AJH-APRIL 1997-VOL. 10, NO. 4, PART 2
HETEROGENEllYOFVASODIIATORRESPONSETO ACETYLCHOLINE ANDADE140SINETRIPHOSPHATE DISODIUMNCORCNARYANDRE14ALARTERY. W, TSumimoto”,KMateuzaN,E Muraksmi*,Y Shigemateu,MHamada’,and K Hhvada”. HypartanaionCenterKinkiCentralHoaphei,lterni,Jepanand EhimeUniversity,Ehime,Japan. Toelucidatawhetherthere iaadifferenca in vaaodilator reaponseto veeoeotivaagantabetweencoronaryarteryand rwrralartery,weamassedmronary and red endothel}al tunotionduringoardiaccatheterizationin normoteneiva subjects.Fourteenaubjectswithan@ogrephkelfynormal ooronaryend renaiarterieswerestudied. Toseeeeeooronafy andrenalendothelialfunction, we infused aoetykholine(ACh: 50 rng)andadenoslnatriphoephatediaodium(ATP:50 mg); endothalium-depandent vaaodilatom,and iaosotbidadinitrate (lSON:1.5 rng);diractvaaculsramoothmuasfadilator,into the leftmronaryerteryandright renalartery,ad daterminadsrter!al diametarbyarteriographyendflowvelooitywith adopplar wire cathetertechnique. Changeain averagevelocityandblood flow . wereoeioulated. Results.1)Coronaryartery:AChsnd ATPirroreaaadaverage velooity(21+9 cmkac to 48*16 and82+12). ATPand ISDN imrwaad evemga arterial diameter.2) Renalartery:ACh, ATP and ISDNinoreaaadaveragevelooity(30+8 cmkeoto 46*1O, 53+11 and41+11) but did rmt changeanerieidiameter.3) Inoreaaain bloodflowwhen AChefATPw injaotadin mronaryartery(240*80 %of 305*85) w aignifkantlyiargar thanthet krrenalartery(150+20 %or 145+45). Conokteion.1) Endothellaldependent vaaodiiatingastion waamoredominantin mronaty arterythan renalartery.2) In renalckoulstion,andothelialdependant vaaodiktiorr is euppoeedto be presentin arlarkle level.
Words: endothelialdependent vaamlilation,mronaty arlary,renalariaty
A Migneco, Patologia Univereita
MR Montebel 1 i, L Savi* Medica, Centro Ipertensione CattOlica, Roma, Italy
In order to evaluate any relationship between 24-h albumin excretion rate (AER ) and impaired cardiac function in essential hypertension, we etudied 56 mild hypertensive (31 M/25 F, aged 43.8*6.7) with normal left ventricular mass index,detected by M-Mode/2D/Doppler echocardiography.Each eubject performed urinary CO1lection for AER a#Beasment, during a 24-h Patients were ABPM. divided into three groups according to 24-h AER values: GROUP 1) 0-15, GROUP 2) 16-29 and GROUP 3) 2 30 mg/24h GR.1(26) GR.2(11) GR.3(19) AER mg/24h 24h SBP 9.02t2.6 19.3*5.0 86.324.5 mmHg
24h DBP rmnHg FS % EF % E/A
94.9?2.6 35.3t3.7 62.4i6.4 1.34*O.4
144.4t6.5 147.8*3.5 94.5*2.6 36.9i7.1 61.5t13 1.08*0.2
96.2t4.1 33.O*3,9 590O*3.7 o.9*O.1
In each group we observed a significant correlation between 24-h AER and 24-h BP (p< 0.01). Group 3 ehowed a eignificant
correlation between AER and minimal diastolic function changes (p
SKELETAL MUSCLE REDUCED TOLERANCE TO LOW FORCE STATIC EXERCISE AT ESSENTIAL HYPERTENSION D.Lieuina.A.VitoIs. InstituteofCsrdiolo~, Riw Latvia. Impaired Skeleti muscle Amction andmetabolismat the end
CONJUGATION OF ARTERIAL HYPERTENSION AND VENTRICULAR ALLORRHYTHMIA IN PATIENTS WITH HEART ISCHEMIC DISEASE. 0.S, Mukhammataulieva, M,Ch, Chariev, L.K. Imamkulieva, G.M.Serdiava. Turkmen Raaearch Instituta of Prophylactic and Clinical Medicine, Ashkhabad, Turkmenistan. Investigation aim was to reveal the clinical significance of arterial hypertension (AH) and cennected with it by the left ventricle myocardium hypartrophy (LVMH) in the development and maintenance of fetal ventricular arrhythmias (VA) in patients with heart ischemic disease (HID). 115 patients with HID were axamined at the age 35-02 (mean 47.lM.9) years old. All the patients were devidad into 4 groups: 1 group -27 patients with HID without VA, 2 group -25 patients with HID with AH, 3 group -36 patients with HID with VA, 4 group -26 patients with HID with VA against a background of AH. 20 heelthy persona of the same age gradation made up a centrol group. Investigation matheds: questioning, echecardiography (EchoCG). In the 1st group of patients compared with the control, the growih of ejection and contractility fractions (FE and FC) under the increasa of the left ventricle (LV) terminediastolic size (TOS) was found. In 2nd group patienta compared with the control the great incraase of TDS and termirro.systolic size (TSS) of the LV under the FE reduction was detected In the 3rd group patients compared with the control the LV wells thickening and the TSS growth were detected. In the 4th group patients compared with the control, the dilation of the heart left parts and tha FE and FC raductien ware found. Under tha comparative analyais the changas in the form of FC great raduction and the Iefl vantricle interventricular septum thickrwas dacreasewera ravaaled only inthe 4th grouppatiants. Thus, the VA appearanceagainst a backgroundof AH in patients withHID teatiriaate the alactricunatabilityof the myocardlumand is an unfawureble factor in the maintenance and aggravation of tha haart insumciency.
stageheartfaifumpatientsusuallyis viewedas dx.xmditioning etTect Essentialhypatension(HI) frequentlyis 8 prccumoranddeterminant Ofhcaltfsihuc. miaknnwn abnr%Skeletalnmackakomeho “esat EH. To characterize the musclefa@ue resistance andpxmharitiesof
energy metabelkm, petasaium (@lbslsnm andmyeelecuk activity at 23 EH patients(stageII WHO, mea,age4S+4 yra, local static exerciac, withoutawlyingdiureticain treatment,LV ejectionffacdon>50??0at rcat)and 19 sex andage matchedcontrels(C) wereatudird.Forearm blood flow (FBF, by venous eodusion pletbysmogmphy),oxygen consum@on (v02), Iacrete(L$Y enzymaticmethod)andK+ cRluxes well es myeclectricaigmalproverspYXrummrdianfrequency(?@) duringhandgripwithforce 5% of maximalvohunmymmmcdon till exhaustion and K+ amccntrstion(byNamephotometq9in plasmaand m,vaatusIeteralisbiopay amnplcawem mmlyaed Dsapitc similar maximal voluntary contractionfomc, enduranceof handgripwith force 50/. of maximal in EH ptawas reducedin compariaonto C (13+0.6 minva.20+0.4 ndn;pcO.05),FBL, vQ, L and K’ eitluxdynamicsduringthe exercisewereesaentiany modbkd In EH pta FBL,VQ andL etllux increased ~meb
during the sxcrck period rraching bigher values (
[email protected]) thmr inC. K+ ctllux in in EH @s was grcaker& 0.01) and inverselyrelated (I=0,76; pc3),05)te K+ level in rearingmuscle.~ concentration in in mmprisnn to restingm. vaakualatemlisin EH gss wss ~ C(65+15 pnml/gwetW. w S3*7 pmol(gwetwt.; PcO.05),&spite the normal FCplamnalewd. MF &m_asseduringhandgxip in BH pa exmededit in C (22+2 Hz vs. 124 Hz; IKO.05).We mncludedthat reducedskeletalmusck 6MigWreai5tance te 10Wform localexercisein SH ptaia refesedwithmedication in K’ klanee, morepmnorrnced Shiftin Inyeekctdcpewer3@rum duringemrciaeand diminished abilitytoauppertaer&icresynuwsia ofpbosphagmm cmniuoualy. Kay
Skakralmuack nwtamm, pmaaaium, mymkuicectivity, Sraticcxerciae
Key WOfdS: atierial hypartenaion, ventricular arrhythmia, heed inauffkiancy, electric untibility of the myocardium, HID.