Effect of Intravenous Glucose and Insulin on Plasma Tryptophan and Tyrosine Concentrations in Normal Subjects and Patients With Carcinoid Tumors Jerome
We evaluated the effect of intravenous (i.v.) glucose on the plasma tryptophan (TRP) and tyrosine (TYR) concentration of 12 normal subjects, six patients with carcinoid tumors and the carcinoid syndrome (carcinoid syndrome), and five patients with carcinoid tumors without the carcinoid syndrome (tumor). Following i.v. glucose administration, the plasma Trp concentmtion of the normal subiects and the tumor patients increased, while the plasma Trp concentration of the carcinoid syndrome patients decreased. Following i.v. glucose adminirtmtion, the plasma Tyr concentmtion of the normal subiects and the tumor patients decreased, while the plasma Tyr concentmtion of the carcinoid syndrome patients did not
change. The response to i.v. insulin differed in some respects from the response to i.v. glucose: the plosma Trp of normal subjects did not change while the plasma Trp of carcinoid syndrome patients decreased; the plasma Tyr of the normal subjects increased while the plasma Tyr concentmtion of the carcinoid syndrome patients did not change. The carcinoid syndrome patients had high serum serotonin concentmtions and impaired glucose tolerance and insulin secretion as compared to both normal subjects and tumor patients. We conclude that under appropriate experimental conditions, glucose administmtion can increase the plasma Trp concentration of normal human subjects.
N RECENT YEARS Fernstrom and Wurtman have demonstrated the unique relationship between the plasma concentration of tryptophan (Trp) and tissue utilization of glucose.’ When rats ingest a carbohydrate meal or receive a subconvulsive dose of insulin2 their plasma Trp increases while the concentration of the other amino acids in their plasma decreases.3 The rise in plasma Trp results in an increased concentration of Trp and 5hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) in brain tissue. ‘s4 Fernstrom and Wurtman have suggested that this mechanism of elevating brain serotonin may be part of a closed circle in which dietary Trp modifies appetite and food consumption.5 In contrast to the rat, when man ingests oral glucose6 or receives an injection of insulin’ plasma Trp levels show a modest decrease. During the ingestion of glucose, a glucagon like material is released from the gastrointestinal tract,* and glucagon injections decrease the plasma concentration of Trp.3 We therefore thought it would be of interest to determine the effect of intravenous (i.v.) glucose on the plasma Trp concentrations of normal volunteers. We also evaluFrom the Durham Veterans Administration Hospital and the Division of Endocrinology, Department of Medicine. Duke University Medical Center. Durham, N.C. Received for publication May 9. 1975. Supported by the Veterans Administration (2605-l). Grant AM-05620 from the National Institute of Arthritis Metabolic and Digestive Diseases and Grant MOI-RR-30 from the Clinical Research Center Branch Division of Research Facilities and Resources, U.S. Public Health Service. Reprint requests should be addressed to Jerome M. Feldman, M. D., Box 2963, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, N.C. 27710. 0 1976 by Grune & Stratton, Inc.
Vol. 25, No. 1 (January),
ated the effect of i.v. glucose on the plasma Trp of patients with metastatic carcinoid tumors, some of whom had the carcinoid syndrome. The increased synthesis of serotonin from Trp is reported to decrease the plasma levels of this amino acid.g We compared the effect of i.v. glucose on Trp with its effect on another aromatic amino acid, tyrosine (Tyr). MATERIALS
Experimentalsubjects. All of the experimental subjects were within 15% of their ideal body weight” and prior to our studies none of the subjects were known to have diabetes mellitus. The 12 normal volunteers (ten men and two women) who underwent intravenous glucose tolerance tests (IVGTT) had a mean age of 54 yr (range 32-67 yr). The six normal volunteers (three men and three women) who underwent insulin tolerance tests (ITT) had a mean age of 35 yr (range 21-60 yr). The group of patients with metastatic carcinoid tumors and the carcinoid syndrome consisted of six men, with a mean age of 62 yr (range 54-69 yr). Their serum serotonin concentration of 1.85 f 0.44 pg/ml (M + SE) was above the normal range of 0.05-0.30 ag/ml. Their 24hr urinary 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid excretion (5-HIAA) of 111 + 65.3 mg/day was above the normal range of 2-9 mg/day. The five patients (three men and two women) with metastatic carcinoid tumors without the carcinoid syndrome had a mean age of 49 yr (range 33-60 yr). Their serum serotonin concentration of 0.11 + 0.04 pg/ml and their 24-hr 5-HIAA excretion of 3 & 0.4 mg/day was within the normal range. The diagnosis of carcinoid tumor had been previously established by histologic examination of the tumor. The two groups of patients with carcinoid tumors had comparable metastatic involvement as evaluated with liver function tests and -Tc liver scans. Test procedure. After obtaining their informed consent for the studies, the subjects were admitted to the Clinical Research Unit at Duke University Medical Center. Hospital diets were matched as closely as possible to home diets and a normal level of physical activity was encouraged. After an overnight fast, the subjects remained at bed rest on the morning of the test. The IVGTT and ITT tests were done with previously described procedures.“*‘* The ITT was performed with 0.1 unit of pork insulin per Kg of body weight. Analytical methods. Plasma growth hormone (GH) and insulin were determined by a modification of a double antibody radioimmunoassay method usink tz51 labeled pork insulin and human GH as tracer and human insulin and GH as standards. 3 Plasma cortisol was measured by a competitive protein binding method.14 Plasma glucose was measured by a glucose oxidase method.” Plasma Trp16 plasma Tyr17 and serum serotonin’* were measured by fluorometric methods. 5-HIAA excretion was measured on 24-hr urine samples by a colorometric method.” The glucose disposal rate constant after i.v. glucose (KG) or i.v. insulin (Kt) administration and the plasma insulin half-life were calculated by previously described methods.20 These rate constants represent the fall of the plasma glucose in percent per minute. Insulin secretion in response to i.v. glucose was expressed as the area under the plasma insulin curve above the fasting level from 0 to 60 min (AI). The terms plasma Trp and plasma Tyr refer to the mean plasma Trp concentration and the mean plasma Tyr concentration of the three experimental groups. Plasma Trp and Tyr concentrations after i.v. glucose were expressed as the percent change from 0 time concentration. The changes in Trp and Tyr after i.v. glucose were also expressed as the net change in area above or below the fasting Trp (ATrp) or Tyr (ATyr) level from 0 to 60 min. The data was analyzed with the Student’s t test, and the paired t test. Correlation analysis were done with the Pearson product correlation coefficient (r). Differences were considered to be significant for p < 0.05.*’ All data is expressed as the mean +SEM.
IVGTT Figure 1 depicts the effect of i.v. glucose on the plasma Trp and Tyr of normal volunteers (normal), patients with metastatic carcinoid tumors with the
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0 (Minutes)
Fig. 1. Effect of i.v. glucose on the plasma concentration of Trp and Tyr in normal subiects, patients with the carcinoid syndrome, and patients with tumor. Plasma Trp and Tyr concentmtions after i.v. glucose are expressed as the per cent change of the amino acid concentration of each subject from his O-time concentration. The absolute O-time plasma amino acid concentrations in pg/ml are (M f SE): Trp-normal, 8.3 f 0.59; carcinoid syndrome, 9.6 f 1.83; tumor, 6.4 f 0.68; Tyr-normal, 14.6 f 0.99; carcinoid syndrome, 11.4 f 0.99; tumor, 15.2 f 1.38. The points represent the mean and the brackets the SEM of 12 (normal), six (catxinoid syndrome), and five (tumor) subjects. (“) indicates a significant per cent change from the O-time plasma amino acid concentration of the group.
carcinoid syndrome (carcinoid syndrome) and patients with metastatic carcinoid tumors without the carcinoid syndrome (tumor). The plasma amino acid concentration of each patient is expressed as a percent change from the patients plasma amino acid concentration prior to glucose injection. In the normal subjects the plasma Trp is significantly elevated above 0 time values 15 min after glucose injection (+25%) and the mean plasma Trp of this group remains elevated for the 90 min of observation. In contrast the plasma Trp of the carcinoid syndrome subjects is significantly decreased below the 0 time value 30 and 60 min after glucose injection (- 20%). The plasma Trp of the tumor subjects responds more like the normal subjects than the carcinoid syndrome subjects. Plasma Trp of the tumor subjects is significantly elevated above their 0 time values at 60 and 90 min (+ 58% and 87%). In the normal subjects the plasma Tyr promptly declines after glucose injection. It is significantly below 0 time values at 60 and 90 min. In contrast the plasma Tyr of the carcinoid syndrome subjects does not significantly change from their 0 time value. The plasma Tyr of the tumor subjects decreases significantly below the 0 time value by 90 min. The plasma Tyr of the tumor subjects behaves more like the plasma Tyr levels of the normal subjects than it does the plasma Tyr of the carcinoid syndrome subjects. The Ko of the carcinoid syndrome subjects (0.85 + 0.07) is significantly less
Fig. 2. Effect of i.v. insulin on the plasma concentration of Trp and Tyr of normal subjects and patients with the carcinoid syndrome. Plasma Trp and Tyr concentrations after i.v. insulin are expressed as the per cent change of amino acid concentmtion of each subject from his O-time concentration. The abolute O-time plasma amino acid concentrations in Fg/ml am Trp-normal, 11 .O f 0.59; carcinoid syndrome, 9.6 f 1.38; Tyr-normal, 10.8 f 1.24; carcinoid syndrome, 12.2 f 0.89. The points represent the mean and the bmckets the SEM of six subjects in each group. (“) indicates a sign&ant per cent change from the O-time plasma amino acid concentration of the group.
than the K, of the normal subjects (1.83 + 0.20) or the Ko of the tumor subjects (1.42 f 0.13). The insulin secretion (AI) of the normal subjects (2540 f 378 PU-min/ml) is greater than the AI of the carcinoid subjects (1364 f 247 PU-min/ml) and the AI of the tumor subjects (1152 f 471 PI-l-min/ml). However, within the group of 12 normal subjects there is no correlation between the changes in plasma Trp or plasma Tyr and the K, or the AI of individual subjects. Within the group of normal subjects there is no relationship between the subjects age and their Ko, AI, ATrp, or ATyr. ITT Figure 2 depicts the effect of i.v. insulin on the plasma Trp and Tyr of normal subjects and carcinoid syndrome subjects. Although, insulin did not alter the plasma Trp of normal subjects it significantly reduced the plasma Trp of carcinoid syndrome subjects. In contrast insulin significantly increased the plasma Tyr of normal subjects, although it did not alter the plasma Tyr of carcinoid subjects. In response to insulin, the maximal glucose fall of the normal subjects (67 f 3.7%) was greater than the maximal fall of the carcinoid syndrome subjects (49 f 2.9%). The K, of the normal subjects (6.0 + 0.07). The normal subjects and carcinoid syndrome subjects did not differ with respect to insulin halflife, peak plasma insulin concentration, Acortisol response to hypoglycemia, or AGH in response to hypoglycemia.
To determine if increased plasma cortisol plays a role in elevating the plasma Tyr in normal subjects, three fasting normal volunteers received an i.v. injection of 200 mg of hydrocortisone sodium succinate at 0800 hr. There was no change in their plasma Trp or plasma Tyr at 0900 hr. Four hours after the injection (1200 hr) their plasma Trp and Tyr had declined by 25%. This was prbably due to the diurnal decrease in the plasma concentration of amino acids.22 DISCUSSION
The present report indicates that i.v. insulin does not mimic the effect of i.v. glucose on the concentration of plasma Trp and Tyr. Although, glucose utilization is increased after iv. glucose or i.v. insulin administration, there are both similarities and differences in the metabolic effects produced by these substances. The administration of both i.v. insulin and i.v. glucose causes a prompt decline in plasma free fatty acids (FFA), with the FFA nadir occurring at approximately 30 min. 23*24The hypoglycemia induced by i.v. insulin results in a brisk increase in plasma levels of growth hormone, cortisol, and epinephrine with the plasma levels of these hormones peaking 20-40 min after i.v. insulin.2s-27 In contrast i.v. glucose produces a trivial increase in GH at approximately 60 min. Intravenous insulin results in a brisk rise in plasma glucagon (peak concentration 30 min after insulin injection) while i.v. glucose results in a decrease in plasma glucagon. **v*~Glucagon and cortisol decrease the plasma concentration of Tyr and Trp. 3*30*3’Although we did not evaluate the effect of glucagon on Trp and Tyr in the present study, acute administration of a large dose of cortisol did not alter the plasma concentration of these amino acids. Plasma Trp is maximally elevated 15 min after i.v. glucose administration while plasma concentration of GH, cortisol, glucagon, and epinephrine are not maximally elevated until 30 min after i.v. insulin injection.25-28 This suggests that additional factors play a role in the differential response of amino acids to i.v. glucose and i.v. insulin administration. The failure of exogenous insulin to mimic the effects of exogenous glucose has been decribed in other experimental models. Thus glucose, but not insulin administration, can restore the decreased hepatic glucokinase concentration that developes when rats receive a carbohydrate free diet.)* Lipsett et al. found that 120 min after ingesting oral glucose, normal subjects had a modest reduction in their plasma Trp.6 They also demonstrated that there is a relationship between the decline in plasma Trp and the decline in FFA.6 The maximum fall in FFA after oral glucose occurs at 30 min.6*23 The maximal increase in plasma insulin after oral glucose occurs at 30-60 min while the maximal increase after i.v. glucose occurs at 5 min. These metabolic differences, in conjuction with the release of glucagon like material after the ingestion of glucose,7 may account for the differential effect of oral and i.v. glucose on plasma Trp. Fernstrom et al. found that 2 hr after receiving i.v. insulin, normal subjects had a 39% reduction in plasma Trp.’ In our studies we measured the plasma glucose for only 1 hr after i.v. insulin administration. During this hour we noted no significant changes in plasma Trp. We also evaluated the effect of i.v. glucose on patients with metastatic carcinoid tumors. Patients with the carcinoid syndrome are reported to have
low plasma Trp concentrations because of the increased conversion of Trp to serotonin.9 The plasma amino acid concentrations of these patients had a different response to i.v. glucose than the plasma amino acid concentrations of the normal subjects. In contrast, the plasma amino acids of patients with metastatic carcinoid tumors, who did not have the carcinoid syndrome, had a similar response to i.v. glucose as the normal subjects. This suggests that the metastatic tumor itself, is not the major factor in the altered response of patients with carcinoid syndrome to i.v. glucose. Although, the altered response may be due to elevated serum serotonin concentration, it may also be related to the fact that the carcinoid syndrome patients (but not the tumor patients) have chemical diabetes mellitus with impaired glucose tolerance and insulin secretion.33 We have not had the opportunity to evaluate the plasma Trp and Tyr response to i.v. glucose in patients with diabetes mellitus, who do not have the carcinoid syndrome. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We thank Miss Connie
Mrs. Joan Roche and Miss Barbara Chapman for Heiner for assistance in preparation of the manuscript.
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