Dust-Hog Supra-Pulse offers superior dust collection United Air Specialists announce an addition to its range of Smog-Hog and Smokeeter air cleaning systems the Dust-Hog SupraPulse Cartridge Dust Collector. With ging (500 (100 Hog tomers sign
standard models ranfrom 800m3/h c.f.m.) to 167,500 m3/h 000 c.f.m.) The DustSupra-Pulse gives custhe flexibility to dea system that meets
their specific air volume, static pressure and air to media requirements. Enhanced by a downward airflow design, the SupraPulse delivers superior collection efficiency whilst remaining cost-effective to operate and maintain. Other features of the Dust-Hog Supra-Pulse include the Supra-Series range of application-specific cartridges, horizontal filter design, fully welded construction, inlet baffle,
converging/diverging pulse nozzle, large capacity compressed air reservoir, 500-hour salt spray polyurethane paint finish suitable for indoor and outdoor applications, modular design and a variety of customised options and accessories. United Air Specialists (UK) Ltd, Heathcote Way, Heathcote Industrial Estate, Warwick CV34 6LY, UK. Tel: f44 1296 311621; fax: +44 1296 315986.
Room air cleaner dramatically improves indoor air quality AAF International has announced the introduction of the AmericanAirFilter room air cleaner, claimed to be the most advanced room air cleaner available in the commercial marketplace. It is designed to improve indoor air quality (IAQ) by capturing contaminants and odours in areas where airflow and ventilation have been compromised. It provides source capture of particulate and gases and can improve air quality in any area in which it is installed. Designed to meet the requirements of commercial, institutional, and industrial applications, the AmericanAirFilter room air cleaner contains a true HEPA filter cartridge. Two models are available. In larger unit, Model CZ3400, the filter cartridge uses 60 ft2 of HEPA filter media and up to 13 pounds of a carbon and zeolite mixture to filter ambient
air. The smaller unit, Model CZ-3200, uses 30 ft’ of HEPA filter media and approximately 4.5 pounds of the carbon and zeolite mixture. A permanent prefilter removes larger particles from the air and extends the life of the HEPA filter cartridge. HEPA media traps 99.97% of particles iarger than 0.3 microns, removing the particulate most damaging to humans. The carbon and zeolite mixture removes smoke, gases, volatile organic compounds (VQCs), and other airborne contaminants that negatively impact IAQ. The CZ3400 provides up to 6 air changes per hour in 20’ x 25’ x 8’ space, while the CZ3200 provides up to 5 air changes per hour in a 15’ x 20’ x 8’ space. AAF International, PO Box 35690, Louisville, KY 40232-569, USA. Tel: + 7 502 637 0326; fax: + 1 502 637 0321. 1