24: Clinical EEC I
The results for multiinfarct
proved thal the index alpha2/alphal (I did not observe this dementia) is especially good for diagnosis of dementia of
Aizheimer type.
lated Potentials and Reaction Time in lihlea.5
compatibility with bilateral epileptiform discharge (BIPLEDs) in H were more evident in last quarter (LQ) and new Moon (NM). in C major abnormality was found in first quarter (FQ) and full Moon (FM). In D the abnormal parron was evident in FM. Ji-square was demonstrated for C cases; this factor was higher difficult to demonstrate according to predominance of female (H. D). In conclusion exist more cases with BlPLEDs in certain phases of the Moon according with the symptoms studied in our region,
I-I.Tachibana, K. Aragane. Y lwamoto, N. Kodama. K. Kawabata, H. Nishimura, M. Takeda, B. Okuds. M. Sugita. Hyogo College of Medicine,
The purpose of this study was to analyze the N2 and P3 components of the event-related potential (ERP) and reaction time (RT) chronometrically in patients with dementia and to investigate the relationship these variables and neuropsychologica! test. The ERP and RT were simultaneously recorded in 7 patients with demented Parkinson’s disease (mean age, 73.3 years), 8 patients with Alzheimer’s disease (mean age, 73.3 years), and 11 neurologically normal control subjects (mean age, 69.4 years) during the performance of visual discrimination tasks, The N2 and P3 components were identified in response to the target stimuli. No significant differences were noted in the Hasegawa’s Dementia Scale (HDS) score between patients with demented Parkinson’s disease and patients with Alzheimer’s disease (21.7 * 2.4 vs. 20.9 5 4.7). Both the N2 and P3 latencies in the two demented groups were significantly prolonged compared to the normal controls, although no significant differences were found between the two demented groups. The RT was also delayed in the two demented groups. The time from N2 to RT did not differ between the three groups. There was a significant correlation between P3 latencyand HDS score in patients with dementia. The N2 latency and RT were also roughly correiated with IHDS score. In conclusion, our findings in these demented patients suggest that the impairment of the cognitive information processing arises, at least, from their uncertainty as to how to classify a perceived event. Present results also suggest that the measurements of these variables may be useful for detecting cognitive impairment in such patients.
SESSION 129-01
~a~ox~~~al Activity Increased habitues Eating of MSG
Dennis R. Arellano Hoffmann. EEG DepaltmentAv. Oina 27, Peri
EEG 1 in Subjects Under
R. Rivera Navarrete 670,
A media of ingestion monosodium glutamate (MSG) in our population is 28.5 mg/Kg/d and 4.2 times less than recommended by the Joint Expert Committee of Food Additive (JECFA). The frequently appear of paroxyms in our patients motivated to study MSG. as a probable factor. Our material was 48 patients, mainly with headache and convulsion who were studied under MSG and without it. Paroxyms and convulsant threshold increased under MSG and it dependence was demonstrated by Ji-square. Suppression of MSG caused an improvement in the bioelectrical activity and better organisation in background (36.4%), alpha frequency increased (0.5-l Hz) (54%). diminish abnormality (43.7%) and increased in (49.9%) epilepsycases.Concomitant levels of TGP (55%) and TGO (50%) were higher. in conclusion we do not advise to use MSG as an additive on meals because of its property as neuroexcitatory aminoacid in the levels studied for our population and sort of low latitudes.
vations of Qccurance Bipleds During s in a Low Tatitude Region Dennis R. breilano Lima 27, P%ru
EEG DepatimentAK
R. Rivera Navarrete 670,
Our study focus the effect of gravitation of Moon phases on BlPLEDs in the EEG. We expect this research will help to understand bioelectrical manifestations and the Moon as another factor to choose the proper moment to develop an EEG. 529 EEGs of patients with headache (H). convulsion (C) and dismay (D) were analyzed during Moor phases. Female was dominant in H (2.4%) and D (1.6%). Male was ipredominant in C (‘I .6%). 23.5% were adult. Paroxysms
Sensibility and Specificity af gram vs CT in Acute Cortical
~o~~a~o~ cal Steaks
S. Congia. L. Martini, M. Vacca, R. Massa, A. Cannas, S. Useili, S. Troncr. Chair Speciai Neurological Pathology University of Cagiiari Italy 122 patients with acute stroke in the carotid arteiy territory were examrned in order to show the sensibility and the specificity of the electroencephalogram in relation to the CT findings, in distinguish the cortical from the subcortical lesions. At this purpose the electroencephalographic diagnosis performed by two different electroencephalographers was compared with the neuroimaging diagnosis. The results showed a sensibility of 81% and a specificity of 80%, respectively. Moreover, the electroencephalographic findings gived some physiopathologicai data, owing to that the cortical lesions are due to embolism, while the subcortical lesions are due to pathological process of the intracerebral blood-vessels and the lesions of the watershed territories are due to hemodynamic phenomena.
Does Generalized Epileptiform Transitory Impair Basic Cogniti Patients with Absence ~e~~~~e~~
D.V Ercegovac, Z. Cirid, Z. Jovanovic. M.D. Ercegovac, M. Majstorovic, lsailovic. Institute of Mental Health, Belgrade, Yugosiavia
Since 1989 we have been performing a prospective study about the transitory negative influence of the generalized epileptiform discharge (GED) on the basic cognitive functions during the discharge. The sample of the study: 50 mentally normal patients, aged 6-15 years, 19 boys and 31 girls, suffering exclusively on absence seizures. Without any previous medication were at the beginning 19 patients. The antiepileptic rnonotherapy consisted of ethosuximide or valproic acid. It has been used an audiovisual technique with VIDIGRAPH system (Vickers Medical), TV camera and split-screen monitoring. On the videotape were simultaneously on-line recorded EEG. ECG, respiration, patient’s face; examiner’s and patient’s voices. Independent of the presence or the lack of a clinically apparent absence seizure, our attention was focused on the detection of transitory cognitive impairment (TCf) solely during GED, Single monosyllabic words were aloud applied after the first second of in EEG visible GED and were repeated each 3-4 seconds. Our patients were instructed to repeat them aloud spontaneously. The evaluation of the obtained neuropsychological testing results has been based on the assessment of the following criteria: (1) the ABILITY to MEMORIZE test-words @ho&term memory); (2) the DEGREE of RESPONSIVENESS (duration of the repeating reaction time); (3) the TIMING EFFECT (time distance between the beginning of GED and the moment of testing); (4) the CLINICAL EFFICACY of the MED!CATlON and its INFLUENCE on TCI during GED. All obtained data were classified and submitted to statistical analyses.
EEG-Unit Activity Relat~~~ab~~s ~~~~~~
V Gavrilov. lnstilute of Psychology
Russian Academy
of Sciences. L~OSCOW
Rabbit’s brain slow potentials and impulse activity of neurons of limbic. optic and motor cortices were recorded during food-acquisition behavior. it was found that the activity of about 50% of neurons in all brain areas under investigation corresponded to the performance of concrete behavioral act (pressing the pedal, food seizure in the food-box, etc.). The negative waves of averaged slow potentials time locked to behavioral marks coincided to the executions of different behavioral acts and the positive ones -- changes of acts.