Since the January issue of the TRANSACTIONS, the following amounts have been subscribed for Mansop House. £ s.d. Hanschell, Dr. H. M. (further donation) .. . 2 0 0 Sharp, Mrs. Edmund ifurther donation) .. Stratman-Thomas, Dr.'W. t(.~ 10 10 0 U.S.A. (further donation).. 1 10 5 Wenyon, Miss Mildred (further donation) . 5 8 11 Stanton, Dr. A. T. ifurther donation) . . . . . . 10 0 0
£ Joyeux, Prof. C., France Hackett, Dr. C. J., Soutl~ Australia (further donation) Hunter, Dr. Win., Nigeria (per bank, further donation) Priest, Colonel R. (further donation) per Bankers' order Heatly-Spencer, Major J., per Bankers' order
s. d. 2 0 0 2 10 0
. . . .
10 6 10 6 10 6
The following Fellows from abroad have notified the Secretaries that they are temporarily in the British Isles. Letters addressed to any of these, care of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Manson House, 26, Portland Place, London, W.1, can usually be forwarded to the home address. To ensure the accuracy of this list, Fellows named below are particularly requested to advise the Secretaries when they return to their stations abroad.
ALEXANDER, GEORGE L., Gold Coast. BEVAN, LL. E. W., Southern Rhodesia. BttANDARI, B. N., India. BLACK, G. D. R., Hongkong. BLAKEMORE, W. L., Straits Settle-
FARMER, A. PronG, Sudan. FORBES, A. L., Nigeria. FORDE, JOHN R., Gold Coast. Fox, FRANK V~7., Nigeria. FRANKLIN, Capt. R. V., India. FRASER, GEORGE, Assam. GEAR, J. H. S., South Africa. GIBSON, E., Nigeria. GILLESPIE, A. M., Gold Coast.
BUCHANAN, G., South Africa. BURGESS, A. S., Gold Coast. BURTON, EDWARD, Uganda. COGAN, J. E. H., Hongkong. COGHLAN, B. A., Tanganyika Territory. COPPINGER, Col. C. J., India. COSTELLO, F. X., Keeling Cocos
GOMES, W. A., Ceylon. GORDON, Pref. R. M., Sierra Leone. GRAHAM, Colonel D. L., India. GRANTHAM-HILL, C., Sudan. GRAY, Capt. J. E., Burma. HALLEY, F. M., Straits Settle-
Islands. FAHMY, A. A. R., Egypt.
HARLEY, G. W., Liberia.
V1° HERMITTE, L. C. D., Seychelles. HICKS, E. P., Sierra Leone. HINGSTON, Colonel HENRY,India. HODGE,H. PARNELL,Federated Malay States. HOWELL, ALANT., Kenya. HUSAIN, M. A., India. JACK, Col. W. A. M., India. JACKSON, STANLEY,Nigeria. JAFAR, Capt. M., India. JEREMIAH, R., Ceylon. KERR, A. F. G., Siam. KERR, J. R., Southern Rhodesia. KINGSBURY, A. NEAVE, Federated Malay States. KIRK, J. BALFOUR,Mauritius. KIRWAN,Colonel E. O'G., India. KNOWLES, Colonel R., India. "KURAISHY,N. A., India. KWAUK, S. S., China. LAMBERT,Capt. D. P. LANIER,P. E. M., Seychelles. LUKE,J. F., Sierra Leone. MACKELVlE,A. A., Sierra Leone. MCLAREN, DONALDW., Nigeria. MAHAFFY, A. F., Nigeria. MAYBURY, L. M., British Solomon Islands.
MEASHAM, Capt. J. E., South India. MILNE, JAMES,Malta. MITCHELL, JAMESJ., Uganda. MOHAMED,I. A., Egypt. MORGAN,J. F. H., Natal. NADARAIAH, V., Ceylon. NIKOLIC, NIKOLA,Jugoslavia. PATEL, H. S., India. PAU, PETER, Hongkong. PEACOCK,Major W. H., Nigeria. PRATT, E. P., Sudan. ROSIE, Capt. R. J., Sudan. SCHARFF, J. W., Straits Settlements. SENEVIRATNE,L. B. E., Ceylon. SHELBY,Capt. F. J., Straits Settlements. SIKUND, A. R., India. STICKLER,J. I-I., United States. STURTON, S. D., China. TAYLOR,J. A., Zanzibar. TERRELL, Capt. CHARLES,India. TODD, K. WALLER, Sierra Leone. VASSALLO,S. M., Zanzibar. WHITEHEAD,FRANKE., Nyasaland. WIJERAMA, E. M., Ceylon. WILSON, WILLIAM,Congo Bulge. YOUNG, J. H., Nigeria. YUSEF, H. S., Egypt.
The following fourteen Candidates were duly elected as Fellows of the Society, on Thursday, 16th February, 1933.
BARNETT,BURGESS,M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.). BORTttWICK,T. CHALMERS,M.B., Ch.B. (Edin.), China. CLARK,ALFRED,L.R.C.P. & S.E., L.R.F.P.S. (Glas.), F.R.C.S.E. CLARK, EVANGELINEADAMS, M.D., B.S. (Lond.), Tanganyika Territory, CUMMINS, CAPT. PATRICKH., M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O. (N.U.I.), I.M.S., India. DE MURO,PAOLO,M.D. (Rome), Italy.
vii FOLLIT, H. H. B., M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), D.P.H. (Camb.), Nyasaland. GIROLAMI,MARIO,M.D. (Bologna), Italy. JOLLEY, PHILIP G. E., M.D., Ch.B. (Glas.), Malaya. JOYEUX, PROFESSORCHARLES,France. LAPPIN, CAPT.WILLIAMP., M.D., B.Ch. (N.U.I.), I.M.S., India. MACLEOD, DANIEL, M.D., Ch.B. (Edin.), New Hebrides. VANDEN BERGHE,LOUIS, M.D., D.Sc., D.T.M., Congo Belge. WOODS, CAPT. T. F. M., M.D. (Dublin), R.A.M.C.
The following twelve Candidates were duly elected as Fellows of the Society, on Thursday, 16th March, 1933. EARLE, I{. VIGORS, M.A., B.Ch. (Cantab.), M.D., B.S. (Lond.), M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.). GEAR, J. H. S., M.D., Ch.B., B.Sc., D.P.H. (Witwatersrand), South Africa. GOSDEN, MINNIE, M.D., B.S. (Lond.), M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), Cyprus. JACKSON, STANLEY,M.D., Ch.B. (Edin.), Nigeria. M~DAWAR, HENRI, DiplGme d'Etat Fran~ais (Paris), France. NANJIANI, BARKATALIS., M.D., B.S. (Bombay), M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P., D.P.H. (Lond.), India. NIKOLIC, NIKOLA,M.D. (Graz, Austria), Jugoslavia. SAWYER,WILBURA., M.D. (Harvard), U.S.A. STURTON, STEPHEN D., M.A., M.D., B.Chir. (Cantab.), M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.), D,T.M. (Liv.), China. SUN, TIMOTHY CHIEN YI, M.D. (Cheeloo), D.T.M. (Liv.), China. THOMPSON, ERNESTF., M.D., Ch.B. (Liv.). WALKER, GEOFFREYR., M.D., Ch.B. (Manc.).
Fellows are requested to give early intimation of any change of address, and in case of non-delivery of their TRAI~SACTIONS to communicate with the Secretaries immediately, as a copy of each number is issued to,every Fellow whose subscription is not in arrears. When copies of the TRANSACTIONS are returned by the Post Office marked " Gone away " or " Insufficient address," no more copies will be posted to that address until further instructions have been received. According to Law 29, TRANSACTIONS are not posted to any Fellow whose subscription has not been paid by June in the year following that in which it became due. The name of the Fellow is, however, retained on the Roll for one more year, and if, during that period, arrears are paid in full, all numbers of the TRANSACTIONSwhich have been withheld will be forwarded. SALE OF TRANSACTIONS.
Subscription: Thirty-Five Shillings per Volume or per Year, post free (six Numbers in each case). Single Number : Six Shillings, post free. No. 1 of each Volume is issued in June, No. 4 in January.
Back Numbers : Owing to the greatly increased demand for complete sets of the TRANSACTIONS, the stock of certain numbers had been exhausted. These have now been reprinted, and can be supplied at Five Shillings, post free. The TRANSACTIONSmay be ordered through any Bookseller, or direct from the Secretary, Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Manson House, 26, Portland Place, London, W.1. Telegrams : Anopheles London. Telephone : Langham 2127. Cheques, Postal Orders, etc., should be made payable to the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.
All registered medical and veterinary practitioners and others interested in scientific pursuits relating to tropical medicine, whose qualifications are deemed satisfactory by the Council, are eligible for election as Fellows of the Society. Anyone desiring to become a candidate for Fellowship of the Society should apply to the Hon. Secretaries, or to the Local Secretary of the district, for the special form of application. The annual subscription payable by Fellows is one and a half guineas (£1 lls. 6d.), which becomes due in advance on the 1st April of each year.
EDITORIAL NOTICE. T h e submission of matter for publication in these TRANSACTIONS will be understood to imply that it is offered to this Journal alone. Communications, if possible typewritten, should be forwarded to the Honorary Secretaries, Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Manson House, 26, Portland Place, London, W.1. T h e y should be conclsely written, with subject matter logically arranged and subdivided, with contractions and citations in the form described below, and with indications of the position in the text to be occupied by Tables, Figures, Maps, e t c . In many cases the value of a paper is considerably enhanced by a brief S u m m a r y at the end. Temperature charts, graphs and drawings should be, if possible, in Indian ink, and detail and lettering large enough to admit of reduction without loss of clearness. In connection with each paper, only a limited number of illustrations can be published. If the n u m b e r sent in is considered excessive, the author may be informed and given the opportunity of contributing to the cost. Coloured plates are produced only at the author's expense. A complete list of publications consulted should accompany each paper. REFERENCES. In the text the date, in brackets, should follow the name thus : " To MANSON (1878) is due this epoch-making discovery." The list of References should be arranged in alphabetical order of authors' surnames, and details given in the following order : (I) Surname of Author ; (2) Initials ; (3) Year of publication, in brackets ; (4) Title of article ; (5) Title of journal ; (6) Volume ; (7) Page. In the case of a reference to a book (1), (2) and (3) as above ; (4) Title of book ; (5) Edition and volume, if more than one ; (6) Page ; (7) Town of publication ; (8) Publisher's name, e.g.: MANSON, P. (1878). On the Development of Filaria sanguinis hominis and on the Mosquito Considered as a Nurse. ffl. Linn. Soc. Zool., xiv, 304. (1898). Tropical Diseases, 1st Ed., 447. London : Cassell & Co., Ltd. ABBREVIATIONS. T h e names of Journals and Books cited should be in italics, e.g. .4met. ffl. Hyg. Ann. Trop. Med. ~ Parasit Arch f . Schiffs-u. Trop.-Hyg. Bull. Soc. Path. Exot. (2. 17. Soc. Biol.
Deut. Med. Woch. Trans. Roy. Soc. Trop. Med. Indian Med. Gaz. ~.~ Hyg. ~l. Pharm. ~ Experim. Trop. Dis. Bull. Therap. Ztschr. f . Hyg. u. Infektionskr. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk.
T h e following contractions are in use, whether the n u m b e r to be expressed is one or more : kilogramme, kg.; cenfigramme, cg.; milligramme, rag.; metre, m.? ldlometre, kin.; centimetre, cm.; millimetre, ram.; cubic centimetre, c.cm.; cubic millimetre, c.mm. N.B.--In order to avoid ambiguity the words " grain " and " gramme" should be written in full. Contributors to the TRANSACTIONS receive 25 reprints free of charge. Any additional n u m b e r can be supplied at cost price provided application be made when submitting the paper.