between predicted and measured field behavior. (from
Proceedings of the IADC[SPE drilling conference, Dallas, Texas, February 1994
951205 On the use of Drucker-Prager failure criteria for earth pressure problems H. F. Schweiger, Computers & Geotechnics, 16(3), 1994, pp 223-246. Numerical methods are of considerable help in obtaining a better understanding of the behaviour of geomaterials and have become a standard tool for analysing complex problems in geotechnical engineering. In this paper the response of frequently used failure criteria, namely different forms of the Drncker-Prager criterion, are investigated by solving a simple earth pressure problem. The study reveals that all DrnckerPrager models represent a poor approximation of the MohrCoulomb failure surface and may lead to higher computing costs. The results presented here strongly suggest that for earth pressure problems a proper Mohr-Coulomb failure surface should be used when the application of more refined models is not possible or justified. (from Author)
ROCK BREAKAGE AND EXCAVATION General 951206 A new approach for optimizing earth moving operations. Part I A. K. W. Jayawardane & A. D. F. Price, Proceedings - ICE: Transport, 105(3), 1994, pp 195-207. Mass-haul diagrams and experienced engineering judgement, together with deterministic methods, have been the key factors in planning and estimating earth moving operations. Although, simulation and linear/integer programming (LP/ IP) models have been developed to overcome some of the limitations of these methods, those available hitherto are relatively fundamental. This paper describes a comprehensive model produced by a combination of the above techniques in order to optimize the entire earthraoving system. The model has three stages: simulation, to provide realistic unit costs and production rates using balanced plant teams; LP/IP optimization, to provide optimum material distribution incorporating constraints such as project duration, plant availability, sequence of operations and so forth; and network scheduling providing a construction plan. (Authors)
Drilling 951207
ANON (IADC/SPE), (International Association of Drilling Contractors/Society of Petroleum Engineers), 1994, 983 pp. The selected reviewed papers presented in this proceedings cover drilling equipment, technology, and methods, and include product appraisals, field trials, and case studies. Coiled-tubing, spud-can and extended reach drilling are amongst the various techniques discussed. Aids to drilling, such as the use of fluids, are covered and various ways of alleviating stuck-pipe, wellbore instability and blowout problems are dealt with. Papers on planning, economics and environmental impacts are also included. (S.J.Stone) 951209 Drilling, completion, workover challenges in subult formations L. LeBlanc, Offshore, 54(7), 1994, pp 42-44,59. Second in a series of three articles on drilling, completion and workover of subsalt wells. The drilling challenge is the unconsolidated interval below the salt. Measures to deal with creep and loss of wellbore radius are outlined. Wellbore enlargement, drilling fluids options, and rates of penetration are discussed. (J.M.McLaughlin) 951210 Subsalt technology. Part HI: drilling, completion, workover challenges in subsait formations L. LeBlanc, Offshore, 54(8), 1994, pp 38-41. Last in a three part article on subsalt formations considers the casing of salt sections. It discusses creep rates, casing loads, failures, casing design, where to case, cementing, and future re-entry. (J.M.McLaughlin)
Blasting 951211
Proceedings of the twentieth amuml conference on explosives and blasting teclmique, Austin, Texas, Januasy-Febrtmry 1994 ANON (ISEE), (International Society of Explosives Engineers, Ohio), 1994, 582 pp. This proceedings constitutes a selection of reviewed papers covering a wide variety of practical and theoretical topics involving the use and effects of explosives techniques. Blasting and drilfing practices in underground excavation, quarrying and demolition are covered and the role of planning and organisation in engineering projects is discussed. Case study examples, mostly from the US, are provided, with the emphasis on mining and mine development. (S.J.Stone)
Drilling: tools and programme management J. S. Hartley, (A.A. Balkema), ISBN (hardback) 90 5410 159 8, (paperback) 90 5410 160 1, price D r 85.00, Dfl 45.00, 1994, 150 pp, index. The objective of this book is to provide practical instruction for the geologist or engineering in the many facets of drilling and in particular diamond drilling. There are brief descriptions of the principal drilling methods and tools each method employs. Those used by the mining and mineral exploration industry are given more attention. The work describes in detail the way in which the various tools work and discusses their application for numerous styles of target and host rocks. Attention is given to hole planning, hole control and contract preparation and supervision. (from Author)
Machine excavation 951212 Truck-shovel operations in the southern Powder River Basin R. Church & K. Kost, Mining Engineering, 46(8), 1994, pp 960-962. An overview is presented of the truck/shovel operations in the southern Powder River Basin of Wyoming. Fleet sizes and operating considerations are discussed. Factors that are driving Basin operators towards larger trnck-shovel fleets