Path. Res. Pract. 184, 69-76 (1989)
Early Liver Cell Lesions in Rats Induced by Thioacetamide An Ultrastructural, Cytophotometric and Autoradiographic Study Praet Marleen and Roels Hendrik N. Goormaghtigh Institute of Pathology, University Hospital Ghent, Belgium
P. van Oostveldt Department of Biochemistry, State University of Ghent, Belgium
SUMMARY A morphological, cytophotometrical and autoradiographical study was carried out on the early liver cell lesions present after one month of thioacetamide (TAA) exposure. We wanted to determine the extent of cell damage in the hepatocytes in relation to the later occurring cholangiocarcinoma. Cytoplasmic and nuclear alterations were present in the hepatocytes. They were mainly due to the toxic influence of the metabolites of TAA. No Feulgen-DNA changes have been observed in the hepatocytes in any of the studied zones. The increased TdR H3 + uptake and mitotic activity in the periportal and midzonal areas represented regenerative activity. In addition to these hepatocytic changes, the centrolobular area was infiltrated by oval cells. These cells appeared at first singly, later on they formed clusters. The electron microscopy of these cells revealed phenotypic characteristics, which were different from the hepatocytes. When separately, these cells resembled undifferentiated cells with cytoplasmic extensions and absent basement membrane. When arranged in clusters, a definite canalicular arrangement was present with characteristics of bile canalicular cells with microvillous extensions at the apical border of the cytoplasm and the presence of a basement membrane. A transition from the first oval cell type to the second oval cell type was suggested. This transition might represent a differentiation process of cells, which are regarded as the target cell and the precursor cell in the development of the cholangiocarcinoma. This is the first study reporting oval cell proliferation in the centrolobular area in a multistep model of livercarcinogenesis in rats. Introduction
fied polar metabolites by oxydation38 • Several authors 26• have investigated the early changes after TAA administration. Cytoplasmi27, 53, nuclear and nucleolar changes28 , 52 have been reported. In an earlier study we have shown that the development of cholangiocarcinoma after TAA treatment also follows a well defined multistep sequence39 • The present study deals with the early changes present after one month of TAA administration. Light microscopic and ultratructural studies of the early lesions in hepatocytes and of the oval cells
27, 52, 53
Thioacetamide is a thionol-S-compound which induces liver tumors in rats and mice in conditions of prolonged administration 15 , 16. Most authors report the development of liver cell adenomas or hepatocarcinomas5, 15. Others describe also the occurrence of cholangiomas and cholangiocarcinomas 1, 39. Thioacetamide (TAA) is mainly metabolized in the liver43 with the concurrent formation of thioacetamide-S-oxide (TASO), acetamide and non-identi© 1989 by Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart
70 . M. Praet, H. Roels and P. van Oostveldt
are completed by cytophotometrical and autoradiographical investigations. Our main purpose is the evaluation of the observed changes in relation to the development of the tumou~9.
Material and Methods Fifty, 3 month old male albino Lewis rats, weighing 250 grams, were on a semi-synsthetic, low protein diet consisting of casein 24%, dextrose 65%, salts 4%, corn oil 5% and halibut liver oil 0.03% to which vitamin B was added 55 • This diet is low in protein content but adequate for growth. Twenty-five experimental animals got a dietary concentration of 0.5 mg % TAA for one month, resulting in an approximate intake of 5.14 mg TAA per day. Twenty-five control animals got the diet and water ad libitum only. After one month the rats were killed simultaneously by cervical dislocation between 3.45 p.m. and 4.15 p.m. Liver fragments were studied by light microscopy, electron microscopy, cytophotometry and autoradiography in the different zones of the liver lobule according to the concept of Rappaport42 •
a) Light microscopy Liver fragments taken from the right and left lobe in 10 experimental and 10 control animals were fixed in AFA (ethylalcohol 75%, formalin 20%, acetic acid 5%) and processed. Five micron paraffin sections were cut and stained by H.E., Masson's Trichrome, PAS, Perl's reaction for iron and Giemsa.
An SP 560, LP 530 and a BG 36 filter were used in combination with a dichroic mirror with 50% reflection at 560 nm for excitation. An LP 580 and a RG 2 (4 mm) were used as barrier filters. During the measuring time of 1 second a sample of 200 readings was taken from the photomultiplier by the AD converter connected to the PDP 11/03 Digital microcomputer and the mean reading stored on a floppy disc. Standardization of the fluorimeter was carried out with uranylglass and the DNA content was calculated as a relative amount and expressed in arbitrary units. The measured data were analysed in a program, ranking the data in ascending order and after conversion, a histogram was plotted and the following statistical parameters were calculated: mean, standard deviation and standard error of the mean. During the statistical evaluation of the measured data the rejection level was fixed at p < 0.01.
d) Autoradiography Two groups, each consisting of 5 control animals and 5 experimental animals received an intraperitoneal injection of 100 microCie HHthymidine/lOO gr body weight (S.A. 20-30 Ci/ mmol, Amersham), respectively 6 hours and 30 minutes before they were killed. All animals were killed between 3.45 pm and 4.15 pm. Small liver fragments, taken from the right lobe were fixed in AFA. Five micron paraffin sections were made. They were covered with an Ilford L4 photographic emulsion by means
b) Electron microscopy A small liver fragment was immediately immersed in a buffered paraformaldehyde-glutaraldehyde solution for 4 hours at 4°C (2% glutaraldehyde + 1.2% formaldehyde 8% + 50 mg CaChin a cacodylate buffer) for routine electron microscopy. The small tissue blocs were rinsed overnight in a 0.1 M phosphate buffer with 6% sucrose. Postfixation was carried out with osmium tetroxide. The material was embedded in epon 812. Sections were made with an LKB ultratome I using glass knives, put on a bare 300 mesh grid and covered with a carbon film. They were stained by the Reynolds' method and alcoholic uranyl acetate. The sections were examined with a Siemens Elmiskop I electron microscope, at 80 KV.
c) Cytophotometry Small liver fragments were taken from the right lobe of the liver of 5 control and 5 experimental animals. After simultaneous fixation in AFA and processing, 12 micron paraffin sections were put on the same slide in order to standardize staining conditions. The slides were stained by the pararosaniline Feulgen method: 12 min hydrolysis in 1N HCl., pararosaniline 0.01 % pH 17• The nuclear DNA content of 100 hepatocytes was assessed in each zone of the liver lobule. The nuclear DNA content of 20 oval cells was assessed in zone III of the experimental livers as this is the only area where these cells are present after one month of TAA treatment. The fluorescence intensity of pararosaniline-Feulgen stained sections was measured with the MPV II cytofluorometer (Leitz). Photofading during measurements was reduced to a minimum by focusing the nucleus in the measuring diaphragm with phasecontrast using an orange light filter (OG2 4 mm). The excitation by light from a mercury high pressure lamp (HBO 100 W) was reduced to 1 second with electronically guided shutters.
Fig. 1. In the centrolobular area a marked depletion of glycogen is observed. The periportal area is not altered. (PAS, original magnification x 160)
Thioacetamide Induced Liver Carcinogenesis in Rats . 71 of the dipping method, exposed during 6 weeks at - 20°C, developed and stained with hematoxylin-eosin (31). In sections with background counts of less than 5 grains, cells with 10 grains and more were scored as labeled. In the zones I, II, III random fields were selected and for each zone 1000-3000 nuclei were counted. The numbers of the labeled and unlabeled interphase nuclei in hepatocytes and in the oval cells were counted separately and the results expressed as a percentage of the totals of labeled and unlabeled nuclei of each cell type. We also counted the number of labeled and unlabeled mitoses.
a) Light microscopy The lobular arrangement of the liver was preserved. The main alterations were localised in zone III. The hepatocytes showed severe cytoplasmic and nuclear alterations with an infiltration by microvesicular lipid droplets and a severe depletion of the glycogen content (Figure 1). An increased number of binucleate hepatocytes was observed. Several necrotic hepatocytes were noticed (Figure 2). The nuclei were swollen and pale, the nucleoli were huge. They were surrounded by macrophages. Only a few mitoses were present: 0.35%0.
Fig. 2. The hepatocytes show huge nucleoli in the centrolobular area. Some necrotic liver cells (arrows) are present. The oval cells proliferate and form clusters (arrowheads) between the hepatocytes. (Masson's Trichrome, original magnification x 400)
The zones I and II did not show cytoplasmic nor nuclear alterations. A few portal tracts revealed a slight infiltration by lymphocytes and plasmocytes. The hepatocytes showed an increased number of mitoses: respectively 6.25%0 and 4.23%0. The oval cell proliferation was exclusively present in the zone III either as single cells or in small clusters. These cells were not found in the zone I and II. The oval cells resembled undifferentiated cells with a scant amount of cytoplasm and oval-shaped blunt ending basophilic nuclei. Characteristically, the oval cells had a high nucleus/cytoplasmic ratio. They were actively dividing as is shown by their mitotic index of 8.720/00. It was difficult to differentiate these cells from fibroblasts on light-microscopy. An ultrastructural study was carried out.
b) Electron microscopy The hepatocytes of the zone III showed severe cytoplasmatic changes (Figure 3) characterized by the accumulation of lipid droplets, the distension of the endoplasmic reticulum and the displacement of the lysosomes. The mitochondria displayed a great diversity of shape and size. The heterochromatin was condensed along the nuclear membrane, the nucleoli were enlarged. The hepatocytes of the zone I and II were not altered by the treatment.
Fig. 3. Severe cytoplasmic alterations are present in the hepatocytes around the central vein. Displacement of the lysosomes and a microvesicular lipid infiltration (arrow) are displayed. (E M, uranyl acetate x 4000)
72 . M. Praet, H. Roels and P. van Oostveldt
Fig. 4..One single oval cell (*) and 2 clusters of oval cells (U) in a canalicular arrangement infiltrate between the hepatocytes of the centrolobular area. Lipid droplets are present in the cytoplasm of the hepatocytes. (E M, uranyl acetate x 3000) The oval cells were exclusively located in the zone III. They appeared either as single cells or in clusters (Figure ~). When ~hese. cells appeared separately, they showed Irregular mIcroVIllous cytoplasmic extensions. A basement membrane was not present. These cells cannot be confused with fat-storing cells as they lack the characteristic fat droplets (Figure 5). When arranged in clusters, a distinctly ductular configuration cou.ld be observed, surrounded by a basement membrane (FIgure 6). Numerous microvilli were present along the apical side of the ductular cells. The ~ohesion of a~jacent ductular cells by lateral interdigitatmg ~ytoplasmlC processes and the tight junctions closing the mtercellular space towards the bile canalicular lumen w~re well d~tect~ble. The cytoplasm contained many large mItochondna, nbosomes and tonofilaments. The nuclei were very irregular with coarse chromatin, condensed along the nuclear membrane. The nucleolus was distinct but small.
c) Cytophotometry
Hepatoeytes (Table 1) The results were different according to the area: - zone III .The nU!llber of diploid cells seemed to increase only shg.htly.. Smc.e the treatment induced swelling of the nuclei maI~ly m thIS area and because we had carefully avoided sectioned nucleI, we might have underestimated the number of cells with larger volume such as the tetraploid nuclei.
Fig. 5.. One si~gle oval cell shows irregular microvillous cytoplasmIC extenSIOns. No basement membrane is present. (E M, Uranyl acetate x 8000) The Feulgen-DNA content in this area showed no significant alterations. - zone II A marked increase of the number of diploid cells was observed, together with an equal decrease of the number of tetraploid cells. No significant changes in the FeulgenDNA content between the control and the experimental animals were observed. - zone I A slight increase of the number of diploid cells was observed, together with a decrease in equal proportion of the number of tetraploid cells. No significant Feulgen-DNA changes were observed between the control and the experimental group.
Oval cells (Table 2) These cells could only be observed in the experimental animals and were located in zone III. The Feulgen-DNA content of the oval cells was usually diploid. Tetraploid values were rare.
d) Autoradiography (Table 3) Hepatocytes
- Thirty minutes after the administration of TdR-HH the control animals demonstrated an almost identicai
Thioacetamide Induced Liver Carcinogenesis in Rats . 73 4.23%0. In zone III a mitotic index of 0.35%0 was observed. By this time most of the mitotic figures were labeled. The labeling index strongly increased in zone I and zone II in contrast with the moderate uptake of TdR-W+ in zone III: in zone I a labeling index of 24.24%0 and in zone II a labeling index of 37.85%0 was counted with a slight increase to 10.9%0 in zone III.
Oval cells Thirty minutes after the administration of TdR-HH , a mitotic index of 0.97%0 and a labeling index of 7.33%0 were observed. After 6 hours the mitotic index inreased to 8.72%0 and the labeling index to 17.98%0. Discussion
Fig. 6. A cluster of 3 oval cells (*) is arranged in a canalicular configuration surrounded by a basement membrane. A few irregular mitochondria (arrow), ribosomes (small arrowheads) and tonofilaments (small arrow) can be distinguished. Between the oval cells tight junctions (double small arrows) are present. (E M, uranyl acetate x 8000) mitotic rate in the different zones of the liver. The labeling index in the zone III was very low, whereas a value of 1.060/00 and 2.50/00 was found respectively in the zone I and II. Since oval cells were absent in control conditions, a mitotic and labeling index could not be determined. The experimental animals showed an increased mitotic index of 2.92%0 in zone I and 7.920/00 in zone II in the liver cells and no changes in zone III. All mitoses were unlabeled. The labeling index of the interphase nuclei increased in all areas: in zone I a labeling index of 2.74%0, in zone II a labeling index of 10.16%0 and in zone III a labeling index of 2.560/00 was found. - Six hours after the administration of TdR-HH , the mitotic index in the experimental group was markedly increased in zone II and zone I to respectively 6.25%0 and
Our light microscoic observations fit in with the earlier findings described in studies dealing with the early effects of TAA administration 4, 20, 53. The predilection of the lesions for the centrolobular area can be explained by the heterogeneous structure of the liver lobule, with focal and zonal variations of enzyme activities as shown by Novikoff and Essner32 • Consequently, as demonstrated in numerous carcinogenic experiments, a different histologic pattern can be expected dependinr. on the target site of the carcinogen in the liver lobule' II, 14. The alterations that were described and which we also observed, are the fatty infiltration, the glycogen depletion and the liver cell necrosis. These changes are by no means specific for TAA and are also observed in conditions of low-protein diet, CCl4 and chronic passive congestion. The preferential localisation of the lesions in the centrolobular area is closely related to the oxidation of TAA and TASO, which needs the bioactivation by the mixedfunction monooxygenase system: the cytochrome P450 and the FAD containing monooxygenases 9, 24. Our findings support the opinion that cytoplasmic changes of the central toxic pattern are due to a "concentration action" of the carcinogen2, 3. A similar centrolobular lesion has been described in livers intoxicated with p-dimethylaminobenzene (butter yellow)36, 3-Me-4-diMe-aminobenzene8, DL-ethionine 13 , CcV9 , diethylnitrosaminel 9 • Our cytophotometrical results also confirm the heterogeneous reaction of the different areas of the liver lobule: there is a marked increase in diploid cells in the midzonal and periportal areas, while the centrolobular
Table 1. Cytophotometric Results in Hepatocytes in Control and Experimental Livers after One Month of TAA Application Area
Number of cells Control rats
Number of cells Exp. rats
F-DNA content Control rats
F-DNA content Exp. rats
Zone III
2n 4n 2n 4n 2n 4n
21 65 30 62 62 32
25 57 60 26 80 9
106.58 180.37 93.95 172.41 86.51 179
123.77 191.33 107.56 190.59 102.66 191.22
0.35 0.19 0.47 0.28 0.30 0.47
Zone II Zone I
74 . M. Praet, H. Roels and P. van Oostveldt Table 2. Cytophotometric Results in Oval Cell After One Month of TAA Application Ploidy
Number of cells Exp. rats
F-DNA content Exp. rats
2n 4n
area seems less affected. The increase of diploid cells in the periportal area is in accordance with the hypothesis of the growth zone in this area 12, 17. The increased cell degeneration in the centrolobular area induces a regenerative reaction which starts at the periportal area and results ultimately in cell replacement around the central vein. We did not observe significant changes of the Feulgen-DNA content of the nuclei in any of the zones of the lobule. This is in keeping with earlier observations40 • The changes described by L. Thienpont52 therefore seem to be transient and not indicative of a possible stable preneoplastic change. The observations in control animals after 30 minutes of exposure of TdR H3+ demonstrate the periportal growth zone, which is confirmed by the findings of 6 hours oftdR H3+ exposure revealing an increased uptake of TdR-H3+ in the periportal and midzonal area together with an increased mitotic index. These observations also fit in with the hypothesis of a periportal growth zone. From these observations we may conclude that the changes in the liver cells are epiphenomena of an aspecific drug-induced cytotoxic reaction and not preneoplastic. The necrosis, however, may be important and even crucial for the development of later lesions as is shown in other experiments5 • Since necrosis of the liver cells always
precedes- the proliferation of the oval cells, both phenomena seem to be closely related and even suggest that the necrosis triggers the proliferation of the oval cells. Indeed the administration of a tenfold lower concentration of thioacetamide induces fatty infiltration only; without cell necrosis, no oval cell proliferation nor tumor development is observed (unpublished results). These observations stress the importance of cell necrosis for the development of the tumour. The oval cells at first proliferate discretely and separately. After two weeks they form small clusters in the centrolobular region. This location is exceptional and unusual. Most authors, who studied the effect of other carcinogens6, 13,25,29,33,48, observed that the proliferation of oval cells occurred in the periportal area. The origin and the fate of the oval cells have been the subject of numerous speculations. Farber 14 suggested that these cells ori~inated from the Hering canal. Leduc30 and Popper et al. 7 suggested a hepatocytic origin. Other authors 10, 34, 46 put forward the theory of a stemcell located in the portal zone. Our ultrastructural findings are in agreement with the suggestion of a stemcell: indeed the undifferentiated nature of the single oval cells lacking hepatocytic and bile canalicular characteristics are in favour of this hypothesis. Later when clusters become apparent, another differentiation is present. The ductular arrangement of these cells, surrounded by a basement membrane, represent advanced differentiation characteristics. The presence of tonofilaments, tight junctions point in the same direction. A transition from the undifferentiated type of the ocal cell to the bile canalicular type is suggested. Our results demonstrate the heterogeneity within the oval cell population. Similar observations have been made by immunocytochemical studies23 , 45, 48 and by determination of isozyme profiles22, 56
Table 3. Autoradiographic Results in Control and Experimental Animals After One Month of TAA application Area
Zone III
Administration time
Index %0
30 min
Control TAA Control TAA Control TAA
6H. Oval Cells
30 min 6H.
Zone II
30 min 6H.
Zone I
30 min 6H.
Control TAA Control TAA Control TAA Control TAA Control TAA
Mitoses n labeled
0.38 0.37 0.22 0.35 0 0.97 0 8.72 0.36 7.92 1.41 6.25 0.35 2.92 1.35 4.23
n not labeled
Interphase Index %0 2 2
1 1
1 1
6 31 2 5 18
4 2 46 4 2 16 1 5
0.19 2.56 3.14 10.9 0 7.33 0 17.98 2.5 10.16 9.56 37.85 1.06 2.74 7.20 24.24
Thioacetamide Induced Liver Carcinogenesis in Rats . 75
We presume that the oval cell tyre reEresents a stemcell, as is shown by other experiments2 ,34, 7. The explanation for a bile canalicular differentiation of the oval cells in this experiment is not clear. As is reported in the literature, the ultimate fate of the oval cells may vary. Some authors report on the differentiation towards hepatocytes 29, 33, 35, 54, 58, others believe these cells undergo atrophy and disappear l8 , 51. In our experiments an evolution to bile canalicular cells is observed41 • The cytophotometric measurements reveal a predominantly diploid population of cells with a high labeling and mitotic index. These findings aAree with those observations made by Stocker50 , Rubin and Tsao et a1. 54 • Since the oval cells actively proliferate in this experiment, they should be considered as the target cells which eventually become preneoplastic under continuous TAA administration. Their ultrastructural arrangement, the evolution to cholangiomas and cholangiocarcinomas in long term experiments39 , their high rroliferation rate, their different chromatin composition4 strongly supports this hypothesis. Further immunohistochemical work is, however, needed to trace these cells at the early moments of their existence in the liver lobule and during the further developments of preneoplasia and neoplasia.
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Received February 9, 1988 . Accepted in revised form April 28, 1988
Key words: Thioacetamide - Hepatocytes - Oval cells - Liver cell lessions - Cholangiocarcinoma M. M. Praet, N. Goormaghtigh Institute of Pathology, University Hospital, De Pintelaan 185, B-9000 GHENT, Belgium