losses in
Spain and
France, while Conservative defeats in ’., Britain were offset by the successes of German Chancellor Helmut Kohl’s Christian Democratic Union party and a slight consolidation of the centre-right Balladur coalition in France. These observations aside, the results were a mess. : The French Greens slipped into oblivion accompanied by the ultra-right German Republikaner party; the mosaical new structure of Rome politics will be reflected in an Italian contingent of unclear loyalties; and a clutch of minor demagogues will be collecting their attendance fees at the Palais de 1’Europe, along . with parliamentarians elected on party tickets dedicated to everything from renunciation of the Maastricht Treaty to unfashionable adherence to the views of
moves on
US health
Congressional committees that posal from its new acting chairman, Sam responsible for health care moved a Gibbons. He is trying to achieve the
All five US are
step closer to reform last week. The Senimpossible: more benefits with fewer taxLabor and Human Resources commites. He is also offering an olive branch to tee, chaired by Edward Kennedy, was the the pilloried insurance industry by supfirst to vote for a modified version of Presporting its wish to charge different premiident Clinton’s proposal. The Kennedy ums for different individuals, a proposal plan preserves universal health coverage, so far rejected by Clinton. The House committee on Education although participation in regional health (insurance-purchasing) alliances would be and Labor will begin its deliberations on a voluntary and employers would be modified Clinton package later this week. Their proposal calls for more benefits exempted from paying employee premiums if their businesses had fewer than ten than those outlined in Clinton’s plan, workers. Kennedy would also provide notably in child care, women’s health, and additional benefits for women, children, psychiatric illness, but at higher cost and and people with disabilities. According to with greater government intervention. the Massachusetts senator, "comprehenThe social reforming zeal of this commitsive health reform is a defining issue for tee, chaired by William Ford of Michigan, Trotsky. : : is further underlined by their intention to The assembly will not lack colour. The this Congress". The Senate Finance committee, chaired develop a parallel proposal that will advo- ’ inaugural gathering of the Parliament on Daniel Patrick by Moynihan, has only cate a single-payer plan, in which a federal July 19-22 is likely to witness to move from discussion to payroll tax would replace private insurinstances of shoulder-rubbing between recently begun a legislative proposal on health ance premiums. The House Energy and drafting personalities including Greek singer Nana care. Their goal is more modest, since Commerce committee, chaired by the Mouskouri-who was elected after the universal would be aimed coverage only scourge of scientific misconduct, John admission that she knew "absolutely nothfor. would also offer fewer is also grappling with a plan that They benefits Dingell, ing" about politics-and Bernard Tapie, : than the Clinton deadlock amongst its memhas package; prescription produced he of Marseilles Football Club and and care for the elderly since bers drugs long-term April. numerous business scandals. : When each of the three House commitMedics will continue to maintain a would be excluded. Employer exemptions would be to businesses of fewer tees’ recommendations are in, the House available respectable minority, although the assemRules committee will have the task of bly has lost a powerful voice on health than twenty employees, a substantial concession to the vociferous small business combining them into a single proposal issues through the decision by Italian pae: that will subsequently be discussed and diatrician Prof Adriana Ceci not to run for sector. Plans to alter cigarette tax are being voted on later this summer. There is now re-election. Prof Alain Pompidou, advisor used by both Senate committees to gather mounting political pressure for the on medical issues to French premier Balcross-party support. Clinton has advocatremaining undecided committees to have ladur secured a return ticket to the parliaed increases in the cigarette tax from 25 passed their final versions of a health-care ment. But a face that will be sorely missed is that of cancer specialist Prof Leon cents to 99 cents per pack. The Kennedy reform bill by July 4. But even if this tarplan would raise this tax to$1.74 a pack, get is achieved, both branches of Congress Schwartzenberg who gambled-unsucwhile the Finance committee is likely to have a long way to go before any plan can cessfully-on resignation from the French Socialist party in order to form his own propose a$2 per pack tax. But the fear of claim the necessary bipartisan support for more wide-ranging tax increases led one its successful passage. political party, esoterically named Bob to call MoyniOne issue remains that may yet kill this senator, Packwood, "Europe Begins at Sarajevo". Schwartzenhan’s "a a entire bill, proposals Burger King legislative endeavour: abortion covberg is famous in France, partly billion in taxes". : whopper,$190 erage. According to Democratic senator, consistently championing the cause of In the House of Representatives, the Barbara Mikulski, "if abortion is not on euthanasia, but also for holding the record of the shortest period in office of any Ways and Means committee, flung into the bill, it will be a big fight". of its French health minister: June 29 to July 8, chaos with the enforced resignation Dan Rostenkowski, on corrupchairman, 1988, to be exact. Legend has it that, late tion charges, is also ready to debate a pro- Richard Horton for a Cabinet he ate
the pillion of a motorbike. It was never made clear whether he was fired for New US recommendations on calcium intake his unpunctuality or for his unacceptably dishevelled appearance on arrival! The election of a more recent holder of that At a US National Institutes of Health panel concluded that calcium intake in ministerial post, Bernard Kouchner, consensus development conference on young people should be increased. equally renowned as founder of the medIncreased calcium intake also minimises June 6-8, the panel decided that ical charity Medecins du Monde and huscalcium intakes were higher than the curthe bone loss that is gradual in all older band of France’s best-known news rent recommended daily allowances adults and rapid in women in the several presenter, will help compensate for that (RDAs) for selected age groups. The priyears following menopause. While the loss. And Strasbourg’s continuity on mary concern was with tooth and bone bone loss associated with pregnancy and drugs issues will be helped by the re-elechealth, while the possibility that increased lactation seems to be made up adequately tion of Prof Luis Valverde Lopez, the calcium intake could prevent colon can- . in the following year, losses in the aged Spanish pharmacologist who has played a cer, hypertension, or pre-eclampsia was result in permanent bone weakness, even crucial role in successfully steering a series deemed worthy of further study. : though bone mass may be partly replaced of pharmaceutical directives. : To maximise peak bone mass by later dietary supplementation. The lesin the second or third decade), and thereson is that osteoporosis is easier to prevent Arthur Rogers by to guard against later osteoporosis, the than to reverse. However, calcium supplea