Doppler puts pressure on our hemodynamic thinking

Doppler puts pressure on our hemodynamic thinking

Doppler puts pressure thinking on our hemodynamic Hugh D. Allen, M.D., Stanley J. Goldberg, M.D., and Gerald R. Marx, M.D. Tucson, Ark. Those of ...

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Doppler puts pressure thinking

on our hemodynamic

Hugh D. Allen, M.D., Stanley J. Goldberg,

M.D., and Gerald R. Marx, M.D.

Tucson, Ark.

Those of us schooled in clinical decision-making based upon pressure gradients measured at cardiac catheterization may be forced by Doppler echocardiography to reconsider our present approach to acquisition, evaluation, and application of hemodynamic data. Traditionally obtained peak-to-peak gradients (Fig. 1) are not true measures of the physiologic phenomenon that is occurring. When most catheterizations are performed, this “gradient” is measured as the difference in peak pressures during a catheter pullback across a stenotic area. The pullback introduces possible errors in timing and magnitude of the pressure tracings influenced by changes in the respiratory cycle and in heart rates that may have occurred during the pullback procedure. In severe pressure drop situations, the error is not important, but will be magnified in mild to moderate lesions. More accurate, but still problematic, is simultaneous measurement of pressures by fluid-filled catheters located within the two chambers or chamber and vessel on either side of an obstruction. Harmonic distortions can result in pressure overestimation and fluid-filled catheter systems may introduce a time delay in inscription of the curve. The most accurate measurements are obtained with dual intravascular or intracavitary micromanometer transducers placed into the areas of interest. Nonetheless, in all of these approaches, a necessary time delay exists between peak pressure development in the chamber or vessel proximal to the obstruction and peak pressure development in the chamber or vessel distal to the obstruction because pressure drop across an obstruction is phase-shifted in time. Thus, do peak-to-peak gradients reflect the instanProm the Department (‘enter. Received Reprint Arinma.

for publication

of Pediatrics. June


4, 1987; accepted

requests: Hugh D. Allen, Health Sciences Center,

of Arizona



Jan. 15, 1988.

M.D., Dept. of Pediatrics, Tucson, AZ 85724.



taneous situations that occur physiologically? No. Measurement of mean pressures is another approach that cardiologists use for clinical assessment of transobstructive pressures. These are determined by superimposing R-R matched pullback records and determining the area by planimetry or by measuring the difference between the superimposed pressure curves and dividing by the time interval. Accurate superimposition of these records is difficult, especially if scales are compressed and records are run at a slow paper speed. Another depiction of the physiologic events taking place across an obstruction is direct measurement of instantaneous pressure differences across the area of pressure drop, which is best measured by dual intravascular manometry. Similar results may or may not be obtained by dual fluid-filled catheters because of the distortion of pressure harmonics by the fluid system. The peak instantaneous pressure drop can be influenced by flow. It is thus increased in hyperthyroidism, excessive catecholamine states, aortic regurgitation, pregnancy, and anemia. Aortic elasticity may also influence the peak instantaneous gradient. Doppler velocities depict the instantaneous pressure differences across an obstruction. The proximal velocity curve (V,) can be measured by pulsed wave Doppler as the highest velocity Doppler signal obtained at a site proximal to the obstruction. The highest postobstructive velocity curve (V,) usually exceeds the sampling limits of pulsed Doppler and thus continuous wave Doppler is used for best sampling of this curve. Fig. 2 demonstrates incorporation of pulsed Doppler with continuous wave Doppler for evaluation of a patient with coarctation of the aorta.’ The continuous wave Doppler velocity curve often contains the proximal velocity envelope (V,) that contains the preobstructive events and a second envelope (V,) that reflects the postobstruction total velocities (Fig. 3). The modified Bernoulli equation can be applied to these curves as: 1145

May 1988




and Marx





Max Instantaneous

Heart Journal


Fig. 1. Diagram depicting types of pressure measurements from cardiac catheterization. Superimposed ventricular-vascular tracings are shown. The first panel demonstrates peak-to-peak pressure measurement from the highest amplitude peak of each curve. The second panel shows the maximum instantaneous gradient as depicted by a line of greatest separation of the two curves. The last panel shows that multiple measurements are made with respect to time. A mean value can then be derived. Abbreviations: P LV = peak left ventricular pressure; P Ao = peak aortic pressure; A4IG = maximal instantaneous gradient. (From Goldberg SJ, et al. Doppler echocardiography. 2nd. ed. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1987. Reproduced by permission.)

Fig. 2. Doppler tracings from a patient with coarctation of the aorta. The upper left panel shows the ascending aortic pulsed Doppler tracing. The insert shows the Doppler sample volume location. The upper right panel shows the precoarctation velocities, V,, obtained from a site just above the coarctation (insert). The lower left panel shows pulsed Doppler signal aliasing because the sampling limits have been exceeded. Thus continuous wave Doppler is used to sample VP, as shown in the lower right panel. (From Marx GR, and Allen HD. J Am Co11 Cardiol 1986;7:1379. Reproduced by permission.)

P, - P, = (VZ,- VT), where PI is the pressure proximal to the obstruction, P, is the pressure distal to the obstruction, V, is the peak velocity distal to the obstruction, and V, is the peak velocity proximal to the obstruction. Several studies2-l6 have demonstrated close correlations of peak gradients measured at catheterization with Doppler results predicted by the Bernoulli equation. Most correlations are enhanced when gradients are clinically signifi-

cant, because little difference exists between peak velocities and instantaneous velocities, especially if V, is negligible. On the other hand, if the pressure drop is slight and V, is of sufficient magnitude to influence the gradient prediction, ignoring it in the equation, as is often done, will result in gradient overestimation. This is certainly possible in patients with aortic regurgitation, where a high V, reflects the excessive volume ejected across the aortic valve

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Fig. 3. Tracing from a patient with residual subpulmonary stenosis after balloon dilation valvuloplasty for valvular pulmonary stenosis. The darkened inner envelope of each curve represents the infundibular component of the pressure curve and the outer envelope represents the peak total pressure drop. Not subtracting V, from the total pressure drop will overestimate the contribution of the valve to the total pressure drop. See text for details. (From Goldberg SJ, et al. Doppler echocardiography. 2nd ed. Philadephia: Lea & Febiger, 1987. Reproduced by permission.)

during systole. V, is accordingly increased, but if the valve is also stenotic, V, will be increased in proportion to the degree of stenosis as well as in proportion to the amount of increased flow. Subtracting V, from V, here will give a much better estimate of the stenotic component in a mixed lesion. Peak-to-peak pressure results are temporally shifted. An accurate result will be obtained if the instantaneous pressure difference between the inscribed Doppler velocity curves is measured, but this is not the peak gradient-it is the maximal instantaneous gradient (Fig. 1). Presently, many clinical decisions are made on the basis of peakto-peak gradients. If these criteria are applied to interpretation of the always higher maximal instantaneous gradient, exaggerated clinical decision-making could occur, especially in mid-to-moderate lesions. Mean pressure gradients across obstructions predicted by Doppler closely parallel those measured by manometry.16 These are evaluated in exactly the same manner as is done with cardiac catheterization data. The area between the two curves can be measured by planimeterizing the differences between the velocity curves at evenly divided time intervals so that a mean value can be derived (Fig. 1). Valve area is calculated by taking mean gradient, systolic time, and flow into account. This concept has more meaning for evaluation of the effects of

stenosis than gradient measurement alone. Valve areas have been calculated from cardiac catheterization data by the modified Gorlin formu1a.17 Studies have shown’h1s that similar data can be derived by Doppler measured pressure gradients, cardiac outputs, and systolic time intervals. More recently,20,21 the continuity equation, Peak V, X A, = Peak V, X AZ, where A, is the area of the left ventricular outflow tract just below the aortic valve and A, is the stenotic valve area that is solved from the equation, has allowed easier calculation of aortic valve areas that have correlated well with catheterizationderived values. Doppler technology and reevaluation of catheterization data now pressure us to rethink our clinical decision-making criteria. Many decisions have been made upon the basis of peak-to-peak gradients. Some incorporate mean gradient data, especially when valve areas are calculated. Unfortunately, to date few clinical criteria are available that state the meaning of maximal instantaneous gradients in terms of need for operation or the chronic effects of a stenotic lesion on the ventricles. In spite of the many factors that influence maximal instantaneous gradients, do they have clinical meaning? Do the other gradient measurements have greater or less meaning? Should gradient information be used primarily, abandoned, or incorporated in other data? Let us see some studies with regard to these questions.





and Marx


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Heart Journal

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