The Professional Animal Scientist 31 (2015):11–19; ©2015 American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists
Effect of corn condensed distillers solubles or corn dried distillers grains during gestation or lactation on cow performance, milk production, and preweaning progeny growth1 C. N. Shee, R. P. Lemenager, and J. P. Schoonmaker2 Department of Animal Science, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907
ABSTRACT Two experiments were conducted to assess the performance of gestating (Exp. 1) or lactating (Exp. 2) beef cows fed increasing concentrations of condensed corn distillers solubles (CDS). In Exp. 1, Angus × Simmental first- (n = 40) and second-parity (n = 8) females were fed 1 of 4 diets starting on d 181 of gestation until 2 wk before calving. In Exp. 2, another set of Angus × Simmental first- (n = 40) and second-parity (n = 8) females were fed diets similar to Exp. 1 from calving until 93 d postpartum. Diets consisted of a corn silage and haylage– based control, a corn stover plus dried distillers grains with solubles diet, and 2 corn stover plus CDS diets fed at a low (LD) or high (HD) dietary inclusion. 1 Appreciation is extended to the employees of the Purdue Beef Research and Teaching Center for help in conducting this research. Partially funded by a grant from the Indiana Corn Marketing Council. 2 Corresponding author: jschoonm@purdue. edu
Inclusion of CDS and distillers grains decreased DMI in both experiments (P < 0.001). However, in Exp. 1 HD increased DMI compared with LD (P < 0.001). Final cow BW was decreased in both experiments, and BCS was increased due to feeding LD and HD CDS in Exp. 1 (P ≤ 0.05). Reproductive efficiency and milk production did not differ for either experiment. (P ≥ 0.19). Calf ADG (P ≥ 0.42) did not differ in Exp. 1, but during Exp. 2 ADG was decreased (P = 0.05) in LD calves from birth to d 93 postpartum. In conclusion, CDS may need to be included at higher concentrations in lowquality roughage diets, or higher-quality roughages should be included to maintain adequate DMI. Key words: beef cow, distillers solubles, distillers grains, milk
INTRODUCTION Use of corn for ethanol production is expected to decrease land available for forage (pasture, hay, and silage) production. Corn stover,
which includes the stalk, leaf, husk, and cob remaining after corn grain production, contains approximately half of the dry weight of a standing corn plant and represents a tremendous feed resource in North America, with potential annual yields of 133.7 Tg (Kim and Dale, 2004). However, to achieve an acceptable level of cow BW and weaning weight, energy or protein supplementation, or both, will be needed. Protein supplementation can increase forage intake and utilization and subsequently increase cattle performance (Bodine et al., 2001). Condensed distillers solubles (CDS), a by-product of ethanol production, is high in protein and energy compared with dietary forages and is appealing as a supplement for low-quality forages such as corn stover (Gilbery et al., 2006). Burroughs et al. (1950) and Chen et al. (1976) reported improved cellulose digestion with the addition of either dried distillers solubles or corn distillers solubles, respectively. Additionally, Gilbery et al., (2006) and Coupe et al. (2008) observed in-
12 creased DMI when CDS was mixed at increasing concentrations to roughagebased diets but not when it was fed separately, indicating that the nutrients in a TMR may have been better synchronized for microbial needs. The effects of mixing CDS with corn stover in diets fed to beef cows during late gestation or early lactation on cow performance and calf growth is unknown. Therefore, the objective of these experiments was to identify the concentration of CDS in corn-stover diets during gestation and lactation that will optimize cow reproductive efficiency and milk production, and to characterize the early development of the progeny from cows fed CDS. We hypothesized that mixing CDS with corn stover will improve reproductive performance of cows and that CDS and stover–based diets are an adequate alternative to hay or dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS).
MATERIALS AND METHODS Two studies were conducted at the Purdue Animal Sciences Research and Education Center in West Lafayette, Indiana, to determine the effect of CDS during gestation (Exp. 1) or lactation (Exp. 2) on cow BW, BCS, and reproduction and preweaning calf ADG. Research protocols using animals followed guidelines in the Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Agricultural Research and Teaching (FASS, 2010) and were approved by the Purdue Animal Care and Use Committee.
Exp. 1 Animals and Diets Angus × Simmental first- (n = 40) and second-parity (n = 8) females were placed in 2.4 × 9.1 m individual pens in a 3-sided, bedded, concretefloor barn and fed 1 of 4 diets from 181 d of gestation until 2 wk before calving. One dietary treatment was randomly assigned to each pen and included 1) a corn silage–based diet (G-CON), 2) a corn stover–based, low-CDS diet (G-LD), 3) a corn stover–based, high-CDS diet (G-HD),
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and 4) a corn stover–based, DDGS diet (G-DG). Cows in Exp. 1 were allotted by cow breed (% Simmental), BW, age, and calf sire. Initial and final BW were determined by taking the average preprandial BW measured on 2 consecutive d. Monthly BW were taken before the a.m. feeding to minimize the influence of gastrointestinal fill. Body condition score (1 = emaciated, 9 = obese; Wagner et al., 1988) was determined every other month by the same experienced person. In addition, posttreatment BW of cows and calves were recorded at 194 d postpartum to aid in interpretation of progeny growth between the treatment period and weaning. Diet composition for Exp. 1 is presented in Table 1. Diets were formulated to be isocaloric (0.89 Mcal/kg of NEg) but differ in amount of protein and fat. Diets were also formulated to meet or exceed all nutrient requirements (NRC, 2000) of a primiparous heifer in its third trimester of gestation. All diets were formulated using individual-ingredient chemical composition obtained by wet chemistry methods (AOAC, 1990) before the start of the experiment (Sure-Tech Laboratories, Indianapolis, IN). Corn stover was harvested at approximately 80% DM after corn harvest. Corn stover was chopped in a windrow and then harvested using a silage chopper equipped with a flail header and stored in an air-tight silage bag (Up North, Cottage Grove, MN) until the initiation of the experiment. Feed was offered as a TMR once daily at 0800 h in concrete bunks, and orts were weighed, recorded, and discarded for each pen. Feed samples were taken and composited every 14 ± 7 d; ovendried at 55°C for 3 d for DM determination; ground using a standard Wiley laboratory mill (1-mm screen; Thomas Scientific, Swedesboro, NJ); and composited at the end of the experiment for analysis of CP (microKjeldahl N × 6.25), NDF, and ADF using an Ankom200 Fiber Analyzer (ANKOM Technology Corporation, Fairport, NY), ether extract (method 920.39; AOAC, 1990), and minerals (Ca, P, Mg, K, S; method 968.08;
AOAC, 1990). Dietary treatments concluded an average of 14 d before calving. Upon termination of dietary treatments, cow–calf pairs were commingled and managed as one group until weaning at 194 d postpartum.
Exp. 2 Animals and Diets A second set of Angus × Simmental first- (n = 40) and second-parity (n = 8) females were placed in individual pens (described in Exp. 1) and fed 1 of 4 diets from within 1 wk of calving until 93 ± 17 d postpartum. One dietary treatment was assigned randomly to each pen and included 1) a corn silage–based diet (L-CON), 2) a corn stover–based, low-CDS diet (L-LD), 3) a corn stover–based, high-CDS diet (L-HD), and 4) a corn stover–based, DDGS diet (L-DG). Cow-calf pairs were allotted by cow breed (% Simmental), BW, and age and by calf birth weight, sex, and sire. Initial and final BW were determined by taking the average preprandial weights measured on 2 consecutive d. Monthly BW were taken before the a.m. feeding to minimize the influence of gut fill. Weight of cows that were still pregnant on the initial weigh date was adjusted to a nonpregnant basis for gravid uterine weight (Ferrell et al., 1976). Body condition score and BW were assessed monthly and every other month, respectively. In addition, posttreatment BW of cows and calves were recorded at 177 ± 17 d postpartum to aid in interpretation of progeny growth between the treatment period and weaning. Diet composition for Exp. 2 is presented in Table 2. Diets were formulated to be isocaloric (0.96 Mcal/kg of NEg) but differ in amount of protein and fat. Diets were also formulated to meet or exceed vitamin and mineral requirements (NRC, 2000) of a primiparous heifer in its second month of lactation. All diets were formulated using individual-ingredient chemical composition obtained by wet chemistry methods (AOAC, 1990) before the start of the experiment (Sure-Tech Laboratories, Indianapolis, IN). Corn stover was harvested and stored as de-
Ethanol coproducts in cow diets
Table 1. Diet composition for Exp. 11 Item Ingredient, % of DM Corn stover Corn silage Grass haylage Gluten meal Dry-rolled corn Soybean meal Corn dried distillers grains Corn condensed distillers solubles Corn oil Mineral supplement2 Limestone Calculated nutrient3 composition CP, % Ether extract, % NEm, Mcal/kg NEg, Mcal/kg NDF, % ADF, % Ca, % P, % S, % Nutrient intake4 CP, g/d MP5 balance, g/d RDP balance, g/d NEm, Mcal/d NEg, Mcal/d
— 51.0 45.6 1.4 — — — — 1.0 1.0 —
70.3 — — — — — 21.0 5.0 2.0 1.0 0.7 12.7 5.0 1.50 0.91 52.9 34.7 0.59 0.43 0.30 928 81 31 10.68 0.00
70.6 — — — — — 4.0 22.8 — 1.0 1.6 11.3 5.2 1.54 0.95 49.5 33.3 0.91 0.62 0.39 932 61 −13 10.68 0.72
56.5 10.0 — — 10.0 — 22.0 — — 1.0 0.5 12.5 2.6 1.49 0.90 49.0 31.4 0.51 0.38 0.25 927 129 34 10.68 0.12
11.4 2.5 1.44 0.83 46.6 32.8 0.75 0.32 0.16 1090 255 213 10.68 1.71
G-CON = control diet; G-LD = low condensed distillers solubles; G-HD = high condensed distillers solubles; G-DG = dried distillers grains with solubles diet fed during gestation. 2 Vitamin–mineral premix contained (DM basis) 11.0% Ca, 5.0% P, 2.0% Mg, 2.0% K, 40 mg/kg Co, 1,000 mg/kg Cu, 3,000 mg/kg Mn, 27 mg/kg Se, 3,700 mg/kg Zn, 400 IU/g vitamin A, 40 IU/g vitamin D, and 200 IU/kg vitamin E. 3 Analyzed by Sure-Tech Laboratories, Richmond, Indiana. 4 CP, NEm, and NEg requirement calculated as 789 g/d, 10.71 Mcal/d, and 2.38 Mcal/d, respectively. 5 Metabolizable protein. 1
scribed in Exp. 1. Feed was delivered and feed samples were taken as in Exp. 1. Dietary treatments concluded at 93 d postpartum. Upon termination of dietary treatments, cow–calf pairs were commingled and managed as one group until weaning at 177 d postpartum.
Data Collection (Exp. 1 and 2) Milk Milk samples were collected at 74 (Exp. 1) and 57 d postpartum (Exp. 2). Cows and calves were separated
for 3 h, and one quarter of the udder was hand-milked completely to collect milk samples from each cow. Milk was placed in a vial containing methylene blue and shipped to Dairy One Cooperative (Ithaca, NY) for analysis of protein, fat, lactose, total solids, and milk urea nitrogen. Milk production (kg) was measured on 77 ± 7 (Exp. 1) and 60 ± 17 d postpartum (Exp. 2) using two 6-h weigh-suckle-weigh estimates (Buskirk et al., 1992). Calves were separated from their dams at 0000 until 0600 h, when they were allowed to nurse before being separated
again. At 1200 h calves were weighed before nursing and were reweighed immediately after suckling ceased. After separation, cows were returned to their pens where they had access to feed and water. Calves were penned separately and denied dry feed and water throughout the weigh-suckleweigh procedure. The difference in calf BW before and after suckling was calculated as the milk production for the 6-h period. The procedure was repeated at 1800 h. Milk production at 1200 and 1800 h was added together then multiplied by 2 for an estimation of 24-h milk production.
Plasma Urea Nitrogen Blood samples (approximately 10 mL) from cows and calves in Exp. 1 were taken 26 ± 7 d postpartum to analyze plasma urea nitrogen (PUN). Blood samples (approximately 10 mL) from cows and calves in Exp. 2 were taken at 93 ± 17 d postpartum to analyze for PUN. Blood samples were collected by jugular venipuncture into BD Vacutainer (Becton Drive, Franklin Lakes, NJ) tubes containing 158 USP sodium heparin. Tubes were inverted then placed on ice until they were centrifuged at 3,000 × g for 20 min at 4°C. After centrifugation, plasma was separated into 2 aliquots and stored at −20°C until analysis of PUN with a commercial kit (Stanbio Urea Nitrogen Procedure No. 0580, Stanbio Laboratory, Boerne, TX). Samples were read at 530 nm in an Opsys MR microplate reader (Dynex Technologies Inc., Chantilly, VA). The intraassay CV was 6.61%, and the interassay CV for a control sample containing 30 mg/dL of urea nitrogen was 2.15%.
Estrous Synchronization and Breeding Cows in both experiments were synchronized using the 5-d CO-Synch + CIDR protocol and timed AI in May of 2012. The 5-d Co-Synch + CIDR protocol consisted of insertion of an intravaginal progesterone insert (CIDR, Pfizer Animal Health, New
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Table 2. Diet composition for Exp. 21 Item Ingredient, % DM basis Corn stover Corn silage Grass haylage Gluten meal Dry-rolled corn Soybean meal Corn dried distillers grains Corn condensed distillers solubles Corn oil Mineral supplement2 Limestone Calculated nutrient3 composition CP, % Ether extract, % NEm, Mcal/kg NEg, Mcal/kg NDF, % ADF, % Ca, % P, % S, % Nutrient intake4 CP, g/d MP5 balance, g/d RDP balance, g/d NEm, Mcal/d NEg, Mcal/d
L-CON — 50.8 40.0 — — 6.5 — 1.7 1.0 — 13.0 3.1 1.50 0.89 44.2 30.9 0.72 0.34 0.17 1,940 386 607 16.68 3.25
50.0 — 10.5 — — — 27.6 8.0 1.7 1.0 1.2 15.7 5.9 1.55 0.96 47.8 31.3 0.83 0.57 0.40 1,972 598 189 16.68 0.03
51.6 10.8 — 1.0 — — 6.5 27.0 — 1.0 2.1 13.4 6.4 1.65 1.06 43.0 28.5 1.05 0.75 0.48 1,750 333 2 16.68 2.50
43.6 16.8 — — 5.0 — 32.7 — — 1.0 0.9 15.3 3.3 1.52 0.93 46.4 29.0 0.62 0.48 0.34 1,629 327 48 16.68 0.21
L-CON = control diet; L-LD = low condensed distillers solubles; L-HD = high condensed distillers solubles; L-DG = dried distillers grains with solubles diet fed during lactation. 2 Vitamin–mineral premix contained (DM basis) 11.0% Ca, 5.0% P, 2.0% Mg, 2.0% K, 40 mg/kg Co, 1,000 mg/kg Cu, 3,000 mg/kg Mn, 27 mg/kg Se, 3,700 mg/kg Zn, 400 IU/g vitamin A, 40 IU/g vitamin D, 200 IU/kg vitamin E. 3 Analyzed by Sure-Tech Laboratories, Richmond, Indiana. 4 CP, NEm, and NEg requirement calculated as 1,293 g/d, 16.68 Mcal/d, and 3.48 Mcal/d, respectively. 5 Metabolizable protein. 1
York, NY) concurrent with administration of 100 μg of GnRH (Fertagyl, Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health, Summit, NJ) at protocol initiation. Five days later, the CIDR was removed and 25 mg of PGF2α (Lutalyse, Pfizer Animal Health) was given at CIDR removal and again 8 h later. Seventy-two hours after CIDR removal and initial PGF2α injection, all cows were timed AI concurrent with GnRH administration (Fertagyl; 100 μg). Ten days after AI, Exp. 2 ended, and all cows (Exp. 1 and 2) were commingled and placed with
a bull for the remainder of the 60-d breeding season. Cows were ultrasounded (Variable MHz linear array transducer, MicroMaxx, Sonosite, Bothell, WA) 30 d after insemination to confirm conception to AI and ultrasounded again 60 d later to determine overall season pregnancy.
Preweaning Progeny Performance Calf BW was measured at birth and at 110 ± 7 (Exp. 1) or 93 ± 17
(Exp. 2) d of age. At 164 ± 7 (Exp. 1) or 147 ± 17 (Exp. 2) d of age, calves were given ad libitum access to creep feed (18.2% CP and 1.39 Mcal of NEg/kg on a DM basis) devoid of DDGS until weaning at 194 ± 7 (Exp. 1) or 177 ± 17 (Exp. 2) d of age, at which point calf BW was measured. Creep-period BW gain, intakes, and G:F were not collected as all cow–calf pairs were previously commingled and managed as a single group.
Statistical Analysis Timed AI and season pregnancy rates were calculated using the GLIMMIX procedure of SAS (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). Cow BW, BW change, BCS, milk production, and milk composition and calf BW and ADG were analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS for repeated measures. The covariance structures autoregressive order one, heterogeneous autoregressive order one, unstructured, and compound symmetric were compared, and the covariance structure with the smallest Bayesian information criterion was chosen for analysis results (Littell et al., 1998). The model included the fixed effects of treatment and day, as well as the appropriate treatment × day interaction. Animal served as the experimental unit. Least squares means were calculated for fixed effects when a significant F-test (P < 0.05 or P < 0.10) was detected. Simple effects within day were generated using the SLICE function of SAS. For all variables analyzed, a P-value ≤0.05 was identified as significant and 0.05 > P ≤ 0.10 was identified as a tendency approaching significance.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Exp. 1: Gestation Cow DMI, BW, BCS, and pregnancy rates for cows fed CDS during gestation are presented in Table 3. Dietary CDS inclusion decreased DMI 23.0, 13.5, and 20.8% in G-LD, G-HD, and G-DG cows compared with G-
Ethanol coproducts in cow diets
Table 3. Effect of condensed distillers solubles (CDS) inclusion during gestation on cow performance (Exp. 1)1 Item
DMI, kg/d BW, kg Day2 0 Day2 56 Day2 86 (end Exp.) Day 194 postpartum3 (weaning) BW change, kg Day2 0 to 86 Posttrial BCS Day2 0 Day2 56 Day2 86 (end Exp.) BCS change (day2 0 to 86) Postcalving PUN4 (d 26), mg/dL Timed AI pregnancy, % Overall pregnancy, %
9.6a 526.7 578.8 614.9a 573.7 88.2a −41.2 5.30 4.86a 4.86a −0.44a 6.7a 50.0 91.7
7.4b 531.1 562.5 582.0b 551.6 50.9b −30.4 5.33 5.11b 5.28b −0.05b 9.3b 66.7 100.0
8.3c 531.9 557.8 573.9b 554.9 42.0b −19.0 5.47 5.22b 5.39b −0.08b 8.6b 66.7 91.7
7.6bc 530.8 577.5 600.0ab 572.2 69.2c −27.8 5.36 5.17b 5.25b −0.11b 10.2b 83.3 91.7
0.36 11.07 11.07 11.07 11.07 7.03 7.03 0.079 0.079 0.079 0.09 0.62 — —
<0.001 0.99 0.44 0.05 0.37 <0.0001 0.18 0.46 0.01 0.01 0.01 <0.001 0.43 0.99
Within a row, means with differing superscripts were significantly different (P < 0.05). G-CON = corn silage and haylage–based diet; G-LD = 5% CDS; G-HD = 23% CDS; G-DG = 22% dried distillers grains with solubles. 2 Day relative to the start of the experiment. 3 Days postpartum. 4 PUN = plasma urea nitrogen. a–c 1
CON cows (P < 0.001). However, cows fed high concentrations of CDS had greater DMI than those fed low concentrations of CDS (P < 0.001). Although G-LD, G-HD, and G-DG did not gain as much BW as G-CON cows (P = 0.05) for the entire 86 d of the Exp. 1, they had greater BCS scores (P = 0.01) and did not differ in timed AI pregnancy rate (P = 0.43) or overall pregnancy rates (P = 0.99). Plasma urea nitrogen (P ≤ 0.02) was increased on d 26 postpartum in G-LD, G-HD, and G-DG cows compared with G-CON cows. There were no effects of gestational treatment on milk production, milk fat percentage, milk protein percentage, lactose, or total solids on d 77 postpartum (Table 4; P ≥ 0.42). Milk urea nitrogen was lowest in cows fed the CON and G-LD (P < 0.01) treatments. There were no effects of treatment on calf birth weight (Table 5; P ≥ 0.77), preweaning growth of calves (P ≥ 0.42), or calf PUN on d 26 postpartum (P ≥ 0.46).
Exp. 2: Lactation Cow DMI, BW, BCS, and pregnancy data are presented in Table 6. Similar to Exp. 1, L-LD, L-HD, and L-DG decreased DMI 23.5, 12.1, and 28.2% compared with L-CON (P < 0.001), although L-HD only numerically increased DMI compared with L-LD. Dietary treatment during lactation did not affect the BW or BCS of the cows (P ≥ 0.22); however, L-CON cows had the largest increase in BW from d 0 to 93 (P = 0.03). Feeding CDS had no negative effects on timed AI pregnancy rates (P = 0.83) or overall pregnancy rates (P = 0.91). Cow PUN was greatest for L-LD and L-DG cows on d 93 ± 17 postpartum (P ≤ 0.01). Milk composition for cows in Exp. 2 is shown in Table 7. There was no effect of dietary treatment on milk production (P = 0.73), milk fat percentage (P = 0.77), milk protein percentage (P = 0.19), or total solids (P = 0.92). However, milk lactose
percentage tended to be greater in L-LD cows (P = 0.08) compared with L-CON cows. Milk urea nitrogen tended to be greater in cows fed L-LD (P = 0.08) compared with L-CON and L-HD fed cows. Calves from L-LD cows gained the least and calves from L-CON cows gained the most from birth to 93 d of age (P = 0.05; Table 8).
Discussion A primary goal of the current experiment was to determine the effect of dietary CDS during gestation and early lactation on cow and preweaning calf performance. In an attempt to eliminate energy intake as a confounding factor, initial diets were formulated based on chemical composition of individual ingredients to provide similar daily megacalories of NEg and maintain similar BW between treatments throughout the experiment. However, actual DMI during gestation was 35, 26, and 34% lower than pre-
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Table 4. Effect of condensed distillers solubles (CDS) inclusion during gestation on milk production and composition (Exp. 1)1 Item Production,2 kg Fat,3 % Protein,3 % Lactose,3 % Total solids,3 % Milk urea nitrogen,3 mg/dL
9.8 0.6 3.2 5.1 9.9 16.04a
9.5 0.8 3.1 5.1 10.0 15.38a
10.3 0.6 3.2 5.1 9.8 17.54b
11.5 0.7 3.2 5.1 10.0 17.55b
1.94 0.09 0.06 0.04 0.13 0.531
0.49 0.42 0.49 0.92 0.70 0.01
Within a row, means with differing superscripts were significantly different (P < 0.05). G-CON = corn silage and haylage–based diet; G-LD = 5% CDS; G-HD = 23% CDS; G-DG = 22% dried distillers grains with solubles. 2 Measured 77 ± 7 d postpartum. 3 Measured 74 ± 7 d postpartum. a,b 1
dicted for cows fed the G-LD, G-HD, and G-DG diets, respectively. Actual DMI during lactation was 13, 4, and 19% lower than that predicted for cows fed the L-LD, L-HD, and L-DG diets. Corn-stover inclusion in these diets (70, 71, and 56% of the diet DM for G-LD, G-HD, and G-DG, respectively, and 50, 52, and 44% of the diet DM for L-LD, L-HD, and L-DG, respectively) may have been too high in NDF concentration and caused a decrease in palatability and digestibility. Diets with the greatest NDF concentrations caused the least DMI. In a meta-analysis of 18 dairy experiments, Arelovich et al. (2008) reported that as dietary NDF increased in concentration above 22.5% of DM, DMI and NEl intake decreased. As a result of
decreased DMI in the present experiment, energy intake was reduced and cow BW at the termination of dietary treatments was negatively affected in CDS compared with control diets. However, increasing the concentration of CDS decreased dietary NDF and appeared to improve DMI, as intake increased from the G-LD to G-HD diets and from L-LD to L-HD diets. The decrease in DMI when DDGS was included in corn stover may have also occurred because of lack of moisture in the diet, particle separation, and decreased palatability. Coupe et al. (2008) and Gilbery et al. (2006) noted increased DMI when CDS was added to either moderateor low-quality roughage at increasing concentrations but not when CDS
and roughage were fed separately. The difference in response when CDS was mixed with roughage, in contrast to fed separately (Gilbery et al., 2006), suggests that nutrients in a TMR may have been better synchronized to meet microbial needs (Gilbery et al., 2006) to help improve digestibility. However, in dairy studies, when mixed with high-quality forages such as alfalfa and corn silage (Da Cruz et al., 2005; Bharathan et al., 2008; Sasikala-Appukuttan et al., 2008), CDS had no effect on DMI. It is interesting to note that although cows fed CDS during gestation did not gain as much BW as control cows, they had greater BCS scores and no difference in conception rates compared with cows fed the control
Table 5. Effect of condensed distillers solubles (CDS) inclusion during gestation on calf performance (Exp. 1)1 Item
BW, kg Day2 0 (birth) Day2 110 Day2 194 (wean) ADG, kg/d Days 0–110 Days 111–194 Days 0–194 Plasma urea N (d 26), mg/dL
36.0 163.3 244.2 1.16 0.96 1.08 7.2
37.6 164.7 244.2 1.15 0.95 1.06 8.2
36.4 166.4 251.4 1.18 1.01 1.11 8.5
36.5 165.5 248.1 1.19 0.98 1.10 7.4
1.13 3.90 5.26 0.097 0.181 0.056 0.76
0.77 0.96 0.72 0.90 0.95 0.42 0.46
G-CON = corn silage and haylage–based diet; G-LD = 5% CDS; G-HD = 23% CDS; G-DG = 22% dried distillers grains with solubles. 2 Days of age. 1
Ethanol coproducts in cow diets
Table 6. Effect of condensed distillers solubles (CDS) inclusion during lactation on cow performance (Exp. 2)1 Item
DMI, kg/d BW, kg Day2 0 (calf birth) Day2 60 Day2 93 (end Exp.) Day2 177 (calf weaning) BW change, kg Day2 0 to 93 Day2 94 to 177 BCS Day2 0 (calf birth) Day2 93 (end Exp.) BCS change Plasma urea N (d 93), mg/dL Timed AI, % Overall pregnancy, %
14.9a 557.6 574.4 577.0 561.0 19.4a −16.0 5.47 5.29 −0.18 14.0a 66.7 91.7
11.4bc 554.4 559.3 544.7 544.5 −9.7b −0.2 5.58 5.07 −0.51 13.6a 75.0 83.3
13.1b 558.8 554.0 557.5 546.0 −1.3b −11.5 5.33 5.00 −0.33 11.4b 75.0 91.7
10.7c 556.1 560.0 555.5 553.4 −0.6b −2.1 5.28 5.06 −0.22 13.9a 83.3 100.0
0.71 9.29 11.08 11.16 10.92 6.34 6.34 0.127 0.127 0.11 0.54 — —
<0.001 0.99 0.60 0.22 0.74 0.03 0.25 0.32 0.39 0.14 0.01 0.83 0.91
Within a row, means with differing superscripts tended to be different (P ≤ 0.10). L-CON = corn silage and haylage–based diet; L-LD = 8% CDS; L-HD = 27% CDS; L-DG = 33% dried distillers grains with solubles. 2 Days postpartum. a–c 1
diet. With decreased energy intake for cows fed CDS or DDGS, one would expect a concomitant decrease in BCS. In studies where DDGS were fed during gestation or lactation, BCS either did not change (Radunz et al., 2010; Shee et al., 2012) or decreased (Gunn et al., 2014) and cow BW was maintained. When fed to beef cows, DDGS has been speculated to change the location of fat deposition to internal depots (Gunn et al., 2014), which is supported by data with feedlot heifers from Depenbusch et al.
(2009), who observed a linear decrease in 12th-rib fat along with a quadratic increase in internal fat when fed 0 to 75% DDGS on a DM basis. It seems from the present experiment that CDS may not alter subcutaneous fat deposition in the same way as DDGS, possibly because of differences in the ratio of fat to protein in the 2 products. Dietary treatment during lactation in the present experiment did not affect BW or BCS, which may have been due to the lower amount of corn stover (approximately 50%
corn stover) fed in the lactation diets compared with gestation diets (approximately 70% corn stover). The fact that CDS and DDGS did not negatively affect conception or pregnancy rates in the present experiment, despite decreased DMI and BW gain, is consistent with previous reports where DDGS was fed to gestating and lactating cows. It is possible that a lack of improvement in timedAI rates as CDS and DDGS were added was due to an insufficient number of cows to detect this effect. Dried
Table 7. Effect of condensed distillers solubles (CDS) inclusion during lactation on milk production and composition (Exp. 2)1 Item
Production,2 kg Fat,3 % Protein,3 % Lactose,3 % Total solids,3 % Milk urea nitrogen,3 mg/dL
7.4 1.9 3.1 4.9a 10.9 12.25a
8.0 1.3 3.1 5.1b 10.6 13.93b
6.8 2.0 3.0 5.0ab 11.0 12.15a
5.2 2.0 3.0 5.0ab 10.9 13.60ab
1.88 0.50 0.07 0.06 0.46 0.600
0.73 0.77 0.19 0.08 0.92 0.08
Within a row, means with differing superscripts tended to be different (P ≤ 0.10). L-CON = corn silage and haylage–based diet; L-LD = 8% CDS; L-HD = 27% CDS; L-DG = 33% dried distillers grains with solubles. 2 Measured 60 ± 17 d postpartum. 3 Measured 57 ± 17 d postpartum. a,b 1
Shee et al.
Table 8. Effect of condensed distillers solubles (CDS) inclusion during lactation on calf performance (Exp. 2)1 Item
BW, kg Day2 0 (calf birth) Day2 93 (end Exp.) Day2 177 (calf weaning) ADG, kg/d Day 0–93 Days 94–177 Days 0–177 Plasma urea N (d 93), mg/dL
35.5 148.7 228.8 1.20a 0.95 1.09 10.4
35.1 133.7 212.5 1.06b 0.94 1.00 9.8
35.6 144.7 223 1.15ab 0.93 1.05 10.0
35.9 141.9 220 1.13ab 0.93 1.04 10.5
5.8 6.85 7.59 0.04 0.036 0.026 0.80
0.99 0.32 0.26 0.05 0.97 0.15 0.80
Within a row, means with differing superscripts were significantly different (P < 0.05). L-CON = corn silage and haylage–based diet; L-LD = 8% CDS; L-HD = 27% CDS; L-DG = 33% dried distillers grains with solubles. 2 Days postpartum. a,b 1
distillers grains with solubles has been shown to have no negative effects on timed-AI or season-long pregnancy rates when fed during gestation (Radunz et al., 2010) or during early lactation (Shike et al., 2009). Shee et al. (2012) observed that DDGS improved conception rates but not overall pregnancy rates when fed during lactation. Other researchers have observed that feeding DDGS increases follicular growth in postpartum cows before initiation of the breeding season (Gunn et al., 2014) and may decrease the postpartum interval (Engel et al., 2008; Gunn et al., 2014). Plasma urea nitrogen was increased on d 26 postpartum in cows fed low and high CDS and cows fed DDGS during gestation. Increased PUN is an indication of excess dietary protein, decreased ruminal microbial synthesis, or both. Metabolizable protein balance was adequate in all diets, and RDP balance was adequate in all diets except G-HD. However, metabolizable protein and RDP balance was much lower in the diets of cows fed CDS or DDGS. Although all diets in the present 2 studies were not deficient in protein, the elevated fat content of CDS and DDGS may have had a negative effect on fiber digestion and decreased microbial protein production, which can happen with supplemental fat (Coppock and Wilks, 1991). Thus, increased PUN may be an indication of decreased ruminal mi-
crobial synthesis. Furthermore, there may have been an imbalance between available energy and nitrogen supply in the CDS and DDGS because DMI was lower than predicted, which may have limited microbial growth. Condensed distillers solubles when fed during gestation had no lasting effects on milk composition after they were placed on common diets, but CDS fed during lactation increased milk urea nitrogen. Similar to the effect of treatment on PUN in Exp. 1, microbial protein synthesis may have been limited by fat supplementation or inadequate energy intake for cows fed low CDS and DDGS during lactation. When fed to Holstein cows in mid-lactation, CDS included in a TMR at 5 or 10% DM increased milk production and milk protein content, slightly decreased milk fat, and altered fatty acid composition (Da Cruz et al., 2005). Feeding 10% CDS to Holstein cows in mid-lactation (Bharathan et al., 2008) did not influence DMI and milk yield, although it decreased milk fat and slightly decreased protein. In contrast, SasikalaAppukuttan et al. (2008) reported no milk fat depression when CDS were fed to Holstein cows at 10 and 20% of the diet DM. In the current lactation experiment, there was no effect on milk fat when CDS was included at 8 or 27% of the diet DM. Maternal diet during gestation did not affect calf growth in the pres-
ent experiment. In contrast, Radunz et al. (2010) observed that maternal DDGS during the last third of gestation increased progeny birth weights and preweaning ADG. Gunn et al. (2014) reported that calf birth weight and preweaning ADG were increased when dams were fed DDGS during gestation and lactation, and suggested that external fat from the cow may have been used as an energy source to increase progeny BW. Calves whose dams were fed CDS and corn stover during lactation in the present experiment grew more slowly than those fed a control diet. Decreased ADG for calves of dams fed CDS and stover during lactation are in a large part due to inadequate energy intake of the dam. Shike et al. (2009) reported similar results when cows were fed DDGS during lactation. In contrast, Shee et al. (2012) demonstrated that maternal DDGS during the first 100 d of lactation increased preweaning progeny growth of male calves.
IMPLICATIONS Feeding CDS in combination with a high dietary concentration of corn stover during gestation decreased cow BW without affecting BCS and did not have a negative effect on either cow reproduction or progeny growth. Feeding CDS during lactation, in combination with a high dietary concentration of corn stover, did not
Ethanol coproducts in cow diets
affect cow BW, BCS, or reproductive efficiency but decreased progeny growth during the first 93 d of lactation. It is possible that in the present experiment, the high concentration of corn stover in maternal diets as well as the decreased DMI by dams fed CDS may have prevented any positive effects of CDS or DDGS on cow and progeny performance from occurring. To realize improved maternal and progeny production observed in other research where ethanol by-products have been fed during gestation, lactation, or both, the concentration of low-quality roughage may need to be decreased.
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