Effect cjf dihydrotachysterol on bone induction in ovariectomized rats Chikage Tabuchi’, David J. Simmons2,Aurora Fausto’, lzhak Bindermad and Louis V. Avioli’
Summary we havedemonstratedvia marr”v atromatCEH Eld1”TC6 and the aaeoinductiverclpanmIOdeminera. lizedbone@tr (DSMj i.*, ,ilUcvr,icaibu.. &r&f in ,hc ovrrirtamized (CWX),a.tMueeLspostop) ispdmarilydue
men, can be protective. In cultured marrow stromal cells from DVX rats. short-lem~ DHT-R,
a,ed the already subnormal pattern 01 ma,,ow stromal cell proliferation. However. in DBM grafts. DHT lrealmen, benefited the time-course of mcxnchymal cell DNAsyntheris asmsasurcd by triliated Ihymid,ne incorporation z!+ weagenic cell ma,u,a,irn as measured by alkaline phmphatase mncen,m,ian. and established a r”SSes,ive ,rcnd D ward normalizado” of bone forma,io~minera,iza,ion (24 h %a incorporation). The dam from this animal model infer that DHT could moderate the bone (OS normally ~fcn in ovarieclomized mavia an activation of the arfeapmgenitorcell
Key wwdm Osreoinduaion; Bone morphogenetie protein; Deminerakzed bone; Dihydmrachywsrol; Alkaline phospharau; Ovaris,amy
Introduction Although the ovariectomized rat is an inexact model for the postmenopausal osteoporotic subject, the animal has been used extensively to study the biological mechanisms involved in this metabolic disorder which has significant medical problems and social implications [1.17,21,22,28,29.32,34.38,39]. Importantly, like certain populations of women who show elevated #terns of bone turnover after the menopause [2.31,33], they and ovariectomized rats rapidly lose both trabecular and cortical bone mass [I ,32.39]. Correspondence 10: David I. Simmons, Ph.D., University of Texas Medical Branch, Depanmen, Surgery, Division Orthopedic Surgery, Galveston. TX77550, USA.
Science Publishers B.V. (Biomedical Divirion)
360 Protracted
vitamin D administration
with its active skeletal metabolite,
months [11,15,23])
and treatment
D, for 4-30 months [24]
have been used as therapeutic modalities to improve calcium balance in postmenopausal patients. But the effects have been controversial
since the improvement
calcium balance has not always been matched by an increase in bone formation and bone density. It is not certain whether the variable skeletal effects of vitamin D or 1,25(OH),D,
therapy per se is due to the age-related decrease in renal l-hydroxy-
lase activity [W] which would impair the metabolism of the vitamin to the active 1,25(OH),D,
compound, or to the concomitant estrogen lack. While estrogen lack
is not thought to influence the metabolism of vitamin D [28]. this effect is probably expressed in terms of a failure to suppress bone resorption interest
to pursue the question of whether
It is clearly of
or other structurally
lated substances will prove to benefit this patient population. In this paper we report hydrotachysterol
the results
lized bone implant (DBM) DHT
of treating ovariectomized
rats with di-
and its effects on bone induction using the Urist deminerasystem. DHT
is metabolized by the liver to 25(OH)-
which has been shown to be an analogue of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin
terms of its affinity
for 1,25(OH),D,
logical potency [6,16.20]. in viva DHT
D, in
receptors in target tissues and its similar bio-
We have previously shown in the ovariectomized rat that
treatment stimulates (a) the proliferation
of ntesenchymal osteoproge-
nitnr cells in cultures of their hone marrow and (6) bone formation induced by allogeneic DMB
implants with and without the addition of autologous bone marrow in
viva [32]. However,
the design of the in viva studies did not permit us to determine
whether the major effect of DHT osteoprogenitor function.
was on cell proliferation
For the effects of DHT
anticipated that DHT
to be consistent with those of 1,2S(OH),D,,
would augment the proliferative
cells in the host bed to the implant’s diffusible and promote osteoblast differentiation performance 1,25(OH),D, [3,4,14],
to increase the size of the
pool, oc on the subsequent steps of osteoblast differentiation
of the functional suppresses
but not necessarily the osteogenic
collagen production
issue is ciouded because while in hone organ and cell cultures
it increaoes collagen and non-collagen protein synthesis in MC3T3-Fl
teoblasts [I? .19]. In order to gain some insight about the effect of DHTon rameters, we have evaluated the in vitro effect of DHT stromal cell proliferation, proliferative,
on osteoprogenitor
these pamarrow
as well as the in viva influences of this substance on the
the osteoinductive
response of mesenchymal
bone morphogenetic protein [4,32],
and differentiated
cell responses which are critical to
end point, i.e., newly formed and subsequently calcified carti-
lage and thence bone.
and Methods
Young adult female rats (Sprague-Dawley were ovariectomized
5-6 weeks old, 200 g body wt)
and they and their age-matched sham-operated con-
361 trols were maintained in a viva&m under conditions of ad-lib feeding (Purina rat chow (Ca = l.Ol%, P = 0.6%)) and tap water ad libitum for 5 weeks. Both groups were then subdivided at random so that half of the control and OVX rats could be fed dietary supplements of diiydrotachysterol(2pg/lOO g body wt) three times per week for a total period of 4 weeks: Group Group Group Group
1: sham-op control 2: sham-op treated with oral DHT 3: ovariectomized 4: ovariectomized: treated with oral DHT
On the 6th postoperative week (1 week DHT pretreatment), the animals in each group were lightly anesthetized with ether and they were grafted i.m. (paraspinous muscle) with four to six pieces of allogeneic demineralized cortical bone matrix (DBM) weighing 9-15 mg each.
The demineralized bone grafts (DMB) were prepared according to the method of Urist et al. [35] (see review by Harakas [13]). Marrow-free mid-shaft cortical bone segments were obtained from the femurs of donor rats (Sprague Dawley strain). The tissues were washed in cold water (2 h), defatted in 1:l chloroform methanol (1 h), demineralized in 0.6 N HCI at 4 “C (24 h), washed in running water (6 h), lyophiliaed and gas sterilized (3 h). Postgrafting DHT-trearmenr The rats in Groups 2 (controls) and 4 (WX), which had been pretreated with DHT, continued to receive DHT at the same dose level and treatment interval. In viva isotopic techniques Cell metabolic and osteoinductive endpoints in implanted DBM matrices were monitored at 1,2 and 3 weeks postimplantation. At each of these timepoints, six to eight rats from each of the four groups were injected with 5pCi radiocalcium (“Ca: New England Nuclear Corp., Boston, MA) 24 h prior to sacrifice, and with 0.25 @i/g body wt [3H]thymidine (New England Nuclear Corp., Boston, MA) 1 h before killing. The 24-h retention of radiocalcium was used as a measure of newly forming/mineralizing cartilage and bone matrix. The 1.0 h retention of 3H in strttctural DNA served as an index to cell proliferation. Graft cell alkaline phosphatase levels were also assessed (see specific methodologies below). At autopsy Blood. Just prior to the time the grafts were recovered, the animals were lightly anesthetized with ether and bled by cardiac puncture. Serum samples were stored frozen at -80 “C for serum calcium and phosphorus determinations. Serum calcium was determined by fluorometry (Turner fluorometer Model) (81. Serum phospho-
362 rus was determined
by the method of Fisk and Subbarw
Marrow cell /mrvestlculfures. their epiphyses cat awy.
The femurs and tibias of the rats were resected and
‘plugs’ were transferred from the mid-shaft dia-
physeal segments into chilled alpha-MEM
medium, and the samples from each of
the four groups were pooled. Single cell suspensions were prepared by passing the plugs through a fine metal mesh. and cell counts performed with a hemocytometer using the trypan blue exclusion technique to identify damaCed cells. Viable were plated-out
in 25 cm’ T-flasks at a density of 5-10
grown in alpha-MEM clone Laboratories, ture (Whittaker
medium supplemented Logan, UT)
37 ‘C in a tissue culture incubator was usually changed completely of the marrow
with 15% fetal calf scrm (FCS: Hy-
and a 1% penicillin-streptomycin_Fungizone
Cells were incubated at
under an atmosphere of 5% CO,. The medium
after the first 24 h and every 2-3 days thereafter.
The clonal
ter IO-12
days of culture (fibroblast
colony formation
these counts were used to index the proliferative teoprogenitor
x 10” cells. The cells were
cells was measured af-
units (FCFlJs)/flask),
cells [32]. The flasks also contained macrophages,
conditions obviated the survival of hematopoietic
of these putative osbut the culture
elements [27].
Bone implunts. The bony implants were recovered. stripped of soft tissues, fmzen in liquid N, and stored at -80 “C. The wet wt of the tissue was determined
thawing. Graft alkaline phosphatase (Alk.Pase) a commercially
levels were measured after sonication by
kit (Sigma Corp.
St. Louis,
The data were ex-
Effect of dihydmtachysterol muscular demineralized
on serum calcium and phosphorus in rats bearing intra-
bone matrix grafts
Sha#lI-“p Shsm-op+ DH7 nvx ovx + “HI 2
Sham-ap ShamoP + DHl ovx cwx + DH, Shim-np Sbm.oP + DHT OVX ovx + DHT
6.92 * 0.41 i4j s.99 f ,1.26,4) 7.116f 0.27 (5)
363 pressed in terms of the preimplantation
weight of the demineralized
bone matrix:
this index is known to provide data which is as reliable as that reported in terms of other denominators which reflect cell and matrix composition (DNA, This preparative
procedure did not result in the leaching of DNA
tracted in 1 N NaOH acid-soluble DNA
and precipitated
in trichloroacetic
protein) [37]. which was ex-
acid (TCA)
to eliminate
pools. The implants were then dissolved in ft.6 N HCI and heated
at 110 ‘C for 18 h. The radioactivity
in aliquots of these solutions (after background
subtraction) were used to determine the amount of “H and 4*Ca incorporated
in the
cells and mineral. All data were expressed in terms of units per milligram of original implant weight.
Himlogy. Three grafts fmm each group of rats were fixed in 10% neutral formalin, decalcified in 10% ethylenediaminetetraacetic
acid (EDTA,
pH 7.4). and em-
bedded in paraffin by routine procedures. The tissues were serially sectiwted at 5 pm parallel to their long axes, and the sections were stained by hematoxylin,
and Azure 11.
Smfisrical evnlrrariort. All data are reported as mean f SE. The statistical significance of differences between groups was established by the Student’s r-test when the variances were equal. and by a non-parametric
P-test when the variances were
unequal. A 5% level of confidence was considered to be statistically significant.
.Se,nm calciwn ~miphosphorrrs (Table I) Serum calcium values remained within the normal range in ovariectomized in the intact and OVX mal in OVX
rats treated with DHT.
rats and OVX+DHT
z -
rats and
Serum phosphorus values were nor-
groups throughout
the study, but serum phos-
50. o+
Fig. 1 Graph showing()Hlthymidinc incarporulionin implantsin sham.shim
+ DHTrafsat 1. Zand 3 wceksnncrimplantarioo.
364 phorus tended to be elevated in the DHT-treated intact control animals at the end of the first and second weeks.
Hisfology. All grafts, irrespective of host type, showed cartilage formation within vascular channels and surface crevices at the end of the first week. During the second week, bone formation and/or osteochondroid formed on the external and internal surfaces of the implants. Ossification was progressive into the third week. Rodiorhymidineincorporation (Fig. 1). In animals not treated with DHT, graft DNA synthesis increased from the first to the second week and then declined at the end of the third week. DHT-treatment significantly increased implant DNA synthesis in both the sham-op and OVX groups (P < 0.01) during the first 2 weeks, but the effect occurred at a slower rate in the OVX rats. The level of DNA synthesis had declined in all groups by the end of the third week. Alkaline phospharase (AP) (Fig. 2). Post-implant AP-levels in the untreated and DHT-treated sham-operated control rats were virtually identical throughout the course of the study. The initial values were unchanged during the first 2 weeks, but enzyme levels increased 2- to 3-fold at the end of the third week. In the OVX rats, the 1 week implant AP levels were subnormal irrespective of DHT-treatment, but DHT treatment (OVX+DHT) was effective in normaliziog implant AP-levels at the end of the third week. The implants io the OVX-DHT group had shown a temporary recovery at 2 weeks, but again exhibited subnormal enzyme levels at the end of the study. Irrespective of the individual group time-course, it was of interest that the peak implant alkaline phosphatase values were on the order of 200 f 20% of their 1 week baselines. The greatest relative change occurred in the OVX rats treated with DHT (+275%).
Fig. 2. Graphshowing alkaline phovphatase activityin implants in rhum, sham + + DHTretsat I, land 3 weeksafterimplamatian.
Radiocalcium incorporation (Figs. 3,4). Figure 3 shows that the grafts in sham-op rats incorporated little “Ca at the end of the first week when the vascular channels and crevices were filled with cartilage and a loose connective tissue stroma. Cartilage calcification and newly formed bone mineralization was progressive during the second and third weeks. There were no differences in %a incorporation by the im-
Fig. I(. Graph showingthe relativechangeof “Co incorporationin implantsat econd and third week lram the fira week.
366 Table
Effect of dihydroxytachysterol
(started 1 week prior to grafting) on the
clonal growth of stromal cells from the marrow of rats implanted
with deminera-
lized bone grafts Fibrablastcolony6xminp units(IO&q incubation)
1 .____--
Sham-q Sham-op+ DHT OVX OVX + DHT St”dent’s
29.6 2 3.3 (5) 28.6*3.7(s) 19.3 f I.7 (5)yl 13.6 + 1.3 ~41’“’
27.5 t 76.8 * 15.2 * 7.6 *
7.5 (5) 7.0 (S)b’ 2.8(5) 1.3 (SP’“2
25.8 f 3.4 (5) 23.0 + 3.5 (4) 6.6 + 0.5 (3)” 3.9 * 1.3 (5)““i
vs. Sham-q.
VS.OVX a2 b2 c2
Sl bl cl
Pvaluc 40.05 40.01
plants in ovariectomized grafts in ovariectomized
rats and control rats at the end of the first week, but the rats showed a statistically significant reduction in minerali-
zation at the end of the third week. In neither the sham-op nor OVX DHT-treatment
affect these parameters.
fust week showed that “Ca incorporation DHT-treatment)
by the grafts in the intact sham-op rats (k
was nearly twice that of the grafts in the OVX
rats (2 DHT-treat-
ment) (Fig. 4). There was no clear indication that DHT-treatment direct index ufosteoblast Host mmvw
stromol cdl clotdgrowth
In intact control rats, DHT colony formatiun formation
improved this in-
in either the intact sham-op or OVX
(Table 2)
treatment provided a transitory stimulus to stromal cell
2 weeks after implantation.
In the untreated
was always subnormal and decreased significantly
postgraft time. DHT
hosts did
A plot of the relative changes from the
had a negative impact in OVX
rats, colony
with the postsurgical/
rats, further compromising
50% marrow stromal cell proliferation.
The results of the present study indicate that there are at least two factors which may be responsible at the organ level for the development chronically ability
to maintain
these osteoprogenitor
of osteoprogenitor
cells appear unable to either differentiate
teoblasts. or to subserve a paracrine factors/mediators
of osteopenia in the
rat. The most significant contributing
function by producing
the proliferation
clement is the
cells. Secondarily, into functional osa cytokine or other
of os-
teogenic stem cells [lo] on or adjacent to endosteal bone surfaces. The ovaries, then, exert the protective effect that would be anticipated from the recent demonstration that osteoprogenitor cells and osteoblasts have estrogen receptors and that estrogen stimulates the proliferation and functional activity (Type 1 collagen mRNA) of osteoblast-like cells in vitro [7]. The data which support our thesis are all indirect, pertaining to the ovariectomized rat’s subnormal marrow stromal cell clonal growth in vitro and the slower time-course of radiothymidine incorporation and attainment of normal alkaline phosphatase values in viva. The impairment of marrow stromal cell growth in OVX rats is consistent with our earlier observations [32] which demonstrated that only protracted periods of oral DHT treatment (2&100 g body wt. for 3.5-7 months) could benefit marrow stromal cell proliferation in vitro and in a composite bone graft model (marrow cell + DBM), and also the connective tissue mesenchymal cell osteoinductive response to DBM grafts. A shorter 2-week course of DHT treatment did not appear to affect these end points. The present studies confirm those findings; but suggest as well that short-term DHT treatment could have some limited benefit in terms of promoting the early proliferative rem sponse of muscle mesenchymal cells to the DBM-diffusible bone morphogenetic protein and enhancing alkaline phosphatase production. The effects of DHT treatment observed in this study were then not entirely unlike the responses of osteoblast-like cells exposed in vitro to BMP and a 1,2S(OH),D, challenge [4,9,26], or to the responses to DBM grafts in viva in animals treated in viva with 1,25(OH),D1 1371. Our data is most closely approximated by Vukicevic’s experiences in intact male rats [37]. While i.p. injections of 1,2S(OH)zD3 (50 @day for 35 days) impaired mesenchymal cell ingrowth into DBM implant and bone growth during the first 2 weeks postgrafting, implant alkaline phosphatase values significantly increased above normal at 24l-21 days and bone formation normalized at 35 days. Vitamin D treatment did not affect the normal pattern of decline in implant alkaline phosphatase levels after 21 days. Although DHTlike 1,25(OH),D,-did not appear to enhance the osteogenic end-point in the present study on OVX female rats, the trends in the alkaline phosphatase activity and “Ca incorporation data suggest that this effect might have been expressed if the DHT-treatment time been extended. Benefit was reported in grafts of DBM + autologous bone marrow implanted in OVX rats treated with DHT for 6 months (321. Thus, the importance of the postovariectomy time course on the basal rate of bone turnover in rats must be considered in the interpretation of these experiments. Wronski et al. [40] has shown that the period of most active bone turnover (histomorphometry) occurs within 14 to 70 days post-OVX and that it rapidly diminishes thereafter. This was the period within which Turner et al. 1341reported, by histomorphometriccriteria, stimulation of osteoinduction by particulate implants of demineralized bone matrix in OVX rats treated with 1,25(OH),D,. Our studies, on the other hand, involved DHTtreatment at later post-OVX times (approximately 84-105 days) when the rapid acceleratory response had begun to wane. In this situation, the moderate enhancements of DNA synthesis and alkaline phosphatsse activity were more adequate indices to the osteoinductive stimulus than “Ca incorporation.
368 Since the effects of dihydrotachysterol on the osteoinductive response to DBM matrix appear to be like those of 1.2%dihydroxyvitamin D,, it is likely that these agents operate via common mechanisms. The liver metabolite of DHT, 25(OH)DHT, binds to the 1,25(OH),D, receptor in target tissues and appears to have a similar biological potency on stimulating bone resorption [16,20]. Vitamin D appears essential to the activation and differenti:.tion of elements of the immune system (e.g., the inflammatory response) which are critical to osteoclast formation and to the critical ‘coupling’ response which OCEUISbetween bone resorption and formation [36]. These are considerations which point to an important action of DHT in promoting the early stages of osteoprogenitor cell proliferation and differentiation. From the standpoint of the (quasi-postmenopausal) ovariectomized rat model, the rationale for 1,2S(OH),D, or DHT therapy lies in its ability to maintain an adequate population of osteoprogenitor cells.
This work was supported by a Winthrop Corporation fellowship awarded to Dr Chikage Tabuchi.
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