by the
Report of a Case H. Morgan, Captain, TJHAP (DC),* Frank W. Stezunrt, D.M.D.,“” Tgnatius J. Stein, Lieutennnt Colon.eb,USAF (XC)““” ,4lbert
fold in the mucosal portion of the lip that can bn seen without difficulty is sometimes referred to as a double lip, It occurs most frequently in the upper lip, although a case has been reported in the lower 1ip.l According to Thoma,2 it is uncommon and only a few casesare reported in the literature. In origin, the double lip can be congenital or acquired, the acquired form being accentuated or possibly caused by being sucked constantly and being drawn between the teeth. Clinically, the lip appears slightly overfull when relaxed (Fig. I), but when tensed the double lip is quite evident (Fig. 2) and resembles a Cupid’s bow. N
CASE REPORT A 3%year-old Air Force Chaplain was seen as an outpatient evaluation of his upper lip. He stated that he had experienced condition but he felt that it was csthetieally undesirable and that some degree. within
On April normal
6, 1959, he was admitted limits, with the exception
to this Hospital. of the hypertrophied
in the dental clinic for no discomfort from this it impaired his speech to
The physical examination mucosa under the upper
was lip.
After induction of bilateral infraorbital block anesthesia, with the usual preparation The tissue was grasped and drapes, the lip was retracted to expose the redundant tissue. with three Allis forceps and the mass was outlined in an elliptical manner from the midline to the right lateral commissurc. Hy sharp dissection, this incision was extended in the form From the 2792d USAF Hospital, Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma. The contents of this article reflect the personal views of the authors construed as a statement of official 4ir Force policy. *Department of Oral Surgery. **Consultant, Oral Surgery. ***Chief, Surgical Services. 236
to he
of a (‘T 7:’
This wc~lgc of tissue was then well into the submucosal tissues of the lip. The few small bleeders were ligated with 00000 catgut. f ree and removed. IllUCOSFLl margin was undermined and the wound was closed in layers wit,11 00000 catguf 0000 sill 1; without drains. The same procedure was then carried out on the lrft side. sected
l)ostoperativc result was good iFig. ii!. A rulled-gauze pwssure tlr~~san~g the lip and the patient returned to his room in good condition. l’ostopernti the paL icnt had only minimal edema antI discomfort. ITe was discharged on the f(, hospital day. immedia
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X rase of double lip is reported. This is all lmcommon anoma ly ;I 1qw;1 vitr g in eitlicr the upper or lower lip. Excision of this almorrni~lit,v is a i*clitti\~c~l\~ simple surgical procedure, and cxccllent cosmetk wsults ill’tl ol)t;lir~:lblc.
1. I)ingmnn, 2. Thon~a,
R. 0.: I)oul~ln Lip, 11.: Oral Pathology,
J. Oral Surg. 5: 146, 19.&i. ed. 1, St. Louis, IH54, The
C’. \~. ,\lOSl~,v colll})illl~.