Ebara installs real-time location management at Futtsu plant

Ebara installs real-time location management at Futtsu plant

NEWS Ebara installs real-time location management at Futtsu plant E bara Corp has started using Acceliot Inc’s STAR system with RFID technology on ...

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Ebara installs real-time location management at Futtsu plant


bara Corp has started using Acceliot Inc’s STAR system with RFID technology on the custom pump production line at its Futtsu plant in Japan. The STAR system, which covers an area of approximately 24 000 sq m, uses electromagnetic waves received through 262 antennae installed on pillars inside the facility. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tags track components enabling inventory and location management. With the STAR system, Ebara expects to improve real-time location management and visibility of components inside the plant, reduce manpower, improve component search efficiency and increase productivity. The data obtained from the STAR system will be analysed and utilised with a view to deploying the system at other Ebara plants to reduce lead times and enhance manufacturing processes.

For further information, visit www.ebara.co.jp

Covid-19: GormanRupp continues to operate in Ohio


he Gorman-Rupp Co will continue to operate all of its locations within the State of Ohio as an essential business during a statewide Stay at Home Order issued in response to the Covid-19 outbreak. Gorman-Rupp says that it intends to continue operating its manufacturing facilities in the State of Ohio during this period, while complying with all applicable laws and will be following the recommendations and guidelines of both local and State government and the Centers for Disease Control.

For further information, visit www.gormanrupp.com

Pentair updates on Covid-19 impact


entair plc says it has experienced reduced production in a number


Pump Industry Analyst

of key facilities as the result of “shelter in place” orders and suspensions of operations in several facilities due to the Covid-19 pandemic. “This is an unprecedented time, and our focus, like yours, is the health and wellbeing of our employees, our customers, and our communities,” said John Stauch, Pentair president and CEO. “A crisis such as this reminds us that the need for water touches nearly everything we do. No matter who we are or where we live, we are all connected by our reliance on clean, safe water.” “Pentair is in strong financial condition and we believe we are well-positioned to navigate the uncertainty of the current environment,” added Stauch. “We are taking appropriate steps to reduce expenses and manage costs, reduce or defer capital spending, and closely manage our working capital.”

Editorial Office: Elsevier Limited, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1865 843695 Web: www.pumpindustryanalyst.com Editor: Roisin Reidy E-mail: [email protected] Production Support Manager: Lin Lucas E-mail: [email protected] Subscription Information An annual subscription to Pump Industry Analyst includes 12 issues and online access for up to 5 users. Subscriptions run for 12 months, from the date payment is received. More information:

For further information, visit www.pentair.com


Grundfos to close BioBooster operations

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he Grundfos BioBooster business is to close following a series of unsuccessful attempts to refocus the business. Grundfos says that the company has failed to make a profit since it started in 1999 despite strong technology and significant investments. “We remain dedicated to pioneering solutions for water-related challenges, which is reflected in water solutions being central to our 2025 strategy. However, following a strategic assessment, we have regrettably concluded that a continuation of BioBooster activities would not be feasible. The decision is being made now to prevent further losses and give employees and customers clarity,” said Poul Due Jensen, Grundfos Group EVP, CSO. “Project-oriented businesses like Grundfos BioBooster have an uncertain nature. Winning orders can take years and investments must be made continuously and evaluated in the long term. Patience has been required, and we believe we have given various possible routes a fair chance over the years,” said Tommy Due Høy, Grundfos Group VP, Global Service & Solutions. Service on existing BioBooster wastewater treatment plants will continue as part of Grundfos DK Service.

For further information, visit www.grundfos.com

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March 2020