Ecological Physical Chemistry, edited by C. Rossi and E. Tiezzi, Elsevier, Amsterdam 1991, 651 pp. Price: US$225.50. Ecological physical chemistry is a new transdisciplinary field concerned with relationships between complex molecular systems and/or organisms and involves the study of the behaviour of systems in nature and their dynamic interactions in terms of information, energy change and aspects of renewable energy sources and biomass. This book is organised into four sections, thermodynamics (papers by I. Prigogine and H.T. Odum serve as profound introductions to the topic), ecological economics, structure and form and the physical chemistry approach to environmental problems. The biosphere cannot be considered as a system in equilibrium, hence the need to consider an input from non-equilibrium thermodynamics and the consequences of instabilities. This book contains various philosophical approaches to the topic and identifies through practical examples various applications, albeit some seem rather abstract. While the principles of this so called new transdisciplinary field are described, their ultimate value in ecology remains to be tested.
Introduction to Environmental Management, edited by P.E. Hansen and S.E. Jorgensen, Elsevier, Amsterdam 1991, 404 pp. Price: US$148.50. Considering the complex issues of concern to environmental management this is a welcome addition to the subject as it provides a means for rapidly identifying what are the critical components of management programmes. The subjects covered are: soil, air and water polluron, water management and water resources, pesticides, pest and weed control, gene-technology, countryside planning, environmental economics, environmental impact assessment and management modelling. One chapter deals with Danish environmental law and a significant proportion of the examples used in this book are derived from experiences in Denmark. This book should be valuable to all who are concerned with most aspects of envkonmental management, however, care should be exercised in accepting at face value some of the assumed hazards from chemicals and the use of data and conclusions which are relevant to Denmark to other geographical areas. New Books
Ecosystem Experiments.Scop.~ 4.5, edited by H. Mooney, E. Medina, D.W. Schindler, E.-D. Schulze an~ fLH. Walker, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester 1991, 268 pp. Price: £60.