Do you see what I see? . . . CH&S Netways
ecause of the production schedule of this Journal, this column is being written in that quiet time of ye...
ecause of the production schedule of this Journal, this column is being written in that quiet time of year between Christmas and New Year. The workplace is quiet but homes are ®lled with family, friends, children and music. The title of the column re¯ects not only a line from a popular Christmas carol but a critical safety message. That safety message is also stressed in one of our family holiday traditions, the watching of the movie a ``Christmas Story'' where Ralphy is continually reminded that if he gets his Red Ryder BB Gun that he'll ``shoot his eye out.'' Hence the topic for this trip through ``ether'' space is focusing on eye safety. Children, toys and home safety are wonderful starting points for this trip through the ether space looking for eye tips. There is a quick quiz that parents can take with their children at the Optima 1 site. The site also includes an eye ®tness test, an eye health checklist and a historic trivia quiz. (Something different to tryÐ rather than getting eyestrain.) If you like quizzes and inter-actives, there are several sites, which contain online safety quizzes, checklists, and online eye tests. You might check out rmFamily 2 (Risk Management Family) and use the search feature at the site to ®nd several inter-actives and links to other tests and quizzes. (rmFamily is worth a look for other topics as well as it seems to be a great site for general risk management information.) The Lions Club International is known for its work with prevention of blindness and it eye bank.3 While there are numerous individual club sites that have great information about eye safety, services, prevention of blindness and support information, it is suggested that you might start at the Lions eye bank of Manitoba and Northwestern Canada. You can also do a search using the terms ``lions eye safety''
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and ®nd numerous local Lions Club Chapters with information. The main two sites that are recommended are the National Eye Institute 4 and Prevent Blindness America.5 The National Eye Institute is af®liated with the National Institute of Health. The site features educational program links, research information, health information, and various photos, images and materials. The site is pleasant to the eye to look at and is easily navigated. The site even has a database of genes and proteins expressed in the eye and visual systems. The Prevent Blindness America site hits you with the preventable eye injury statistics. The site also has ready links to safety news, articles and to the The site attracts your attention and gives you useful information in the ®rst screen. Prevent Blindness America has partnered with NIOSH to develop a brochure entitled Emergency Response and Disaster RecoveryÐEye Safety. Although the brochure was not on the site when tested, we anticipate that it will be uploaded to their sight soon as the site is well maintained with information. Hopefully, these links will allow you, your loved ones and your co-workers to see what you see. And, allow us all to see and take care of our vision well into your future. While Ralphy had that learning experience which was portrayed in the movieÐhis glasses saved him. We can still have fun and be protected so we won't have to worry about our eyes.