Effect of adding potato maltodextrins on baking properties of triticale flour and quality of bread

Effect of adding potato maltodextrins on baking properties of triticale flour and quality of bread

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LWT - Food Science and Technology 96 (2018) 199–204

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Effect of adding potato maltodextrins on baking properties of triticale flour and quality of bread


Karolina Pyciaa,∗, Grażyna Jaworskaa, Joanna Telegaa, Iwona Sudoła, Piotr Kuźniarb a b

Department of Food Technology and Human Nutrition, Faculty of Biology and Agriculture, University of Rzeszow, Zelwerowicza 4 St., 35-601 Rzeszow, Poland Department of Food and Agriculture Production Engineering, Faculty of Biology and Agriculture, University of Rzeszow, Zelwerowicza 4 St., 35-601 Rzeszow, Poland



Keywords: Triticum Flour Maltodextrin Rheological properties of dough Colour

This work investigates the effect of the addition of potato maltodextrins saccharified to various degrees on the baking properties of triticale flour and the quality of the obtained bread. The experimental material was triticale flour and commercial potato maltodextrin preparations with a low and average degree of saccharification. The proportions of maltodextrins in the studied systems were 2, 4, 6 and 8% with regard to the flour content. The results showed that the falling number and water absorption of triticale flour was decreasing with the increasing proportion of potato maltodextrins. The dough was more stable along with an increase in maltodextrin content in the investigated systems and a rise in DE values, while a fall was observed in its resistance to mixing. Loaf volume and crumb colour depended on the proportion and type of added maltodextrins. Bread containing 8% of medium-saccharified maltodextrins had the largest volume. In turn, crumb brightness was decreasing as the DE value of hydrolysates was increasing. The addition of maltodextrins to triticale flour also significantly determined the texture parameters of bread. The crumb hardness and chewiness were decreasing with increasing content of the DE of hydrolysates and their proportion in the flour blends.

1. Introduction Cereals belong to a category of plant raw materials, which are fundamental for human nutrition all over the world. Cereal products, which proportion in the daily energy ration is the largest, are the main source of carbohydrates and plant-derived protein in the diet of the majority of consumers (Poutanen, Sozer, & Della Valle, 2014; Shiferaw et al., 2013; Aprod & Banu, 2017). Among cereals, the dominant is wheat grain, from which most cereal products are obtained in many regions of the world (America, Australia, Europe, and Asia). Other cereals (rye, triticale, barley, and oat) are used for food production to a smaller extent that results mainly from their technological properties as well as nutrition habits or sensory properties of the products obtained on their basis. At the same time, the chemical composition of these cereals and the related health-promoting properties suggest that they could be used to improve the nutritional value of wheat products (Approdu & Banu, 2017). Triticale (x Triticosecale Wittmack) is a wheat-rye hybrid produced in 1875, as a result of crossing of genomes A and B of wheat (Triticum turgidum L., Triticum aestivum L) (seed parent) and rye genome (Secale cereale L.) (pollen parent). The Latin name (Triticosecale) comes from

the names of parent cereals (Dennett & Trethowan, 2013; Fraś et al., 2016; Zhu, 2018). The main purpose of triticale cultivation was to combine beneficial features of rye (low soil requirements and significant yield) and wheat (wide usability). At present, global production of triticale is significant, since reached about 17 million tons in 2014. In Europe, the leaders in its cultivation are Poland, Germany, Belarus, France and Russia and outside Europe, China (Zhu, 2018); however, most of the crop is used for fodder. Grain of triticale is characterized by high nutritional value resulting from favorable chemical composition. In comparison with wheat grain, it has a similar protein content (11.4%–14.0%) however, contains more lysine (0.33%–0.71%), which is the first limiting amino acid in cereal products. In addition, triticale grain contains more arabinoxylans, a soluble fraction of fiber. When compared to wheat and rye grains, this grain is also more abundant in antioxidative constituents such as alkylresorcinols, phytosterols and B vitamins (Jonnala, Irmak, MacRitchie, & Bean, 2010; Fraś et al., 2016). The specific feature of triticale grain is high activity of amylolytic enzymes, resulting in a visible tendency to pre-harvest sprouting. Therefore, for years this grain was used as fodder only. However, due to continuous breeding work, high-gluten species of good quality and high starch content were developed. This in turn, opened the possibility of

Abbreviations: M, maltodextrin; MLS, maltodextrin saccharified to low degree; MMS, maltodextrin saccharified to medium degree; DE, dextrose equivalent ∗ Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] (K. Pycia). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2018.05.039 Received 12 February 2018; Received in revised form 12 May 2018; Accepted 14 May 2018 Available online 14 May 2018 0023-6438/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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2.2. Methods

using wider this grain in baking and confectionery industry (Czuchajowska, Paszczyńska, Nowotna, & Gambuś, 2005; Gambuś, Cygankiewicz, Haber, Nowotna, & Sabat, 2000). The use of triticale in food industry, particularly in bakery, for years have provoked debate between nutritionists and bakers. The first ones highlight the unique nutritive value of triticale, recommending its wider use in the human diet. In turn, bakers emphasize technological difficulties of applying triticale flour in bread-baking (Ceglińska & Haber, 2001). Triticale flour is characterized by high water absorption, short dough-development time and low dough stability. Triticale dough, in contrast to wheat dough, exhibits considerable viscosity and low extensibility and elasticity. Its structure and properties are close to wheat dough. With regard to development time, stability and viscosity, this dough resembles rye dough (Ceglińska & Haber, 2001; Kopeć & Bać, 2013). Effects are much better, when triticale flour is applied in confectionery to produce baked products. Triticale flour, used as a partial replacement for wheat flour, guarantees higher volume, better development and aeration of a product, along with longer shelf life (Ceglińska & Haber, 2001; Haber & Lewczuk, 1988). It should be emphasized that with regard to consumption of bakery products, bread occupies a third position. Its common use encourages producers to enrich its chemical composition and to modify the recipe or technological process in order to improve its nutritive value and taste (Kopeć & Bać, 2013). The addition of maltodextrins to flour is one of the ways to achieve these goals. Maltodextrins are the products of enzymatic hydrolysis of starch of various botanical origins. The glucose equivalent (dextrose equivalent, DE), the basic parameter of their characteristics, determines the percentage of reducing sugars (expressed as glucose) in the product's dry matter. The advantage of maltodextrins is that they do not have the status of the food additive, which allows retaining a so-called “clean label.” Maltodextrins exhibit the desired filling, structuring, and stabilizing properties and are also carriers of the substances responsible for taste. Their important functional feature is also good water solubility (Dokic, Jakovljevic, & Dokic, 2004; Pycia, Juszczak, Gałkowska, Socha, & Jaworska, 2017). The presence of maltodextrins in bakery and confectionery recipes allows for the improvement of the dough viscosity, affects the porosity and brittleness of the end product, prevents crumb staling and extends product's shelf life (Kopeć & Bać, 2013; Witczak, Korus, Ziobro, & Juszczak, 2010). Witczak et al. (2010) have proved that potato maltodextrins occurring in recipes of gluten-free cereal products have a positive effect on their volume and inhibit the staling process. The aim of the work was to determine the effect of adding potato maltodextrins with various degrees of saccharification (DE values) on the baking properties of triticale flour and bread quality.

Triticale flour was examined for moisture content and dry and wet gluten content according to the methods of the American Association of Cereal Chemistry (AACC, 2010), respectively (44–15.02) and (38–12.02). The total ash content was also established by incineration of the flour sample in a muffle furnace according to AOAC Method No. 923.03 (Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC, 1995). In the analyzed flour-maltodextrin systems, the falling number was determined (Tohver et al., 2005) and rheological properties using a farinograph (ICC Standard No. 115/1, 1998). Within the farinographic analysis dough was examined for water absorption [%], dough development time [min], dough stability [min], resistance to kneading [min] as well as softening [FU] after 10 min. All analyzes of physicochemical and rheological properties of flour were done in triplicate. 2.2.1. Laboratory bread-baking procedure In order to determine the effect of the maltodextrin addition to triticale flour on the quality of triticale bread, laboratory baking was performed using the single-phase method (Achremowicz, Korus, & Curyło, 2000; Sobczyk, Pycia, Stankowski, Jaworska, & Kuźniar, 2017). The dough was prepared from the examined flour (in the amount depending on water absorption), yeasts (3% with regard to the flour weight), salt (1% with regard to the flour weight) and water, using a laboratory tester (Mesko-AGD, Poland). The dough was then fermented at 30 °C for 60 min and meantime, after 30 min, pierced. Next, 250 g chunks were formed and placed in pans. The optimal time for final dough development was 50 min. Baking was carried out using a modular electric furnace (Sveba Dahlen, Sweden) at 225 °C for 30 min (Sobczyk et al., 2017). The bread obtained was weighed twice: immediately after baking and after 24 h in order to determine the total baking loss and bread yield (Puhr and D'Appolonia 1982). The baking loss was calculated as the difference between the mass of the formed dough piece and the mass of bread after being removed from the oven. In turn the bread yield was calculated as the amount of bread obtained from 100 parts by weight of flour with a moisture content of 15%. In addition, the volume of bread was determined using the Sa-Way apparatus (Sobczyk et al., 2017). The dough yield was also calculated as well as the amount of dough obtained from 100 parts by weight of flour with a moisture content of 15%. The bread volume ratio, and the bread porosity were determined according to the Dallman scale (Dallmann, 1981). 2.2.2. Texture analysis of bread Texture profile analysis (TPA) of the triticale bread was conducted 24 h after baking with a Brookfield CT3-10000 texturometer (USA), using TexturePro CT software. The cylindrical (h = 27 mm, d = 32 mm, V = 22 cm3) crumb sample, taken from the middle part of the bread, was compressed along its axis using a 40 mm diameter disc probe until 50% deformation was achieved. The compressing rate was 1 mm s−1. The following parameters of bread crumb were determined: hardness [N], cohesiveness (N), elasticity and chewiness (Chen & Opara, 2013; Witczak, Juszczak, Ziobro, & Korus, 2017). The analysis was carried out in five replications.

2. Materials and methods 2.1. Materials The experimental material was flour from the triticale grain of the Pantheon cv (Plant Breeding Strzelce, IHAR Group), derived from the 2016 harvest season. The process of milling triticale grains, previously conditioned to a moisture content of 15%, was performed in the Quadrumat Junior mill (Brabender, Germany) in laboratory. The obtained triticale flour was improved by the addition of commercial preparations of potato maltodextrins (M) (Pepees, Łomża, Poland) sacharified to low (MLS; DE = 9.25) and medium (MMS; DE = 16.15) degree, which was expressed as the value of dextrose equivalent. The DE value of maltodextrins was determined by the Schoorl-Regenbogen method (Pycia, Juszczak, Gałkowska, Witczak, & Jaworska, 2016). In the examined experimental variants, potato maltodextrin was added in the amount of 2%, 4%, 6% and 8% to the weight of triticale flour. The control sample was triticale flour without the addition of starch hydrolyzate (0%). Experimental systems were repeated three times.

2.2.3. Colour analysis of bread crumb The colour measurement of triticale bread crumb was carried out at reflected light, in accordance with the CIE (L* a* b*) system, using a spectrophotometer (HunterLab, USA), which had d/8° measurement geometry and 30 mm diameter slit. Measurement was conducted with illuminat D65 at a range of 400–700 nm. In the system applied, the L* parameter is ranging from 0 to 100, were 0 is black („zero” luminance), while 100 is white (the brightness of the spectral color). In turn, the values of parameters a and b specify chromaticity of color. The values of a* and b* are in the range from −120 to 120, which means respectively the transition from green (-a) to red (+a) and from blue (-b) to yellow 200

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3.2. Falling number of triticale flour and the rheological properties of triticale dough

Table 1 Parameters of triticale flour. Indicators

Triticale flour

moisture content [%] wet gluten content [%] dry gluten content [%] ash content in flour [% d.m.] flour type

12.9 ± 0.2 25.3 ± 0.4 8.1 ± 0.2 0.57 ± 0.02 550

Table 2 illustrates the effect of the saccharification degree and the level of maltodextrin addition on falling number of flour and the rheological properties of triticale dough. The farinographic analysis allowed for evaluation of water absorption of the flour and for monitoring the changes in dough consistency throughout its formation. It was found that the amount of the maltodextrin added to flour had a significant effect on a decrease in the falling number (Table 2). The falling number of the flour with the 8% addition of MLS and MMS was lower, on by 26.7% and 31.3% respectively, compared to the control sample. At the same time, the two-factor analysis of variance showed that only the amount of added hydrolysates had a strong, significant influence (p < 0.001) on the value of this parameter. The type of maltodextrin and interactions between both these factors were insignificant. Probably the DE range, which differed maltodextrins in the examined systems, was too small to affect significantly the viscosity of starch gruel. Numerous authors have found that the viscosity of maltodextrin solutions decreases as the DE value increases (Dokic et al., 2004; Pycia et al., 2016; Witczak et al., 2010). Tohver et al. (2005) claim that the falling number of triticale flour with the optimal baking quality should fluctuate between 220 s and 250 s. Falling number of the examined flour-maltodextrin systems was generally within the quoted range. However, according to Karolini-Skaradzińska et al. (2012), the type and amount of the maltodextrins added had no effect on the viscosity of wheat gruels. On the other hand, Witczak et al. (2010) have reveal that the viscosity of the gruels obtained from gluten-free flour blends significantly decreases, with an increase in their proportion in the system. The farinographic analysis enabled the direction to be found of the influence of the type and amount of the added starch hydrolysates on the triticale dough structure. The amount of added maltodextrins had an effect on water absorption of triticale flour. In the flour with MLS added, the average value of this parameter was lower by 9.2% compared to the control sample. In turn, the MMS presence in triticale flour led to the 10.3% reduction in water absorption; according to the statistical analysis, the influence of the maltodextrin type was negligible (0.577). On the other hand, the amount of maltodextrin additive (2–8%) and mutual interaction among both factors had significant statistical effect on water absorption. Thus, water absorption of the flour was decreasing as the proportion of hydrolysate in the system was increased. According to Miyazaki, Maeda, and Morita (2004), this

(+b) (Grigelmo-Miguel & Martin-Belloso, 2000; Pająk, Kuczera, & Fortuna, 2013). There were four replications for each analysis.

2.2.4. Statistical analysis In order to establish the statistical differences between means the data were treated by two-factor ANOVA, and the least significant difference (LSD) using Duncan test at significance level 0.05 was calculated. In addition, between the parameters referring to rheological properties of dough and the technological properties of bread, Pearson's linear correlation coefficients were calculated, at the significance level of p < 0.01. All calculations were performed using Microsoft Office Excel and statistical software package Statistica 12.0 (StatSoft Inc., USA).

3. Results and discussion 3.1. Characteristic of triticale flour Table 1 shows the results obtained for some physicochemical properties of the flour from the triticale grain milled in laboratory. This flour was characterized by an average moisture content of 12.9% and an average ash content of 0.56% dry matter. The content of gluten, which is responsible for dough elasticity, retention of fermentation gases and crumb structure of bread, is an indicator defining bakingquality of flour. The value of this parameter was 25.3%. This proves the good technological suitability of the analyzed flour (KaroliniSkaradzińska, Czubaszek, Stanisławska, & Szewców, 2012; Tohver, Kann, That, Mihhalevski, & Hakman, 2005).

Table 2 Falling number of flour and farinografic properties of dough with addition of the potato maltodextrins. Kind of addition (%)

Falling number [s]

Control (0) 279.0e ± 1.1 MLS 2 264.5d ± 3.5 4 253.3c ± 1.4 6 242.5b ± 2.4 8 229.5a ± 0.7 MMS 2 260.5d ± 2.5 4 250.3c ± 0.7 6 243.6b ± 5.6 8 230.0a ± 2.2 two-factor ANOVA – p factor 1 0.358 factor 2 < 0.001 factor 1 × factor 2 0.664

Waterabsorbation (%)

Dough development time [min]

Dough stability [min]

Resistance to mixing [min]

Degree of softening [j.B.]

67.60g ± 0.14

3.20a ± 0.28

2.40a ± 0.99

5.10a ± 0.00

136.50e ± 1.71

63.80f ± 0.14 61.90e ± 0.00 58.55c ± 0.35 49.05b ± 0.21

3.35abc ± 0.21 2.25a ± 0.07 2.50ab ± 0.28 4.20c ± 0.71

2.80a ± 0.28 3.35a ± 0.21 3.20a ± 0.14 6.20b ± 0.14

6.20a ± 0.42 5.60a ± 0.28 5.70a ± 0.42 10.40d ± 0.84

108.5d ± 3.54 98.50c ± 4.58 93.00c ± 6.21 39.50a ± 3.36

64.10f ± 0.14 62.25e ± 0.07 60.00d ± 1.13 46.45a ± 0.21

2.75ab ± 0.78 3.35abc ± 0.07 3.15abc ± 0.91 3.60bc ± 0.21

2.75a ± 0.07 3.35a ± 0.21 3.55a ± 0.49 3.70a ± 0.28

5.50a ± 0.85 6.70ab ± 0.28 7.70bc ± 0.42 8.60c ± 0.56

111.00d ± 2.83 95.50c ± 2.12 78.00b ± 2.73 39.50a ± 3.36

0.577 < 0.001 < 0.001

0.606 0.050 0.102

0.019 < 0.001 < 0.001

0.603 < 0.001 < 0.001

< 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001

Mean values of three replicates marked with the same letter in the column do not differ significantly at significance level of 0.05. Factor 1 – DE value of maltodextrin in bread. Factor 2 – value of addition to bread. Factor 1 × factor 2 – interactions between DE value of maltodextrin and value of addition. ± standard deviation. 201

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value of maltodextrins and their proportion had a significant effect (p < 0.001) on the triticale dough yield. In the case of adding MLS, the yield of dough decreased from 165.4% (0%) to 147.7% (8%) and a similar relationship was observed with regard to the MMS additive. However, Karolini-Skaradzińska et al. (2012) did not observe the influence of maltodextrins on wheat dough yield. There was a significant positive linear correlation between the dough yield and the falling number, water absorption of flour and the degree of dough softening (respectively: r = 0.89, r = 0.88, r = 0.97, p < 0.01). This study also revealed that the DE value of maltodextrins, the quantity of additive, and interaction between both factors had no effect on the total baking loss. However, the amount of potato maltodextrins added to the triticale flour affected significantly (p < 0.001) the yield of bread. In the case of the adding MMS, the bread yield fell from 152.64% (0%) to 138.24% (8%). Furthermore the adding MLS, the bread yield fell from 152.64% (0%) to 138.61% (8%). A significant positive linear correlation was found between the dough yield and bread yield, water absorption of flour and the degree of dough softening (respectively: r = 0.89, r = 0.96, r = 0.90, p < 0.01). Karolini-Skaradzińska et al. (2012) did not notice the influence of different type and level of maltodextrin addition on wheat bread yield. The bread volume is a basic quality factor and a parameter which reflects baking quality of flour. This value was increasing with an increase in the DE value of maltodextrins and in their proportion in the blend (Table 3). The mean volume of triticale bread with added MLS and MMS was higher by 28% and 72% respectively compared to the control (Table 3) and was also increasing with increasing proportion of both hydrolysates in the blend. The reported relationships agree with the findings of other authors (Karolini-Skaradzińska et al., 2012; Miyazaki et al., 2004). An increase in bread volume resulting from an increase in the DE of hydrolysates is probably due to the growing supply of monosaccharides occurring, as a substrate, in the process of dough fermentation. In the oligosaccharide spectrum of maltodextrins, the proportion of monosaccharides was increasing as the DE value was increasing (Pycia et al., 2017). The obtained triticale breads differed from each other in crumb porosity. In general, bread with the addition of potato maltodextrins was more porous, with evenly distributed pores.

is due to reducing the amounts of gluten, damaged starch as well as pentosans (responsible for water binding) in the flour (Van Lill & Smith, 1997). There was statistically-proved positive linear correlation between water absorption of flour and the falling number (r = 0.92, p < 0.01). The results obtained are consistent with previous observations reported by other authors (Karolini-Skaradzińska et al., 2012; Miyazaki et al., 2004). The development time of the examined triticale dough (control 0) was 3.20 min; the additive's type (DE value), its amount and interaction between both factors had no significant effect on the value of this parameter (Table 2). This agrees with the findings of other researchers (Miyazaki et al., 2004), who analyzed the effect of adding dextrins derived from the starch of various botanical origins on the farinographic features of wheat flour. On the other hand, according to Karolini-Skaradzińska et al. (2012), the time of wheat dough development was rising along with an increasing addition of potato maltodextrins to the flour and an increase in the DE value of the starch hydrolysates. The average stability of the dough with the MLS addition (DE = 9.15) was higher of 1.48 min compared to the control and the value of stability time was increasing along with an increase in the MLS proportion in the system. As for the MMS addition, there were no substantial changes in the value of stability time of the dough prepared from the flour-maltodextrin blend. This is congruent with the findings of other authors (Karolini-Skaradzińska et al., 2012; Miyazaki et al., 2004). Moreover, Miyazaki et al. (2004) observed a decrease in wheat dough stability with an increase in the DE value of the maltodextrins originated from tapioca and maize starches. The effect of the maltodextrin addition on dough stability was confirmed statistically (p < 0.001). The dough resistance to mixing under the influence of the 8% addition of MLS and MMS was significantly higher in comparison with the control sample, and was 10.40 min and 8.60 min respectively. Statistical analysis revealed a significant negative linear correlation among the dough resistance to mixing and the falling number and water absorption of flour (respectively: r = −0.81, r = −0.86, p < 0.01). In turn, a statistically significant effect was found of the degree of saccharification of maltodextrins and their proportion in the mixtures on the degree of triticale dough softening. The value of this parameter was decreasing along with increasing DE values of hydrolysates and their proportion (Table 2).

3.4. Color of the triticale bread crumb 3.3. Results of the laboratory baking Color of the bread crumb is the basic parameter influencing its sensory quality and consumer acceptance of a product. In Table 4, color parameters are collected of the crumb of triticale bread with various

The addition of potato maltodextrins to triticale flour significantly affected the parameters of laboratory bread baking (Table 3). The DE

Table 3 The parameters of laboratory baking of the brad with the addition of the potato maltodextrins. Kind of addition (%) Control (0) MLS 2 4 6 8 MMS 2 4 6 8 two-factor ANOVA – p factor 1 factor 2 factor 1 × factor 2

Dough yield [%] f

165.4 ± 2.3 de

Total baking loos [%] ab


± 0.60


Bread yield [%]

Loaf volume of 100 g flour [cm3] a

Porosity index according Dallman [scores]


152.64 ± 1.34

92.70 ± 3.54




160.7 ± 1.5 159.8cde ± 0.7 156.6bc ± 3.4 147.4a ± 1.0

5.58 ± 1.66 4.72ab ± 1.24 4.39ab ± 1.14 2.57a ± 0.39

146.51 ± 1.78 145.79b ± 1.85 146.04b ± 0.06 138.61a ± 0.31

118.05 ± 2.17 107.70b ± 4.23 110.06b ± 2.69 140.47d ± 2.24

80 80 70 90

162.6cd ± 0.9 160.5de ± 0.2 158.4bcd ± 0.6 155.2b ± 1.4

3.97ab ± 0.34 3.79ab ± 0.44 3.23a ± 0.08 3.81ab ± 0.58

148.68b ± 1.94 146.60b ± 0.30 145.39b ± 1.18 138.24a ± 6.48

142.48e ± 3.82 161.16f ± 4.61 163.11f ± 1.13 169.16g ± 4.26

70 80 70 90

< 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001

0.208 0.157 0.190

0.691 < 0.001 0.842

< 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001

Mean values of three replicates marked with the same letter in the column do not differ significantly at significance level of 0.05. Factor 1 – DE value of maltodextrin in bread. Factor 2 – value of addition to bread. Factor 1 × factor 2 – interactions between DE value of maltodextrin and value of addition. ± standard deviation. 202

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spectrum is yellow. A significant negative linear correlation was found between the L* value and bread volume as well as dough resistance to mixing (respectively: r = −0.74, r = −0.76, p < 0.01).

Table 4 Color of the bread crumb with addition of the potato maltodextrins. Kind of addition (%)


a* f

Control (0) 69.14 ± 0.68 MLS 2 65.49e ± 0.40 4 62.54d ± 0.21 6 61.70c ± 0.19 8 60.12b ± 0.33 MMS 2 64.08e ± 0.08 4 61.80c ± 0.31 6 60.59b ± 0.43 8 59.00a ± 0.07 two-factor ANOVA – p factor 1 < 0.001 factor 2 < 0.001 factor 1 × factor 2 0.479

b* a

16.59 ± 0.60

28.23a ± 0.41

18.77bc ± 0.26 18.91bc ± 0.08 18.94bc ± 0.43 19.67cd ± 0.41

28.56ab ± 0.73 28.10a ± 0.09 29.18bc ± 0.24 31.53de ± 0.43

18.26b ± 0.91 18.55bc ± 0.57 19.35cde ± 0.50 20.42e ± 0.35

28.71ab ± 0.03 29.69c ± 0.45 31.11 ± 0.20 32.27e ± 0.43

0.708 < 0.001 0.312

< 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001

3.5. Textural properties of the triticale bread Texture parameters of triticale bread with added maltodextrins are summarized in Table 5. The control bread was characterized by hardness 10.93N and this value was decreasing with increasing DE values of added maltodextrins and their proportion in triticale flour blends. Thus, the least hardness was noted in bread containing 8% of MLS. The twofactor analysis of variance confirmed the effect of maltodextrin saccharification degree, the additive quantity and interaction of both factors on the hardness of bread crumb (p < 0.001). The sensory evaluation performed by Karolini-Skaradzińska at al., (2012) showed greater softness of the wheat bread with added maltodextrins compared to the control. Miyazaki et al. (2004) observed an increase in the hardness of wheat bread under the influence of the respectively increasing and decreasing level of hydrolysate in flour and its DE value. Our own studies revealed an inverse relationship, probably due to the different types of flour and maltodextrins used in the research. Cohesiveness and elasticity of bread not depended significantly on the DE value of maltodextrins, although the additive quantity had insignificant effect (p < 0.001) on the value of this parameter. The maltodextrin addition to flour led to a drop in the chewiness of bread crumb. The values of this parameter were decreasing as the proportion of maltodextrins in the system was increasing. The mean value of chewiness of the bread with added MLS was lower by 17% compared to bread with the MML addition.

Mean values of three replicates marked with the same letter in the column do not differ significantly at significance level of 0.05. Factor 1 – DE value of maltodextrin in bread. Factor 2 – value of addition to bread. Factor 1 × factor 2 – interactions between DE value of maltodextrin and value of addition. ± standard deviation.

additions of maltodextrins with different DE. Statistical analysis proved the influence of the DE of maltodextrins as well as their proportion in blends on the L* value, which reflects the brightness of a sample. The value of this parameter was falling along with an increase in DE of maltodextrins and a rise in their proportion in flour. Crumb brightness of the bread with 8% addition of MLS and MMS lowered significantly by 13.0% and 14.5% respectively compared to the control. In the bread with added MMS, the lower values of the L* parameter result from the significant content of monosaccharides, which are a substrate for Millard's reaction occurring during baking at high temperatures. The positive values of the a* parameter indicate the predominance of red in the bread crumb. In general, an increase in this value was observed along with increasing proportion of maltodextrins in the system. Nevertheless, the two-factor analysis of variance did not confirm the influence of the DE value of maltodextrins on this parameter. In turn, the value of b* parameter was increasing significantly along with increasing the DE of hydrolysate and its proportion in flour. Positive values of the b* parameter show that the dominant color in the

4. Conclusions The results demonstrated that the addition of potato maltodextrin to triticale flour had an effect on its baking quality as well as the quality of obtained bread. Maltodextrins affected the rheological properties of triticale flour. The falling number was decreasing along with an increase in the DE of hydrolysates and their proportion in blends. In turn, water absorption of the triticale flour was decreasing as the amount of maltodextrins added to the triticale flour was increasing. Farinographic assessment showed that maltodextrins extended the development time of triticale dough, increasing its stability. Triticale dough with added MLS was more stable in comparison with that with added MMS. Moreover, the stability of triticale dough was increasing along with the

Table 5 Texture parameters of triticale bread with addition of the potato maltodextrins. Kind of addition (%) Control (0) MLS 2 4 6 8 MMS 2 4 6 8 two-factor ANOVA – p factor 1 factor 2 factor 1 × factor 2

Hardness [N] f

cohesiveness [N] bc

elasticity abc

± 0.12

chewiness 6.73f ± 0.15

10.93 ± 0.22

0.68 ± 0.03


6.82c ± 0.25 6.21b ± 0.64 6.38b ± 0.65 5.39a ± 0.52

0.70c ± 0.01 0.65ab ± 0.05 0.70c ± 0.01 0.64a ± 0.01

0.92c ± 0.10 0.90bc ± 0.05 0.87abc ± 0.11 0.84a ± 0.06

4.35c ± 0.52 5.39d ± 056 3.84b ± 0.15 2.85a ± 0.27

10.18e ± 0.17 8.00d ± 0.32 6.81c ± 0.13 7.99d ± 0.64

0.68bc ± 0.02 0.70c ± 0.01 0.68bc ± 0.10 0.64a ± 0.01

0.88abc ± 0.06 0.86ab ± 0.04 0.87ab ± 0.01 0.87ab ± 0.01

6.07e ± 0.06 4.81c ± 0.36 3.98b ± 0.15 4.45c ± 0.51

< 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001

0.592 < 0.001 < 0.001

0.267 < 0.001 0.117

< 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001

Mean values of three replicates marked with the same letter in the column do not differ significantly at significance level of 0.05. Factor 1 – DE value of maltodextrin in bread. Factor 2 – value of addition to bread. Factor 1 × factor 2 – interactions between DE value of maltodextrin and value of addition. ± standard deviation. 203

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increasing addition of starch hydrolysates to flour. Maltodextrins, especially those medium-saccharified, beneficially affected the bread crumb volume, which was rising significantly with an increase in the DE of maltodextrins and their proportion in flour. Texture and color of triticale bread crumb were correlated with the type and amount of added potato hydrolysates. Crumb hardness was decreasing along with an increase in the proportion of maltodextrin in flour. At the same time, hardness of breads with added MLS was lower than those with the addition of MMS. The brightness of bread crumb was falling along with increasing DE value of maltodextrins and their addition to flour. The obtained results prove that the addition of potato maltodextrin to triticale flour can improve its baking properties as well as sensory quality of the bread made of such blends.

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