$2. PAT~RSON,~ Laboratory studies of flow in olivine-rich rocks. -Report. In Advances in Rock Mechanics Vi,Part A. In Eaglish, French and Germs~. IOF,2T,49R. FROC.BRD CONGRESS INT.SOC.RDCK MECH.SEPT.1974, D~vq~, USA, NAT. ACAD. SC I.VI, PART A, 1974,P521- 558. l~is report exAm~es the contribution that experimental deformation studies can make to our understanding of natural deformation in olivine.rich rocks in tectonic settings. Particular emphasis is placed on the role of microstructural studies for establishing the correspondence between the mechanisms of deformation in the laboratory and in nature. The current state of knowledge on particular mechanisms on the stress-stralntime behaviour is reviewed. Aspects on which more intensive ~ r k is needed are pointed out. Auth.
47. WILSON,NE ELGOHARY, MM Consolidation of soils under cyclic loading . Technical note. 2F,BR. CAN .GEOTECH. J .Vll,NB, AUG. 1974, P420- 423 • A theoretical solution for the progress of consolidation of a saturated soil layer subjected to cyclic loading is presented. Consolidation is slower than consolidation under an equivalent sustained load due to the positive and negative pore-water-pressures produced during the cycle, which cause water to flow from and into the soil. An equilibrium consolidation ratio is obtained which is dependsat on the loading cycle, lO0 per cent consolidation cannot be obtained under c~rclic
STRAUSS,AM UNIV. C INC INNATI,OHIO, USA Continuum theory of time-dependent hysteretic earth materials. 42R. J. GEOPHYS .RES .V79,N2,1974,P351-356 • A pheno~mological continuum model of the mechanical properties of earth materials is developed. Constitutive equations derived from this model provide for the description of the aging mechanical response. Elastic, plastic viscous, and aging strains are taken into account and a general viscoplastic constitutive equation is developed for large strsdms. Short, slow, and small motions ~f earth materials are discussed and a natural age. dependent fracture criterion is proposed. Auth.
Physico-chemical properties
MSBOZOV, SS VASILEVA, VI DATSED, ES Variations in the composition and properties of loose rocks under the action of sustained alternate freezethaw..In Russian. 6R. VOPBOSY INZHEN.GEOL.I GRUNTOVED.VB,1973,P140-156.
Permeability and capillarity
48. FARSHAD, M AHMADI, G Effect of boundaries on wave propagation in media with microstructure. Part 2, surface waves in a half-space. 3F,gR. BULL. SEISM. SOC .AM.V64,N2,APR. 1974, PB87-392 • Surface-wave propagation in a half-space is studied according to couple-stress theory. Dispersion curves and displacememt variations with the depth co-ordinate are given for a range of material parameters. The results obtained are eo-~red with classical elasticity predictions.
49. PJD, CR Rayleigh waves in a half.spsee with bounded variation in density and rigidity. IF,6T,7R. BULL.SEISM.SOC. AM.V64, N4,AUG .1974,P1263-1274. The stress equations of motion of elasticity are solved by the power series method for an inhomoganeous, isotropic elastic seal-space. The period equation for Rs~. leigh waves is derived and discussed numerically.
See abstract: 45.
Compressibility,swelling and consolidation 45. AF II~OGENOV,YA KASYANOV, MV Influence of hete~oaxial compression of rock specimens on their porosity and permeability. Brief co-mmication. 4F. SOVIET MIN. SCI.Vg, N3,MAY. JUNE,1974, PB26.328 . A series of experiments, carried out at the Laboratory of Seam Physics of SNIIGGIMS, to study the problem of the influence of heteroaxial compression on the porosity and permeability of oil and gas reservoir rocks, are described.
46. BONN~,BP UNIV .CALIF . L I V ~ R E , USA Sheer wave birefrlngence in dilating granite. 3 F, 212. GEOPHYS .RES. LETT~S,VI, NS, SEPT. 1974, P217- 220. Observations of shear wave birefrlngence in dry Westerly granite as failure is approached in uniaxial co-~ression are reported. Correlation of ultrasonic data with stressstrain measurem~ats demonstrates that dilatant strains lead to increased shear wave splitting a/ong the direction of m l n ~ , m principal stress.
aocK 1 2 / I ~
50. KURASAWA,H YOSHIDA,Y MUDREY, MG Geologic log of the Lake Vida core.-DVDP6. Figs, Tabls,BR. ERY V~II.k'~y DRILLING PROJECT (D$DP) BULLETIN,N3, JUNE, 1974,P92-I08. 51. PRICE, NJ The development of stress systems and fracture patterns in undeformed sedlments .-RelDrt. In Advances in Rock Mechanics VI,Part A. In English, French and German. 19F,I~R. PROC.BRD CONGRESS INT.SOC.ROCK MECH.SEPT.1974, D ~ V ~ , USA, ACAD. SCI .VI,PART A,1974,P487-519. In this paper the development of stress systems and fracture patterns in undeformed sed1-~uts are considered in relation to the accumulation of a sedi. mentary series, its dowawerp and subsequent uplift and the concomitant dewatering of the sediments. It is indicated that high lateral stresses rosy develop in the rock at relatively shallow depths as a result of these processes. The fracture patterns predicted by this analysis are in ~xcellaent agreement with those observed in the field. Auth.