Experimental Effect
of Cardiac
on the
ELIOT CORDAY, M.D., F..-\.c.c. and DAVID W. IRVING, M.D. Los Angeles,
1926 Barnes’ reported that paroxysmal atria1 tachycardia might induce neurologic We later demonstrated2v3 that hemidisorders. plegia might occur immediately following paroxysmal supraventricular or ventricular tachycardia. This suggested that man); rccurrent transient strokes might be due to an unsuspected cardiac arrhythmia. M’hilc it has lIeen demonstrated that cardiac arrhythmias have a profound effect on the cardiac output and systemic Mood pressure,4 experimental studies of their effect on the cerebral circulation have been lacking. The purpose of the prcscnt study \vas to investigate the effect of cardiac arrhythmias on the cerebral circulation. It was found that the various arrhythmias resulted in @&cant decrease in cerel,ral arterial flow and in increased arterial resistancc. New improved electromagnetic technics were used for measuring the cerebral blood flow which allowed very accurate meaxurcmcnts during artificially induced arrthvthmiax. Blood flow determinations have been made in the past IX \.arious other technics, all of which were either indirect or required cannulation of a blood vessel. Among these methods can he listed the nitrous oxide technic which is an indirect method, the accuracy of which has I~en recently questioned.5 Direct cannulation of the vessel and measurement of the blood flop in a qraduated \~~el resulted in a change in the physiologic preparation due to continued hemorrhage and excluded considerations of the pe-
ripheral resistance. Cannulation and the direct measurement of blood flow by diverting thus blood stream extracorporeally through a rotameter or dropmeter bypassed this ol).jection. HoMevcr, cannulation required transection of the Mood vessel, thereby destroy-inq the vasomotor control to the vessel wall. The insertion of a cannula also resulted in the introduction of an obstruction to the blood flow and the possihlc creation of artificial and undzsiral~lc edd>currents in the blood stream. Kesistance to blood flop- was artificially chanp;ed : therefore, calculations of this factor \verc accurate impossible. Gradual inad\rc*rtent clotting of Mood within the extracorporeal apparatus resulted in slowing and artificial changes in blood flow which were often not immediatrl>. recognized. Instantaneous flop- changes could not be determined with the rotamctcr dur to the inherent lag in the apparatus. In the experiments to Ije clescril,cd we have measured the cerebral Mood flo\v \vith a mayconnected to a qquarc xva1.c netic “probe” electromagnetic flowmeter and integrator-conlputer.t This is undoubtedl!. the most satisfactory and accurate methocl to mcasurc l~lood The advantages are : (1 ) it allo\vs l~lootl flow. flow measurements in the intact \~scl wittlout any elenicnts; (3) introducing ol)structi\.c the response to change in I~loocl flow is instanresistance ic not altaneous : (3) peripheral
t “MctreRo Corp., fornia.
System,” 121 5 El @undo
.4vionics Boulevard.
Krst2wch Products 12 Scqundo, Cali-
* From The Institute for hfedical Research, Cedars of Lebanon Hospital, Los Angeles, California. This stud! was aided by grants from the National Heart Institute (H-4685-Rl), Ventura, Tulare and Santa Barbara Count! Heart Associations, Brneficial Standard Life Insurance Company, and the Spires G. Ponty, Charles I’. Skorwas. .Iulrs Strin and Hal Wallis Foundations. OCTOBER
FIG. 1. Recordings of electrocardiogram, femoral blood phasic flow and integrated pressure, electromagnetic blood flow of the internal carotid artery of a dog during regular sinus rhythm, atria1 tachycardia and atria1 fibrillation. The integrated flow was 60 cc. per minute during regular sinus rhythm, 52 cc. per minute during atria1 tachycardia and 42 cc. per minute during atria1 fibrillation. tered; (4) only a short length of vessel need be isolated, thereby minimally disturbing vasomotor control; (5) the calibration curve is linear; (6) results are reproducible; and (7) anticoagulants are not necessary. The electromagnetic flowmeter technic was first developed by Kolin6 in 1936 and was later modified by Denison, Spencer and Green.7 The principle of electromagnetic flow measurement may be stated as follows: An electrical conductor, such as blood or saline, generates a voltage when it flows transversely through the lines of force of a magnetic field. The flow voltage generated is proportional to the magnetic field intensity and the flow rate of the conductor. Two electrodes, which sense the flow voltage and transmit it for amplification and subsequent recording, are diametrically positioned at a right angle mutual to the flow axis and the lines of force of the magnetic field.8v9 We have modified the previous technics by the addition of an integrator-computer which continuously calculates the blood flow during rapid fluctuations which, up to now, could not be measured with any degree of accuracy. TECHNIC
Thirteen mongrel dogs with weights varying from 35 to 55 pounds (15.9 to 25.0 kg.) were anesthetized with intravenous sodium pentobarbital (2.3 cc. per kg.). An intratracheal
cannula was inserted and connected to a pump respirator for positive pressure breathing. The left side of the chest was opened between the fourth and fifth ribs, the lung was retracted and the pericardium was exposed and incised to allow easy access for stimulation of the left atrium and ventricle. A catheter was inserted in to the right femoral artery and connected to a Statham strain gauge for measurement of the blood pressure. The strain gauge and lead II of the electrocardiogram were connected to a multichannel (Electronics for Medicine) photographic recording machine. The right femoral vein was cannulated for administration of intravenous fluids. The right common carotid artery and the internal and external carotid branches were identified, and a section of the internal carotid artery was freed from surrounding tissues for a length of 2 or 3 cm. An electromagnetic probe with a lumen diameter of 3 mm. was attached to the internal carotid artery so that the outside walls of the \,essel were in close contact with the electrodes of the probe without causing any external constriction of the vessel. The electrical contact of the vessel wall with the electrodes and the ground cuffs which are within the lumen of the probe was enhanced by surrounding the area with saline or blood during the course of the experiment. The weight of the probe was supported by an overhead bar on a clamp stand. The magnet and electrode leads were attached to an Avionics electromagnetic flowmeter which, in turn, was connected to an Avionics electronic integrator-computer and, thence, to the multichannel recording machine. An automatic timing device was inserted in the circuitry of the integrator-computer so that the instrument automatically integrated the blood flow for a period of 30 seconds and then automatically returned to zero before starting to integrate again. The vessel was then occluded with a rubbershod hemostat and the needle of the flowmeter set at zero by a manual adjustment knob. The length of time required to occlude the vessel and set the flowmeter at zero \vas no longer than 5 or 6 seconds. The absence of pulsatile oscillations of the needle on the flowmeter indicated complete occlusion of the \.essel. For zeroing purposes, the vessel was occluded approximately 2 cm. proximal to the probe. If it was occluded closer, the hemostat tended to pull the vessel away from the electrodes in tile probe. Occluding distal to the probe does not THE
This graph depicts the internal carotid blood flow, internal carotid artery resistance, and the mean blood Fro. 2. pressurr during various cardiac arrhythmias. RSR = regular sinus rhythm, PVC = premature ventricular contractions, PAC = premature atria1 contractions, AT FIB = atria1 fibrillation. The resistance is calculated by dividing the mean blood pressure by the internal carotid artery flow for an interval of 1 minute. Note the marked drop in blood flow during arrhythmias and usually a slow return to below control values upon conversion to regular sinus rhythm. Thr last two columns show a return to control values followed by an “overshoot” because of the incrcasr in systrmic prrssurc following convrrsion to regular sinus rhythm from a paroxysm of atria1 fibrillation. FE. 3. This graph depicts the gradual decrease in blood flow of the internal carotid artery during the various carNote that the arterial resistance increases during the arrhythmias. diac arrhythmias. In spite of return to regular sinus rhythm in the last two columns, the flow remained at low levels because of the increased resistance, probably a RSR = regular sinus rhythm, PAC = premature atria1 contractions, PVC = prrreflection of cerebral angiospasm. mature ventricular contractions, PAT = paroxysmal atria1 tachycardia. SVT = supraventricular tachycardia, ,\‘I FIB = atria1 hbrillation, VT = ventricular tadhycardia.
present this difIiculty ; however, the pulsatilc effect in the blood vessel causes fluctuation of the needle on the flowmeter making an accurate The zero can also ad,justment to zero difficult. he checked hy simply turning the magnet off when the actual occlusive zero has heen determined.‘” Although the needle may not arrive at the same zero as the occlusive zero, the electrical zero ol,tained in this way can t,r used for periodic checks on the accuracy of the preparation at various times during the experiment. We were reluctant to occlude the vessel, except at the onset and the completion of the expt=riment, t)ut made repetitive checks on the zero throughout the experiment using the electrical zero. OCTOBER
Once control readings had heen estal)lishcd and recorded, the exposed atria were stroked with a bvooden applicator to create premature auricular systoles for two or more periods of 30 seconds. Several control tracings \vere taken over periods of 30 seconds following this. Then the left l~entricle was stroked in the same fashion to produce premature \‘cntricular s)stales followed hy control tracings. An attempt was made to produce atria1 fihrillation for tjrief periods of time tly stroking the atria. If this technic was unsuccessful, tincturr of aconitr was applied to the left atria1 appendage to produce atria1 tachvcardia, flutter or fit,rillation. Ventricular tachycardia was also produced I))applying the tincture of aconite to the \-cntricle.
and Irving respective blood vessel for each experiment. The results described will be those of thr integrator-computer for a period of 60 seconds, although the instantaneous blood flow was also used to correlate and assess factors which affect phasic blood flow. We have determined that the accuracy of the electromagnetic flowmeter is 5 per cent during average operation. RESULTS
FIG. 4. This graph shows the constant decrease in internal carotid artery blood flow during cardiac arrhythmias. A slight increase in blood flow may be observed immediately following conversion from an arrhythmia, but this value remains decreased from control values because of the increased arterial resistance, a reflection of cerebral angiospasm. RSR = regular sinus rhythm, PAC = premature atria1 contractions, PVC = premature ventricular contractions, SVT = supraventricular tachycardia, PIT FIB = atria1 fibrillation.
To convert the arrhythmia ethyl chloride was The electrosprayed on the aconitine focus. cardiogram, blood pressure, blood-flow trace, integrator-computer trace and a base-line marker were recorded simultaneously (Fig. 1). Calibration: The probe used was calibrated each day on the appropriate blood vessel in situ. This was done at the end of the experiment by cannulation of the vessel distal to the probe; the blood was collected in a graduated cylinder over a period of 30 seconds using a stop watch. Five such calibrations usually were performed at a maximum and a minimum flow and at Other investigathree points in between. tors7,‘0-‘” have shown the linearity of the calibration results and we have confirmed it. We have thus eliminated possible errors or day to day changes due to variations in hematocrit, vessel wall thickness, body temperature, changes in blood viscosity or inadvertent amplitude and gain controls on our recording machine by calibrating each probe on the
The results indicate that most cardiac arrhythmias cause a reduction in the cerebral blood flow and an increase in the arterial resistance (Figs. 1 to 4). It is realized that these experiments were conducted on the anesthetized animal and the blood measurements made on a single carotid artery. Therefore, the blood flow measurements do not indicate the total cerebral blood flow but probably do reflect the effect of the arrhythmias on the total cerebral circulation. Frequent premature auricular systoles cause a reduction of the internal carotid blood flow of 7 per cent while frequent premature ventricular systoles cause an average reduction of 12 per cent. The largest reduction in the carotid blood flow occurred during a run of successive premature ventricular systoles which also caused a marked reduction in the cardiac output and the systemic blood pressure. Immediately following the premature auricular or ventricular systoles, the resistance of the internal carotid artery increased in sixty of seventy-eight attempts and often persisted for as long as 30 minutes. This indicated that vasoconstriction of the cerebral circulation had occurred and was probably sufficient to cause ischemia of the brain. Auricular tachycardia usually caused a reduction in the cerebral blood flow in seventyfour of ninety-two attempts when the rate increased above approximately 200 per minute and when the systemic blood pressure and cardiac output decreased. The average reduction in the cerebral blood flow during paroxysms of rapid superventricular tachycardia As the ventricular rate was 14 per cent. increased up to 180 per minute, the cerebral blood flow frequently increased. Above this ventricular rate, the cardiac output started to decrease as would the cerebral blood flow. Immediately after the paroxysm of tachycardia was interrupted, the resistance of the internal This phecarotid artery remained increased. nomenon persisted for a considerable period of ‘I‘m?AMERICAN
and proljably represented vasospasm of the cerebral circulation (Figs. 3 and 4). ‘Atria1 fibrillation also caused a marked reduction of cerellral blood flow in fifty-five of sixty-one paroxysms. The average reduction was 33 per cent. The greatest reduction in the internal carotid flow occurred when the \.entricular rate exceeded 190 per minute. Tile greatest impairment of the internal carotid flo~v occurred during ventricular tachycardia. However, the ventricular rate dicl not seem to be the principal factor in determining the degree of reduction in the cerebral blood flow. As in the other arrhythmias, the greatest reduction in the blood flow occurred when hypotensive shock was present. The range of reduction in the cerebral blood flow in these instances was fjetwcen 40 and 75 per cent. tirlle
It is obvious from the above results that rapid cardiac arrhythmias are apt to induce sufhcicnt reduction in the cerebral blood flop to cause cerebral ischemia. If cerebral arter) narrowing is present. it is entirely possible that the collateral circulation to a vital area of the brain will fail Ijecause of the reduced head of pressure and IAood flow. This would explain the occurrence of transient strokes which were previously shown to occur during cardiac arrhvthmias .ys’j WC have recently observed a pa&t who I)ecame aphasic for 18 hours following a paroxysm of rapid atria1 fibrillation of 45 minutes duration. We have also observed patitants with an impaired cerebral circulation who de\.eloped focal or generalized neurologic disturljances such as incontinence, tremor of an cxtremit)-, confusion or delirium following vcrv frequent premature ventricular systoles. \.;rsoconstriction probably results from the reduction in the cerebral blood flow and this also increases the cerebral ischemia. It 1~1s long I~en debated whether cerebral an+ospasm occurs.‘,I These experiments on the dog \zould indicate that cerebral angiospasm does result during the cardiac arrhythmias and its effect lasts for as long as one hour following Our previous com.ersion of the arrhythmia. cxprriments in the animal using photographic and direct metering technics indicated that cerebral angiospasm could be induced during periods of hypotcnsive crisis.15 This experimental study would also indicate that cerebral aiigiospasm might be induced by rapid arrllythmias or I)y frequent premature systoles. OCToBI
and Cerebral
The studies also suggest that cardiac arr!.thmias in patients Lvith narrowing of the cerebral arteries should be treated promptly with anti-arrhythmic medication to prevent cerebral i
Cardiac arrhythmias were induced in the do? while the internal carotid artcr) IAood flow was measured with the electromacnc.tic flowmeter. These studies indicate that prcmaturc systoles and rapid cardiac arrh).thrnias may cause a marked reduction in the cc*rcl)ral Ijlood flow. Ccrcbral angiospasm ma). occur during arrhythmias and persist following thctn. .kKNO\VI.ED(:MENT
We would like to thank Messrs. and LImcs. Irving and Norman Feintech, William Forman, I:. I). .Mitchell and Philip Raisin who qavc financial support to this study. KEFERENCE
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