DNA-adducts formation induced in rat by endosulfan

DNA-adducts formation induced in rat by endosulfan

batas anliwnom. wine. fabs tBerWab1dnce Auoust lssd and has at- an edema of lhe hand. em&s. s&ck and her blcad coagulation pb ramelsrs warsatlarad. T...

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batas anliwnom. wine. fabs tBerWab1dnce Auoust lssd and has at-

an edema of lhe hand. em&s. s&ck and her blcad coagulation pb ramelsrs warsatlarad. The B&Tab was injaclad 4 kourr later and the symploms ,ep,eved,ap~~,ccaagulalionpa,amelersrls~imp,oving in a fewhours.Thslhird casewas s3vearotdmaleehildbillen on altnaar by alrip,% 6 hours later kedwe&d an edemaof the hand. the &n and lha txaclont mumk wilk dttussd =ckymosir. He wtferad atso imm lachywdta and stupor.me EM-Tabwds injected after 24 hours. The wlanic w’nploms mgressed in 6-7 hours. the &ma also imp,cMng in 24 hours. The lh,lte above mentioned Vipera(unidentifmd specieMwmomalion cases will be repaled with deuitad clintal and labontoryfindings registeredMore and aflertka Bert-Tabtreatment. h%ywwds:tipsra sspis; sntivcwm swum: snakes

Ropionibxmntim svidvm (QPAIb I Gram + anaembic bacteria which b+langs lo the skinand oral microbialftca. KltledPPA has bsen tmown as a relent inducer 01 nitric oxids wnlhase eflsr a long time of ?,,+a+ msnt ti LI. 2 to 7 da@t No study has camparad lha morphology of ,a1 liw cells ii viva atmr ILKand / p. killed PPA tmarmenl to lhal of sinurotdal 03th in prknnrlycullurn in vino Here. WB compare these lwo haoalic mod&s lo w&m lhe mtslionskin balwaan til tha nos. sibititybr kltod PPA phag&tosh. and (i0li-a &ease of KipUe, &lb withlime.PPAbcteriacultivated inbraiwheart iniuricn andwwesubmined lo baoledcttat condtttontkeal lmeatmentt.In the in mo model. male Wiitar r& rsceivnd 30 m&t of kittedPR at dilferen dnns by i.v o, i.p. mutes. In lha in bitm modal. endmhetiatand Kupfler cello ww, obtained horn liven of Wtar ,ats by cottaga,!xw dissocialton of the tissue. and cenltiugal aluiriation. Tne cells we,e tread IQ, 1 lo 4 days vilh vartousditultans of a suspensmncd 1.75 mght killed PR. Ths utl,awclu,e ot the IIYBRatlsrin viw stur~es shoved some targeceltsoccwqtng almostaltlhestnunoid tumenkom placeto place. These cells ,i,te,p,efed as Kuplfer cells displayed also numemus vatwles with killed PPAbacteria in which red blood cells o, plalete~wsre somebmesp,essnl72 k afta PPAlreatmanl. MORMM,, there seemed lobaanincrsasein thsnumkrafunaltaradKupffe,celts. tnthein VMO models. lhe uptake 01 kltled FPA ky KuptferCOWS was otsarlvdmnow strati 24 h a%, PPA adminislnt~n. T,ealsd KC disrrlawd~haaocvtosis againsl sheep red Muod cells opsonized pmt&& &&n&r wtlh Lilted PPe sppearsd 40 be &wad as compamd to lhe conlrat. The rssutls show lhe uptake of lritlsdPPA by the Kupffe, cells in viva and in vitro respectivelyaltar 72 and 24 h of Veatmenl. A good co,. rsladon obsewed betwean them ti and in ntro mod4 authonws tks Zulu,* utilizalion of this ,n ,nllD mod&s for krtke, mschantsltc studies. K&w,&: kuplfetcetk; endolkalialtii,cell$~ etecl,cmic,oscopy;pm plonlbactlrium avtdum

f&EG&hmngsWsalbyA~~~~lmolmoni II&s D&i L&l6 Nagymajlinyi, Ho=1 Schulz Deprtmentoff%blic %%%&rtS.-ent-CWr~~ MedicnlUniverSi3: Szeged, Hungary Duo to their nsu,otoxic etwts. acute hulvv metal BXpJS”RI caus4 w&known clinicalsymptomsof inloxicalicmin talkanlmalt and man. Th dmdihe presentsludywaslo in~stigal~dniunclbnalckanges of the contraI newous system caused by mlrtivetv htth hew+ metal doses. bv means of analyzingsome EEG parameters. in acute axpadment~ MakWislar &s-n orsttylraati bygavaw wilk 1600.Oand 3200.0 mg&g tead lin form 01 lead acelae) 0,S.O and 16.0 mg,ltg me,. ctlly (in lam of mercury chbiaa). The EEG of the anesthetizedrats was ,scor&d with sitw, akxtrodas ptacad on the primaryromalwsnsow vtsu#l and audilow cenl,es al 24.48. 72 hour. and 7 days aflo, lhalrdmmt. Theanal~panrrmlers were:meanamplitude, mean fmqwnoy. EEG inder andthepaw~spetrumaltkelrequanfybands Thda~showwlthalbo~hdosaso~lhesbovemetelscaussdconsideraMa.doaa-~ndlim~depndanlchangadlhemaaswedpa,am~ta~ of EEG. The impwtance of ou, results is emphasized bv the fact that the turaltonal consew~n~es oi Ulepaputation’s hea+ metal exposuream not-1 k~lyunderslocd The sludywas SuppoRed by the Hungarian DTKA grant TO18735,95 KetwofUs: lead: me,c”,% EEG; rat

Endosutianpssttciis is a palwhtarinated compound used for conlmlting avarietyof insects. It is praclicall~water-insoluble,but readityadksras lo clay particks and penislts in soil and wale, to, severalyears. This compound is exlremetytoxic lo m0s1 fish and causes massive mortelilies. The primaw source of human sxpbsure is dedwd from residualcontaminationfound in iood and tobacco. Lttsraturemview+ lo dale do not mdicala any genokwe nffecl in humans by any course of exp~u,a The general taxicily of Endosunan has bsen shown to be variablein animal syslams. tl is rapmled that oral administ,al!on of Endasuifanior JO days to ,.%sinduces chromasomal damagein bone ma,,ow and spermalomal cell sv%ans. Endosutfan is mulagsnic in germ CSlll CdDrosoph& mefanogaster and induces mrloln: crossingova milolic gan* conwsion and ,*vms* mulanon in Sdc&mvnyce* carsvistis. In the present study.we waluale the genoloxic pmpwlies of Endosulfan in ,a1 DNA after admtntstraltond increasingdoses ~4 Endowtfan by the%-postlabeling methodlo debct the formation of DNA-adducls. Tha lwafand kldnay DNAs we,0 exlmcled. purified and labeled as described bv Reddv and Randeratk. SeveralDN&adducls were &arty detected in live, RNA of rat treated i p, by increasingsub acutedoses 01 Endoautfanfor5days.Adduclswarin tiverfoundevan with the lowest dose of 1140LO50 ol Endosuifanand these inc,easBd withthe&sas.N~DNAadductwastoundin ktdnevwilhthetowdosss of Endosutfan.The dlffarencssfound in iho ,e%p+nseof the live, and

kttney DNA.3coukl come ‘mm metabotwn dl~rancss of Endoautfan betwBBnthese two wgans.

by the char&s in serum AST and ‘ALT,l&r k.tOb&. GSH contem. TEA.reacfivBsub%vtc~~. cymchrome P4sO content and same drug