16-METHYL PREDNISO~ONE (DXMS) IN PREGNANT BLACK BENGAL Ponde, J.K.: Sanwsl, P.C. : Indian Vetsrinsry Research (lJ.P -1 INDIA.
Effect of short acting cortieoids Daxamethasont (DWS) hevs been corricd out in a group of pragnant Black Bsngal goats, thrsc different 8, end 16 mgmsf of Dm5 was rdmlnintersd es a single or three doses (4, repested doses during dSffarant periods of gcstat;on (130, 135 and $40 days).
The present investqgotion analyses that the early portur;t:on in this spec3es can be successfully fnducsd by thqr compound when g+vsn on 30th day of pregnancy et thrsc consecutfve doses. The chances of success is better when DXMS WBS admJn;stcrcd irrcspsct;ve of the doses nearer to the day of psrtur;t:on. The numbsr of kids born were normal end there was no retent;on of placenta. A s*gn;f?cont fall of plesma progesterone end r:se in plasm6 cort:co:ds concantrst’on have betn observed before and on the day 07 perturztjon dua to D*YMS treatment, however, the hormonal prof:le of progesterone and cort;co+ds has a s:m;lar trend in DrPlS treated goats ~4th that of untrestsd prennsnt femelts. I