564 which was complicated by pneumonia. His speech FOREIGN UNIVERSITY INTELLIGENCE. returned after three months, the whooping-cough lasting J5g?’Hg.—Dr. Girard has been appointed Professor of Surgery. eight weeks. The hearing was - much impaired. The Giesse2?.. -Prof. Vossius of Königs berg has been appointed third case was that of a little girl of seven months old, Professor of Ophthalmology, vice Prof. Hippels. who in the fifth week of her illness had two eclamptic Heidelberg.-Dr. Herczel has qualified as pavczt-docent in attacks ; and in the sixth week impairment of power in the Surgery. right arm, the deltoid being especially affected. The arm Tricomi of Rome has been appointed f(X6?M
THE Committee of Organisation of the International Congress at Berlin have issued a circular calling attention to the " International Medico-Scientific Exhibition," which it is proposed to hold in connexion with the Congress. The exhibits are expected to include new or improved scientific instruments and apparatus, pharmacological and pharmaceutical preparations, plans and models of hospitals, convalescent homes, bath-houses, and new A special exhibiappliances for the care of the sick, &c. tion committee has been formed, and all information will be supplied by Dr. 0. Lassar, Berlin, N. W. Carlstrasse, No. 19.
IRISH MEDICAL SCHOOLS’ AND GRADUATES’ ASSOCIATION. THE annual general meeting of the Irish Medical Schools’ -and Graduates’ Association is to be held on Monday, March l7th (St. Patrick’s Day), in Chandos-street, at ’5 o’clock, when the thirteenth annual report will be received and other business transacted. In the evening the members and their friends will dine at the Holborn Restaurant at 7 o’clock, when Dr. George H. Kidd will preside. Tickets for the dinner may be obtained from Dr. W. H. White, Hon. Treasurer, 43, Weymouth-street, W., or from the Hon. Metropolitan Secretary.
WE have received from Messrs. Reynolds and Branson, Briggate, Leeds, specimens of their salufer cubes. These are made to facilitate the use of this antiseptic, and supply it in a portable form. One cube, dissolved in a quart of water, is used for dressings, or, used with a pint of water, makes a solution for washing the hands. Salufer has been highly spoken of by some as a non-toxic antiseptic and deodorant. The cubes are supplied in boxes, which can be carried in the waistcoat-pocket. The same firm make a salufer wool for employment with the solution; a layer of gauze, wet with the lotion, is placed over the wound, and over this the wool is applied. It is a cheap and satisfactory wool. ARISTOL, A SUBSTITUTE FOR IODOFORM. A new iodine derivative of thymol, has been patented and introduced as an iodoform substitute under the name of "aristol." It is said to be dithymol di.iodide, and is made by the addition of a solution of iodine in potassium iodide to a soda solution of thymol. A voluminous, red-brown, amorphous precipitate results, containing 45’8 per cent. of iodine. This is insoluble in water and in glycerine, slightly soluble in alcohol, and easily in ether and fixed oils. Aristol is said not to be poisonous, as it is not absorbed by the system. In the treatment of psoriasis it is claimed to act as favourably as chrysarobin, while it possesses the advantage of not causing the same intense colouration of the skin, or producing symptoms of conjunctivitis. It has also been