Edward L. Mais, M.D. (1907–1962)

Edward L. Mais, M.D. (1907–1962)

Obituaries D WILLIAM D EDWARD G. TYSON, 501 M.D. (1900-1964) I’. William G. Tyson was born Septcmbtr 23, 1900, in Waycross, Georgia, and died ...

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M.D. (1900-1964)

I’. William G. Tyson was born Septcmbtr 23, 1900, in Waycross, Georgia, and died July 8, 1964, in Savannah, Georgia. He took his undergraduate work at Howard University and received his M.D. degree from Mcharry Medical School in 1926. His postgraduate training was dent at Freedman Hospital in Washington, 1). (Y., and with the United States Public Dealth Service Hospital in Little Rock, Arkansas. Hc was a mcmbcr of the Savannah Health Dcpartment. He was a fellow of the American Academy of Allergy, t,lic American College of Allergy, and the International Association of Allergology. Hc served during World War IT. The Academy wishes to cstcnd its decpcst. sympathy to the family and friends.

1. MAIS,



r. Edward L. Mais was born on April 23, 1907, in Jamaica, West Indies, and died in New York City on Dee. 26, 196”. Dr. Mais was graduated Jlagna Cum Laude from Lincoln IVnivcrsity, Chester County, Pennsylvania, in 1932 and was graduated from Howard Xedical School, Mrashington, D. C., in 1937. He interned in Durham, Korth Carolina, and entered gtneral practice in Riverhead, New York, from 11138 until 1942 when he cntcred the I’. S. Army-. He was discharged from the Army in l!M with the rank of Captain. In 1945 lx began to practice medicine in New York City and scrvcd the l’ppcr Manhattan Medical Group of the Health Insurance Plan of Greater New 1-ark until his death. 1)~. &is’ hobbies were golf and reading and hc was a prodigious reader. Hc is survived by his wife and two children, all of whom reside in New York City.