role-relations, the .addition of ,a new role would affect the .distrib.ution of roles within the entire system. It would be of value to know what changes would take. place ,m these roles when wife-mother-housekeeper takes up. a new role as a household co-provider. The change in role-expectations of marital partners may be assessedby their position on .an equalitarian vs. nonequalitarian ideology scale.’ The effect of mother’s paid employment on the raising of children ,may also be evaluated by an analysis of parents’ opinions as to the type of education and career they prefer for boys and girls. Households of employed women with family responsibilities are compared with house‘holds of non-employed women, in order to test the following major hypotheses. Hypothesis One: Husband’s share in housework is not signlhcantly greater in employed women’s than, in nonemployed women’s households. Hypothesis Two: There is a greater equality of role-expectations between husband and wife in employed women’s families than in .non-employed women’s families. Hypothesis Three: Mother’s employment has no significant effect on the upbringing of male and female children differently. The significance of studying the Polish case is twofold: first, Eastern European theorists disagree with Western social scientists as to the effects of married ,women’s employment on the, family; second, considering Poland as a rapidly modernizing country, it would seem theoretically relevant to investigate the possible effects of a major element of.moderniiation-i.e., married women’s participation in the paid labor.force-on such family concepts as housekeeper, breadwinner, and caretaker roles. Three major findings emerge from the study: The first finding is that the wife’s contribution of monetary resources gives her the new role of household co-provider but does not significantly increase her husband’s share in housework. The second finding is that the wife’s employment leads to the emergence of equalitarlan expectations among marital partners. The third result is that no significant change occurs in the differential participation rate of male and female children in housework when
John Graha’ti, Eastern Arms Control ProDosals for . Central Europe, Georgetown Univ., 1977. Chapter I traces the history of Eastern arms control proposals advanced from the end of World War II up to the, mid-1960s. Chapter II traces the events beginning ,,in the late 1960s that eventually led, the East. and West to the ,ncgotiating table. It discussesthe ,Eastern, desire for a European security conference as well as the Western de&e for. a. conventional arms negotiation. The two objectives ‘were linked in the dccislon of the, West t,o agree to a European security conference in exchange for. Eastern ‘agreement; for a Central European i conven-
tional arms reduction conference (MBFR). Chapter III describes the preparatory consultations. ,A description of the various proposals advanced by the East ‘as presented in their open press is given ,in Chapters IV and V. The dissertation concludes with a summation‘ of the current status, of the MBFR negotiations as gleaned .from open press sources and the possible directions that various -arms control ,.’ : experts have suggested the negotiations could take.
McAULIFFE, Joan Patricia, Politicgl Socialization Yugoslav Subcultures,, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison,
Within Two 1977; ‘I !
This study is designed to, examine the exfent. to which a political culture has developed through the analysis of data taken from a sample of fifth and eighth grade students from two ethnic’ group& Serbs and Hungarians. Political knowledge is examined in terms of knowledge of the dominant values of socialism, major political institutions .and political leaders. The students’. ,evaluation of the . regime’s, successin meeting socializing goals is examined, .Tn addition, the degree to which the students are interested in politics is measured indirectly. As hypothesized, there are sign&ant differences between the two’ ethnic groups : the Hungarians are less’knowledgeable than the Serbs, and have a local’ orientation which contrasts with the federal orientation of the Serbs, The differences between the ‘two ethnic groups are less‘pronounced among the eighth graders than: the, ‘fifth graders, suggesting that the Hungarians are being integrated into ‘the national political culture. Although political ,knowledge increase& ‘with educational level ‘for all groups, the overall level of political knowledge is low, and the ‘students: have a nonpolitical orientation. This can be considered a problem “given the ‘high rate of‘ citizen .participation espoused By the’ socialist philosophy. ” .a * .I. 8
Sl’&DA, Michael Joseph, Subjective-Behav&al Relationships and the Issue-Area Concept: Ah Application to the Sine-Soviet Dyad, 19534959, 19654969, rest Virginid Univ., 1977. This r&arch deals with the relationship between perception, expr&sion, and action’ as measured in seven’di,tferettt‘ issue-areas.The SinoSoviet ‘dyad ‘of interaction during the ‘years J9%i959 and 196s I969 is the international relations context in which two sets of hypotheses ,are tested. The first set of’ hypotheses anticipates positive covariance between certain’ intra-actor ‘and inter-actor’ perception, expression, and action relationships, while the second set of hypotheses anticipates the absence of positive correlation across issu&reas within each of the three major variables measured here (perceptions, expressions, and actions). The general theoretical framework of, thjs study is decisionmaking analysis (the’ mediated stimulus-response