

Edneatlon-Elementary and Seeondary existed?" 0641 White, Vern Il'in. Factors of coaaulity influence on local school board elections. PhD diss., Oni,. ...

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Edneatlon-Elementary and Seeondary existed?" 0641 White, Vern Il'in. Factors of coaaulity influence on local school board elections. PhD diss., Oni,. of Southern California, 1914. DI35:26191. How influential indi,iduals, organizations and coaaunity groups influence decisions. 0642 Woodward, Williaa Van leste. Student participation in bigh scbool go,ernance: a look at fora and effecti,eness. EdD diss., Coluabia Oni,., 1913. DI34:69291. 0643, Theodore B. Predicting public opinion about schools. PhD di85., Uni,. of "ichigan, 1913. DI34:1566. The degree to which officials, teachers, and coaaunity leaders can accurately predict or describe public opinion about schools. ALSO SEE EIT&IE5: 0205, 0232, 02]], 02]5, 0231, 0318, 0483, 0659, 0685, 0689, 0944, 0962, 1248, 1310, 1501, 1536, 1545, 1611, 1632, 11]4, 1910, 1915, 2031, 2146, 2259, 2219, 2]45, 2431, 2410, 2411, 2482, 2609, 2656 EDOCATIOI--BIGHEB 0644 Anderson, Dru. Delnza builds a ireputation. la Ed, 10:4, "ay 1914, ]0-]]. I California college helps "high risk" ainority woaen back to classrooas and to feelings of self-worth. 0645 Beaa, R. racts, fancies and faculty handbooks. Thought, 48, Su.aer 1913, 189-212. 0646 Begin, Jaaes P. Faculty go,ernance and collecti,e bargaining. J of Higher Ed, 45, 10' 1914, 582-593. Elaaines tbe de,eloping inter-actions between bargaining agents, senates, and adainistrations at 4-year colleges and uni,ersities. 0641 Blakely, Eernard Edward. Historical and conteaporaneous predictors of aluani in,ol,eaent. PhD diss., Purdue Uni,., 1914. 35:1400. Pro,ide5 basic data and a nuaber of original leasures to construct a causal aodel of aluaai in,ol,eaent. 0648 Blooa, Saauel W. Power and dissent in the a.dical school. New York: The Free Press, 1913. 192 pp. 0649 Bounds, Stuart "urray. En,iron.ental and political correlates of appropriations for higher education in Virginia, 1950-1912. EdD diss., College of Williaa and Sary, 1914. DI35:41181. 0650 Boylan, Hunter R. Facilitating ainority adaissions: soae legal considerations. coll & Oni" 48, spring 1913, 111-116. The legality of "preferential" treataent of ainority applicants. 0651 Braunstein, Daniel I., pachla, Sark and Klein, Gary I. Feedback expectancy and shifts in student ratings of college faculty. JIP, 58, Oct 1913, 254-258. Issesses the effects of college student e,aluationl on faculty perforaance. 0652 Brawer, "ilton J. lotes of a no,ice oabudsaan. J of Higher Ed, 44, Feb 1913, 148-154. The oabudsaan's job. 0653 Canniff, Francis. lew roles for urban uni,ersities iD the social change process. EdD diss., Oni,. of ftassachusetts, 1914. DA35:21101. Describes se,eral Don-traditional prograas. 0654 Carnegie Coaaaission on Higher Education. Go,ernance on higher education: sil priority probleas. lew York: ftcGraw-Hill, 1913, 249 pp. 1 report on recent trends and probleas in adainistration, with particular reference to collecti,e bargaining, tenure, and student influence. 0655 Carr, Robert K. and 'an Eyck, Daniel K. Collecti,e bargaining coaes to ca.pul. Washington, D.C.:laerican council


Edllcutlon-IIIJ,fller on Education, 1973. 319 pp. Historical context, strate~ies 06S~nvolved, problels and prospects, and reviews of court cases. 1 Chalbers, ft.ft. The colleges and the courts. Dan'ille, Ill.: nterstate publishers, 1972. 33& pp. Student-college 06Srelationships -- trends in court attitudes. 1 Chalbers, ft.ft. The colleges and the courts: faculty and staff before the bench. Dan,ille, Ill.: Interstate Printers and PUblisher, 1973. 280 pp. This eighth volule of Dr. Chalbers' bigher-education-law series deals with staff 06S:elbers' contracts, privileges, and protections. Clark, Kary Jo. Organizational stress and professional P~rforlance along faculty lelbers at a slall college. PhD d1s s., Uni,. of Kichigan, 1973. OA35:209A. Tested the effects of quantitati~e overload (discrepancy between the alount of Work to be done and the tile available) and qualitative overload (discrepancy between professional standards and 065~ersonal estilates of ability to meet the I) • 3aConway, Jales A. Englewood, N.J.: prentice-Hall, 1974. 4 Pp. An o,er,iew of the processes for understanding school 066~ollUnities froa a ~roblel-solving perspecti,e. t DaVis, Karylee. A legislative view of the pUblic service s~nction of state-supported universities. PhD diss., ftichigaa sate Univ., 1974. DA35:3451A. Legislators want public 0661er'ice expanded. trDearin9, Bruce. A double handful of suggestions: another 49ac t for the tiles. Intellect, 101:2350. 8Uller 1973, at~~498. Colleges and universities should abandon the pose of en ectless aloftness in favor of stilulating direct 0662 gagelent With ethical, aocial, and techological problels. conepaoli, John Andrew, Jr. A co.parison of working COlditioDB between cOllunity college instructors in cOliecti,e bargaining contract colleges and traditional DAJS e ges• PhD diss., United States International Uui,., 1974. lax :13741. Collecti,e bargaining colleges had a higher C01~IU. salary poasible and a significantly high nUlber of Pledective bargaining colleges had adopted a "no strike" 0663 ge. re~ie~eaa, Anthony J. The ledical opportunities proqral ret s ted; an assesSlent of adli8sion, enroillent, and SCheD~ioD of ainority stUdents in health professional 11 00 s. Call 6 Uai' J, 50:1, fall 1974, &0-75. Reviews the Dnt ae t of the recruitaent at the "edical Center calpus of the adlr· of Illinois, and analyzes its early results ia 0664 Di88ion earoillent and retention. ted ller, "ary Ann. 104i'i4ual and social benefits of aS8:rally supported continuing education: an effort to COl ss, O,er a quarter century and within a lid-Alerican 81l~unity, iapact of the Ser,icelen's Readjustlent Act (GI PhD ~iUPOD indiViduals, their falilies and their cOI.unity. 0665 Dr S8•• ftichigan State cni" 1913. DA34:75011. Pet essel. Paul L. fteasuring the benefits of student in sOllnel work. J of Higher !d, 44, Jan 1973, 15-2&. Prohleas 0666 D:,aluating or leasuring the benetits. 'nd ryea, E. D., risk, Robert S. and others. faculty unions PUbl~ollecti,e bargaining. SaD 'rancisco: Jossey-Sass telatahers, 1973. 23& pp. A good introduction to ls8ues 0661 Du ed to aeadelic collecti'. bargaining. free:cha, Julius and Fischer, Thol.s. The caapus press: lsaoco a and resPonsibility. lashington, o. c.: Alericao In t iatioll of State Colleges and Universitie., 1973. 115 pp. Wo parts: part I deals with que.tions of editorial and


Ed ••eation-lIlgller fiscal independence; part II traces the collegE press's brushes with the courts. 0~68 Edmonson, William Fred. Grievance arbitration and its role in the settlement of profesional negotiation disputes in higher education. PhD diss., Univ. of "ississiFPi, 1973. OA34:4779A. Provides an analysis of the arbitration process and presents data rEsulting frcm an analysis of 61 grievance arbitration awards in higber education occurring between Jan. 1, 1968 and Dec. 31, 1971. 0669 England, Gray. Influence of student protest upon philanthropic support of selected institutions of bigber education. EdD diss., Univ. of Tennessee, 1973. DA34:4611A. Study of 510 colleges and universities. 0670 Feuille, P. Faculty bargaining tbe fir trees. Ind ReI, 13, Feb 1974, 50-68. 0671 Forgianni, Asunic Albert. I.pact of black student activism on institutional refponse to blacks in bigher education. EdD diss., Indiana Univ., 1973. D134:4781A. Tbe responsiveness of predominately white institutions to tbe needs of black students and the relationship between black student activism and institutional responsiveness to tbe needs of blacks. 0672 Fratoe, Frank 1. Due process and the student-institution relationship in A.erican higber education. PhD diss., Uniy. of Pennsylvania, 1974. CA35:2405A. 0673 Gaff, Jerry C. ~aking a d1fference: the 1.pacts of faculty. J of Higher Ed, 44, Nov 1973, 605-622. The ways and circumstances under which good student-faculty r~lationsbips may be achieved. 0674 Galis, Leon. The de.ocratic case against the de.ocratic college. J Higher Ed, 44:9, Dec 1973, 716-729. Tbe trend toward a greater measure of student participation in decisions aff~cting curriculum and personnel. 0675 Gantt, Wilson and others. The registrar-adaissions officer: interpersonal relations. Univ & ColI, 49:4, su ••er 1974, 762-765. Fro. the 60tb annual meeting of the Alerican Assoc1ation cf Collegiate Registrars and Ad.issions officers. 0676 Gordon, Margaret S., Ed. Higher educat10n and tbe labor market. New York; "cGraw-Hill, 1974. 629 pp. The Carnegie Commission on Higher Education 0677 Gorman, Walter P. "arketing approacbes for pro.oting student enrollment in h1gher education institutions. ColI & Univ, 49:3, spring 1974, 242-250. Thp necessity of market1ng-sales management techniques to help solve enrollment problems. 0678 Gross, Edward and Grambsch, Paul V. Changes 1n university organization, 1964-1971. New York: "cGraw-Hill, 1974. Prepared for the Carneg1e Co.mission on Higher Education. 0679 Hedgepeth, Royster C. consequences of collective bargaining in h1gher education. J Higber Ed, 45:9, Dec 1974, b91-705. The dynamics and conseguences of collective bargaining at the state University of N~w York. 0680 Heilbron, LOUiS M. The college and univerSity trustee: a vipw from the rOdr~ room. San FranCiSCO: Jossey-Bass Publisbers, 1973. 239 FP. Collective barga1ning, tenure, work1ng with the faculty, poliCieS and prior1ties, and acadelic freedom, etc. 0681 Hermann, Burton Ray. An evaluation of faculty representation on ccllege and university gOY~rn1nq boards 1n the U.S. PhD 1iss., Texas A&M Unlv., 1Q71. from a survey involVing 53 colleges and 1766 persons. 06a? Heyns, R. W. The cnanging clildte of hiqher education. J Am




Coll Health lssn, 23, Oct 197~, 3-6. 683.Hobbs, ialter c. the "defective pressure-cooker" syndrole: d1Spute process in the university. J of Higher Ed, ~5, Nov 197~, 569-581. Exalines the processes by which acadelics wage o their dis~utes. 684 Holbrook, Bobert Jales. 1 lodel for citizens advisory comlittees in the adlinistration of adult education prograls. 06 Fdn diss., Arizona State Univ., 1974.35:69781. 85 Hoyt, Jane. Target: sex tias in education. Higher Ed, 10,7, A~g/Sept 1974, 6-9. DHEi's proposed regulations ailed at sex d1scrimination call for lajor adjustlents on the part of the 068nation's schools and colleges. 6 Jenks, 8. Stephen. An internal change agent's role restructuring university governance. J Higher Ed, 44, Kay 1973, 370-379. Chronicles the change in the University of New HamPshire's governance structure from a faculty-run 0680rganization, to a faculty-student-run organization. Kami, "icbael. Gap analysis: a new technique for planning ~n.the public cemlunity college. EdD diss., Florida Atlantic D1V., 1974 0135:14631. Adequate planning by cOllunity COlleges by proper cOllunication witb local business 068enVironment. e Kerr, C. University and the corporation: partially shared ~oals and separate identities. calif !gt B, 16, Spring 1974, ?-4. Discusses corporate and university shared goals, hlstorical dynalics of the calpus/corporation relationship 06e;nd Suggests appropriate conduct for both institutions• . Kintzner, Frederick C. "iddlelan in higher education: llproving articulation along high school, cOllunity college, ;~~ senior institutions. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Inc., hi 3. 1A8 pp. Focus on the 2-year college as liddlelan in 0690 gher education. U ~obre, Sidney. Successful pUblic relations for colleqes and n1versities. New York: Hastings House, 1974. 452 pp. An 069~XhaustivelY researched and doculented how-to-do-it book. U add , Carll, Jr. and Lipset, Seylour "artin. Professors, c n ons, and Ilerican higher education. Berkeley, Calif.: larnegie cOllission on Higher Education, 1973. 137 pp. DCludes data on various opinions about faculty unionization, 069~nd accounts of its operation. s Lieberlan, Jerole. Exalination of a cOllunity college and aOcial politics: the Urban Institute of Essex County College USia n experilent in political education. PhD diss., New Tork an !., 1973. 0134:52701. Shows that political cOllunity fctlVities affect the attitudes of trustees, adlinistrators, faCUlty and students regarding the use of public resources 069)or,the college. f Llndelan, Lynn iillial. the five lost cited reasons for ~:cUlty unionization. Intellect, 102:2352, Nov 1973, 85-88. aCUIties have becole increasingly interested in 0694ri~nizations which represent their occupational interests." ap lngenfelter, Paul Eugene. The politics of higher education OfPr~priations in three lidwestern states. PhD diss., Oniv. 111~lc~igan, 1974. DI35:41961. Politics at Oniversities of 0695 nOlS, "ichigan and iisconsin. ad"~ttes, Linda and Watkins, J. Foster. iOlen in Nollbistration in schools of education. Intellect, 102:2351, ad v 1973,132-133. the representation of wOlen in vhlinistrative positions is significantly disproportionate oren cOlpared to len, and lisleading where considered by type POSition.





Edueatlon-1I1gher 0696 ftitchell, Howard and ldelson, Daniel, eds. The uniyersity and the urban crisis. Hew lork; BehaYioral Publications, 1914. 212 pp. co •• unity Psychology Series, yolo 2. The need to bring the co •• unity itself into the design and conduct of the urban progra•• 0691 ftoore, Willia., Jr. and Wagstaff, Lonnie H. Black Educators in vhite colleges. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1914. 226 pp. The "sha." of "affiraatiYe action" progra.s, and the appalling inequality if and vhen blacks are hired. 0698 ~oore, Williaa, Jr. The coa.unity college board of trustees: a question of co.petency. J of Higher Ed, 44, ftarch 1913, 111-190. The real controllers of the college is its board of trustees, perhaps the aost uninforaed and inco.petent coaFonent in a co.aunity college structure. 0699 ~uehlig, John E. Participatory decision aaking in higher education and industry: a co.paratiYe analysis and eYaluation of organizational systeas of adainistration in higher educational institutions aDd industrial concerDS. PhD diss., Rev lork Oniy., 1913. 0134:5911. Establishes criteria for effectiYe participatory decision aaking. 0100 lovban, Jaaes O. The politics of higher education: lavyers and the acadeay in Illinois. PhD diss., Uniy. of Illinois, 1913. 1]4:60131. 1 case analysis of relationships betveen the Illinois General lsseably and higher education, 1969-12. 0101 O'Hara, Williaa T. and Bill, John G., Jr. The stUdent/the college/the law. Rev York; Teachers College press, 1912. 220 pp. The constitutional rights of students. 0102 Olsen, Karge. Goyernance by confrontation: adyersarialisa at the uniYersity. Intellect, Vol 102:1256, "arch 1974, 361-364. The recent departure froa the concept of university as an institution of higher education, a coa.unity of scholars vith different functional roles but all bound by cc••on objectives. 0703 Penney, F. ferspectiye and challenge in college personnel vork. springfield, Ill.: Charles C. Thoaas, 1912. 93 pp. A tilely assess.ent of vhere personnel vork is headed and where it has strayed off course. 0704 Pettibon, Williaa G. lD analysis of certain aspects of selected puhlic eaployee relations acts as they affect higher education generally and pennsylYaDia higher educatioD potentially. PhD diss., oniy. of Pittsburgh, 1973. 0134:11021. status of collectiYe negotiations/bargalning for professional e.ployees in higher education, possible redistributions of the decision-aaking power and significant trends. 0705 Ping, Charles J. On learning to liye vith collectiYe bargaining. J of Higher Ed, 44, Feb 1973, 102-113. The unionization of college professors. 0106 Plunkett, Herlann and others. The ainority students' needs. Call & Oniy, 49:4, su ••er 1914, 110-724. Fro a the 60th annual .eeting of the 1.erican lssociation of Collegiate Registrars and ld.issions Officers. 0707 Pullias, Earl V. College and uniyeraity ad.iniatration: ten aore principles. Intellect, 101:2149, lpril 1913, 428-431. Sensible adaini~tratiYe practices are a prerequisite to good .orale on the caapus. 0108 Raasey, Gerald D. unioni •• and collectiye bargaining aaong acadeaie eaFloyees in higher education. PhD diss., Purdue Univ., 1973. 0135:2201. Job satisfaction, attitudes and individuals' perceptions of self and faculty consensus in rating contract ite.s.


E.... ea 0709 Richardson, Richard D., Blocker, Clyde E. and Bender, Louis W. GO'ernance for the tvo-year college. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1972. 295 pp. The two .ajor are: participatory administration and understanding the beha,ioral 07 rOles of the participants. 10 Rost, Joseph C. The merger of the University of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin State University systeas: a case study in the politics of education. PhD diss., Oniv. of Wisconsin, 1973. D134:5549A. The development of higher education policy in the political system; the merger struggle; how the politics of educational myth which affects the merger struggle. 0711 Ro ve, Robert I. Student participation 1n . un1vers1ty , . policy formulation at Indiana university: vievs of students, faCulty, administrators and trustees. EdD diss., Indiana 071Univ., 1973 OA34:47971. 2 Runkle, Karl. A study of student participation in academic POlicy making in campus-wide shared authority governance structures in three four-year institutions of higher 071~ducation. PhD diss., Oniv. of Toledo, 197]. ]4:5881. Scheetz, Leo P. A co.parison of personnel infor.ation storage and retrieval systeas for the placement services of ~elected universities. PhD diss., ~ichigan State Oniv., 1973. 134:7555A. Develops a model personnel information storage anrt 071 retrie,al system for placement offices. ~ SChofer, Richard C. and Altman, Reuben. Bridging the gap 2etveen uni,ersity and community. sch t Comm, bO, Jan 1974, 0 0715 •• ,The problem is lack of com.unication. I, J. and others. Paculty bargaining to Havaii. 0716nd Rel, 1], Peb 19711, 5-22. ShcUh, Allen J. and Cri,elli, ~ichael A. Animadversion ;~ror in student evaluations of faculty effectiveness. JAP, th' ,Oct 1973, 259-260. The students vho received an F on 0717 elr midterm, also gave the professor an F. 19~hoPPing for college; college fairs. The, 10], !lay 13 0718 ~, 117. ChSlkes, Walter w., schlesinger, Lawrence D. and Seashore, Edarles. Developing change agent tea.s on campus. J Higher st' 44, ~ay 1973, 399-413. Results of a project involving six 0719 u~ent-faculty tea.s and six diverse institutions. I Sll,erblank, Francine. Role perceptions of the s:tellect, 102:2354, Jan 19711, 2]8-239. "Because I represent adudents with the blessings of the faculty and the r linistration, I have few problems in resolving complaints 0720at~er quickly by ~ay of a phone call or a short ,is it." efSlng~r, Robert O. 1 model policy for accountable and C fp.ct1'e faculty e,aluation. !dD diss., Oniv. of Northern pO~~rado, 1973. DA34:2992A. Develops a .odel institutional 07210 1Cy, e.ploying oFerationally defined criteria. b Sinichak, Stephen. Attitudes and perceptions of attitudes r 1 Various groups on public relations issues relating to u:~ness~e's higher education. PhD diss., Southern Illinois 1 lV., 197]. DA]4:5898A. Attitudes held by Tennessee 0722egislators, adainistrators and faculty. " S'elser, Neil J. Berkeley in crises. Intellect, 101:2348, r~rch 197], ]97-405. A pre,ie~ of David's Acade.ic 0723 ;nsformation: 17 Institutions under pressure. th lith, Goldeen. The professor and the public: the role of Un~ Scholar ln the .odern world. Detroit: WaynE State th 'ersity Press, 1972. 124 pp. Contains pub Lac lectures by ree prolinent historians -- Stith, A. L. Rovse, and J. H.


Edueatloa-lIlgher Dexter. 0724 Spirito, Donald Daniel. 1 study of congressional-higher education relations and cOllunications in relationsbip to the education alendlents of 1972. PbD diss., Uniy. of Pittsburgh, 1974. DI35:]4521. Concludes that an alert, persuasive and lulti-phase lobbying effort by the higher education cO.lunity is badly needed. 0725 Standley, Jales o. Role expectations of college students in selected areas of uniyersity decision-laking. PhD diss., Texas I&! Uniy., 191]. CI]4:1]801. Role expectation levels along students witb regard to tbe thirty selected yariables. 0726 Tirozzi, Gerald Nicholas. In assesslent of the expectations of scbool adlinistrators concerning tbe involYelent of school-co.lunity adYisory councils in the educational decision-laking process. PhD diss., !ichigan State Uniy., 1973. 34:55561. Adlinistrators' perceptions concerning functions of the councils and their effect on school-coil unity relationships and OD educational decisioD making. 0727 Waters, Elzberry, Jr. The deYeloplent of a prolotional strategy approach applicable to larketing accredited off-cal pus prograls in the greater Washington letropolitan area. PhD diss., Ilerican Oniy, 197]. 1 larket analysis of existing off-calpus prograls in the lashington letropolitan area. 0728 White, Harold G. 11ulni fund raising: to use a cOlputerized progral or not. Fund Raising Sgt, 6:2, Say/June 1974, 29-32. The decision to cOlputerize alulni and donor records is based on lany factors. The author discusses these considerations. 0729 White, P. C. Better industry-uniYersitr-governlent cooperation -- why and how. Research "anagelent, 16, Jan 1973,10-15. 0730 lilkinson, Robert Ernest. In inyestigation of factors Which influence attitudes of faculty lelbers in Florida's pUblicly-supported higher education institutions relatiYe to collectiye action and third-party representation. DBI diss., Florida State Oniv., 1974. DI35:24821. Three factors accounted for 74' of the variance: "professionalisl," "pover/authority/influence" and "personal security/freedol." 0731 Wilson, J.B. The view frol beneath the endovlent fund. PRO, 18:2, fall 197], 22-23. Career advice for the deYeloplent offices in higher education. 0732 Winston, Eric Von lrthur. Black student activisl at "ichigan State Uniyersity, sept 1967 to June 30 1912: the university's response. PhD diss., ftichigan State Univ., 1973. DI34:11071. Investigates institutional and departlental responses to black Etudent delands, pre and post conditions surrounding these responses, and structural changes of institutional prograls. 0733 Winston, Sichael H. Reflections on student unrest, institutional response and curricular change. Daedalus, 103:4, 212-16. 07]4 YankeloYich, Daniel. The changing values on calpus, political and personal attitudes of today's college students. New York: silon and Schuster, Inc., 1972. 246 pp. Profiles tbe college student lainstreal by identifying trends in student values, attitudes, and behavior. ALSO SEE ENTRIES: 0180, 0232, 0233, 0236, 02]7, 0343, 0315, 0454, 0471, 0572, 0823, 0929, 0941, 0943, 0945, 0970, 0978, 0984, 0990, 1087, 1097, 1108, 1109, 1123, 1149, 1293. 1329, 1340, 1351, 1373, 1449, 1450, 1452, 1475, 1498, 1514, 1527.


EDlltlo)"ee tlOll!110 1626, 1651, 1689, 1694, 1695, 1716, HIJO, 1845, 1864, 1903, 1914, 2029, 2045, 2222, 2214, 2283, 23R9, 242b, 2463, 24b7, 2497, 2537, 2599, 2601, 2610, 2612, 2616 !ftPLOY2E B2NEPITS 0135 Coffin, Richard ". and Shaw, "ichael S. Effective cO.lunication of elFloyee benefits. New York: Alerican "gt. o Ass., 1971. 136 Why GE buckled OD pension costs. BSDS W, 2284, June 16 1913, 92. Talk of controls was one incentive to ending the deadlock. lLSO SEE ENTRIES: 071], 0796, 0894, 2134, 2380, 2563, 2564 !ftPLOy!! CO"ftURIC1TIONS 0137.1 nderson, W. T.,Jr. and llpert, ft. I. Optilal heterophily: ald to effective cOllunication. Pub Pers "gt, 3, July 1974, 279-88. Effecti,e cO.lunication is essential to effective 07 lanage.ent. 38 Baxter, Don J. Elployee cOllunication • • • a latter of organizational survival. J of organ COil, 4:1, 1974/4, 5-7. ~ow an individual looks at his job and his elployer can 0731nfluence the regard in which lany people hold the coapany. 9lBensahel, J. G. Do your words of wisdol cOle through 074~ early? Intern !gt, 28, Nov 1973, 29-30+. Cathey, P. J. Learn about egospeak -- why no one listens to 074'ou. Iron Age, 212, Nov 1 197], 37-8. ; Danko, Donald. A Ferspective on corporate comlunications. RJ, 30, Aug 1974, 10-13. The need for lore effecti,e 074corporate cOllunications. 2 Da'is, Keith. Care and culti,ation of the corporate 0749rape,ine. Duns, 102, July 1973, 44-7. 3 Da'is, Keith. Let's study the grapevine. J of Org Call, 3:1, fall 1973, 1-5. The grapevine can be used by lanagelent to gi'e inforlation to elFloyees informallYi it also serves 014: s a leans for lanagelent to know what subordinates belie,e. DiCk, lrthur H. Job evaluation's role in elployee relations. Personnel J, 53, ftay 1974, 176-9. Discusses fi,e ;ethods to be used separately or in cOlbinations in forlal 074Sob evaluation Frograms. N DreYlack, R. When you lose touch with the rank and file. 074 ations BUS, 6, Dec 1973, 61-3. 6 Dunahue, "ichael H. and Wrangler, Lawrence I . The PSYChological contract: a conceptual structure for ~a1nagem.nt/eIPloyee relations. Personnel J, 53, July 1974, 8-26. Key elelents to a psychological contract include: a well structured job, continuous feedback between parties, etc. O747 E i manuel, "yron. Cornucopia or Pandora's box: choosing the ~ ght lediUI to send the lessage. J of organ Call, 4:1, 0748974/1, 8-11. How DuPont sol'es this monstrous problel. t Emond, J. CO.lunication in adlinistration (with reference 07490 the library). IPLO 0, 14, lpr 197], 16-22. 2 Erdos, P. L. Elployee surveys. Personnel J, 53, lpr 1974, ~4-300. Elployee surveys can go a long way toward taking the 07Sg ace of the person-ta-person talk. Green, t. B. and Pietri, P. H. Osing nOlinal grouping to ~;~rove upward cOllunication. "SO Bus Topics, 22, lutuln 07 51 4, 37-43. HerZberg, E. Pinding ne. ways to talk with elployees. lnt