, Belgique, et sera remis le mercredi 4 juillet 1990 lors des 26es Rencontres Internationales The’rapeutique qui se de’rouleront a Montpellier du 3 au 5 juillet 1990. Toutes les informations relatives aux Rencontres ont e’te’ don&es duns le nun&o precedent du journal (1990, Vol25, page 295). Future
QSAR 9-13 September 1990 Sorrento (Napoli) 8th European Symposium on Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship European Federation for Medicinal Chemistry. Sponsored by Divisione di Chimica Farmaceutica della Societa Chimica Italiana. C Silipo and A Vittorian, Chairmen
Lectures and posters will center at the cutting edge of QSAR research, principally, but not exclusively, on the following topics: 1 Computational methods in QSAR 2 Parametrization in QSAR 3 Correlation analysis in: a) medicinal chemistry b) peptides c) pharmacokinetics d) toxicology e) environmental sciences f) agrochemistry 4 Molecular modelling: a) molecular graphics b) receptor mapping
Symposium secretariat MI La Rotonda and P Monica Dipartimento di chimica farmaceutica e tossicologica Via Domenico Montesano 49 - 8013 1 Napoli - Italy Tel: (O)Sl-7486626/7486646 Fax: (0)81-7486107
Recent books Omega-3 fatty acids in health and disease, Foods science and technology series/37. Edited by R Lees and M Karel - Marcel Dekker, New York, 1990, 328 p, $ 99.75 (US and Canada), $ 119.50 (all other countries) This volume discusses several major aspects of the relationship between fish oil and human health. The first part of this book deals with the effects of dietary fats on human health, citing and weighing the evidence that fish or fish oil consumption affects the incidence of hypertension and coronary heart disease, rheumatic diseases, and cancer. The effects of dietary omega-3 fatty acids on blood lipids and on platelet activity are reviewed in detailed. The epidemiologic evidence concerning the consumption of fish and human health is evaluated, and the implications for medical care and public health policy are explored. The second part of the book is concerned with the science, technology, economics, and legal aspects of the delivery of omega-3 fatty acids to the consuming public. This book provides information for the clinician, medical research scientist, food scientist, and epidemiologist. Pharmacological and chemical synonyms. 9th edition, compiled by EEJ Marler, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1990, 562 p, Dfl 350.00 This alphabetical compilation of names used for drugs, pesticides and other substances of pharmacological or biochemical interest has now reached its ninth edition. The types of names used are: 1. Nonproprietary (common) names; 2. Research code numbers; 3. Proprietary names. The substances are presented in an alphabetical list under a nonproprietary name, while the alphabetical list also gives the synonyms in the form of cross-references to these nonproprietary names. As a general rule the INN name (if any) is used as a heading (for pesticides S N I Jacques et Demontrond
the IS0 name), but sometimes one of the national names or the chemical name has been used. The spelling of all names (including official and trademark) has been “translated” into American. Trade names have also been included in this list. This collection of names will certainly be very useful to all scientists working in the area of medicinal chemistry. Diuretics III: Chemistry, Pharmacology, and Clinical Applications, edited by JB Puschett, A Greenberg, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1990, 848 p, $ 180.000, Dfl420 This Third International Conference on Diuretics was held in Mexico City from April 2-7, 1989; this volume covers the conference proceedings. As the Table of Contents indicates, the biochemical and physiologic aspects of diuretics and related agents were discussed along with their pharmacology, clinical applications, and clinical complications. The closely related topics of electrolyte transport, humoral natriuretic factors, and hypertension were also covered from both basic science and clinical points of view. Section I. Diuretics: Human studies, animal studies, acid base interactions, mechanism of action, complications of therapy. Section II. Other therapeutic agents: Converting enzyme inhibitors, calcium channel blockers. Section III. Therapy of sodium retentive disease states: Congestive Heart failure, renal failure, cirrhosis. Section IV. Hypertension: Human, animal studies. Section V. Humoral factors affecting sodium transport: Atria1 natriuretic factor, other natriuretic factors. Section VI. Membrane transport. Section VII. Endothelin.
/ 21 Thise - Besanqon / DCpBt legal mai 1990 no 11241